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The day had become dark and dreary, the town shielded from the sun by the dark clouds that loomed above. It looked like it could rain any moment. Gar almost wished he had brought his umbrella, but he didn’t have the energy to worry about it as he dragged his feet back home, Carrying his backpack over his shoulder with one arm. Being a third-year game design major at his art school, his brutal studies had practically sucked him dry. With not even the luxury to socialize, he would remain confined to his computer designing, rigging, and programming his work for hours on end.

Gar usually would slump back home from his campus to continue his toiling, but he needed to pick up a wooden pose doll from the art store in order to complete his next assignment. Entering the store, he found that it was rather inactive as usual, with the number of customers being few and far in between as he began to browse. In the aisle he was looking for, there were wooden pose dolls of all different sizes with varying amounts of joints, allowing some to be more poseable than others. Gar's tired eyes scanned the many different shelves, unsure of which one to pick as each and every one was the same to him.

It’s not like he had the energy to browse for very long, all he needed was to pick the one he needed and leave. But then, one particular little doll caught his attention, even waking him out of his exhaustion state for a brief moment. Sitting among the top row of wooden dolls, was a bright orange anthropomorphic lioness plushie. The sight caught him off guard, stopping in his tracks as he took a further gander. It didn’t just look at the place, it looked like it belonged in a different store entirely, like it was a mascot anime or cartoon. That being said, the details on the plush were incredibly detailed, from the beautiful smile, wide gleaming eyes, cute smile silky fluffy hair, and even the mane on its chest.

The doll was so incredibly well-made, it looked like an expensive anime figurine, with of course the fluffy appeal of a charming plushie. Adding to his curiosity, unlike the other dolls it didn’t seem to have a price tag, and didn’t even fit in the row as it simply sat on the very edge of the shelf in front of the wooden dolls. It was like someone had just left the doll there. Gar couldn’t help but imagine how nice it would look placed on his desk, just to have something cute to glance at every so often as he worked. Just as he was about to consider taking it to the cashier to check if it was actually for sale, he took notice of a medium-sized semi-posable wood doll on the opposite shelf.

Being exactly what he needed, he took his eyes off the plushie and turned around to grab the pose doll. It wasn't too expensive, giving him hope that he could afford the lioness plush if a price was indeed the case for it. But just as he turned around to take the plush, it was gone. Confused, he thought for a moment that it had fallen off the shelf, but it wasn’t even on the floor. Looking up and down the aisle, he could find no trace of it, as if it had just vanished. With a deep sigh, Gar figured that he had just imagined it, walking out of the aisle he took the wooden doll to the cash register.

Little did he know, that his backpack had been wide-open, as a tiny orange paw reached out from inside, quietly tugging the zipper closed. As soon as the young man got home, he dragged himself to his bedroom and makeshift office, reaching into his bag to take out his laptop and pose doll. But something was odd, he felt something soft and fluffy among his items, something that definitely wasn’t there before. Taking it out of the bag, his eyes shot wide open in shock, baffled to find lioness plush that disappeared from the art self in the palm of his hand.

At first, he was speechless, just looking at the door with this belief, only to be followed up with panic as he dropped the doll onto his bed. “What the…” he mumbled as he stepped away from the plush. Gar couldn’t believe that had gotten in his bag, he didn’t even touch the plush let alone take it with him. Or did he? Pacing back and forth, he struggled to remember if he had taken the doll without thinking, or perhaps if he had intended to take it to the counter only to forget that he had put it away. No matter how hard he tried to remember, or how much he struggled to make sense of it, he could’ve sworn that the doll had disappeared from the shelf without a trace, but now he was only left questioning his own memory.

