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With dragons pelting him from every angle, he tried to bat and swat them away with his hands, but he only managed to get more stuck to his arms while bubbles continued to pile onto his body. When he tried to dodge, the bubbles pinning his floor would just yank him back into position, making it impossible to evade the incoming projectiles. It felt like he was playing the world's most unfair game of dodgeball if the dodgeball were replaced with adhesive balloons made of soft jelly. While trying to cover his body, one of the bigger bubbles slapped both of his arms against his belly, pinning them in place as he was left completely defenseless.

Despite having Ted right where they wanted him, the dragons seemed to take their time with him, spitting bubbles just one at a time as if to prolong his helplessness. Eventually, the dragons finally stopped their barrage, taking a moment to admire their catch. Ted was completely covered from the neck down, each and every one of the bubbles clumped and squished onto him with their flexible forms contorted around his powerless body. All he could do was squirm and wiggle underneath the flexible bubbles, but he was unable to stand up and pull his legs from the floor. Ted was also unable to move his arms, stuck to his belly as if wearing an inflatable straitjacket.

But then, he suddenly realized that he was rising slowly, looking down to see the bubbles detaching from the bridge one by one as he felt the weight being lifted from his body. The dragons simply giggled as Ted became flustered and confused, wiggling frantically as the bubbles continue pulling him up. Meanwhile, the approaching sound of heavy squishy footsteps could be heard from below, though yet to go noticed by the helpless Ted. Soon, all the bubbles had pulled themselves from the inflatable bridge, taking the young man several inches off of the floor. Ted redoubled his efforts to push the bubbles off, but they were all sealed around like a cocoon, helpless to the sticky orbs as they continued to carry him up. It wasn’t until the loud approaching footsteps grew closer that he ceased struggling, looking around to see where the sound was coming from.

It didn’t take Ted long to realize it was coming from underneath the bridge, which only made him more worried as he now hovered several feet from the floor. Only seconds later, a giant rubbery paw reached up and grasped the side of the walkway, causing the bridge to squeak and ripple as many of the dragons lost their footing and tumbled around like bowling pins. Then another large paw followed, grasping right next to the other paw as the bridge squished under the pressure of the massive digits. Then, what happened next left Ted dumbfounded, as the head of a large bubble dragon rose up from the side of the bridge, looking directly down at Ted with its cartoonishly large adorable eyes.

The young man froze at the sight of the large dragon, as its head alone was twice his own size. Then, while all the other dragons were still regaining their footing, the big dragon reached over towards Ted, making his stomach drop as it grasped his inflatable cocoon. “Hugh!” Ted groaned as his body was tightly squished in the inflatable grip of the massive dragon, feeling the bubbles contract around his body as if someone was tightening a sleep sack around him. The dragon seemed to have no trouble hanging onto the bridge with just one hand, giving Ted a big smile before opening its wide inflatable maw. The young man shivered, but was powerless to do anything as he was tossed into its mouth, the dragon chomping down on him with its squeaky lips with a satisfied grin.

“Ungh…” Ted moaned as he was tightly squished down from head to toe, with the pressure of its jaw and the numerous bubbles squeezing around him, it almost felt like he was going to be pancaked. But then, as the compression, increased around his body, he could feel the bubbles stretching further over him as the pressure forced them to flatten out. From the outside, the dragon released its grip from the bridge and allowed itself to plop down onto the inflatable streets of the town below, sitting on its rump as it worked its maw around the trapped human. After a few moments, the inflatable dragon spits out a huge bubble one with the young man suspended in the very center.

“Mmmhp!?” Ted let out a confused groan as he was completely squeezed and immobilized between two sheets of the bubble's gelatinous membrane, he could still breathe, but he was vacuum-sealed flat with his arms and legs still curled up. The membrane had the same elasticity as his bubble cocoon from earlier, stretching only slightly before springing his limbs back into position. Though once he was forced to become still, he couldn’t help but whimper comfortably under the elastic jelly, as the soft membrane felt very nice against his skin, like he was wrapped up and cradled within a jiggly floating vacuum bed. Seeing the helpless human comfortable expression, the large dragon smiled at him, giving the bubble a small boop with its finger, and pushing his bubble away. “Mmph?” The young man could only moan in protest as he began to float off, seeing the dragon give him a teasing wave goodbye as the bubble slowly spun and turned him in the other direction.

