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As Zira continues to walk while looking back she finally decides to look forward where she almost hits a machine in front of her!

-OH!- Zira is startled as she jumps back before she puts her fists up and looks forward with anger, this time she’s not going to fall victim to another machine!

Zira keeps her fighting pose on as she waits for the machine to react. But to the surprise of the pantless sailor wearing lioness with the brown bowler hat, the machine doesn’t do anything. So the lioness looks at the machine with confusion before she puts her fists down and takes a closer look at the machine.

The machine in front of Zira was no other than a barber chair, but while the chair had the appearance of a typical barber chair with a good looking brown leather outfit, a green feet polisher and a little stand on the side containing a green bottle of gel with a towel on a rack.

But what caught Zira’s attention instead was the mechanical arms, there were four arms in total. Two resting on each side of the feet polisher platform and two resting on each side of the chair's top, there was also a black porthole speaker on top of her chair connected to a green box that was connected on the back of the chair, showing the pantless lioness it was a mechanical barber chair.

-Well, what you know, a barber chair.- Zira says as she puts her hands on her hips as she continues to check the chair as she looks down she notices something weird, there was two open black clamps.

-Huh clamps? Why the hell would a chair need clamps.- The sailor suit pantless lioness quickly thinks of a answer.

-Must be to keep the feet in place while the hands work on them.- Zira says as she looks at the chair again.

-Huum, I think a closer look wouldn’t hurt.- Zira says.

And that’s what the pantless lioness decides to do as she climbs the chair’s seat and puts her knees on the soft seat as she looks closer at the machine.

-Wow, nice design on the outfit and it’s comfortable, huuum I wonder.- Zira says as she checks the behind of the chair where the green box is connected before she decides to sit her naked butt down on the seat.

-Huum pretty comfy. My ass feels like it’s sitting on a soft cloud.- Zira comments as she wiggles her naked butt a little and even do a small jump to feel the comfy seat.

Little that Zira knows is that inside the comfy seat was a mechanical system all connected to a hidden red button and thanks to her little butt jump, the button is pushed as it glows bright red. Meanwhile we go back to Zira where the pantless sailor suit lioness has no idea her butt pushed the button.

-Huuum I could use a little barber treatment to my fur after all the bullshit I went through in this museum but how do I turn this thing on? I don't see anything, nor a coin slot or even a button.- Zira asks as she notices the chair’s lack of a device to turn it on, not knowing that she have turned the chair on thanks to the hidden button.

But Zira finds out soon enough as suddenly the mechanical system inside the soft cushion starts to move as cogs start turning until the system finally connects to the system inside the green box on the back of the barber chair. The green box makes a whirring sound and the chair starts to vibrate a little, it seems the chair is activated the moment a client sits on it and of course our said client being Zira finally noticed.

-What? This thing is on already? But how?- Zira as she looks down in confusion since she didn’t know her butt had accidentally activated the chair.

While the pantless lioness looked down in confusion, she failed to notice the mechanical hands on top bending its fingers before they raised up and moved into the direction of Zira’s brown bowler hat.

-Oh yes!- A mechanical male voice comes out from the porthole speaker as the mechanical hands grabbed Zira’s bowler hat off her head.

-HEY!- Zira exclaims as she quickly puts her hands on her head trying to hold her hat but it’s too late as the hands holds her derby hat up, the lioness quickly looks back with an angry look and a closed fist ready to punch the hat’s thief.

-Sorry ma’am, but I can’t give you my services if you wear the hat.- The barber quickly apologizes and Zira finally relax after seeing it was the barber and not that stupid cyclop butler that took her hat.

-Oh huum, I guess you're right.- Zira relaxes as she puts her fist down.

-Of course, now how may I serve you ma’am?- The barber asks Zira for her treatment as the hands continue to hold the hat up. Zira thinks for a while until she finally decides what she wants.

-I want a small lioness trim on my head and would it be too much for a nice feet treatment too?- Zira asks as she says her order

-A small lioness trim and a nice feet treatment? Yes ma’am, coming right up!- The barber says as the hands put the hat down and Zira sits straight into the chair.

After the brown bowler derby hat is putted down, one hand reaches down for the lever under the chair

-Okay ma’am let’s get you into a nice position.- The barber says as the lever pulls the lever forward before it pulls back, this makes Zira jumps a little into the seat but otherwise she stays in her normal sitting position while the two hands on top goes up and the hands on the feet polisher cracks their knuckles ready to start their work.

-Ooh, that’s a strong jump.- Zira says as she relaxes her back into the back seat before she suddenly feels her two feet get clamped by the heels with the two black clamps on the polisher.

-HEY!- Zira says after she feels the clamps close around her heels.

-Relax ma’am, the clamps are to keep you feet still while we work on them.- The barber explains, this makes Zira relax.

-Now sit back and relax.- The barber says as the hands on top brings out a small blue apron before they snap it open and goes to put on top of Zira’s big chest.

-I shall start your treatment right now.- The barber says again as the hands gently tied the apron around her neck before the hands go back behind the chair and soon enough bring out a pair of scissors and a comb.

