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“Mmmmgh…” his dream would eventually come to an end, as he again found himself waking from his slumber, still feeling that familiar sense of all-encompassing warmth as he mumbled comfortably. Eventually, opening his eyes, expected to see Stella’s warm smile greeting him, but was surprised to see a tent of pink sheets above him. Upon opening his sleepy eyes, he finally realized where he was, tucked into a large, luxurious-looking bed with silky puffy sheets, a large puffy pillow underneath his head, and a large blanket draped over the bed like a canopy. All the sheets were bright pink with a silk-like shine, and felt incredibly gentle on his skin, and the entire mattress was so puffy, it felt like he was sleeping on a marshmallow. It felt like a bed made for royalty, like something a princess would sleep in.

“Comfy sweetie?” a soft and familiar voice said to him as he turned to his right, greeted by a friendly-looking fox with bright turquoise fur, the same one who had greeted him when he was first brought before the kitsunes. With a subtle giggle, she leaned in towards him and gave Ted a passionate kiss. “Mmgh?” Taken by surprise, he shuddered in bliss as the familiar taste of her soft lips met his, his wide eyes locking with hers as she scooted even closer. Talia then wrapped her arms around him and pulled him against her, deepening their kiss.

fluttering her eyelashes at him, they both closed their eyes as they snuggled together, the young man instantly losing himself in her kiss as she squeezed him tightly in a passionate hug. Even going so far as to wrap her tails around him, she made sure he was completely cocooned in her embrace, making out with her long-awaited guest as she spoiled him rotten with her affection. Meanwhile, the morning sunlight began to light the room around them, beaming through the sateen sheets draped over their bed. Even as the morning son brightened up the room, they continued to make out lovingly, losing track of the morning as they continued for almost 5 minutes, the room filling with the sound of gentle smacking and loving moans.

After what only felt like a short time to them, Tallia would briefly break their kiss, pulling her face away from Ted’s needy lips as they stared at each other with dreamy eyes. “You have no idea how long I waited for this…” she whispered to him, giving the young man another brief kiss as she rolled on top of him. With Ted pinned down, she began kissing him much more deeply and dominantly, keeping him wrapped up in her tails as she cupped his face in her hands. After a few moments, she pulled away again, blinking at him slowly as she kept her hands on his cheeks.“The other girls took their sweet time with you, but now I have you all to myself.❤️” she said before giving him another long drawn out smooch, squeezing him tighter with her tails, but leaving his arms free as he returned her hug.

However, as the sun continued to rise, the beaming light would eventually catch Tallia’s attention, opening her eyes as she sat up from the bed, now straddling her new bedmate. The young man could help but feel sad as she ended the kiss prematurely, looking up at the beautiful fox lady with yearning eyes as the blanket fell off of her shoulders, revealing her frilly sexy orange nightgown. “As much as I could spend all morning kissing that adorable face of yours… there’s only so much time in the day, and I have a lot planned for us” she said with a very flirty voice. Barely covering her, the delicate dress didn’t do much to cover her chest as he self-consciously averted his eyes. That’s when he also took notice of his own outfit, as he had apparently been fitted into a new pair of smooth pink cotton button-up pajamas.

Even without the blanket covering him, the PJs on their own felt incredibly comfy, having the exact same craftsmanship as the bedding beneath him. Unraveling her tails from him, she used them to pull the covers off completely, making sure he had a good view of her frilly outfit. “Do you like your PJs?” she asked him as he reestablished eye contact with her. “You were only wearing shorts when Stella handed you to me, even though you were sleeping so soundly, I figured you could use some comfier clothes to rest in.” she then leaned in closer as she placed her hands beside him, looking down at him with her eyes half open in a flirty manner.

“I made them just for you before you got here, I wanted to make you as comfortable as possible so you’d stay asleep when I brought you here. ❤️” she followed up, leaning even closer to his blushing face. “I wanted you well rested for what I have planned for you today…” she whispered. The woman’s soft, gentle voice made his ears tingle as his chest fluttered. With a giggle, she laid back on top of him, touching her snoot against his nose as she nuzzled his lips with hers. “My name is Talia by the way, you remember me don’t you?” she asked with a seductive blink.

Ted could only bite his lip as words completely failed him, his brain just stopped as he felt the silky smooth fabric of her sexy dress brush against his neck. It didn’t help that she was right on top of him, making his heart beat faster and faster as his mind raced to answer her question. “H-how could I forget you?” he impulsively blurted while staring into her eyes. The woman looked surprised as Ted turn away briefly in embarrassment, realizing just how impulsive it sounded. Putting her hand on his cheek, she brought his head back upright as she gave him another kiss, making the young man whimper in comfort.