Eventually, he stopped pacing and just faced the wall, standing away from his bed. “Am I going nuts? Do I not remember taking it with me? Did I just shoplift?” He thought to himself, going into a silent panic before a soft-spoken and rather feminine voice broke the silence. “What's wrong cutie?” The young man felt his spine jolt as he quickly turned around, looking over to his bed too as he was greeted with yet another site that made him freeze in disbelief. Sitting on his bed, in place of the plush he had placed there, was a tall, slim, fluffy, beautiful woman with anthropomorphic lion-like features.

The woman looked bafflingly similar to the plush he had left there. In fact, she looked exactly like the plush, a life-size spitting image of it. It was like the very plush had instantly grown in size and come to life, which seemed like a ridiculous idea at first until he continued to examine her features. The woman's snow-white underbelly, and pastel fluffy orange fur were clearly made of some kind of fine cotton and faux fur, making which made her already voluptuous form rather cuddly and appealing. And it definitely wasn't a suit as, her clearly animated face gave him a welcoming and rather elegant smile, her piercing yellow eyes narrow towards him in a rather flirtatious manner, her legs crossed with her arms splayed to her sides, hands firmly placed on the sheets of his bed.

“Nervous about bringing a girl home for the first time?” she followed up with a teasing chuckle, tilting her head as she maintained eye contact with him. Though still completely dumbfounded, her voice made his heart skip a beat, talking to him with a soothing softness that actually managed to calm his anxiety a bit. The woman then sat up from the bed, leaning forward as she took a couple of steps toward him. “Normally I wouldn’t follow a man home on the first date…” she said soft spokenly, making Gar nervous as he backed up against his desk behind him. After a couple more steps, she was so close that their faces were only inches away from each other, with her chest fur just barely touching the fabric of his shirt.

“But something tells me this was love at first sight…” Just before their noses could touch, the young man could hear a purring growl from the woman, seeing a small but clearly visible fang spring out from the top of her mouth. Spooking the daylights out of him, Gar Jolted back and hopped back onto the table right as she swung her arms forward, nearly grabbing him in her soft but large plushie claws. Sliding off of the desk to his right, he backed up towards the door as her flirty smile widened with excitement. The plush woman eagerly wagged her tail as she watched Gar back up further, licking her lips as she slowly turned back towards him.

“Awww… playing hard to get?” she said with an almost shivering chuckle, crouching down as she held her paws up in front of her. “Well then, I don't mind catching my man before I make 'em a snack!” she followed up with a playful growl. Wasting not a moment more, the young man dashed through the door before making a sharp turn down to his left, right as the lioness pounced toward him. At that moment as he turned, Gar felt something snag onto his hoodie, slipping out of it as he tumbled into the hall and heard a heavy thump behind him. Regaining his footing, he looked back for just a moment as he saw the plush crouched on all fours,  holding his hoodie in her mouth, spitting it out before gunning for him once again.

Before he had time to turn around and run again, he felt the weight of her plushy body flop on top of him, tackled off of his feet as he was flung down the hall. Both tumbling into the living room, he could feel her claws tightly clench around his shirt, with the rumbling purr of her eager growl vibrating against his chest. again spooked by the predatory plush, he swiftly shoved her back as he rolled away, scattering back to his hands and knees as he prepared to run again. But then, to his complete Prize, she was gone. The plush lioness had been right there next to him on the floor, clinging to his shirt a like needy house cat, yet she had disappeared without a trace.

The living room wasn’t all that big, with only a single couch next to the hallway he had just stumbled through, with a small TV in front of it and a desk near the front door to his apartment. There wasn’t anywhere the plush could’ve hidden, But she was nowhere to be seen. Cautiously getting back to his feet, he kept turning his head left and right, afraid that the elusive plush woman would pounce on him from any angle, but it became obvious that she was indeed gone. She couldn’t have gone down the hall without being noticed either, leaving him flustered and puzzled as he struggled to make any sense of it.

