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Slowly opening her eyes, waking up in her large bed while tangled up in her silky sateen sheets, Layne slowly stretched her arms and legs out while letting out a soft yawn. Smiling as the warm morning sunlight beamed into her room, she slowly sat up from her bed, fixing up her nightgown and kicking off her sheets as she reached for her phone to check her newsfeeds. The very first article she scrolled to snapped her out of her sleepy state, her eyes widened as the story showed a picture of a beautiful red-haired woman in a summer dress trapped inside a giant pink bubble, suspended in the center with a double-layered seal around her body with her arms and legs spread out. The headline read “TikTok influencer the newest victim of serial bubble trappings.”

This was probably the fifth story she had read this week alone about these frequent bubble trap crimes, it was like every single day there was a new victim. Every target of these bubble traps seemed to be celebrities or influencers of some kind, all appearing to be vacuum-packed within their prisons, sealed within a tight thinner sleeve that connected to the outer layer, creating a skin-tight cocoon that suspended them from the inside. Though there were no fatalities of any sort, with the occupants remaining in perfect health despite the air-tight seal and lack of food or water, authorities have yet to find a way to release them. With each and every one of the victims being as attractive as they were, there was definitely a pattern.

The young woman simply puffed her cheeks out in jealousy, seeing all these bubble-trapping headlines dominating the celebrity news outlets, scrolling through the hopelessly horny commenter swooning over trapped victims. Layne had only just gotten a break with her own modeling career, doing photo shoots and advertising fancy brands of women’s swimwear, these string of bubble traps could not have come at a worse time for her. Rather than giving new upcoming models a chance to shine in the news, it seems the bubble damsels would be the ones taking the spotlight.

Although, even in her jealousy, she found herself, unable to take her eyes off of the article, and the unusual bondage it presented. The way the bubble was wrapped around its victim made it look so comfy. Though rubbery, the gleaming soapy shine on the exterior made the bubble looks soft and squishy, like a giant zorb or an oversized beach ball. Layne can only imagine how tight it must’ve been on the inside, soft enough to keep them from being squished but firm enough to keep them suspended in the center.

Just blankly staring at the picture, her left hand would eventually find itself between her legs, letting out a soft sigh as her face became visibly flushed. But before she could go any further, her phone shook with a ringing alarm, snapping her out of it as a calendar notification popped up on her screen. “Photoshoot downtown” the notification read, her eyes widening as she jumped out of her bed to get ready for work.

Miraculously, Layne managed to arrive at the modeling agency five minutes early. Wearing her fancy Black work dress with her head held up high, she walked with confidence as her high heels clicked loudly through the long hallway. Both her dress shirt and skirt were made to be especially formfitting around her chest and waist, showing off her unique figure while still allowing her to appear decent and professional. The young woman wasn’t as slim as other models, having a slightly thicker build, especially around her thighs; But it gave her figure a rather soft and voluptuous look, a body type that looked darling and huggable, and especially cute in swimwear.

Halfway down the hall, she noticed another woman walking down the opposite end of the hall in her direction, a rather tall and slender-looking individual who also had the build of a model. As they got closer, Layne got a  look at her sexy purple dress, with a long skirt that had a slit on the right side, showing much of the woman’s bare slender leg. The top of the dress had a gap in the chest area, showing off the woman’s outrageous cleavage with only a semi-transparent fishnet fabric underneath covering her skin. The woman’s face was covered by a large, dark purple designer hat, the top lined with pastel pink flowers that she could smell from several feet away.

Because of her hat, Layne couldn’t see the woman’s face, but it was safe to assume that she was a model as well. Doing her best not to stare, she simply kept her eyes forward as she kept walking, getting more and more nervous as they approached one another intimidated by the purple-clad woman’s beauty. Remaining casual, she allowed the tall woman to pass by her right side, but not before getting a brief glimpse of the mischievous grin just barely hidden underneath her hat.

Suddenly, the purple-clad woman grabbed onto Layne’s wrists, swiftly pushing her back while yanking on her arms. Before she could even realise what was happening, layne was pinned up against the wall with both of her arms held up by her sides, gasping as the purple-clad woman suddenly leaned forward as she placed upon Layne a big passionate kiss.

“Mmmph?!” was all Layne could utter in complete shock as her lips were taken by strange woman, her eyes open as she finally met the mysterious woman face to face. But much to her surprise, the purple-clad woman was wearing a purple spandex mask to cover her eyes, the kind you would wear a fancy party or for a costume. The two simply locked eyes briefly as Layne was fully prepared to kick the woman away. But in that moment before she could react, she felt her strength dwindle, letting out a weak moan as she suddenly felt the sweet taste of bubble gum on her lips.

