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The hallway was long and claustrophobic, feeling as if it was almost alive as it seemed to go on and on and on. The squeaking footsteps came closer and closer, looming behind him as a constant reminder that he would not escape. With every step he took, he thought he could finally wake up from this surreal nightmare, but the hallway seemed to be stretching further and farther with the exit as far out of reach as his chances of getting home.

Jake, a muscular alligator man, and Boris, a slightly chubby but tall polar bear man, had only just found themselves in the strange vast underground labs. With nothing but rubber shorts for clothing, they were forced to retreat after escaping from the weird inflatable padded rooms they were nearly forced into, with only the hallway as their option for retreat while pursued by the rubber-coated androids. Jake took a quick look back, seeing one of the androids waving something in one of their hands, a pink shiny ribbon of some kind with two green balls attached to both ends. With a swift powerful toss, the android tossed the device towards them, and Jake just turned his head forward as he redoubled his sprint.

But then, he heard a loud thud from behind him, looking back to see Boris had fallen face-first onto the ground, with the ribbon snuggly tangled around his ankles and weighed down by the two green balls now laying beside his fluffy feet. With the androids rapidly approaching, Jake had no choice but to continue his retreat, leaving his friend behind. Just as Boris was about to reach down to untangle his ankles, the two green orbs began to hiss loudly, quickly expanding to twice their size while gravitating upwards. Before he could even react, he felt them tugging on his legs, becoming flustered as the inflating balls began pulling him off of the floor.

Desperately pawing at the ground, he only then realized that the metal floor was completely seamless, with nothing to grasp onto as his legs were hoisted above him, the orbs still inflating until they begin to squeeze around his feet. Boris gasped as pointlessly bapped his muscular hands against the floor feeling the ballooning inflatable rubber balls squeeze up his ankles until he was hoisted off the ground completely. While one of the androids continued their pursuit of the alligator, the other slowed down and stepped up to the helpless polar bear letting out a crackled chuckle as she placed her hands on her hips. This android had one leg that had slightly darker rubber on her right leg, with a sharp gash on her thigh. With that, she simply stared at him as he dangled upside down, suspended off the ground as the balls continued to expand and envelop Boris all the way up to his knees.

Feeling the ever-increasing tightness traveling down to his body, he fussed and thrashed about trying to free himself, only for the balls to squeak and creak with his futile struggles as the android watched in amusement. Meanwhile, the sound of hissing air grew louder and louder as they continued to expand, smooshing and pressing around the polar bear's lower half until they reached his pelvis, resulting in a loud growling moan from Boris as the inflation quickly sped up. Realizing this, he quickly pressed his arms down against the squishy rubber balls sandwiching his body from both sides, but his muscular arms only got stuck underneath the puffing green rubber, pinning them to his sides as the balls squeezed up around his chest.

With only his neck free, he could only shake his head and whimper until the rubber pressed up underneath his chin, only stopping once it tightly inflated over his mouth. “Mmph!? Mmmmph!” Completely sandwiched in a ball of green rubber, his defiance was reduced to reverberating squeaks and groans just bearly audible outside his prison. Boris struggled against the tight double-layered latex from within as he remained suspended upside down, glaring at the rubber robot that stood triumphant before him. Though satisfied with her catch, the robot just sighed, feeling just a bit underwhelmed with just how easy and quick it was to capture the strange beast-man.

It was then that she reached over to the com on her wrist, connecting to her partner further down the hallway. “06 wait.” she instructed. The machine she was addressing turned her head all the way around, still running as she resumed her pursuit. “What?” she asked. “Reacquiring these test subjects has gotten… dull…” the stationary machine explained, leaning nonchalantly against the floating polar bear balloon next to her. “Don’t re-acquire him just yet.”

