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Embark on a journey through the intricate realms of the Inflator Man series, where the past serves as the guiding light to illuminate the path towards a resolved future. As we unveil the main characters of this captivating saga, we delve into the essence of life itself—a journey of discovery, growth, and transformation. Just as art evolves with newfound skills, so too does our understanding of the complexities of existence. Stay tuned for more of these timeless creations, as we breathe new life into cherished pieces frozen in time. Greetings to all, and may your days be filled with boundless creativity and uplifting emotions!


Alan's devoted companion, Yanina, aka The Chocogirl, brings warmth with her love for chocolate and unwavering loyalty.
Thrust into extraordinary circumstances, Alan's journey evolves into a testament of fortitude and self-discovery.
Sabrina, a symbol of resilience, stands by Alan through life's trials, epitomizing the quintessential homemaker.
A military officer embodying determination, Romina faces adversity head-on alongside Alan and others.
A captivating antagonist prompts Alan's self-discovery in a battle between good and evil.
Betrayal and deceit define Alan's ex-wife, a villainess whose demise marks the end of her scheming.
The malevolent scientist's plan to unleash chaos with nanobots is thwarted by Alan and allies.
A brilliant scientist, Matt allies with Alan to combat impending threats, his expertise proving invaluable.
Yana's resurrection brings a formidable adversary, embodying malevolent nanobots.



Very nice!~ 😚👌 can’t wait to see what you do next~


What a pleasure, the classic heroes are coming back, I'm still watching your old videos. Excellent work Densel, I will look forward to new images:) The Question is, will there be an image with Jamina and Dr. Daniela Cimarco and others from the game The Inflator man the game? It would be nice to see them too.


Thank you for your support and for being a fan of The Inflator Man universe! I'm excited that you're enjoying the classic heroes' return and revisiting our old videos. Regarding Jamina, Dr. Daniela Cimarco, and other characters from The Inflator Man game, they're part of our future projects. I'm currently redesigning them for an enhanced gaming experience. Rest assured, while their designs will be updated, the inflatable girls from the game won't appear just yet. Thanks again for your support!

Magus the Pilot

If you are planning on redoing/revisiting the story I really cannot wait to see Infrella bloat up to near planetary again before she blows. Really one of the best of your old style and would love to see it in better detail and resolution.


It seems there's been a bit of a mix-up! I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I think there might be some confusion. I'm actually not planning to redo the entire series; rather, I'm focusing on refining some aspects of the games I've created in the past. Specifically, I'm working on a remake of "Inflator Man game" using Unreal Engine 5. This remake will involve redesigning characters, balancing level durations, and creating more engaging environments with meaningful interactions, also taking notes from the comments on itch io. While I understand the nostalgia for the old style, I'm excited to bring a fresh perspective to the game with improved detail and resolution. Rest assured, I'll be taking my time to ensure the remake lives up to expectations and avoids any rushed development. And who knows, the designs from this remake might even influence future projects like the "Chocogirl" game. Thanks for your support and understanding! :)