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The pool had closed early for the day, but before locking up, Uki stayed behind to clean up all of the floaties and other equipment wanting everything to be spotless before coming back in the next day. Once finished with her work, she stood at the edge of the pool as she admired how neat the swimming area looked, even deciding to sit down and relax for a few minutes before clocking out. It had been a few months since she had been captured by team rubber rocket, but after escaping and putting their operations on hold, Uki had become a lot more confident and even smiled a more at her job. However, she doesn’t quite feel as comfortable around balloons now, as even the sound of squeaking rubber would send shivers down her spine.

Closing her eyes, she gently kicked her legs in the pool, feeling the cool water ripple against her calves as she giggled with a smile. Suddenly, the sound of shattering glass could be heard from above, her eyes widened as she looked up to see a dark figure jumping down through one of the ceiling windows. She jumped to her feet, the figure landed several feet away from her. They had long floppy ears and incredibly thick and powerful-looking legs, wearing a black latex bodysuit with a large red R insignia on their chest. And the top it all off, they were armed with a large Bazooka. Uki immediately took a fighting stance as she gritted her teeth, it seemed that there were still some stragglers from the rubber rocket organization that were still after her, but it was nothing that she couldn’t handle.

Even as the intruder aimed the bazooka directly at her, Uki knew exactly what to expect, swallowing nervously as the weapon was most likely loaded with a homing balloon that would chase her endlessly. She knew attempting to pop it would do no good, so her best chance was to swat it back at the intruder with her tail and make a run for it. As the intruder pulled the trigger, a large red spear began to inflate from the nozzle as expected, but what happened next would leave the lifeguard speechless. With a loud pop, the balloon suddenly burst as several smaller balloons erupted from the barrel and began flying directly toward her, gasping as she stumbled back in shock. At breakneck speed, the inflatables quickly closed in on her as she put both her hands and tail up in defense, instantly swarming her as she began swatting them away.

Uki wasn’t prepared for this, the balloons flew much faster than the ones she had encountered last time. Given how cumbersome the previous balloons were, she was at least able to outrun and outmaneuver them for a time, but these smaller balloons were practically blitzing her, proving more nimble as she struggled to keep up. She frantically punched, kicked, and swatted them away one by one, even using her tail she smacked them away in different directions, doing her best to keep physical contact to a minimum. Unfortunately, one of the balloons managed to hit her right foot, pinning it to the ground as she Immediately panicked. Uki tried to step away, only to realize she was stuck, the balloon tightly holding her foot in place as she felt it slowly sap her energy. Suddenly, another balloon smacked against her tail from behind, glomping itself onto her as she turned back to see the balloons she had swatted away were now swinging around for another pass. “Ugh!” she winced, feeling her energy drain as the balloon tightly squeezed her tail, sucking away her power with its electric-proof rubber.

Unfortunately, this left her distracted long enough for one of the balloons to smack her square on the cheek, nearly knocking the wind out of her as she fell butt-first onto the shiny pool room floor. It was after this fatal error that her fate was sealed, as her other foot was also pinned to the floor by a balloon while she was down. Uki was now stuck, the balloons quickly pinning her arms to her sides as she was relentlessly pelted from front to back. Left helpless in a matter of seconds, she could only let out a weak moan as each of the balloons began to gently rub against her, each one sapping her electricity as a faint spark fizzled from her left cheek.

She could do nothing but blush and squirm as the remaining balloons snagged onto her, tightly holding onto her body as they nuzzled and rubbed her body with their slick smooth rubber. Uki Could only let out a meek gasp as the balloons began to vibrate in unison, draining her faster and sucking her dry, powerless as the sound of squeaking rubber assaulted her ears. “Pi- kaaaa…” she whimpered as yet another spark fizzled from her uncovered cheek, becoming weaker and weaker, as the vibrating rubber quickly wore her down. Left a blushing moaning mess, the young woman once again found herself defeated and trapped by a few crimson rubber balloons.

The latex-clad Lopunny just chuckled as they reached up to their ear, activating an earpiece hidden in their suit. “Target neutralized, she’s ready for transport.” they whispered. “Make sure this time.” A feminine voice answered from the device. “Copy that.” the lopuny replied. Pulling the trigger once more, another barrage of balloons was fired directly at the helpless Pikachu woman. “Ahhh…” Uki let out a weak gasp, watching helplessly as the crimson inflatable swarm flew towards her, only seconds away from being cocooned and squeezed all over.




I've only just stumbled across this page, but can we see more like this? It's amazing