“Are You nuts 85?” the other machine growled, slowly gaining up on the beast-man. “If I let this alligator loose in the facility, I’ll get downgraded!” she snapped. “I’m not saying to let him go per se-” 85 responded, still leaning against the double-floating bondage balloon. “Hear me out, there is a prototype inflatable test chamber only a few blocks from here. I can access the chamber by connecting to the terminal, all you need to do is herd him to it.” 06 went silent for a moment, thinking about her partners alternative while keeping the alligator man in her sights. She could technically catch him at any time with her arsenal of rubber gadgets, but indeed, the task of recapturing these slippery anthropomorphic people was getting rather monotonous. Out of curiosity, she quickly accessed the data on the test chamber in question, looking over all the interesting sets and toys the chamber had to offer. Getting closer to the end of the hall, she began to slow her pace and responded to her counterpart. “OK, I’ll seal off the exits ahead and put him in the right direction.”

85 then switched the frequency of her com to contact one of the other lab employees. “Yes, hello Andra, you know that new testing room you’ve been working on with Rei-Uno? Could you connect me to the block's terminal for just a minute?” Finally, Jake reached the end of the hall, fumbling his hands against the control panel on the left side of the door before finally opening it. 06 did not immediately pursue, stopping at the terminal as she stuck all four of her main digits into the open socket next to the controls, connecting to all of the block's corridors. Jake saw multiple elevators ahead, with two separate hallways on either side at the end of the room. But before he could make a choice of where to go, almost every elevator suddenly slammed shut ahead of him, with the only open one being on the far end of the room, right next to the left hallway. With few options, he ran towards the hallway on the right, sprinting as fast as he could right as a blurry projectile flew past his head.

With little time to react, he only stumbled to a halt once the projectile landed directly on the hallway wall with a splat, jiggling and wobbling like a water balloon before rapidly expanding outward. In less than a second, the strange shiny ball swelled up until it filled the whole hallway, bulging out with reverberating creaks so loud he could feel the vibrations of the rubber shaking the room. Not wasting another moment, he turned the other way toward the other open hallway, only for another projectile to be shot toward it as well, swelling up and blocking it in an instant. Jake looked back to the android, staring down the barrel of a small metallic nozzle poking out from her wrist as she slowly advanced on him, slowly but confidently advancing on him with little hurry. Panicking, he quickly bolted toward the one open elevator, running inside as it slammed shut behind him. 06 tucked the barrel back into her wrist, putting her counterpart back on the calm. “We got them, do your stuff.”

The young alligator could feel his heart pounding like a jackhammer as he backed up against the cold metal wall of the elevator, pressing one of the random buttons vigorously, as he begged for it to move. Elevators had always been frustrating to him, but this was 10 times worse, watching the door with panic in his eyes as he expected the feminine machine to rip it open with her bare hands. At that moment, he heard metal rattling all around him, thinking his worst fear had to come true before he realized that the whole elevator shaft was shifting around him. Backing up into the corner, he curled his tail up beside his leg as he braced himself for the worst.

But after a few moments, the shaft went eerily silent, putting Jake on edge as he simply remained curled up in the corner. Then, a sudden metallic KLACK from beneath him shook the cubicle, looking down to see the floor had split in the middle, and continued to widen. The young man gasped as the metal plates beneath him retracted into the walls, backing up as far as he could as a frightened wine left his scaly lips. But to his bewilderment, beneath the floor wasn’t a large open elevator shaft, but what seemed to be a large, puffy, shiny-looking tube. The soft echoes of soft, creaking rubber could be heard emanating from the large opening, as if the tube stretched on for miles below. From where he stood, it looked like an inflatable slide, one you would see in a bounce house or something.

