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It was a windy Friday afternoon, fall had just rolled in and the sidewalk was already littered with red and magenta colored leaves, crunching under foot of the lonely young man who was making his way back home. Normally, Jio would have been in a good mood on a day like this, as Friday would always be when he would get off work the earliest to hang out with his girlfriend, but today he was on his own. Once he got home, he was just about to reach for his keys when the door abruptly swung open, and a pair of arms wrapped around him.

“Surprise!” a sweet excited voice said to him. Without warning, Jio found himself being tightly hugged by his best friend Fann, a young woman with long black hair, tan smooth skin, and a bubbly energetic personality that fueled her infectious positivity. She squeezed him so tightly he couldn't help but feel his chest flutter as she embraced him. Ending her hug as quickly as she started, she stepped back and dangled a key on her index finger, twirling it around with a mischievous look on her face. “You kept me waiting, so I let myself in.” she teased with a smile on her lips as she leaned forward with a flirty wiggle, making Jio blush a bit as he was unable to resist her silly charm.

Wearing a magenta crop top with white shorts, bright pink lipstick covering her beautiful smiling lips, and showing off the expensive-looking heart tattoo on her belly button, her flashy attire matching her energetic personality. With her tall stature, Glossy lips, and rare bright red eyes, she had a very mature complexion despite her overly cheerful persona, almost like that of a fashion model or idle. Fann and Jio had known each other since high school, and they had been close since the day they met. Despite never being together, he always felt comfortable in her presence.

“I brought that new co-op Metroidvania that just came out! Why don't we set it up while we wait for your girlfriend?” she excitedly hopped back into the living room, plugging her portable console into the TV. Jio’s Smile slowly faded, letting out a sigh under his breath as he closed the door behind him, waling in slowly before sitting on the couch.

(I apologize this update was short, been busy with the next page of my comic. This particular story is one that I've had in my head for months)


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