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Slowly opening her eyes, waking up in her large bed while tangled up in her silky sateen sheets, Layne slowly stretched her arms and legs out while letting out a soft yawn. Smiling as the warm morning sunlight beamed into her room, she slowly sat up from her bed, fixing up her nightgown and kicking off her sheets as she reached for her phone to check her newsfeeds. The very first article she scrolled to snapped her out of her sleepy state, her eyes widened as the story showed a picture of a beautiful red-haired woman in a summer dress trapped inside a giant pink bubble, suspended in the center with a double-layered seal around her body with her arms and legs spread out. The headline read “TikTok influencer the newest victim of serial bubble trappings.”

This was probably the fifth story she had read this week alone about these frequent bubble trap crimes, it was like every single day there was a new victim. Every target of these bubble traps seemed to be celebrities or influencers of some kind, all appearing to be vacuum-packed within their prisons, sealed within a tight thinner sleeve that connected to the outer layer, creating a skin-tight cocoon that suspended them from the inside. Though there were no fatalities of any sort, with the occupants remaining in perfect health despite the air-tight seal and lack of food or water, authorities have yet to find a way to release them. With each and every one of the victims being as attractive as they were, there was definitely a pattern.

The young woman simply puffed her cheeks out in jealousy, seeing all these bubble-trapping headlines dominating the celebrity news outlets, scrolling through the hopelessly horny commenter swooning over trapped victims. Layne had only just gotten a break with her own modeling career, doing photo shoots and advertising fancy brands of women’s swimwear, these string of bubble traps could not have come at a worse time for her. Rather than giving new upcoming models a chance to shine in the news, it seems the bubble damsels would be the ones taking the spotlight.

Although, even in her jealousy, she found herself, unable to take her eyes off of the article, and the unusual bondage it presented. The way the bubble was wrapped around its victim made it look so comfy. Though rubbery, the gleaming soapy shine on the exterior made the bubble looks soft and squishy, like a giant zorb or an oversized beach ball. Layne can only imagine how tight it must’ve been on the inside, soft enough to keep them from being squished but firm enough to keep them suspended in the center.

Just blankly staring at the picture, her left hand would eventually find itself between her legs, letting out a soft sigh as her face became visibly flushed. But before she could go any further, her phone shook with a ringing alarm, snapping her out of it as a calendar notification popped up on her screen. “Photoshoot downtown” the notification read, her eyes widening as she jumped out of her bed to get ready for work.

Miraculously, Layne managed to arrive at the modeling agency five minutes early. Wearing her fancy Black work dress with her head held up high, she walked with confidence as her high heels clicked loudly through the long hallway. Both her dress shirt and skirt were made to be especially formfitting around her chest and waist, showing off her unique figure while still allowing her to appear decent and professional. The young woman wasn’t as slim as other models, having a slightly thicker build, especially around her thighs; But it gave her figure a rather soft and voluptuous look, a body type that looked darling and huggable, and especially cute in swimwear.

Halfway down the hall, she noticed another woman walking down the opposite end of the hall in her direction, a rather tall and slender-looking individual who also had the build of a model. As they got closer, Layne got a  look at her sexy purple dress, with a long skirt that had a slit on the right side, showing much of the woman’s bare slender leg. The top of the dress had a gap in the chest area, showing off the woman’s outrageous cleavage with only a semi-transparent fishnet fabric underneath covering her skin. The woman’s face was covered by a large, dark purple designer hat, the top lined with pastel pink flowers that she could smell from several feet away.


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