Regardless, he continue to back up against the wall, but with no railing whatsoever, he was unable to keep himself in place for long before the floor beneath him retracted completely. With a heart-dropping yelp, he plunged into the large inflatable slide, the padded segments of the tube breaking his fall as he slid down the smooth rubber. Everything went dark as he plunged deeper into the slide, bapping his hands, and feet around as he tried to get some leverage to stop his descent, but the rubber was too slippery to grasp. The slide would twist and turn, sending him every which as he fell for nearly 30 whole seconds before he could see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Before he could even adjust to the brightness, he was free from the tunnel end and landed belly first onto a soft inflatable surface with a loud reverberating squeak, bouncing and down for a few brief moments before he was able to regain his bearings. “Ugh…” he groaned, the sudden but soft impact proving rather disorienting for the young man tried to sit up, which proved difficult with how squishy the floor was. When he finally adjusted to the light, yet another baffling sight greeted his eyes, as he found himself in a large, colorful bouncy castle.

At least, that's how it appeared at first glance…

The floor was bright pink, its soft squishy surface giving it the hue of fresh bubblegum with over a dozen shiny balls of all colors scattered about. The four columns in the corners of the structure were all bright red, same as the ceiling with the opening to the slippery cushy slide he had entered from ominously looming right above him. But what immediately caught his attention were the walls, which were made of shiny transparent plastic lined with black tubes that looked like metal bars. Jake had no idea what to make of this, it was as if he had been plopped into an inflatable jail cell! His breath quickened as he looked all around him, realizing that there was no other exit aside from the one above him. He was trapped! Unable to stand up due to the squishy floor, he crawled forward toward the edge of the bouncy castle to find that the tubes lining the clear pvc wall were also made of inflatable rubber.

Pressing his hands up against the flexible surface, he looked between the bars to see other similar bouncy castles in the surrounding area, he was in some kind of warehouse or storeroom. “That machine… she led me into a trap.” he sighed, slumping down as his hands slid against the soft tubes and clear plastic. With that he collapsed on his back, allowing himself to sink into the cushy pink rubber as he watched the opening above him slowly closing shut, collapsing in on itself with a loud SQUEAK until it left no trace. The young man was frozen as his eyes were left wide open, slowly coming to the realization that he was probably going to be there for a while. Closing his eyes, he simply lay in silence until one of the nearby rubber balls bumped against his cheek, tickling his scales as he reached up and grabbed it in his hand.

Looking up at the shiny sphere, the rubber ball gently smooshed between his scaly fingers, its bright yellow surface listening in the dim light that entered the cage. Giving it a soft squeeze, he couldn’t help but feel a bit relaxed as warped in his palm. It had the squishiness of a stretch ball, the softness of a pool, but the flexibility of a lightly inflated balloon, this was enough to calm his nerves a bit, as at least he had something to do until he was picked up by the machines and brought back to the padded cell room. WHOOSH! Without warning, the ball suddenly inflated in his hands, bulging beneath his fingers as he tossed it with a surprised gasp.

Sitting back upright, he watched as the ball gently came to rest next to him on the floor, before it yet again increased in size with another swift rush of air. Jake just stared at the now doubly inflated ball, his eyes wide with complete bewilderment, but also that of burning curiosity. With some effort, he rolled back on his hands and knees, and crawled his way over to the ball, slowly bringing his finger over to it as he gave it a gentle poke. It took no less than a couple of seconds for the ball to react as it yet again grew in size. What used to be the size of a tennis ball was now nearly the size of a basketball, with his finger now squishing deeply into its rubbery surface.

Jake felt his heartbeat just a little faster, feeling the flexible surface press around his finger as an idea popped into his head. Though a bit hesitant at first, he grabbed the balloon in his palm and wrapped his arms around it, holding it against his chest as he took in a deep, calm breath. It didn’t take long for the ball to puff up again, increasing its size even more as it squished against his chest and wedged underneath his chin, growing to the size of a beach ball in his passionate hug. He let out another whimpering gasp as the rubber warped over his arms, maintaining his hug until he released it, allowing it to bounce away as it floated to the other side of the bounce house.