-First let’s start with a small and quick trim on the top to get your fur straight and neat.- The barber says before they start to comb the top of Zira’s head as the comb brings up a little tuft of fur before the scissors snips them.

-Yes ma'am, after that I’ll deal with the sides of your face’s fur, I intended to give you a neat and leveled trim.- The barber says before they comb her head again and brings out another tuft of fur where the scissors make quick work.

The barber’s top hands are gentle and caring. This makes Zira relax when suddenly she feels her left feet get grabbed by the mechanical hands, she looks down to see one hand holding her feet while the other brings a file out and starts to file her toe’s nail.

The gentle cutting and the feet treatment makes Zira give a small sigh of relaxation, finally something nice was happening to her after all the trouble she went through with the previous machines.

Soon the chair is over with the top of her head and the hands on top start to give Zira’s head a massage so they can feel what they are going to work on. Meanwhile the hands on the polisher were done with filling her nails and now her feet were underwater in a blue bowl filled with lukewarm water.

-Huuuum.- The barber says as the top hands gives Zira’s head a massage, right now they feel Zira’s face on the side, feeling her fur, the massage is relaxing as Zira keeps her eyes closed in bliss

-Hmmmm.- The hands move to massage the underside of her chin where the hands finally notice something.

-Tsk-tsk-tsk, it seems you have a few tufts of fur sticking out ma’am, this won’t do, it makes you look like a lion.- The barber comments as the hands feel Zira’s chin, Zira is too relaxed to care about it.

-That should be taken care of.- The barber says as the hands go back to fetch something. behind the chair.

Meanwhile down there the hands had put the bowl away and were now drying Zira’s wet feet, preparing her feet for the next part. Meanwhile up there the hands had found what they were looking for as they brought out a hot towel, the hot was wet and a few smokes of steam coming out of it.

-Now a hot towel ma’am to soften your head’s fur.- The barber says as the hands gently wrap the hot towel on Zira’s head.

While Zira was already relaxed, the lukeward towel had made her reach the nirvana of relaxation as she took a relaxing deep breath.As if she wasn’t relaxed enough, down there the polisher hands had put cream on her feet and started to give them a nice massage. More and more she was loving this chair.

Zira stays with the hot towel on her head for a few seconds before the chair decides she has had enough and they remove it, making a gentle gust of wind hit her face.

-Alright then let’s level out your head’s fur.- The barber said as the hands brings out the scissors and comb again and they start to trim the side of Zira’s face to level her fur even.

The barber makes quick work of the side of Zira’s face leveling her fur before they gently move Zira’s chin up with the comb before they start to snip the tuft of fur in her chin. Down there, the hands were done with the massage and were now using a towel  give a polish on her feet making them start to shine. The soft brushing on her chin along the polish of her feet made Zira give a blissful smile, she was in heaven now.

-Aaand done! Now let’s give some touches on your head ma’am.- The barber said as the hands put the scissors away but one hand kept the comb meanwhile down there the polisher hands were almost done with the soft polishing as they polish the back of her feet wrapping the towel on it.

-Just a few combs on each side of your head ma’am and your fur shall shine to its best.- The barber asks as they starts to comb the side of Zira’s face as Zira keeps her eyes closed in relaxation

-Sorry to bother you ma’am but may you offer some free nail polish?- The barber asks

-Free? Oh hell yeah! I never say no to free stuff.- Zira says in joy

-In this case what color would you like?- The barber asks as the polisher hands raise themselves a little high holding a small bowl full of nail polishers with all the kinds of colors, Zira opens her eyes as she takes a look before making her choice

-I want to the Shining Black color please.- Zira says her choice

-Ohhh nice choice ma’am. Shining Black coming right up.- The barber said as one of the polisher hands grabbed the chosen color before the hand holding the bowl put it down.

The hand holding the nail polish gives a small shake to prepare the paint inside before the other hand removes the cap and starts to paint Zira’s feet nails while up there the hands were almost finishing combing the fur on the sides of her head.

-And done! Very nice ma’am.- The barber said as the hand goes to put the comb away

-Throw the nail polish here boys.-  The barber orders as it holds one top hand out as the polisher hands closes the bottle before it throws the bottle up right at the open top hand, Zira looks down and to her shock the hands were done in painting her feet nails, she was shocked by the fast work.

-Okay ma’am, would you kindly hold your hand up and open it?- The barber orders Zira and the lioness comply by holding a hand up and opening her fingers

Zira is shocked once again as the hand quickly paints her nails, while they paint fast they are also flawless as they don’t mess up and cover her nails flawlessly, not leaving a mess or a spot out. Down there the polisher hands brought folding fans before they opened them up and started to fan the nails on Zira’s feet to dry them.

It doesn’t take long before the mechanical hand is done with Zira’s left hand before they move to paint her right hand and once again they are quick and flawless with the nail painting. With the painting done, the hands put the nail polish back behind the chair, the barber then gives a loud whistle as the top hands hold themselves up and open. The polisher hands folds the fans again and throws them to the top hands where they grab them mid-air.