Eventually, he just slumped his shoulders down as he dragged his feet to the couch, letting his rear fall on the cushions as he sat back and let out a long exhausted sigh while closing his eyes. Gar has been under so much stress, losing so much sleep, that the only reasonable conclusion is that he had simply hallucinated the aggressively clingy plush lion. It seemed so real, he could’ve sworn that he could feel the weight of her soft but heavy body clinging to him as he struggled to escape. The more he thought about it, the more restless he became, unable to relax as he slumped back against the couch with an annoyed mumble.

The very second he let his head rest back, he felt a familiar pillowy softness squish against the back of his neck, a sensation that was very plush in texture. Gar’s eyes shot open, and it was at that moment that he saw two large plushy arms in his peripheral vision, reaching out from behind him right before they wrapped around his chest in a big tight hug. The young man gasped as he turned his head right, greeted with the alarming sight of her dominant grinning face, gently nuzzling up against his cheek with a gentle growl. That was not all he saw, past her fluffy cheek obscuring his vision, he could see her lower half sliding out from behind the couch, squeezing her soft flexible body through the small gap between the couch and the wall.

“Caught you.🎵” the woman whispered teasingly. After climbing out from behind the couch completely, she wasted no time pinning him down against the cushions, quickly putting his escape attempt to swift an end as she put her weight on him and wrapped her legs around his. Panicked, he twisted and squirmed in her hold, but could not break free let alone move his arms and legs. Despite just being a plush, her strength completely dwarfed his, her grip on him truly firm and unyielding. What’s more, her body weight also made it difficult to push her away, as if someone had plopped a life-size beanbag on top of him. To avoid smothering him, she slowly and carefully turned his body over so he was facing upwards, until they were soon face-to-face.

Gar could only whimper as he stared directly into her gorgeous but predatory eyes, his pupils dilating in fear as heard another eager per from the lioness. One last time, the man tried to pull himself free from her grip, not wanting to know what the strange anthropomorphic plush had in store for him. But now how much he struggled, her body was far too squishy and flexible to have any real leverage against her. “Uh uh uh uh… no running away.” she teased, wrapping her tail around his waist and squeezing him even closer, reducing his pathetic struggles to mere wiggle and even hugging and tighter for good measure.

A small whimpering gasp left his lips as the plush fully smooshed her heavy voluptuous body against him, embracing him in a clingy and cat-like hold with both her hands wrapped over his back. With her supple breasts pressing against his chest, and pillowy hips squeezing down on his pelvis, the young man couldn’t stop himself from blushing, as the very softness of her pillowy body was enough to make him shiver in a conflicting mix of comfort and dismay. The lioness then smooshed her squishy cotton nose up against his, smiling triumphantly as she gave him a teasing blink.

“There we go all, nice warm and all wrapped up, like a nice yummy snack.” she whispered to her prey, followed up by a tiny lick upon his lips. The human could only gulp, as he found himself unable to escape her dominant gaze. Was she actually going to try to eat him?  His thought would soon be answered as she opened her plushy mouth with a mewing “Ahhhhh…” revealing her sharp white leather teeth and pink velvet tongue. Gar closed his eyes in dread as he prepared for what he thought would be a painful bite. Only seconds later, he felt a soft tingly sensation against his lips, sending a strange pleasant wave of warmth throughout his body as he opened his eyes in bewilderment.

“Mmmph?!?!” he gasped with a muffled whimper, her lips pressed up against his as she locked him into a deep passionate kiss. Her eyes were closed and relaxed, Gar could hear a soft purring moan from her as she gently but eagerly made out with her catch. Gar’s first thought was to push her away, until another wave of euphoria flowed over him, slowly closing his eyes as he let out another soft but calm whimper. Sliding her paw up from his back, she then placed her palm underneath the base of his head, gently stroking his hair as she continued to smooch him.

Even as his resistance faded, she held him tightly against her body, squeezing him like a teddy bear as the human whimpered like a spoiled kitten. The human’s thoughts and fears soon faded entirely, his mind becoming blank in the comfort of her pillowy embrace. Now that his fear had faded, he only now realized just how cuddly the woman was. The lioness’s plush body had a very malleable squishiness that he had never felt before, with every supple curve of her form gently molding to his as she lay on top of him, as if she was made of memory foam.