Jake watched with a smile as the ball gently plopped next to a couple of other nearby balls, bumping them as they also puffed up to its touch, much to the delight of the alligator man. Meanwhile, 06 was remotely watching the camera feed from where she stood on her heads-up display, while 85 stood guard with the captured polar bear man who remained trapped in his double balloon in bondage. Boris could only whimper in defeat as two of the human guards clad and white latex pushed his floating prison back down the hall to his cell. 06 was then approached by 85, proudly putting her hands on her hips as she leaned over to her counterpart. “So… how is our little alligator doing?” she asked sounding rather pleased with herself.

06 slowly turned her head. “I’m sending you the feed now. But what does this room do exactly?” she responded, sharing the footage with the other android. “Oh… The room isn’t special per se.❤️But….” 85 chuckled. After puffing up to double their size, the two newly inflated rubber balls bounced up in the air and flung in different directions, one flinging into the corner, and the other, a bright pink one rolling over to Jake as it came to rest in his lap. Before he could even reach down to grab it, the ball puffed up again and squished against his groin, making him gasp as the latex rubbed up against the thin spandex of his garment.

Then, hearing the swift rush of inflating rubber from across the room, he looked over to the corner when he noticed the other inflatable ball had also puffed up in size, as it began bumping up against the other balls that also began to grow and inflate. There was a small twinkle in his eyes as he began to giggle, taking the pink ball in his hand as he threw it back to the beachball-sized balloon. Upon impact, both balls again, rolled in separate directions, popping up against the rubber balls as they also begin to increase in size. These balls would also bounce away and knock against other rubber balls in the room, starting a chain reaction as each and every balloon began bouncing around like popcorn as they all began to increase in size.

Within moments, the entire bounce house with was filled with a symphony of soft, rubbery squeaks, as the numerous multicolored balls bounced about. The alligator man was awestruck as he sat in complete silence, watching as the flurry of colorful bouncy balls hopped around him in all directions. It was like nothing he had ever seen before, as all the pretty colors and soft bouncy sounds gave him a sense of overwhelming nostalgia that reminded him of his time playing ball pits and crawling through those plastic tunnels as a child, memories he had nearly forgotten. Jake was so fixated on the pretty colors, he had barely noticed that almost every ball had now doubled in size, growing to the size of dodgeballs and beach balls.

One of the balls landed on his back, breaking him out of his trance as he let out a tiny gasp in surprise. “Oh!” he blushed as the soft rubber pressed against his back, only to disappear among the dozens of other balls as it quickly bounced away. Then, another ball bapped against the right side of his face, turning to see it just in time as it puffed up its size in midair. This only made him more flustered and excited, swimming the rubber balls further filling the bounce house prison with their pretty and mesmerizing colors. Suddenly, a beach ball-sized balloon collided against his belly, reacting quickly as he caught it in both of his scaly arms.

As before with the first one he had held, the balloon inflated in his hug, growing to the size of a small exercise ball as the pressure of its inflated surface smooshed up against his chest and belly, making him shiver with a blissful whimper. Rather than letting the ball go from his arms like earlier, he instead allowed himself to fall forward, putting his entire weight atop the balloon as he giggled in anticipation. Sure enough, the balloon puffed up again, growing several feet to the size of an armchair, and lifting Jake off the floor as he found himself balancing atop it. Fortunately, due to its squishiness, he didn’t roll off of the side, instead sinking into it slightly as it gave him some purchase to sit on. It seemed the extra weight he put onto the balloon caused it to accelerate its growth, as if it was sensitive to the pressure, allowing it to inflate more rapidly.

However, this also made him an easier target, as he could feel himself being pelted by the occasional balloon every now and then, chuckling as he crouched down onto his balloon chair. All the while, the balls bouncing around him continue to grow in size, one of the balloons nearly growing to about 5 feet in diameter as the androids watched the feed from several floors up. Though not amused at first, 06 eventually perked up her shoulders raised as she quietly gasped. “Ohhhh… I see now!” she exclaimed. “How did I not see this earlier?” 85 simply chuckled as she kept her arms crossed. “Doesn’t seem like he’s even realized it yet either, this is where it gets good.”