The top hands open the folding fans before they start to blowdry Zira’s hand nails, Zira is impressed by the barber’s quick reflexes and maneuvers as the hands quickly dry her nails.

-Now just one final touch ma’am.- The barber says as the hands are done with the nails drying as they fold the fans again and put them on the back of the chair.

The hands then bring up a beautiful looking bottle of a fancy yellow perfume before they start to spray the sweet smelling water around Zira’s neck, Zira can help but close her eyes and relax as she smells the perfume.

-Huuum Wild Savannah.- Zira says as she recognizes the perfume by the smell.

-That’s right, the perfect perfume for lionesses. Let your wild side out hohoho!- The barber laughs as it says the perfume’s motto while the hands spray some more before they finally stop and put the bottle away. The hands then quickly bring out a small mirror.

-How’s that ma’am?- The barber asks as the hands holds the mirror in front of Zira.

-Woow! Look at me.- Zira can help but be admired by the barber’s work. Her head’s fur was nicely trimmed and leveled up and without the tufts of fur in her chin she looked very feminine.

-I’m so beautiful.- Zira says as her eyes even sparkle a little.

-That you are ma’am and how about your feet and nails?- The barber asks as one hand goes to put the mirror away while the other hand grabs the apron and takes off her neck,down there the clamps open as her feet are released, this gives Zira the opening to see the polisher hands holding a mirror to zoom her feet’s work

-My goddess! The black went well with my nails and my feet looks great.- Zira says as she admires her feet

-Whistle! Mama is getting lucky tonight, yes sir!- Zira says as she admires her hands, more precisely her nails

-Okay ma'am, while I appreciate the compliments, let’s talk about payment.- The barber says before the hands on top brings out a card machine

-What?- Zira says as she looks in confusion at the card machine

-Credit or debit ma’am?- The barber asks as one hand holds the card machine while the other hand points at it

-HA! In your dreams bozo! I’m not paying it.- Zira scoffs as she pushes the card machine away

-What?- The barber is confused

-You heard me. I’m not paying for it besides I don’t have my cards with me nor do I have money.- Zira says with arrogance

-WHAT?! You don’t have money and you still asked for a treatment?!- The barber asks, the automated voice starts to sound annoyed.

-Yup, not a single penny on me.- Zira says as she gets up from the chair standing at the polisher platform

-You mean to tell me I gave you my best treatment and you don’t have the money to pay me?!- The barber asks, this time it was annoyed

-Yeah tough luck buddy, besides I deserve a free treatment after all the bullshit I had to go through on this stupid museum so I think all is good.- Zira said with a arrogant voice as she puts a hand behind her naked butt and holds a hand up in a arrogant pose

Of course the barber didn’t like it one bit that Zira tricked it into giving her a free treatment but now she decided to call the museum stupid? No one insults the working place of the Mechanical Barber Chair, time to teach this trickster lioness a lesson.

The barber sneakily moves one hand on top to grab the lever again as once again it pushes the lever forward before it pulls back, the chair starts to vibrate again but Zira doesn’t realize as she keeps her arrogant pose. Suddenly the chair goes down quickly, this makes Zira stumble as she falls seated back on the chair.

-HEY! What the hell is thi-IIIIAHHH!- Zira tries to ask but screams when suddenly the chair shoots up high like a rocket taking off to space!

It doesn’t long before the chair comes back down empty with a loud CLANK!

-AHHHH! UUGH!- But the chair doesn’t stay empty for long as Zira falls down back on the chair with a loud grunt thanks to the rough landing.

Thanks to the chair’s sudden movement, Zira flipped mid-air before she fell down, now the lioness was upside down on the chair, with her naked butt in place of her head as she was kneeled on the chair and her head was in place of her feet on the feet polisher.

-Well ma’am since you can’t pay for the treatment.- The barber comments as Zira gets in an all four position on the chair’s seat, her feet were right at the backseat.

Zira was a little dazed from the sudden flight of the chair that she failed to notice a metal seat belt clamp showing up from both sides of the chair right by her waist, the seat belt ends stay up for a while before they move back before they connect with each with a loud CLICK! The seat belt then goes down on Zira’s waist pushing the lioness’s head back down to the polisher and her butt goes up again as the tight seat belt makes her ass stick up a little.

-H-HEY! What the fuck is this?! Let me out-GAAH!- Zira shouts as she shakes her trapped naked ass while her feet kick the backseat but down there the two clamps close around her arms and to her surprise and shock, a third clamp appears and she grunts as the clamp closes around her neck!

With the trickster lioness trapped, it was time for the barber to teach Zira a lesson. Soon enough the top hands brings a blue apron but different from the first apron this one was bigger than the first one.

-How about we test an experimental fur style on you ma’am?- The barber says as the top hands snaps the apron open before they drape on Zira’s back and as expected, the apron was big enough to cover Zira’s whole back, leaving only her head, neck and hands out

-Test this fur style and consider your previous treatment paid ma’am.- The barber says as the hands starts to tie a knot on the apron as it’s wrapped around her ass and the hands makes a knot right behind her ass a little below her pussy

-Sounds good? Alright let’s begin then hohoho!- The barber laughs as the hands tie a tight knot on Zira’s ass making her butt stick up a little before the hands retreat to the back to fetch something. Zira can’t do anything except shake her trapped wrapped ass.