“You’re so sweet…” she cooed as she parted the kiss, nuzzling his cheek as she cuddled up to him.

— 8/20/23

Giving him another full-body squeeze, he couldn’t help but let out a comforting whimper as he was squished in her arms as if he was her body pillow. With a happy little fox giggle, her nose found its way to Ted’s hair, sniffing away and tickling the top of his head. “You have a nice smell.” she chuckled, still nuzzling the side of his face, Ted closing his eyes in comfort as she continued to snuggle him. “And your skin is so smooth.” she giggled to him flirtingly well, leaning into his ear. “I wonder if Stella cleaned you before handing you to me.” the young man squeaked like a tea kettle as his face went bright red.

The very thought of the tall voluptuous Kitsune woman bathing him as he slept made his chest flutter. Ted’s imagination immediately got the best of him as pictured her cradling him in a bathtub, her gentle, soapy hands running across his skin as she scrubbed and massaged his naked body. “Of course, I wouldn’t mind taking a bath with you if you wanted.” Talia followed up. Ted of course, squeaked again and he looked back Talia, who couldn’t help but chuckle as she saw just how blushy he had become. “Hehehe…” she gave him another little kiss on the lips as she snuggled back up to him, keeping their cheeks nuzzled. “You're so CUTE.” she squeaked.

With one last tight hug, she squeezed him as if he was a giant stress ball, nearly pushing the air out of the man’s lungs as she briefly albeit unintentionally demonstrated just how strong she was. Then, sitting him upright, she jumped up from the sheets and began skipping her way off of the large bed, her orange frilly dress waving about with every step. Upon reaching the end, she pulled the sateen sheets draping over the bed aside, bathing both the fox and the human in the warm morning sunlight as she stepped down to the floor. Talia's nightgown gleamed in the light like glitter, sparkling as a small gust of wind nearly gave her guest a glimpse of what was underneath. Her fur almost appeared as if it was glowing as she basked in the sunshine, giving her an almost angelic appearance while he remained in her shadow.

The fox woman’s very appearance took his breath away, it was like being in the presence of a barely dressed goddess. Turning back towards her guest, she wiggled her finger at him as she beckoned him to follow. Not one to refuse a lady’s call, he crawled off the bed towards her, eventually reaching the sunlight himself as his eyes took a moment to adjust, finally getting a good look at her room. It was indescribably fancy, with a pink pastel color palette, Victorian furniture, and many fine decorative paintings. It really was like he was in a room made for royalty, though not as bizarre as the other foxes’ rooms, it was still certainly astonishing. That was until he noticed that there were several small piles of cloth and fabric scattered throughout the room.

Stepping into the center of her room and standing on her tiptoes, she held her left hand in the air and snapped her fingers. Suddenly, the many piles of fabric scattered throughout the room lifted into the air as if caught in a gust of wind, flying toward the kitsune woman, as she was engulfed in a cyclone of cotton, spandex, leather, and sateen fabric. Ted gasped as the woman disappeared in a flurry of sheets and fabric, watching in bewilderment until the tornado quickly died out, letting the many blankets of cloth flutter to the floor as she reappeared standing as she was.

No longer dressed in a nightgown the young woman now stood fully clothed in the same orange kimono she had worn when they had first met, turning towards him as she fixed her beautiful hair up. “Alright sweetie, would you like to change too?” she asked with a refreshed smile, her tails waggling behind her as her fur glowed in the sunlight. “Or you can keep your comfy pajamas on if you’d like. ❤️” she followed up playfully. Stepping off of the bed, he looked at it his pjs as he took another moment to admire just how comfy they felt. Though he hesitated, he figured he should be more formally clothed like Talia. “Do you… have anything I can wear?” he asked, unsure if she had any male clothes.

“Hmmmmm…” she chuckled mischievously. “Oh, you have no idea.” she said, with another snap of her fingers, causing the piles of fabric to once again rise from the floor as they quickly flowed toward the young man. Flinching, Ted didn’t even have time to gasp before he was completely engulfed in fabric, practically smothering him as he was tightly squeezed by the many sheets of cloth cocooning him. Just as quickly as it came, the fabric completely unraveled from his body, shaking his head with a relieved breath, as he noticed that his outfit suddenly felt different. Looking down, he was shocked to see that he was no longer wearing pajamas, but a kimono like Talia’s.