The young man squirmed as multiple other balloons would bap and smoosh around him from random directions, each one threatening to knock him off his seat as he hunkered down to keep his leverage. It was such a teasing feeling to be pelted and bumped by all these soft inflatables, with their rubbery softness squishing on him every tantalizing moment. However, he would soon notice that each balloon would WAP him with more heft with every impact, no longer feeling like dodgeballs and beach balls as they continue pelting him. Peeking up for a moment as he finally realized how much bigger the balloons have grown. The smallest balloons were almost half his size, some even growing larger than beach balls and bouncing much higher than before. It didn’t matter how much they bounced, they didn’t stop inflating, making the inflatable prison much more crowded. Some of the balls even collided with one another in mid-air, making them grow faster and even.

Suddenly, one of the larger balloons bumped into him from his right side, one nearly 4 feet in diameter as its flexible surface smooshed into his body, shoving him with enough force to knock him off his balloon. Falling face first onto the bouncy floor, it wasn’t more than a second later after he sat back up that the balloon he had just been sitting on puffed up again, squishing against his shoulder and pushing him over as he stumbled onto his side. Even while laying down, balloons continued to bap and bounce atop him, making it nearly impossible to sit back up as he looked around him, it was getting rather packed now, the multicolor balls were now all half as big as he was if not bigger, It didn’t take him long to realize what this meant.

The balloons didn’t seem like they were going to stop inflating, and there was only so much room in his prison. Struggling back to his hands and knees, he tried to crawl his way back over to the wall, only to be knocked over by another balloon as he fell onto his side again. “Ugh…” while it didn’t hurt, it proved to be an annoying set back as he struggled to get back up, he found the floor had begun to rock and wobble around him, thanks to all the bouncing balloons that kept filling his prison. The bounce house wasn’t all that big to begin with, and it won’t be long until his already cramped space became even tighter.

This would soon become the case, as the balloons were now each the size of oversize exercise balls, all rebounding and knocking against each other like giant pinballs. The androids, unlike the occupant, were absolutely delighted by the alligator’s helpless predicament, watching the balloons slowly take over the space as they continued to increase in size. “looks like a dodgeball competition gone awry.” 09 said with a small chuckle in her voice. 85 also couldn’t help but giggle, her excitement growing as they watch the helpless prisoner being pelted by the relentless bouncing balls. “I’ve been looking forward to seeing this little contraption in action. It’s even better than I thought.” she said sounding pleased.

Minimizing the feed on her display, 09 turned back over to her partner. “So this is basically like a bouncing ball pit torture chamber?” she asked, scratching the top of her dome curiously. “More or less.” 85 responded. “But more accurately, it’s like a punishment chamber, made for more rowdy and unruly test subjects.” she answered turning to 09. “While being given a much bigger space, the balloons they are stuck with inflate upon contact. And of course, any prisoners, especially the fussy ones would be tempted to throw the balls around, which can easily start a chain reaction. And as you can see here, if the subject is careless, they won’t be able to stop it.”

“So I guess he blew his own situation out of proportion?” 09 joked. The two chuckled amongst each other, turning their attention back to the helpless alligator man who still lay helpless on the wobbly floor as the balloons continued to bap on him from all directions. But shortly after, as the moments passed, the bouncing would soon come to a slow stop. Each balloon had gotten so massive that there was barely room for them to bounce anymore, as the floor had become so crowded that it was looking more and more like a ball pit than a bounce house. But even without the bouncing, they would still constantly bump up against one another like a bunch of waddling penguins as they continue to puff and grow.

With the bouncing finally calming, Jake was finally allowed to sit up without much trouble, though his space had become much more crowded as the massive inflatable balloons loomed all around him. Losing his balance for a second, he placed his hand on a nearby balloon to his left for leverage, which simply puffed up to his touch as the surface inflated against his shoulder and shoved him back to the floor. Getting back up on his hands and knees with some effort, he could no longer even hear his own annoying groans as the deafening sound of squeaking rubber reverberated throughout his prison. The massive ballooning inflatables surrounded him from all sides, all nudging and bumping up against each other with slow steady puffs.

