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Commission for incensedshedinja of their OC Jessi falling onto a big pink bubble.

We collabed on this story to go with it.

Jessi sat at the ledge of the waterfall, mesmerized in wonderment by the sight of the lake's vapors below her producing a beautiful rainbow of color. She'd initially visited to try and find a way to navigate back home from the unfamiliar surroundings she found herself in, but she became distracted by the sight of the spectacular spectrum. So distracted, that she didn't notice the imminent danger she was about to find herself in until... Suddenly, the cliffside Jessi was sitting upon shifted forward with a loud crack and she quickly lost her balance with a frightened gasp. She had no time to scramble away as the ground beneath her crumbled and gave away beneath her, sending her off the edge.

"NonononoNOOOAAAAAHHHH!!" Jessi's panicked cries swiftly became a scream as she plummeted down into the misty depths below. She tried her best to straighten out her body and loosen herself up for the impact but as she fell faster and faster, she could only flail uselessly and brace herself for the inevitably agonizing impact with the water below. With no options left, she shut her eyes and expected the worst... ...but as luck would have it, Jessi's landing was cushioned by something soft and squishy, catching her from below. She felt whatever she landed upon jiggle and bounce beneath her like jelly as it absorbed the full impact of her plunge. She reopened her eyes and to her surprise, she found herself laying atop a massive pink bubble!

Jessi didn't drop her guard until the bubble ceased its wobbling beneath her; she was finally allowed to catch her breath as the bubble cradled her like a hammock, taking this precious moment of welcomed safety to regain her bearings. "...hah, phew, that was too close...!" She spoke aloud as she draped an arm across her forehead, her voice nearly drowned out by the perpetually crashing cacophony of the waterfall close by. Jessi soon propped herself up and sat up as straight as she could, observing her surroundings; she noticed various other bright pink bubbles - like the one that saved her from a nasty fall - floating on the surface of the lake like giant lilypads.

She gazed behind her towards the waterfall that splashed mercilessly into the lake, producing an endless stream of vapor into the sky above the bunny, obscuring the view of the pink-dotted lake from above for anyone who dared to peek down as well as a large majority of Jessi's surroundings. She knew what she had to do to make it to the shore: she just had to use the other bubbles on the lake's surface as bouncy stepping stone to jump and navigate across, so she began to stand up...only to immediately lose her balance as she flopped onto her back, her hands and feet squeaking noisily against the pink slippery membrane as she tried to gain some leverage.

Unfortunately, she struggled and floundered in place like a spider in a bathtub as the damp rubbery surface of the bubble gave her little to no friction to work with, causing her to fall flat onto her front as the bubble sagged beneath her weight, keeping her securely in place. She wasted no time in vocalizing her struggles and overall discontentment with this ironically sticky situation: "Gahh, let me go already...!"

She began to make another attempt but she quickly stopped as she peered through the transparent surface of her bubble and gasped in fright at the sheer depth of the lake's water beneath her. She was a decent swimmer but no swimmer of her size would be that good at diving in and swimming to shore from here with no clear direction and the waterfall continuing to ebb and flow thunderously behind her. Even if she managed to successfully leap off the slippery bubble, she had no chance of climbing back on or even holding onto it if she found herself in grave danger in the waters below.

She exhaled a defeated sigh as she let herself flop back down on her pink bubble, allowing her body to sink gently into its soft pillowy surface as it cradled her comfortably atop the water. She crossed her arms and let her head rest against its smooth membrane, her eyes fluttering shut. She slowly drifted off to sleep as the waves and ripples of the lake rocked her bubble back and forth, the white-noise-esque roaring of the waterfall serving as relaxing background ambiance. If there was anything she could take solace in for her trapped predicament, she at least knew she was utterly safe and secure here.



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