“Mmmm?” Layne let out a gentle whimper, breathing in the sweet candy-like taste filling her mouth as the purple cloud woman slipped her tongue against hers. Though caught off guard, a pleasant smell and taste made her knees weak, unable to resist as her mind briefly woozy. It wasn’t just the taste, she had never been kissed so deeply, so passionately in a way that made her instinctively submissive. Feeling her resistance give out, Layne shuddered as she finally closed her eyes, enjoying every moment of the assaulting smooch. Lost to her senses, all she could feel was the sweet-tasting lips exploring her mouth, making her feel as if she was being kissed away into another world.

“Layne!” a voice shouted from the other side of the hall. With a startled gasp, the young woman immediately opened her eyes, still huddled up against the wall with her arms to her sides. But much to her bewilderment, there was no one else there, looking side to side to find nothing but an empty hallway with only her agent calling out to her at the far end of the hall. “What are you doing? We’re starting in 10 minutes!” she shouted. Layne whimpered nervously as she hurried down the hall, blushing profusely and struggling to keep a straight face. Before entering the studio room, she took one last look down the hall, wondering if she had imagined the whole thing while feeling strange but subtle bubbling within her stomach.

Later in the studio, Layne was sent into the dressing room with the first piece of fancy swimwear she was going to model for. Unfolding the clothes in her hands, her eyes lit up as she looked upon the beautiful black glossy one-piece dangling before her. The dark fabric was incredibly smooth, with the unmistakable texture of spandex, but as shiny as satin fabric with a line of gold lycra stitched underneath the bustline. The design was simple, but the craftsmanship was unmistakably fine and elegant like a swim dress. Layne couldn’t help but squeak in excitement, smiling ear to ear before letting out a small but sudden hiccup.

Quickly covering her mouth, she blushed in embarrassment as she had never been so careless as to let one slip without catching it first. Not only that, but the hiccup left a strange and sweet taste in her mouth, which felt all too familiar. The woman froze for a moment, taking notice of the subtle bubbling feeling she had in her stomach, before looking up at the clock as she quickly remembered that she was behind schedule. Throwing off her outfit, Layne quickly but carefully slipped on the fancy one-piece, being cautious not to stretch it too much as she pulled it around her hips.

The fabric was flexible, so putting on the rest was easy, slide her arms through the straps and snapping them on her shoulders as she stood in front of the mirror. A modest smile spread across her face as she admired herself in her new fancy swimwear, placing her hands on her hips and putting one leg in front of the other in a dynamic pose. Despite how simple the design was, the way the spandex fitted her body was practically flawless. The bust line cradled her bosom comfortably, not too tight, but secure enough to keep then supported as a sports bra would. The bottom was also nicely secure, with a tightness befitting a sporty bodysuit, and tight enough around her belly to slim her down just a smidge without any discomfort.

Layne felt like a princess wearing this swimsuit, it was not a super revealing suit, but fitted her so perfectly that it complimented her sexy form. Chuckling to herself, and taking a moment to appreciate her new outfit, another sudden hiccup escaped her lips, releasing a small pink bubble from her mouth as her face froze in shock. With that, she also tasted that same sweet sensation that she had in the hall, when that strange woman forced a kiss upon her. In that moment, as she felt a tingly bubbling sensation in her gut, she not only realized that it wasn’t a hallucination.

“Ugh…” Feeling weak, she almost collapsed as she felt something bubbling up from her throat, feeling as if she was going to heave. “Mmmhg… glugh…” Wrapping her arms over her belly, Layne began to gag as the bubbling tickled her stomach, feeling as if she was going to release a large unflattering belch. “Mmmm…” as the pressure in her belly intensified, she had no choice but to open her mouth wide-open as a new much larger bubble inflated from her lips, quickly puffing up to the size of a dodgeball as it quickly filled up with air.

“Mmmph… mmmph!” Her baffled exclaims only came out as muffled moans as a big, inflatable wad of bubble gum filled her mouth, essentially gagging the poor woman as it continued to inflate. Layne couldn’t stop it, as the bubble was inflating all on its own. It felt as if the bubble was inflating directly from her belly. Fortunately, for whatever reason she could still breathe perfectly fine even as the bubble filled up her throat like a dildo gag, but there was nothing she could do as she helplessly watched the gum grow before her eyes. “That woman… when she kissed me, she must’ve stuck some bubblegum in my throat!”

The bubble gently bobbed in the air as she placed her hands underneath it, feeling so light and soft in her palms that it almost felt like a squishy beach ball, which it quickly grew to the size of. With how fragile it felt, she attempted to try to bite down on the inflatable wad filling her mouth, but despite its softness it was too tightly inflated to be bitten off, keeping her gagged jaw from shutting. But then, as another bubbling sensation erupted t in her belly, she nearly fell to her knees as she felt a similar swelling sensation within her abdomen, tingling her insides as she felt something pushing its way out of her. “ uh-oh…” she thought as her belly swelled up slightly. Letting out a gentle muffled moan into the swelling bubble gag as her legs began to shake.