The hands come back again with the comb and scissors and to Zira’s shock they start to work on her butt! First the hand combs one butt cheek bringing the short fur before the scissors starts to snip the fur away.

-I call this treatment ``The Works´´ ma’am.- The barber said as the scissors snipped the fur two times before the comb combend the fur again and went to the other butt cheek and brought the short fur again.

-Why know why I call it that?- The barber asks before the scissors snips the fur once again two times.

-Because I give quite the work to little cheaters and tricksters like you, hohoho!- The barber laughs while the comb brings up the short fur and give a snip before the hands combs Zira’s ass again, the lioness can’t do nothing except kick the back seat with her feet and growls in anger while the barber gives a haircut on her ass.

-What the fuck is this?! Stop this n-MMPH?!- Zira says from down there but she’s suddenly shutted!

We now go to the feet polisher where we see the reason why Zira was quickly shutted, the left hand was holding her muzzle shut while the right hand was brushing Zira’s face with the same brush they were using on her feet a few minutes ago.

-BRRR! MMMH! BRRR!- That’s all Zira can do as she grunts in pain, closing her eyes as the brush goes to town with her face, the hand brushes her face starting from the top of her head and going down to her muzzle.

Then it was time to change positions as the left hand released Zira’s muzzle and the right hand got in position to pass the brush. The right hand tosses the brush to the left hand that grabs it mid-air.

-HEY! WHAT-OUCH! MMPH!- Zira tries to shout but it’s interrupted as the left brush her head before the right hand goes to hold her muzzle by the chin as the left hand repeats the same process in brushing Zira’s head, starting from the top and going down to her muzzle.

Once again the left hand stops the brushing and tosses the brush to the right hand who grabs it mid-air before both hands go down to put the brush down for now and to fetch something.

-FUCK! CUT THE CRAP NOW!- Zira shouts from the top of her lungs as the trapped upside down is not enjoying the treatment one bit

But she was ignored and while she shouted, the left hand brought out what it was looking for. A small bottle with a black liquid inside and a brown lid, it was black hoof polish!

The left hand holds the bottle before the right hand grabs the lid and quickly moves the lid up and down before they pull the lid out revealing a ball brush filled to the brim with black polish, the hand with the brush then turns around and points the brush right at Zira’s face. Of course the trapped lioness saw everything and looked at the hands with confusion before she made a big mistake.

-HEY! WHAT THE FU-ULP!- That’s right Zira opens her mouth in the worst time ever and for that the hand shoves the brush right inside her mouth!

-GA-AB-AB-RAAB!- That’s all Zira can say as she feels her mouth getting full with the black liquid, some of the liquid escapes her mouth as the hand moves the brush around filling all the corners of her mouth with the liquid.

After feeling she had enough on her mouth the hand pulls the brush back but the brush ball gets caught on Zira’s teeth and her head is also pulled a little forward before with a strong pull, the brush leaves Zira’s mouth with a loud POP!

-PUH! PUH! PUH! PUH!- Of course Zira doesn’t waste time as she starts to spit the hoof polish out, shaking her head left and right as she tries to spit it all out since the liquid tastes awful!

While the trapped lioness is spitting the hand with the bottle puts it down and gets ready to grab the lioness’s muzzle again.

-PUH! ARGH! YUCK!- Zira comments after she spits some more polish but she’s quickly shutted as the left hand grabs her muzzle by the front.

Zira opens her eyes in time to see the hand with the brush move to dab the brush right on the middle of her head by her eyes, this makes shuts her eyes to avoid some liquid but she can feel the brush moving around in a circle, painting the front of her face and turning her face into a black color while the back of her head and the front of her muzzle retain her natural color.

-UMMM! URGH! MMHHH!- Zira opens her eyes and mumbles in anger in time to see the brush going for a second attack as she tries to move her head free from the hand’s grip while she closes her trapped fists in anger.

But the hand’s grip is strong and before Zira can react, the attack is made as the hand goes to finish the painting by moving the brush around her head covering the spots that were without the polish, turning her once grayish tan fur and cream color muzzle into a full black color!

-AAAHHH! FUCK!- Zira shouts in anger after the hand release her muzzle since with her face covered in polish, the hands goes down to fetch something to begin the next step.

-What’s the matter ma’am? Thought you loved the black color hohoho!- The barber laughs after hearing Zira screaming, meanwhile the polisher comes back holding two wooden brushes before they start to brush Zira’s face left and right!

We have a full shot of Zira’s predicament as we can the upside down black face lioness trapped with the apron tied on her ass, up there Zira’s butt was not faring any better, after the fur cut was done the top hands were now giving her ass a massage while the polisher hands dealt with her black head.

-OUCH! OW! OW! SHIT!- Zira shouts in pain as the hands brush her now black face left and right before the hands clank the brushes together and go to the second pass.