With that, Ted’s bubble began floating freely down the streets of the inflatable town, occasionally bobbing up and down and causing his inner chamber to jiggle and bounce. Eventually, when the bubble had tilted so he was facing the streets below, he could see that there were other smaller dragons roaming the town, looking up and ogling his near-naked body as his face turned a bright shade of red. It was like the bubble was carrying him around the streets like a parade balloon, putting him on display for the inflatable residents to enjoy.

Suddenly, his bubble prison came to an abrupt stop, as if hitting a wall as it wobbled around him. It was only when the bubble slowly spun around that he was able to see what he had bumped into, revealing the bubblegum-furred fox sitting on a small pink bubble as if it was the chair, floating above the streets with him. Leaning forward, Abby gave the surface of his bubble of big passion hug, squeezing the outer surface in her arms.

“Caught you.❤️” the kitsune said, pressing her lips against the surface well she stared into the man’s eyes. Even with her playful demeanor, he could see dominant satisfaction in her eyes, like a huntress that had just caught her pray, or a young woman staring down at a gacha prize. Stepping off of her bubble, she climbed on top of his, balancing herself on the surface as his prison tilted upwards until he was facing directly up at her. Now kneeling directly above him, she plopped down onto her belly, staring down at him as she gave the surface a flirty little kiss. Despite being immobile and powerless as he was, he couldn’t help but feel his heart skip a beat as she teased him, almost as if he shared her excitement after being caught.

“So…” she wiggled her tail behind her as she rested her chin underneath her hands. “What do you think of my kingdom?” she asked, maintaining direct eye contact with the human as he turned his eyes to the surrounding buildings they passed. Some of the dragons could even be seen through the windows of many of the inflatable houses, with many of different sizes and even varying body types. The more he witnessed, the more alive it all seemed. “Isn’t it lovely?” she said with a dreamy sigh.“When I first created this space, it all started out with my personal bubble bed, the one I put you in while you were asleep.” she giggled with a little wink.

Lifting her head back up, she looked upon the many inflatable houses they flew by, even waving towards one of the dragons peeking out from a nearby window. “But then, I kept adding more, and more, until my bed was surrounded by a room, and that room was surrounded by a castle, and that castle was eventually surrounded by a town. And somewhere along the way, I decided it needed some life, hence all of the bubbly inhabitants.” she boasted proudly. The kitsune woman then sat up on her knees, balancing on top of the bubble while slowly undoing the sash of her kimono. “I couldn’t be happier with what I’ve built here, a castle, a city, subjects…” pausing for a moment, she let her kimono fall off of her shoulders, revealing a small bikini wrapped around her slender body.

Ted's heart thumped in his chest, his entire face turning bright pink as he stared at her soft slender swimsuit-clad body. Her bikini was dark blue, contrasting beautifully with her pink fur, lined with white rounded frills that made her look even more adorable. The bikini itself had a tube top, completely covering her breasts while still outlining their shape perfectly, with her bottom being low on her waist and showing quite a lot of belly. Though revealing, the swimsuit made her look absolutely adorable with an equal amount of sex appeal. Abby just smiled as she saw the nervous look on his face, along with his obvious arousal as she noticed the restrained dent in his boxers. “But now… it’s time I enjoyed a little quality time with my new pet.” Laying back down atop the bubble, she allowed the surface to take her weight until she slowly slipped through the membrane, popping inside and gently landing on her hands and knees. Now looming directly above the curled-up human, Abby booped the top of his forehead, causing the membrane around his body to pop, freeing his limbs as he spread his arms and legs apart with a relieved sigh.

Making eye contact with the pink-furred Kitsune, he found himself struggling to keep his eyes from drifting down her slim beach bod. “W-Why a swimsuit?” he stuttered. A smug grin spread across the pink fox. “Silly.❤️” she teased, touching her nose against his. “Swimsuits and bubbles go together like bread and butter.” she replied with a teasing little butt wiggle. Besides, what better outfit allows you to feel the soft jiggly surface press all over your body? Exactly why I only left you in these boxers.” Abby then looked down toward the bulge in his underwear, slithering her tails down until they were right over his lower half. “Speaking of which.” Licking her lips she slipped her tails into his waistband. “H-hey!” Ted's eyes shot open as he grabbed his boxers right before she could attempt to tug them off. “What are you doing?” he gasped, turning his head down toward the ogling dragons below. “Everyone will see.”