Bending down, Layne could only whimper as another pink bubble slipped out from underneath her swimsuit, squeezing out from her rear as it quickly puffed like a basketball. Upon seeing her reflection, her cheeks turned bright red as she watched the bubble quickly work its way out of her butt. Fortunately, the swimsuit remained securely fastened around her cheeks, only parting just enough for the flexible bubble to escape. It was at that moment, as she that she realized what was happening. Layne was about to become the next victim in the spree of bubble gum trappings.

In a fright, the young woman attempted to push away the bubble inflating out of her mouth, which had grown to the size of an exercise ball. Simultaneously, she also squeezed her butt cheeks together hoping to pinch the second bubble off, but the inflatable proved far too resilient as it also grew to the size of a beach ball. Both bubbles were far too flexible and sturdy, as the one in her mouth just stretched and wobbled as she pushed into it. As both bubbles continue to increase in size, she felt another tightening sensation of pressure in her pelvis, letting out a sudden muffled gasp as her legs gave out beneath her.

Collapsing, her fall was fortunately cushioned by the bubble growing from her butt, which had quickly grown to the size of a small bean bag as she finally unclenched her cheeks. Slipping off of her feet, the bubble gently bounced beneath her as it stretched out under her weight, cradling her like a cushion as she held her stomach. The bubble growing from her mouth also wobbled above her, its growth visibly slowing as it gently expanded to 4 feet in diameter, occasionally brushing against her chest and face.

“Mmmph… MMPH… MMMMMMMMMGH!” With a loud shivering yelp, yet another large bubble extruded from underneath her swimsuit, this time from her womanhood as it instantly inflated to the size of an exercise ball. With her legs forced into a spread, the swimsuit-clad woman found her hips thrusting towards the ceiling as the bubble stretched the walls of her unsuspecting pussy like an inflatable dildo. Layne's pelvic region shivered hips continued to hump the air, the bubble expanding with each thrust as if uing her as a living pump, until her sudden orgasm quickly subsided.

“Mmmmgh…” whimpering into the bubble gag, the woman’s body finally surrendered, going limp as the bubble abruptly separated from her nether regions, wobbling and jiggling as it floated in place. Following suit, the bubble growing from her butt also exited her body, separating itself and slipping out of her swimsuit as she slowly slid off of the inflatable and onto her knees. Layne’s head remained tilted up toward the ceiling until the bubble gag soon exited her mouth, finally releasing her as she collapsed on her hands and knees gasping as the taste of bubblegum still lingered in her mouth. In a daze from her indescribable orgasm,  her hips still shivered from the afterglow, it almost felt like it was still stuffed inside of her.

When she brought her head back up, she finally laid her eyes on the two bubbles she had inflated from her mouth and pussy, both had grown to more than 4 feet in diameter, lazily floating in front of her as she simply stared at them slack-jawed. Despite how  aggressively they had inflated out of her body, they look so delicate and squishy, wobbling gently in the air like soap bubbles. But then she quickly snapped out of it as they began floating towards her, quickly staggering back to her feet only to lose her footing as she stumbled back onto the surface of the bubble she had inflated from her butt. Now more than half her size, it squished around her like a marshmallow as she leaned into it, and didn't budge even as she attempted to push it back. Layne opened her mouth with a gasp, preparing to scream for help just as one of the bubbles plopped on top of her.

Letting out a muffled gasp, she was once again met mouth-to-mouth with her first bubble, pinned underneath it from the waist up, feeling as if a marshmallow had been shoved into her face. Legs flailing underneath her, she desperately slapped the bubble as it wobbled about like a ball of jelly, unyielding as it kept her securely pinned. Layne could still able to breathe through the membrane like before, but she was left just as helpless as she was when the bubbles inflated out of her. Finally, the last bubble made its move, sipping underneath her legs and scooping her feet off of the ground as they slipped and kicked against its soft membrane, taking away what little leverage she had.

With that, the bubble finally wrapped over her legs, yet again forcing them into a spread as it nudged itself up to the top of the bubble, pressing itself against it as they suddenly merged into one. “Mmmmghph!” Almost instantaneously, the bubble doubled its pressure on her as it combined with the one folding over her legs, squishing her flat as her arms were finally pinned under its inflatable mass. Finally, both bubbles were now the same size as they pressed and gravitated against one another, increasing their hold on the young woman little by little as they squished her senseless. They had contorted so tightly against one another that it looked like Layne was in the center of a bubblegum sandwich as continued to fuss underneath the sheet of smothering gum.