Each and every ball had now grown even bigger than he was, crowding around him and obscuring his view of the surrounding prison walls, threatening to box him in. With a renewed sense of urgency, he stood up on his hands and knees and crawled forward, wobbling back and forth as the puffing nudging balloons shook the rubbery floor. The balloons were still getting bigger and bigger, encroaching upon him with their squeaky creaking walls of shiny rubber. Approaching a pair of light blue and pink balloons ahead of him that were now only inches away from one another, he attempted to crawl past them as carefully as possible.

Jake shrugged his shoulders up to his neck, crouching down as much as his bulky arms would allow. But at the very last second, the blue balloon to his left suddenly bumped into him, shoving him up against the pink balloon to his other side as he felt the rubber ripple against his scales. The alligator's eyes widened in dread, only given a split second to react before both balloons puffed upon him with a sudden rubbery WHOOSH. Almost instantaneously, the balloons squished him from both sides, sandwiching the upper half of his body with their absurdly TIGHT rubber. With his snoot smooshed shut, arms pinned beside him, and only his legs and rear end sticking out, he had been completely immobilized between the two orbs of squishy latex, able to squirm but unable to move anything above his waist.

Mmmph!? Mmmph!! The young man immediately fussed and kicked his legs behind him, bracing both of his feet and tail against the balloons as he tried to pull himself out. Surprisingly, thanks to the smooth nearly frictionless surface of the rubber, the young man was able to yank himself out with a deep creaking squeak, tumbling backward until he came to a squeaky rest on his back. With a deep shuddering gasp, the young man found himself stunned with a strange sense of euphoria as he lay on the soft rubbery floor, his heart thumping as his cheeks became a deep rosy red. Jake already knew he liked balloons, but being squeezed between them was like nothing he had ever felt before, so much so that he was left in shock.

Regardless of the imminent peril, the smooth, flexible softness of the squishy latex was a strangely pleasant sensation, feeling their tight inflatable pressure squeeze him as if taking him in a squishy smothering hug. Becoming fidgety in the aftermath of the strange feeling, he could only bite his lip as the bulge in his shorts grew noticeably larger. Of course, he would quickly shake this thought away as he struggled to sit back up, only to see that the balloons he had pulled away from were now completely smooshed up against one another, blocking off his only escape route.

Desperate, he looked around him to see that he was indeed blocked in every direction, with balloons of all different colors and sizes bunched up around him and shoving against one another, there was nowhere left to go. Bigger and puffier the balloons became, looming over him and leaving him with a few feet of legroom as he curled up and shivered.

Throughout the bounce house prison, many of the balloons had begun flinging up from the crowded pile, squeezed out due to the growing pressure with loud popping squeaks like popcorn. With this, they slowly began to pile on top of each other, stacking up higher and higher and filling up almost half of the space. Each balloon was inflating in small bursts, puffing up and sending small ripples of vibrations to surrounding balloons, each puff speeding up their inflation and making space around him smaller and smaller by the second. Taking a sharp gulp, he noticed how many of the balloons had begun stacking up around him as well, tinting the light around him with their opaque surfaces with the balls now towering around him.

The threat of being smothered with indeed eminent, and he knew he had only one option. Though he had his teeth filed down at a young age like other alligator people, his bite power was still immense and strong enough to snap plywood in half. leaning into one of the balloons, he closed his eyes, covered his ears, and open his Jaw. “Here goes nothing…” he whimpered to himself, barely prepared for the deafening pop he was most about to cause. Then, with a swift heavy bite, he chopped into one of the balloons, taking the flexible surface into his mouth as he began to grind the rubber against his teeth.

