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Commission for Bendovaboi of their OC Milson and their partner Evy trapped in bubbles.

One day, two playful pool toys, Evy and Milson we’re just taking a hike one day when they found a small but shiny-looking lake. Being pool toys, they jumped in and started splashing around without a second thought. Their activity soon caused ripples, and tides to form within the small lake, causing it to bubble up around them as continued to play without a care in the world.

Being the airheads they were, it took them a while to realize how strangely gummy and Viscous, the water was, dripping off their paws and legs like slime.

That’s when they noticed the liquid bubbling up around them, disturbed by their activities as the lake began to form large bubbles around them, bloating from the visible ripples in the water before floating up in the air. Before they could think the leave, three particularly large bubbles began to gravitate toward Milson, squishing up against them, as if attempting to nuzzle him. But then they began to squeeze in on them, squishing the pool toy as if they were all trying to hug them.

Milson squeaked to their partner for help, as Evy attempted to walk through the thick water to aid them, only to feel something halting their pace, as if something springy and stretchy was pulling them back. Looking down, Evy’s printed-on eyes widened in bewilderment, seeing a giant bubble forming around their waist, encasing half of their puffy body as it slowly began to inflate up their torso. Evy pressed their paws against the inflating mass, trying to push it off as they looked back up to their partner Milson, who was practically sandwiched between the assaulting orbs, their arms pinned to their sides as they practically cocooned themselves around the poor toy.

Worried for their partner's safety, Evy desperately shoved their padded paws against the bubble holding him in place, merely squishing into its surface as it threatened to encase him with every passing second. The bubble was just as squishy as it looked, but was quite resilient, having the springy tautness of a beach ball. All the while, Milson felt like they were going to be popped, with the bubbles pressing in on them so tightly their vinyl skin began to flatten against them, until they all suddenly merged around him with a sudden squeaky Fwomp.

Evy's eyes shot back up to look at their partner as they heard the sudden noise, shocked to see that the assaulting spheres congregating around Milson had merged and formed a massive bubble encapsulating the poor toy, trapping them like a hamster in a ball. This distracted Evy long enough for the inflating bubbles, to overpower them pushing their arms back up as it puffed up past their chest shoulders, and eventually their head before sealing around them with another soft Fwomp.

And just like that, the two found themselves floating several inches above the gooey lake, trapped inside two separate bubbles gently wobbling in the air as they both stared at each other in disbelief. Once the airheads processed what had just transpired, they began to Bap and push against their prisons, attempting to pop the strange gooey bubbles holding them.

Thumb! Squeak! Rub! Stretch! Thump! They desperately fussed at their wobbly enclosures, vigorously trying to escape as the surface simply stretched and squeaked like balloons, causing them to wobble and shake above the small lake. Being just mere pool toys, there wasn't much they could do as their soft rounded inflatable bodies dimply bounced against the bubble’s surface. Flabbergasted, the two toys looked at each other and confusion as they remained trapped in their prisons. Even though they were just pool toys, it shouldn’t have been this difficult for them to escape something as delicate as bubbles. But as they both took the time to prod and better feel up to the surface of their enclosures, It was clear that these orbs were simply globs of viscous jelly molded around pockets of air pressure,  formed in a tight seal around them. even if they weren't pool toys, being able to escape a prison made of stretchy jelly wouldn't be easy.

Giving up, the two simply stared at each other with longing eyes as they calmly floated above the slimy lake, their inflatable faces pressed up against their prisons as they continued to squeak to one another. They had no idea if their bubbles would pop on their own, or if someone would come to find them, but as long as they had each other's company, being bubbled wasn't so bad.



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