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Heya Patrons! 

We hope you guys have been enjoying your holidays. The team has been busting our collective butts on wrapping up this next release, and need a few more days to squash some remaining issues (including one showstopping problem with our installer).
We are confident that this delay will be days, not weeks, and we'll be able to get this first piece of Home out to you guys ASAP.
Sorry for the delay, but it won't be long now :)
We will be bugging the testing group over the next few days to give us a quick hand. The rest of you, double check the effectiveness of your privacy locks, clear up 5 GBs of storage, and maybe lay down some towels -- the new year is going to be messy.

-- The Holodexxx Team



5 GB free, can't wait....... ;-)


except here we are...........waiting...............again..............over a week now when we were told we would see it within a week............


could you at least give us the decency to update us when you don't meet the timeline you tell us your going to meet?


Hi Faded. We are releasing a test build this Friday. We will most likely have some bugs to squash before a wider release early next week. We try to keep the Patreon feed for major updates only, as constant updates will just muck up our page. Feel free to join the Discord for immediate updates or to ask us any questions.


so why only a fue testers ? i would like to test it