With the addition of her surprising heft, her body pressed down on him with a soothing amount of pressure, as if being held down by a weighted blanket. But moments later, she would roll over to her side, no longer seeing the need to keep him pinned down as her unyielding hold on him slowly turned into a gentle cuddle. She squeezed her chest against his, teasingly wiggled her hips side to side, and began stroking the back of his head with her soft plushy paws, rewarding him for his submission.

Then, after unbinding his waist, she began to use her tail to undo his pants, slowly and subtly pulling them off until they would eventually slip off of his legs, letting them fall off the couch. The plush would follow this up by slowly pulling his shirt up, letting her paw rub against his bare back as her soft fabric massaged his skin. With every moment they kissed, the more his thoughts drifted, giving into the indescribable pleasure of her affection as he practically melted in her arms. Even now, he could barely even notice that he was being undressed.

For the first time in months, his thoughts were freed from the stress of his work, with the warm sensation of her lips, the soft encompassing pressure of her embrace, and the rhythmic sound of her soft vibrating purs, he had almost forgotten what it felt like to be comfortable. For the next few minutes, it felt as if he was sinking into her arms, like he was sleeping on the world’s most comfortable bed. It was like everything else around him no longer existed, enveloped in the affection of his new plushie guest.

Drifting further and further into the bliss of her comforting embrace, it felt as if he was laying on an ocean made of soft blankets, rippling and shifting around him as he sank into its welcoming abyss. Rocking him back and forth, squishing around his body, it felt as if his surroundings were trying to pull him deeper into comfort. Gar didn’t fully realize he had fallen deep into sleep, thinking that he was truly in an ocean made of comforters. But it was then that he felt something different, there was a rippling sensation in his chest, one that almost shook him out of his trance. The man couldn’t understand what it was, only that it felt as if something was vibrating against him.

With that, the sound of low rumbling soon met his ears, almost like the soft puttering of a motorboat. The sound grew louder and louder, until he finally opened his eyes. The young man was back in bed, the warm light of the morning sun beaming into his bedroom and over his silky bedsheets for the first time in weeks. And the first thing he saw was the adorable sleeping face of the overly affectionate lioness. Feeling the rippling vibrations of her happy purrs with their bodies cuddled up to one another, her chest pressed up to his as she was snuggled up to him.

While he was certainly surprised, he didn’t feel the least bit nervous, or afraid. In fact, he felt calmed by her presence as he watched her cute sleeping expression, especially while feeling her squishy body all snuggled up to him. The lioness was truly soff, as if he was cuddling like a weighted body pillow, but with the twist that he was being spooned with her arms wrapped around him nice and tenderly. Then, only moments after he had woken up, the lioness would also open her eyes, greeting him with a happy smile as her rhythmic purring immediately grew stronger. For a brief moment, they just stared at each other in silence, until she took his lips in another passionate smooch.

“Mmmgh?” he moaned softly, feeling the warm heart-fluttering sensation of her kiss as her arms squeezed him tighter, nearly closing his eyes again in the comfort before he quickly snapped himself out of it. With some effort, he managed to pull his lips free from her kiss long enough to get a word out. “W-wait!” he exclaimed. At his request, the lioness plush put a hold on their make-out session, though keeping her face close enough that she could continue at any moment. “Yeees?” she purred softly, giving him a teasing look with her eyes only half open.

“Who… or rather, what are you?” he asked hesitantly. The feline woman simply tilted her head curiously, followed up by a small giggle while maintaining her teasing demeanor. “I’m a plush silly, I’m sure you knew that the moment you laid eyes on me.” she explained with a soft voice, though barely scratching the surface of the young man’s curiosity. “But how are you- well…” he asked, pausing midsentence as he didn’t know how to proceed with his question “Moving?” she answered while subtly reaching her down beneath the blanket. “Because how else would I cuddle you snack?” she teased pulling her paw out with his boxers in hand.



