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Heya Patrons!

We now have EP2 at a playable state in VR, and would like to offer you access to that build! 

EP2 will get considerable more polish over the next few weeks, including full functionality in 2D. If you don't want to play an early release version, and simply want to experience the polished build, feel free to download/install the Early Release build now. This Early Release build will become the polish build over the next two weeks, and will automatically update over the Itch.io launcher (bless those beautiful people for making this functionality available to indie devs).

If you have any issue getting a key automatically from itch, send me a PM and I'll get you sorted out a different way. That sounded ominous . . .  I'll generate you a new key :D

We will ask for feedback/bug information when our release build is ready to go; so testers should just have fun with the build for now. We have a clear bug/polish list for the next week, but will appreciate some real bug testing when the build is updated to release.

As a personal note from the team, it feels great to know the direction we are heading is sound, and that people are reacting positively to this kind of content. We're really excited to get more polish on this release and to finally get it out into the wild. We will also have some exciting announcements about staffing and the future of Holodexxx soon.

Have fun with the early build ... we're getting back to work!

Holodexxx Home EP2 Itch.io Link 


Patreon access for Holodexxx Home EP2: Euphoria Evolved V0.8


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