“Mmmph…” her moans could barely be heard underneath the ever-increasing hold of the bubbles as they creak against each other like rubber balloons, becoming so tight she could barely move anymore. It wasn’t just the gum that was now contorting and adhering to nearly every curve of her swimsuit-clad body like a formfitting rubber blanket, but the air pressure within the bubbles that made their hold on her so tense. When she saw the article on the bubble-bound models, he would’ve assumed the bubbles were as snug as a vac bed, but it felt more like she was being flattened in an overly stuffed suitcase. Simply awaiting the inevitable, all she could do was close her eyes and moan as the gummy exteriors of the smothering bubbles began to mold together, forming a seal over the helpless woman until they both merged with a soft Bloop.

Forming one giant bubble, most of the flattening pressure was finally released from Layne's body as the orb wobbled and giggled back into a more rounded form, gently resting on the floor. The bubble was now motionless with its captive snug and secure, sealed within a double-layered sheet of gum in its jiggly center. Letting out a muffled sigh, Layne was relieved by the release of unbearable pressure, but quickly went into a panic as she opened her eyes. Everything around her now had a consistent pink tint, and the bubbles' surfaces had merged into a single-layered sheet of gum keeping her in a spread eagle position. It was finally done, she had become the newest victim in the mysterious string of bubble trappings.

The young woman wasted no time trying to get free, twisting and pushing at the surrounding gum, trying to pull out of the bubble sheet as she struggled and groaned within her inflatable prison. Stretching her arms forward, kicking her legs out, even arching herself backward, she did everything she could to stretch out her prison, only for the inner sheet of gum to pull her back into the center every time. Any movement she made would merely cause the bubble to wobble around her, in fact, even the slightest movement would simply cause the double-layered sheet to tighten around her as she fought against it. It wasn’t the tight film of gum that held her in place, but the two tightly pressurized Inflatable chambers sandwiched around her, keeping her tightly squeezed within their all-encompassing hold.

After a few minutes of fussing, her struggles only tired her out, her face red with both arousal and exhaustion as she went limp inside her prison, letting it bob her up and down until the bubble was once again still. With a whimpering groan, she had to accept that there was no escape, just like every other damsel that had been trapped in these bubbles. It was at that moment that her agent came in, looking at her tablet, looking flustered and impatient as he threw the door open. “Layne! Come on, come on! everyone’s-” she froze mid-sentence as she laid her eyes upon the model in her bubble, dropping her tablet to the ground as she gasped in complete shock.

Unable to say a word, Layne could only stare back wide-eyed as her face went red with embarrassment as her agent ran back into the photo room calling for the director in a panic. Within seconds, the entire crew came in to see her unusual predicament, staring at her bubbled swimsuit bod. “At least I’m not in my underwear.” she thought to herself trying to stay optimistic, thankful that she had at least changed into something before being bubbled. As expected, no one was able to free her from her prison, with the surface proving to be just as tough as it was flexible, with nothing able to pierce the surface. Even with the arrival of the fire department, their equipment and tools proved useless against the elastic gummy membrane confining her.

Eventually, they had to accept that they weren’t going to get her out anytime soon, with no choice but to leave her in the changing room until they could find a way to release all the victims. The next day, she was given a television to keep her entertained, with her agent sticking around to keep her company. It was dreadfully boring, but not uncomfortable, with the skin-tight inner membrane cradling her in the center with a snug skin-tight hug. It felt almost as if she was weightless, suspended within an inflatable womb with no choice but to relax within her admittedly comfy prison. Unable to speak and barely able to move, she had no way to communicate who had done this to her.  With the purple woman now long gone, she was free to continue her bubbling spree and was likely choosing her next target. With a muffled sigh, Layne blushed as he thought back to the entrancing kiss that had sealed her fate, how she was so foolish to just let it happen, even with how pleasant and erotic the dominating makeout session was.

But then, snapping her out of her thoughts, she saw herself on TV as the news was covering her predicament by showing a picture of her while trapped in the bubble, of course only wearing her new swimsuit. For a moment, she thought she would die of embarrassment being seen in what was basically soft bondage, but then they showed a live feed of her Instagram page. Her expression was indescribable as she saw her account had grown to over 3,700,000 followers and still rising. In less than 15 hours, her following had not only grown from the measly 35,000 followers she had before, but surpassed every other model that had been bubbled before her.

Her agent also jumped up with excitement, showing Layne her other socials from her phone which had also skyrocketed in followers. “Oh my God, you are all the rage right now!” she squealed. “I bet we can even get you a role in a movie role after this…” she paused after taking another look at her bubbled body. If we can get you out of the bubble of course…”

They would eventually find a way to release all of the bubbled celebrities, but only after they would each eventually pop on their own. But they never caught the purple woman.


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