But then, not more than a moment after he protested, he noticed the inner membrane underneath him taking on a slightly pink hue. Not only that, it had to be gone to puff up like a cushion, with air filling the center membrane as if it was being stuffed with Air. It was only then that he saw the bubble Abby had been sitting on earlier pressing itself up the outer surface. It seemed to shrink as the inner layer of his bubble continued to puff and inflate, as if slipping into the double-layered interior, or like it was merging with it. From the outside, this also appeared to be the case, with Abby‘s pink bubble slipping into the bigger one and molding with it from the inside. It wasn’t long before the center became so puffy that I felt like his body was sinking into the membrane, becoming just as soft as the bubble he had woken up on minutes earlier. It was like a pool floaty was being inflated underneath him.

Second, by second, the bubble continued taking on a much brighter pinker coloration, even the light illuminating the inside became tinted with a shade of pastel pink. Turning his head back down, he took one last look at the streets below before the surface went completely opaque, with every inch of the bubble now taking on a shiny and almost rubbery pink texture. With that, Abby‘s bubble disappeared, completely merged and stuffed into the one they were currently cradled in. To the inhabitants below, it looked like someone had blown a giant pink ball of bubblegum and let it loose into the air. Ted was left completely dumbfounded, looking around as if the outside world had just disappeared, surrounded by nothing but the soft pink gum encapsulating them. “There.” Abby giggled with a swift tug of his boxers, yanking them clean off with her tails while Ted was distracted.

“H- Hey!” Ted gasped, reaching down to cover himself. With that, Abby flicked his boxers away, flying right through the bubble's membrane and fluttering down to the streets below. His garments would soon land on top of the head of a non-expecting bubble dragon, who would inspect the boxers for a brief moment before looking up at the opaque pink bubble above. Back in the bubble, Ted’s face was completely red with embarrassment, crossing his thighs together as he desperately tried to cover himself. “I need those…” he said desperately, feeling vulnerable and exposed. “Now now…” Abby said in a soft voice, leaning down closer until her chest was pressing on top of his, making Ted inhale softly as the spandex of her tube-top brushed against his skin.

“You won’t be needing those silly boxers for what’s next.” she whispered only inches from his face. Then, without warning, she pressed her lips down upon him in a surprise kiss, making the young man jolt as a pleasant tingly sensation spread across his body. Ted tensed up for a brief moment before going almost completely limp, even his legs went slack, leaving himself completely exposed. With that, she plopped down on top of him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug as she focused on their intimate kiss. It didn’t take long until they were both moaning into each other's lips, with Ted returning the kiss but allowing her to take the lead.

Then, unbeknownst to Ted, small bubbles began puffing out from the fox's ears, each one shaped like a soft rounded heart as they began pouring out one by one in a steady sudsy stream. As they began to caress and cuddle one another, the fox then slipped her tails into her swimsuit, undoing her tube top and pulling off her bottoms before tossing them aside. At this point, the bubbles now filled up more than half of the bubble as they gradually inflated around them, occasionally bumping against Abby‘s tails. Before long, the looming bubbles would press down around them, squeezing them together in a soft pink love cocoon.

The human would once again find himself awakening from another and restful slumber, feeling warm and refreshed with a soft sigh. Though he was only partly awake, he could feel a tender softness surrounding his entire body, squinting his eyes to see his face was resting atop a surface of dark blue fluff. Not wanting to move, he began to close his eyes again, slowly drifting back to sleep until he felt a hand brush over the top of his head. “Mmm?” Ted lazily lifted his head up, with the first thing he saw being the welcoming face of the dark blue Kitsune, looking down at him with an adoring smile. Getting lost in her eyes for a brief moment, it was only then that he finally came to his senses, realizing that his face was nestled up in her large bosom.

