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The satellite images eventually will be loaded every day onto Theses streaming images will be loaded as attachmenta to a picture file so that screwtube will not be needed any longer. Several people have reported that their notifications and subsciptions are being reversed without their permission. So, files will be downloadable so that you can track these all-to-familiar storm systems that: Develop with no moisture in them. Can pull water from the Equator even though the center of the system sits over Siberia or Alaska. Thatalso tilt the jet stream north/south, (if you call that a jet stream.) That when positioned at the right latitudes and longitudes cany prevent moisture from ever reaching the coast lines or first line inland mountains? But also can direct streams of moisture of a single location. Systems that you can now track from Siberia all the way over to Europe and Beyond. Why? Even though PATENTS exist for ionosphere heaters, aerosol mineral oxides, the absolute proof of weather control is right before your eyes. But not until somebody can capture these images daily before they evaporate into thin air like west coast moisture. Then people can download onto their computers the absolute proof that something has changed in our atmosphere.?