Ted’s kimono was less feminine, but just as fancy and beautiful as hers, and the fabric was so smooth it genuinely felt comfortable against his skin. “Ohhhh…” Talia squeaked, squishing her cheeks as she smiled with wide adoring eyes. “I knew it’d look good on you, but you’re just so cute!” she squealed. Ted chuckled bashfully, tuckeing his head between his shoulders as she walked over to him and took both of his hands into hers. “Of course, I only have fabric for comfy indoor clothes in my room, so let’s get you something more formal.” she smiled eagerly as she took him toward a large wardrobe next to her bed. Opening up the wardrobe, a sweet almost flowery gust of air flowed out of the wardrobe and into the bedroom, hitting Ted with a smell so pleasant it almost made his knees weak.

The man’s jaw dropped as what he expected to be a simple closet, turned out to be a room so vertically large it looked like a storage warehouse, with dozens and dozens of shelves lining the walls. Each and every row had fabrics of all different varieties, even ones from different countries and cultures. It looked like something out of a dream as he stood there flabbergasted, until Tallia wrapped one of her tails around his arm pulling him inside. Once they were far enough inside, she released her guest and turned towards him with a flirty little spin, tales waggling around her as she looked up at the supply of fabric she had to work with.

Wiggling her hips back-and-forth, she looked as if she couldn’t contain her excitement as foxy little squeaks escaped her cute grin. “Hehe… Now that I have all the fabric to work with, let’s put you with something more presentable!” with another snap of her fingers, a pile of fabric from one of the upper shelves dived down at him and quickly engulfed him, letting out a muffled gasp in shock as it quickly formed a garment around him. Opening his eyes, he found himself wearing some streetwear, with a pair of jeans and a baggy orange hoodie that felt almost like a winter coat with a T-shirt underneath. It was similar to what he used to wear when he was in high school, super comfy, and a bit nostalgic.

“Ohhh!” Talia exclaimed. “Trendy! But I think we can do better.” snapping her fingers again, another pile of fabric swooped down towards him and wrapped around him as the previous outfit unveiled from his body and lept back onto the shelf. Once the newly wrapped fabric formed around him, he found himself wearing more baggy pants and a light brown summer T-shirt, with sturdy-looking shoes that made him look as if he was ready for a hike. “Oh! Hello handsome!” she said, with a high-pitched bark. “If it was summer, I’d go on a hike with you any day! ❤️” Ted barely had the time to appreciate his outfit before another round of fabric engulfed him, forming a pair of shiny spandex shorts on him, but nothing else.

His face turning pink, he realized that his new outfit was just a pair of tight swim trunks, making him a bit self-conscious as he crossed his legs. “Oooohhh?” Talia gasped with a rather playful lick of her lips. “Speaking of summer, I wouldn’t mind a swim with you either.” she said, a purring growl, taking a bit more time to admire just how nice his body looked in swimwear. At this point, it seemed like he was putting on a fashion show for her, taking the opportunity to see him and whatever outfit she wanted. This only made him blush brighter as she was clearly taking this time to ogle his Physique.

After she got an eye full of his beach bod, she then snapped her fingers again, as what appeared to be a flurry of pink fabric wrapped around him, forming something much more puffy around him. When he looked down at himself, his face blushed ear to ear as he saw a pink frilly dress wrapped around him, one that made him look like a princess. The skirt was long and very frilly, there is a huge bow wrapped around his waist, the sleeves are very fluffy and rounded hiding his broad shoulders, along with white gloves that covered most of his arms. Although it was admittedly comfy he couldn’t hide his embarrassment as Talia went googly-eyed over his get up. “Oooooooo!” Talia nearly howled with excitement as her tails waggled like crazy. “A beautifully bashful tomboy princess!” she shouted with a large wide-eyed smile, her tails swinging so fast they caused a breeze that made his skirt flutter.

“So cute.” she sighed, holding her fingers up again. “Though this sort of thing doesn’t suit you as much, so…” With another snap of her fingers, the dress disappeared as she continued to fit him in various other outfits. Trying out various different styles, trends, and fashions, Tallia went through dozens of different outfits, clothing him as if he was a ken doll. Each and every outfit was just as comfy as the last, some more embarrassing than the others as Talia would get a little daring with her choices, but would always move on quickly as she wanted to dress him up in something perfect.


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