Ted was laying right on top of her, wrapped up in her tails from the shoulders down and blanketed in her fluff as if he was a pig in a blanket. Though nervous, he immediately calmed down as she brushed her hand back over his head, easing his head back into her chest. Ted didn’t bother resisting, letting out a soft whimper as the sweet smell of her well-groomed chest fluff filled his nostrils, making his whole body go limp with his head resting deeper between her breasts. Ted had never woken up so comfortable in his life, snuggled up to such a beautiful fox woman and cradled as if wrapped up in the world‘s softest blanket. “Shhhhhhhh….” the fox woman hushed. “You can go back to sleep if you’d like.❤️”

Resting her hand on the top of his head, she began to fiddle with his hair a bit while stroking his forehead with her thumb. “Let me know if it’s too bright, I can cocoon you in my tails if it helps.” she whispered. Ted hadn’t even noticed the light, turning his head to the side slightly to see the sun beaming above them. The light didn’t hurt his eyes, in fact, it was warm and gentle, not like it usually was in his hometown. It was in that moment he got a glimpse of the surrounding room, which surprised him completely. It was a normal bedroom for the most part, with the exception that there was no roof, and the entire room was white, puffy, and looked like it was made of cotton. Even the couch underneath them looked like it was made with some kind of fluff, sagging slightly under her weight like a marshmallow.

Sparking his curiosity, Ted unwedged his face from the fox's chest, and she slowly unraveled her tails from his body just enough so he could sit upright. Pretty much everything in the room was made of the soft white fluff, with the exception of a small pile of books on one of the nearby dressers. But then, when inspecting his surroundings more closely, he saw that the white fluff was slightly wavy, wiggling and moving around almost like a mist. Even the large queen-sized bed on the other side of the room looked strangely puffy and wobbly, almost looking like a cloudy mirage. “Would you like to get up?” the fox asked in a sweet voice. Despite the urge to nuzzle his face back into her voluptuous chest, he nodded, wanting to observe the room further as she gently placed him down onto the floor before unraveling her tails from his body.

His feet sunk slightly into the pillowy surface, feeling the cool rather pleasant touch of what felt like an almost weightless floor. Ted bobbed up and down a couple of times before he was able to get his footing, feeling the soft but strangely airy puffs beneath his feet supporting his weight, yet at the same time, feeling as if nothing was there. It almost felt like he was standing on a soft cushion made of a breeze. It wasn’t something that he could describe very well, rubbing his feet against the floor as he tried to get a sense of what exactly he was standing on, it didn’t feel anything like cotton or marshmallow. “How do you like my room?” the fox asked with a hint of proudness in her voice.

Ted pressed his feet up and down a couple of times, feeling a bit of springy flexibility underneath them. The surface felt like nothing but cold air, but it was definitely there, and of course very soft and bouncy. “It’s… soft…” he responded, though not completely sure how to put his thoughts into words. Ted still had no idea what to make of the strange environment. “It feels like I’m stepping on a cloud.” he followed up. The woman chuckled at his response, rolling to her side as she rested her hand on her cheek. “That’s because it is.” she said. Ted turned around, looking astonished as she gently patted her hand on the cloudy couch. “This is my house is made up of my special clouds.” She then plucked a small chunk of cloud out of the couch and held it in her hand like a cushion, before blowing it towards him with a small flirty breath.

The cloud then smooshed against his chest, making him sigh a bit as its soft cool texture tickled his skin. “They’re just as soft as they as look, and still be touched.” she said proudly. Then as Ted looked down at the cloud on his chest, he noticed something different. He was no longer naked and was wearing boxers again, but they were new ones, with a dark blue gradient with little stars printed all over them. They had the same pattern as the foxes fur, looking up to see her giggle mischievously as she sat up from the couch.

“I hope you don’t mind the new underwear. You weren’t… wearing anything when Abby gave you to me. So I made you a little pair of boxers before I brought you here.” Ted couldn’t help but blush, seeing as the woman had supposedly already seen him completely naked while he slept, making him feel a bit self-conscious as he wrapped his arms over his belly. “I was gonna give you a full set of PJs, but you seemed to like it when I held you against my fur, so I just gave you the one pair so I can envelop you in my tails more snugly.” she explained, playfully brushing the tip of one of her tails against his left leg, tickling him with her touch. The young man felt his heart thump, sighing softly at her gentle touch, tempting him to snuggle back into her arms “I’m glad you’re awake, but I wouldn’t mind at all if you had slept the day away in my arms. You look so adorable when you’re sleeping.” she gave him a cute little wink.

