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Heya Patrons!

We'd like to show ya a quick and dirty preview of a major EP3 feature -- Holodexxx Studio.

The feature largely explains itself, but what we're excited about is the level of quality that we are bringing to this piece of Holodexxx. Set up a dynamic lighting rig, discover an assortment of camera lenses, direct using a handheld steady-cam; and create your own top tier adult content!

Using backdrops, large props, and an assortment of adult toys, you will be able to direct Euphoria (more models on the way) and capture your own erotic fantasies. Allowing for simple exports, and easy share-ability, you can now become a virtual film maker and make a name for yourself.

We have some awesome plans for contests and deeper community building using your creations, and we're stoked to talk more about that side of Studio in the future. Right now we're working on free-play manipulation of Euphoria's model in VR/2D  and making her the ultimate virtual pornstar.

We'll be sharing more about his feature, and EP3 soon.

As always, thanks for the support. EP3 is turning out to be a beast of an episode, and we can't wait for you guys to play with this content yourself!

-- Mike & the Holodexxx Team


Holodexxx: Studio Teaser

See more, and join our cause at www.patreon.com/holodexxx



Are you going to add free locomotion with this update?