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“Mmmmgh…” his dream would eventually come to an end, as he again found himself waking from his slumber, still feeling that familiar sense of all-encompassing warmth as he mumbled comfortably. Eventually, opening his eyes, expected to see Stella’s warm smile greeting him, but was surprised to see a tent of pink sheets above him. Upon opening his sleepy eyes, he finally realized where he was, tucked into a large, luxurious-looking bed with silky puffy sheets, a large puffy pillow underneath his head, and a large blanket draped over the bed like a canopy. All the sheets were bright pink with a silk-like shine, and felt incredibly gentle on his skin, and the entire mattress was so puffy, it felt like he was sleeping on a marshmallow. It felt like a bed made for royalty, like something a princess would sleep in.

“Comfy sweetie?” a soft and familiar voice said to him as he turned to his right, greeted by a friendly-looking fox with bright turquoise fur, the same one who had greeted him when he was first brought before the kitsunes. With a subtle giggle, she leaned in towards him and gave Ted a passionate kiss. “Mmgh?” Taken by surprise, he shuddered in bliss as the familiar taste of her soft lips met his, his wide eyes locking with hers as she scooted even closer. Talia then wrapped her arms around him and pulled him against her, deepening their kiss.

fluttering her eyelashes at him, they both closed their eyes as they snuggled together, the young man instantly losing himself in her kiss as she squeezed him tightly in a passionate hug. Even going so far as to wrap her tail around him, she made sure he was completely cocooned in her embrace, making out with her long-awaited guest as she spoiled him rotten with her affection. Meanwhile, the morning sunlight began to light the room around them, beaming through the sateen sheets draped over their bed. Even as the morning son brightened up the room, they continued to make out lovingly, losing track of the morning as they continued for almost 5 minutes, the room filling with the sound of gentle smacking and loving moans.

After what only felt like a short time to them, Tallia would briefly break their kiss, pulling her face away from Ted’s needy lips as they stared at each other with dreamy eyes. “You have no idea how long I waited for this…” she whispered to him, giving the young man another brief kiss as she rolled on top of him. With Ted pinned down, she began kissing him much more deeply and dominantly, keeping him wrapped up in her tail as she cupped his face in her hands. After a few moments, she pulled away again, blinking at him slowly as she kept her hands on his cheeks.“The other girls took their sweet time with you, but now I have you all to myself.❤️” she said before giving him another long drawn out smooch, squeezing him tighter with her tail, but leaving his arms free as he returned her hug.

However, as the sun continued to rise, the beaming light would eventually catch Tallia’s attention, opening her eyes as she sat up from the bed, now straddling her new bedmate. The young man could help but feel sad as she ended the kiss prematurely, looking up at the beautiful fox lady with yearning eyes as the blanket fell off of her shoulders, revealing her frilly sexy purple nightgown. “As much as I could spend all morning kissing that adorable face of yours… there’s only so much time in the day, and I have a lot planned for us” she said with a very flirty voice. Barely covering her, the delicate dress didn’t do much to cover her chest as he self-consciously averted his eyes. That’s when he also took notice of his own outfit, as he had apparently been fitted into a new pair of smooth pink cotton button-up pajamas.

Even without the blanket covering him, the PJs on their own felt incredibly comfy, having the exact same craftsmanship as the bedding beneath him. Unraveling her tails from him, she used them to pull the covers off completely, making sure he had a good view of her frilly outfit. “Do you like your PJs?” she asked him as he reestablished eye contact with her. “You were only wearing shorts when Stella handed you to me, even though you were sleeping so soundly, I figured you could use some comfier clothes to rest in.” she then leaned in closer as she placed her hands beside him, looking down at him with her eyes half open in a flirty manner.

“I made them just for you before you got here, I wanted to make you as comfortable as possible so you’d stay asleep when I brought you here. ❤️” she followed up, leaning even closer to his blushing face. “I wanted you well rested for what I have planned for you today…” she whispered. The woman’s soft, gentle voice made his ears tingle as his chest fluttered. With a giggle, she laid back on top of him, touching her snoot against his nose as she nuzzled his lips with hers. “My name is Talia by the way, you remember me don’t you?” she asked with a seductive blink.

Ted could only bite his lip as words completely failed him, his brain just stopped as he felt the silky smooth fabric of her sexy dress brush against his neck. It didn’t help that she was right on top of him, making his heart beat faster and faster as his mind raced to answer her question. “H-how could I forget you?” he impulsively blurted while staring into her eyes. The woman looked surprised as Ted turn away briefly in embarrassment, realizing just how impulsive it sounded. Putting her hand on his cheek, she brought his head back upright as she gave him another kiss, making the young man whimper in comfort.

“You’re so sweet…” she cooed as she parted the kiss, nuzzling his cheek as she cuddled up to him.


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