Jake clenched hard, and chewed the balloon like it was taffy, but all it did was stretch and squeak between its jaws. Another wave of panic hit him, seeing just how strong the rubber was, unyielding even under the immense pressure of his jaws. If his own bone-crushing bite couldn’t destroy one, then just how much pressure could they possibly take? Just then, another powerful burst of inflation within the balloon knocked him away, forcing him to release his jaws as he stumbled back, just barely able to keep his footing on the squishy floor. Just as he thought he was going to fall over again, his back was cushioned by one of the ballooning walls behind him, taking him off guard with how much his space had shrunk. The poor alligator barely had the space of a cubicle.

It was at that moment that the little light he had from above was suddenly cut off as one of the balloons overhead wedged itself atop the surrounding ones, making the light dim even more as he found himself in near darkness. The balloon he was leading on then puffed up, thrusting him forward as he squished into the balloon he had just tried to bite into. That balloon too would puff and shove him again squishing up against his face and chest as raised his hands beside him to keep himself from falling over again. But now, he barely had any room to even fall, with the squeaky inflatable walls still closing in on him, working and squishing around the palms of his hands. Poof! Squeak! Squeak! Puff! Squish! Squeak! Engulfed in darkness, he was only able to tell how much a little spacey head as the balloons began to push up against him, accompanied by the deafening squeak of their rubbing inflating latex.

With barely an arm's length between him and the ballooning walls, all he could do was hold his hands and knees up to slow their advance, but he could already feel the rubber pressing up against his back, shoulders, and even the sides of his legs as he kept them in a spread. Breathing heavily, he could feel his heart racing faster and faster as the rubber pressed around him with more and more pressure, forcing his arms closer to his sides as he could no longer hold the inflatable walls at bay. Even then he couldn’t stop himself from blushing, as the balloons gently pressed up against him, as if they were all coming in to hug him at once.

There was nothing he could do, even while keeping his arms and legs braced to his sides, the balloon simply squished and inflated around them, almost as if absorbing them in their flexible rubber walls, and still closing in on him. With the rubber pressing up against this snoot, the balloon shoving him from behind, and the walls now pressing his arms to his sides, he could only Muster a small whimper before he was quickly silenced. Little by Little, the balloons squeezed in on him with their slow subtle puffs, wrapping around his sides, squeezing on his chest and belly, pushing up between his legs, and slowly squeezing over every contour of his body as he soon closed his eyes.

He could feel the rubber creeping over his shoulders, puffing around his legs, and even wedging up underneath him as he was slowly lifted up from the squishy floor. It was almost as if the blues were trying to cocoon him, wrap him up in an embrace as if in a group cuddle. The thought only made his face blush even more as the rubber began to wrap around his head, cradling the back of his neck, squeezing up against his cheeks, and plunging his snoot deeper within the all-encompassing rubber. It felt like his head was being shoved into a pillow. But strangely, as he took in a deep breath through his nose, he realized that he could still breathe. Despite the obvious skin-tight membrane the rubber possessed, it felt like he was breathing through a thin sheet of fabric, and the strong overwhelming smell of rubber filled his mouth and nostrils.

However, soon the balloon would squeeze tighter against his chest, making the young man whimper as the rubber begin to press down on his back and belly, and even more so against his pelvis. And just like that, in the span of just a few seconds, the young alligator was helplessly smooshed between the four balloons, pinned from every imaginable angle, and unable to move at all. Jake could only squirm slightly, as the flexible rubber allowed him just the smallest amount of movement as the sound of squeaky latex overpowered his now meek helpless whimpers.

However, even with the walls closed in on him, the pressure continues to increase, the surrounding balloons maintaining their rhythmic bursts of inflation, puffing up and squeezing in on him one after the other. it almost felt like they were giving him a massage, or teasing him by nudging and pressing on him. Inch by inch, the balloons would rise closer to the top, with only a few feet of space left between them in the ceiling, as the alligator was nowhere to be seen within the mass of multicolored inflatables. The poor young man could only moan as inflatable walls pressed him further and further, slowing his squirms to crawl as the rubber walls grew more firm and tied around his body. Jake could tell that the pressure was still increasing, as a sound of hissing airfield his ears along with the sound of overwhelming squeaks.