-OW! OUCH! OWW FUCKERS!- Zira curses at the hands after shouting in pain as they repeat the same process, brushing her black face left and right before clanking together.

We get a closer shot on Zira’s butt where the top hands goes up a little before they go down to resume their massage on Zira’s ass we also see that the fur became messy thanks to the massage.

-Huuumm-hmmmm.- The barber says with a slight perverted tone as the hands massage Zira’s ass with gusto, the hands pressed and squeezed her ass making the lioness’s butt jiggles as the hands are really feeling the MILF’s butt.

-Whistle! Ma’am! That’s a nice butt you got here ma’am. So firm, so soft and I can even feel it jiggle. Do you work out by chance?- The barber asks as the hands continues to massage Zira’s naked butt.

-H-HEY OW! HANDS OFF MY OUCH! MERCHANDISE OWW!- Zira shouts from down there shouting pain since the polisher hands are still brushing her face.

-That’s a nice merchandise you got here ma’am. Very nice indeed, hohoho!- The barber decides to tease Zira by massaging her ass a little more, enjoying the fact that the lioness is submissive to its chair.

-STOP IT OWW! YOU PERVERTED OUCH! FUCKER!- Zira says from down there as she kicks the back rest, she’s hating that she can’t do anything about it since she’s trapped on the chair.

-I can tell you’re a hot lioness! How about we make you even hotter huh?- The barber asks as the hands squeeze and grope her ass some more before they stop and go to the back of the chair to fetch something.

-ARGH! What you going to do you fucker?! You better not mess with my ass!- Zira can finally speak without pain since the polisher hands stopped with the brushing.

She starts to shake her ass like crazy as she tries to push herself free from the seat belt while she kicks the back rest of the chair but it’s in vain as the seat belt remains closed.

-Don’t worry ma’am I won’t do much. Just gonna put a little - something on your butt.- The barber says while we see steam coming from behind the chair.

It doesn’t take long to see the reason why since the hands bring out the hot towel again, this time the towel looks even more hot since there was a lot of steam coming from it. The hands juggle the towel getting ready to use it.

-Here ma’am, have a hot towel on your butt.- The barber says before the hands throw the towel on Zira’s naked ass making a loud SPLASH! as the cloth wraps around her ass, different from the first towel that was lukewarm, this towel was boiling hot!

-OOOWW! HOT! HOT! TOO HOT!- Of course Zira feels the burning right away as she shouts in pain.

We went back to her position down there, where the polisher hands had switched the brush for a towel as they snapped the towel getting it ready for the polishing. They push the towel against Zira’s face pushing her head back a little.

-GET THIS OFF MY ASS!- Zira shouts in pain as the hands snap the towel again before they go back to polish her face.

The hands keep polishing Zira’s face as PLAP PLAP PLAP sound fills the air as the hands polish her whole head going from the top to her muzzle even her sides, they were treating Zira’s head like they were polishing the hooves of a horse client. Zira can only mumbles in both anger and pain since up there her ass was getting burned by the hot towel.

-What’s the matter? Can’t handle a little heat?- The barber asks as it teases the lioness, Zira can’t reply as she can only mumble in anger and pain while the hands down there polish her face that was now starting to take a shining appearance.

-You know what they say. If you can’t handle the heat then you better leave the kitchen HOHOHO!- The barber teases before it laughs loud as the hands down there put the towel around the back of Zira’s head before they start to polish her face.

-Just wait until I’m free you fucker!- Zira finally replies to the barber as the hands polish the back of her head before they pull the towel back.

We go back to Zira’s butt where we see how hot the towel was, her ass had turned bright red! Zira is shaking her ass like crazy trying to get the towel off her red ass.

-Okay I think that’s enough hotness for you ma’am!- Luckily for Zira, the barber comes to the rescue as one hand grabs the hot towel and pulls off her ass, revealing her bright red butt cheeks, there was steam coming from those cheeks!

-Uh oh! Guess it was too hot for you ma’am? Hohoho!- The barber laughs while the hands put the hot towel away before the hands goes to fan Zira’s ass to cool it down.

-ARGH! ENOUGH!- We go back to the polisher where Zira shouts in anger as the hands polish her face with the towel.

-LET ME OUT!- Zira demands, as the hands goes back to snap the towel for the final part of the polishing, by now Zira’s black face was fully shining now.

The hands push Zira’s head back before they start to polish her face and head again. Moving really fast as the PLAP PLAP PLAPs gets louder and for some weird reason Zira can hear some music in the background. She noticed there was music before even since she turned upside down but she was now sure about the music since it seems louder as the hands move the towel around her face and muzzle before they finish the polishing by wrapping the towel on the back of her head again.

-YOU FUCKER! I GONNA TURN INTO PIECES WHEN I’M FREE!- Zira is pissed as she shakes her ass to all while her feet kicked the back seat, her butt had returned to its normal color.

-Yeah yeah! Now keep this shaking ass down for a second there ma’am, this a barber chair not a dance pole hohoho!.- The barber says as one of the top hands brings just a comb before one hand goes to hold Zira’s ass by a butt cheek.