His expression froze as he saw his underwear in her hand, only now realizing that he could feel no clothes on his body. With a teasing snicker, the plush woman tossed his boxers across the room, and Gar could only watch as they disappeared over his bed. “So you won’t be needing THOSE for a while.” With another chuckle, she then rolled on top of him, leaving him laying on his back as she nuzzled her head under his chin. “Anyway… you're mine.” she growled, before giving him a big long passionate lick along his neck. The young man shivered in ticklish surprise as her smooth warm tingly velvet tongue ran along his sensitive skin, making him giggle and squirm as she continued giving his neck her sloppy plush kisses.

Gar tried to push her away, but her tongue tickled him so much he couldn’t control himself properly, squirming underneath the weight of her soft body as he wiggled and fussed around like a helpless rabbit. “W-wait-hehehehehe…” the young man barely managed to whimper out, but the lioness reluctantly complied, putting a brief stop to her kisses as she placed her paws over his shoulders. “Awwww, what’s wrong? Are you still frightened of me?” she purred teasingly, lifting her head back up as she looked down upon him. It took the young man a moment to calm down before he was able to respond, his big giggly smile still spread across his face. “Well, you did try to pounce me earlier. I thought you were trying to… well, eat me.” he stuttered. The lioness woman just chuckled softly, her smooth long tail swaying back-and-forth she looked him in the eye. “Oh silly, I was just teasing you a bit.” she said while leaning in closer, enough that she could spring another kiss on him if she wanted.

“Don’t you know how cats love to play with their food… SNACK?” her purring got louder as her smile whitened, showing her fangs while maintaining her unbreakable eye contact with him. Gar remained silent for a few brief moments, thinking he had misheard how she addressed to him. “Snack?” he asked with a small voice. Immediately following his response, she leaned down and gave him another smooch on his lips, taking him by surprise before pulling away only seconds later. “Yes. You. Are my snack.” she said as her happy purring grew softer and more relaxed. “Because you’re sweet, cute, have good taste…” she then flicked her tongue on his lips again, getting in another little kiss as she pressed her nose up against his. “And because I love you.”

Gars' heart thumped in his chest, his cheeks turning soft and rosy as the plush woman smiled at his flustered expression. He would remain silent as he lost himself in her dominant eyes, unsure of how to even respond. “But… why me?” he asked meekly, looking genuinely bashful. The plush woman just giggled softly, taking a moment to admire how adorably nervous he looked. “No reason, I just like you.” she answered, no teasing in her voice, no snarky dominant giggle, just a straightforward soft-spoken answer. “And I knew you liked me, which is why I climbed into your bag when your back was turned.”

“Oh” Gar exclaimed softly as he heard her explanation, feeling just a bit relieved that he didn’t impulsively steal the plush without realizing it. With her paws still firmly wrapped over his shoulders, she gently pushed him back down against the bed, keeping her face right up against his. “Now that I’ve answered your questions, let’s continue.” Without wasting another moment, she once again took his lips in a big kiss, pushing him into submission as they continued where they had left off. The lioness slipped her left hand underneath her back, with her right-hand wrapping under the back of his head, cuddling him up nice and tight.

Just as before, her kiss eased his mind, pacifying him much easier than before as he went completely limp in her arms. With her loving intentions now clear to him, he had absolutely no reason to resist, surrendering himself to the affectionate stowaway who had piggybacked home with him. Gar’s mind drifted further and further as the tingly warm kisses nearly east him back to sleep, before the lioness abruptly pulled her lips back to give him a small kiss on his nose. The man smiled as he felt the warmth of her lips tickle his skin again, just barely holding back a giggle before she began to aggressively smooch the left side of his face.


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