Though it wasn’t uncomfortable, the ever-increasing tightness made the experience a bit overwhelming, with the intensifying pressure the rubber would further squeeze and press in on his body, including his more sensitive Areas. And by this time he was completely suspended between the four balloons holding him, lifted off the floor as if he was truly cocooned in their smothering group hug. Soon, the balloons finally reached the top, puffing up little by little and filling up every gap and air pocket that remained, further smooshing up against one another with their collective pressure.

From the outside, the walls began to bulge out, stretching both the inflatable bars and the plastic sheet around them, rounding out ever so slightly but maintaining the growing balloons until they could no longer Expand. Finally, the inflation finally ceased, with the collective pressure completely immobilizing the poor alligator, Who could only manage the slightest of squirms. “Mmmph…” Jake groaned his own muffled voice vibrating throughout the hollow rubber, accompanied by the rippling squeaks of the other dozens of balloons. Though the bounce house had been filled to the brim, the alligator could still feel the balloons pushing and rubbing up against him, pulsing with the same rhythmic puffs as earlier.

Each and every balloon was feeding into an endless loop of pulsing inflations, in turn creating a rhythm of subtle teasing squeezes around the young man. “Mmmph… mmmmph!” he whimpered into the puffy walls as the rubber squished and rubbed over his whole body. Despite his immobilized position, the experience was actually rather pleasurable, though it also served to tease him as found the urge to grind himself against the balloons.

With a needy groan, Jake attempted to thrust his hips forward, if only just to feel a little more pressure against his groin, but his bondage prevented him from moving more than an inch. With how tightly the balloons had packed him in place, his attempts were completely fruitless, especially in the awkward spread-eagle sitting position he was left in. “Mmmmmph…” he moaned in frustration, still squirming in hopes of getting himself off, blushing cheek to cheek as balloons continued to rub and squeeze him, nuzzling him just enough to arouse him, but not enough to stimulate him further. Buried underneath the canopy of cocooning balloons, Jake could only think back to when he first started playing with them when they were smaller, and how nice felt to squeeze them in his arms. If he had just been if he had been so careless, he wouldn’t have gotten more than he bargained for.

“A ball pit that punishes you for playing.” 09 said letting out a robotic purr, rocking her hips side to side giddy with excitement. “Kinky right?” 85 responded with a giggle. “Oh the best part was the anticipation, and the fact that he didn’t realize what was happening until it was too late…” 09 shuttered midsentence, running the footage back in her head as she let out a soft robotic gasp. “GOD I wish our gadgets were more like this, imagine if our balloon guns could immobilize targets more slowly, so we could take our time watching.” she exclaimed. 85 put her finger up to her chin, rubbing her latex-coated finger along her face plate as she turned back to 09.

“Say, we don’t have to report the alligator guy right this second.” she said followed up by a small chuckle. “What do you say we slip down into the storage area where those bounce houses are? We could watch him squirm for a bit before we apprehend him.” 09 put both of your hands together as she stood on the tips of her speed in excitement. “Oh… I love this job!” she exclaimed. And with that, the two androids made their way down to the bounce house storage area, where they watched the anthropomorphic alligator moan and squirm in aroused frustration. The presence of the two machines would go unnoticed by him, unable to see or hear anything aside from squeaking rubber. This wasn’t the case for the androids, who could still see through the opaque rubber with their enhanced vision as they left him to fuss in his looner hell.

By the time the androids decided to let him out, he was already fast asleep and from exhaustion. Jake would later wake up in a much smaller cell, still wearing nothing but a pair of white boxers, but with the addition of a rubber muzzle strapped around his jaws. Regardless, Jake was just happy to be free of the smothering balloons, only the shutter as he felt something bump against his ankle, followed by a hauntingly familiar hissing sound. In his small padded cell, the androids had left him a few souvenirs, a handful of multicolored rubber balls spread out across the floor, one of which had already started to inflate.


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