-I'm gonna comb a nice style on your butt ma’am.- The barber says before the hand starts to comb the ass fur down, Zira can nothing except kick the back seat but she can’t do much since the hand’s grips on her butt cheek is strong.

-This style will sure to turn heads into your direction ma’am.- The barber combs the butt’s fur into a fringe before the comb goes to dock of her tail right under it as it positions the comb straight before it goes making a line appear on the middle of her ass, Zira kicks the back rest lift her butt up before the hand holding it pushes her ass down to the kneeled position she was trapped ever since turned upside down by the barber.

-After all we know lions can’t resist a hot piece of ass hoho!- The barber gives a little laughs before both the comb and hand starts to comb Zira’s fur left and right into a style that makes the line appears even more with little lines on each side giving attention to the middle line on her ass.

-Haha! Hoho! Full of jokes huh? You’re garbage the moment I get out.- Zira decides to join the conversation but the barber ignores her as the comb and hand finish the butt’s combing on both front and the behind on her pussy area before the hand throws the comb on the back of the chair.

-I gonna tear you apart and sell your parts for the cheapest price.- Zira continues with her threats as the left hand starts to pull Zira’s tail backwards until they reach the tuft in her tail where the left hand gives a strong pull upwards on the tail!

-OUCH! HEY!- Zira is interrupted from her rant as she feels her tail getting pulled before she shouts in pain!

The left hand wraps the tuft of Zira’s tail on its finger before it starts to twist her tail as it starts to take the form of a spring. This time the free right hand pulls out some shining black ribbon from the back of the chair.

After getting the right amount of ribbon, suddenly a new contraption appears. It was another pair of scissors but these were connected by mechanical arms on the power box of the chair. The scissors snip the air with a menacing vibe before they quickly cut the black ribbon and retreat back to the back of the chair.

-Okay ma’am gonna make this one here snap.- The barber says as while the ribbon was being pulled and cut, the left was done in twisting Zira’s tail and the hand finally released the tail, making it go down with a loud SPROING!

-OUCH!- Of course Zira screams in pain as the black face lioness feels the tail sink into her butt before it comes back up showing that the tail took the form of a big pig’s tail!

-Now I'm gonna tie this one here.- The barber says as the top hand quickly ties the black ribbon into a cute bow on Zira’s new tail

-And this.- The barber says after the bow is done, the hand quickly brings out a black bottom with a white barber chair silhouette on it before they pin the button right in the middle of the bow!

-OWW!- Zira shouts in pain as she feels the bottom’s pin pokes her ass as the pin pass through the soft fabric before it gets in a position which it can’t poke her ass

Ignoring her shouts of pain the hands retreats back to fetch the final part of ``The Works´´, it doesn’t take long before they come back holding the same bottle of perfume from before, they point the bottle at her ass.

-There you ma’am, some little Wild Savannah on your butt and you gonna turn some heads  for sure.- The hands starts to spray Zira’s butt not leaving any of the butt cheeks untouched.

Zira can’t do anything except shake her ass while she kicks the backrest since the water was cold to her sensite naked butt. Luckily the hands were fast and with a final gust of perfume, they put the perfume on the back of the chair.

With the job done it was time to show the client the results and that’s what the barber did as the hands brought the small mirror and put it right on the left besides her butt showing ``The Works´´ those butt cheeks got it.

-See ma’am?- The barber asks as the hands holds the mirror but Zira was still busy in shaking her ass trying to free herself.

-It wasn’t so bad, wasn’t it?- The barber asks as the hands changes the angle and hold on top of her ass showing that her pussy didn’t escape unscratched as she also had the same lines from the front as Zira finally stops shaking her ass and finally gives up, waiting for the barber to release her.

-Actually I think this looks suits you better, yes ma’am!- The barber says with enthusiasm before one hand puts the mirror away and the other hand grabs the apron and pulls it off.

Finally Zira’s prayers are answered as she feels the seat belt open and it isn't long before the polisher’s clamps open too. Zira moves back to her kneeled all four position, trying to get her bearings together.

-Oh huh, don’t forget your hat ma’am, here you go.- The barber says as one hand brings back her brown bowler hat and with a quick flick of the hand, the hat falls flipping around before it lands neatly on top of Zira’s black head.

-Okay all done. Consider your previous treatment paid, yes ma’am.- The barber says before both top hands grabs Zira’s by her waist and lift her off the seat and onto to the ground.

-Much obliged ma’am, please come back again hohoho!- The barber laughs before the hands hold Zira a little off the ground before they release and make her land kneeled on all fours.

The black face pantless lioness looked beyond pissed all the while as she landed on the floor before she lifted herself off the ground. She looks forward where by the glass display she can see her new appearance but she ignores as she goes to look behind to see her ass before it finally hits her!

-HUUH?!- Zira shouts in fright and confusion as she looks forward and see her reflection on the glass again.

-GAAAH!- To say Zira is shocked would be a understatement, she walks close to the glass to better close.

First she uses her bare hands to feel her now black face, with her fingers she could feel the thick dry shining liquid, she’s not removing that polish without some good old hot shower.

Done with her face she quickly turns around to check her ass where she sees ``The Works´´ the barber gave her, she looks at the lines made by the comb and of course the new tail’s design along with the black bow with the barber chair bottom on it tied on her tail. She lifts her ass a little and it’s shocked to see that her pussy didn’t escape the treatment.

Zira grinds her teeth as she growls in anger before the angry lioness looked forward and looked at the now deactivated barber chair, she stomps closer to the chair in anger before she stops right in front of it.

-You think you won right?! Think you got the last laugh on me?!- Zira says in anger as the black face sailor dressed lioness pointed at the chair

-Well jokes on you, motherfucker! You lost, I loved my new face color! It matches my nails!- Zira says in anger before she lift her hands showing the black nails that really matched her face now

-And this, my ass! I loved it too, especially the new tail and black bow! Mama here is getting lucky tonight thanks to my new ass!.- Zira then turns around before she lifts her ass to moon the barber chair showing her ``Works´´ with pride.

-You lost, you stupid barber. You know why, because you gave me two treatments for free and I loved both!- Zira says in anger as she continues to boast to the barber

-And you know the best of all? I managed to keep my hat and-GAAH!- Zira shouts as she points to her brown bowler hat before she’s suddenly grabbed by her neck as she sticks her tongue out, showing that it was black along with the inside of her mouth

It seems Zira’s loud boasting managed to attract the Robot Butler as the copper cyclop robot sneaks behind and grabs her neck as it lifts her off the ground by its hand as it holds the black lioness out of the floor.

-Your hat ma’am!- The Robot Butler says before the cyclop uses the free hands to grab Zira’s bowler hat off head!

-HEY DON’T YOU DARE-UGH!- Zira tries to protest but without warning and hesitation, the Robot Butler throws Zira hard on the floor, the pantless lioness lands hard on her butt before she falls on her back, the Robot Butler quickly turns around and goes away, once again the butler managed to steal another hat from Zira!

-NOOO!- Zira gets into a kneeled all four as she holds a hand out in the direction that the butler went, by now the butler was away and out of reach.

-NOOOOO NOHOHOHO!- Suddenly Zira lays on the ground by her belly before she starts to cry on one arm while she keeps punching the ground with her other hand, throwing a tantrum like a spoiled child!

-BWAAAH! WHY! WHY ME?!- Zira keeps crying as she turns her face around on her arm where we can see tears going down her black face, ``luckily´´ the polish remains dry.



-THEN THE WASHING MACHINE THAT WASHED ME AND MADE MY CLOTHES SHRINK AND FORCED ME INTO THIS STUPID DONALD DUCK SAILOR OUTFIT!- Zira continues to cry and thrown a tantrum as the she points at the sailor suit she was wearing.

-AND THEN THAT NURSE MAID! DIAPER, TOY, BABY FOOD, A BATH AND THAT PUNISHMENT SINCE THAT FAT GOAT COULDN’T TAKE THE FUCKING TRUUHUHUT!- Zira shouts in anger as she cries even more loudly as she changes the position of her tantrum as she now lays on the floor and starts to punch the ground with both hands while she kicks her feet. She was behaving like a true spoiled brat now!

-AND LAST, THAT STUPID BARBER WHO GAVE THIS STUPID LOOK! AAAAAAHHHH!- Zira punches the ground and kicks her legs as she screams  loudly!

-FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! CAN THIS DAY GET ANY WORSE?!- Zira shouts like a spoiled brat as the black face lioness says the famous cursed words.

-AHEM!- Suddenly a male voice clears its throat as two shadows are cast in Zira’s position on the floor!

-WHAAT?!- Zira shouts to the voice’s owner but she’s quickly shutted as she looks at both figures with a scared look!

It was the two dog cops from earlier, they both heard Zira’s loud tantrum from the museum’s entrance and decided to investigate the noise. Imagine the surprise of both the german shepherd and the golden retriever once they found out those screams belonged to the lioness they were chasing earlier. They were confused with her new appearance since she was half naked and with a black face but the confusion quickly becomes anger as both dogs were looking at her with a angry look and crossed arms.

-Hehehe h-hi boys, how are you doing?- Zira asks sheepishly as she laughs nervous as tries to wave to the two cops trying to get the mood up.

But both officers Chase and Jack were not amused as they intensified their glares and moved their torsos closer to the pantless black face lioness laying on the ground as they both growled, Zira was in big trouble now.

Seeing the cops were not up for jokes, Zira quickly tries to run away as she quickly gets up and runs on her legs and arms, trying to get up in her two legs to run away. But she’s not quick enough and both dogs jump on her and hold her down on the ground!

-H-HEY! Come on, let 's talk!- Zira tries to bargain with the cops.

-JACK!- Chase shouts to his buddy cop as he holds Zira’s arms in a locked position with his hands.

-ON IT CHASE!- Jack shouts back as the golden retriever grabs his handcuffs and starts to cuff her wrists.

-Ma’am! You’re under arrest for pickpocketing, resisting arrest, attempted robbery and indecent exposure!- Chase says her crimes just in time for Jack to finish cuffing her wrists.

Both dogs lift Zira up from the ground by her arms before they start to walk holding her arms tight as they start to escort her out the museum where a police car was waiting for her!

-AHH! Fuck me!- Zira says in anger as she escorted by the two cops


We change from the museum scenario to an apartment complex building in a bad part of town, we move to the top before going inside a window showing the middle class apartment inside. There we see two little cubs, a female and a male!

The little girl was 9 years old and had a brownish tan fur, along with some dark cream color on her finger and feet's tips. What stood the most on her was the dark rims around her eyes. She was Vitani, Zira’s middle child and only daughter, she was wearing a soft purple shirt and beige shorts

The little boy was 7 years old and had auburn fur with muzzle, paws, and underbelly are all creamy brown in color. He sported a dark brown head tuft and also sports tufts of fur on his elbow joints that match the color of his head tuft and tail tip. He was Kovu, Zira’s youngest child and second son, he was wearing an orange t-shirt and black khaki shorts.

Both the little cubs were watching old cartoons on the TV in the living room, their attention were focused on the television that they failed to notice a third party entering the room.

-Here you go you two, mac and cheese!- A male voice says before two plates of mac and cheese were put in front of Vitani and Kovu.

The owner of the voice was a teenager lion with a brown fur with a black messy mane and goatee on his chin, like Kovu he also had black elbow joint tufts along with the tail’s tuft. He was Nuka, Zira’s oldest son, she was wearing a red shirt along with black sweater pants with white lines on the side.

-Ahh really Nuka?! Mac and cheese?- Vitani complains

-Again!- Kovu says right after Vitani

-Yeah again, you don’t like it? You can starve then because that’s the only thing I know how to cook.- Nuka says before he lays down on the room’s sofa, grabs the remote and starts to change channels.

-HEY! We were watching cartoons!- Both Vitani and Kovu complain as they looks at Nuka with anger.

-Well booho! You little termites, I'm the oldest and I have the remote which means TV is mine now.- Nuka says before he blows a raspberry and continues to change the channels, Vitani and Kovu grumble as they start to eat their mac and cheese.

Nuka continues to change channels until he stops at a channel showing the words ``BREAKING NEWS´´. It was the news broadcast

-Good evening Zootopia, I’m Lion.- A male husky news anchor says, he had yellow bleached fur and a brown tuft on his head, he was wearing a fancy suit with a red tie.

-And I’m Levon, bringing you breaking news.- The other news anchor this one a gray female cat with dark brown hair, she was wearing a fancy female suit.

-On recent news, a delinquent adult lioness was captured today on the museums districts after being caught red handed pickpocket poor animals during busy hours.- Lion says as he looks at the camera.

-The lioness was already identified as Zira, the leader of the gang called The Outcasts. Zira was arrested while trying to hide in the Museum of Modern Marvels, Zootopia’s oldest museum.- Levon says as she also looks at the camera while a picture of Zira shows on the TV behind both news anchors..

-We now go live on the scene with our field reporter Kat. Welcome Kat.- Lion says as suddenly the TV on the background of the news studio changes and shows the street right by the entrance of the Museum of Modern Marvels where we see the reporter Kat

-WHAT?!- Vitani,Kovu and Nuka screamed in shock after hearing their mother’s name, the trio of siblings focused their entire attention on the TV screen.

Back on the TV we are now at the museum's entrance with Kat. Kat was a male sheep with soft white wool on the top of his head, there was also a little wool escaping the opening of his dress shirt inside his fancy suit, he was without a tie to make way for his wool.

-Hello Lion, hello Levon, thank you. We are now live at the scene right by the entrance of the museum, two officers already went inside to arrest Zira, it shouldn’t be long before they come out, bringing the criminal lioness with them.- Kat says the news to a microphone.

-And look, right on time, here comes the two officers and they have Zira in custody.- Kat says as he points to the two far away officers and Zira coming out from the museum.

The camera zooms in, the image is blurred before it resumes its 4K quality, we can see in full HD the two dog officers and most importantly, Zira’s pantless appearance and black face.

-What? Kat, do you by chance know why Zira looks like this?- Lion says in confusion as we see Chase opening the door while Jack holds Zira by behind on her arms

-Well Lion it appears Zira’s plan to hide in the museum backfired as she fell victim to some of the machines on display. It seems a machine gave her butt a fur treatment while it painted her face with black hoof polish- Kat replies to Lion

-The machines?- Levon asks this time

-The museum is undergoing some technical maintenance before it opens again to the public, apparent Zira didn’t know about this when she decided to hide in the museum.- Kat says as the camera keeps its focus on Zira who’s pushed inside the police car by Jack before Chase closes the door before both cops move to escort Zira to the station.

-Well you know what they say, if you can’t pay then don’t do the crime.- Lion jokes lightly before we go to Zira’s apartment, looking at the scene with shock and confusion for seeing their mother in that predicament.

-WHAT THE FU-...- The trio says but sadly…



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