Feeling bashful, he broke eye contact out of nervousness as his eyes drifted to the open roof. “How come there’s no ceiling?” he asked, trying to change the subject. The woman got up from the couch, letting her tail waggle behind her. “I’m glad you asked sweetie.” she chuckled with a smile, giving his leg another playful brush with one of her tails. “I am a cloud Kitsune, I’m a fox of dreams and wonders.” she said proudly with her hands on her hips. “I love the open sky. The sun is so soft and radiant, brightening up everything while showering the world and its warmth. And I love the nighttime, beautiful, twinkly, and so soothing to watch while I fall asleep.” she explained, sneaking a couple of her tails behind his back.

“Of course, I also just like open spaces. Having a roof would just make my house feel stuffy.” Then nudging him from behind, she gently brushed her fluffy tails against his back bringing him just a step closer. “My name is Stella by the way, I’m so glad we could finally meet….” she says with a subtle purr, leaning down until she’s only inches from his face. “Well, formally I mean, with your eyes open.” she teased. Ted’s heart skipped a beat as she touched her nose against his, keeping him just close enough that her tails brushed against his back. “Would you like to go outside?” she asked. Ted looks down at himself with a nervous whimper, a bit self-conscious of his lack of clothing. “But I’m not wearing anything.” he replied bashfully. The woman just giggled, plunging her tails into the puffy floor and scooping a big chunk of cloud out from underneath him as he clumsily stumbled forward.

Dropping on his hands and knees, he found himself gently carried by what he can only describe as a floating cloud, one that felt like some kind of cotton candy cushion. Carrying his weight, it gradually began to lift, levitating him out of the room as he swallowed nervously. “Don’t worry sweetie. I’ll be the only one watching over you today…” she teased with a smile as she watched him float upwards. Now hovering above her roofless room, the young man looked up as his jaw dropped in complete awe. Again lost for words, he around to find himself in a landscape completely made of fluffy clouds. Within the surrounding area were small hills, and some of what looked like fluffy foliage, and of course the small structure below him which was Stella‘s room.

But out in the distance, it just looked like he was in a sky, with the vast gargantuan clouds stretching out for miles, stretching up like mountains in large mind-bending curves it made it look like a scaled-up version of the Grand Canyon. It almost look like he was on a completely different planet, even after staring blankly for nearly half a minute he still couldn’t processor the scope of everything around him. “Beautiful isn’t it?” the Kitsune asked. Ted turned around to see Stella floating on a cloud of her own, hovering up right next to him as she stared off into the distance. “The clouds beyond here are so vast, it makes you feel like you could get lost just by looking.” she said with a proud purr. Ted also found himself looking back to the mesmerizing landscape, his eyes drifting off at the near endless landscape of clouds.

“Did you make all this?” he asked in astonishment. The Kitsuné then plopped down on her chest, placing her hands under her chin. “Pretty much.” she chuckled proudly. “Though these formations change frequently, since the landscape in the distance is a large body of mist, they will shift and reform over time like regular clouds, so I’ll always have something new to look at every morning.” she explained with a happy smile, her eyes drifting over his near-naked body. “Among other things.” she giggled with a slightly naughty look on her face. The young man can only look away bashfully, though didn’t even bother trying to cover himself. “Now now…. Just let me know if you feel chilly.” she said, wiggling her shoulders and allowing her kimono to drop past her shoulders, revealing more of her fluffy cleavage. “I’ll let you slip into my kimono if you’d like…”

Ted’s eyes impulsively drifted back to her voluptuous chest, his attention completely taken from the beautiful landscape. The human was rather tempted by her offer, remembering how he had woken up in her soft cozy embrace, deeply nestled into her chest as if they were pillows. Lost in the memory, he found himself mesmerized by her soft welcoming body, only to quickly snap out of it as he realized that she was getting. Stella's cloud was drifting over to his, floating closer and closer until they soon touched. Upon contact, their clouds began merging together until the fox and human were sharing the same space, sitting only inches from each other as Ted looked up at the smiling Kitsune, her cleavage still very much exposed in front of him.

“So cute…” she cooed, reaching her arms out to him as she pulled him into a gentle hug, easing his blushing face back into her bosom. Stella let out a gentle sigh while stroking the back of his head, even wrapping a couple of her tails behind his back. Ted once again relaxed in her arms, not even making a fuss, completely captivated by her loving warmth. The Kitsune’s expression slowly relaxed while she held him, just sitting atop of her cloud in a moment of comfortable silence as if holding a puppy. “I love my clouds and all…” she whispered, looking out into the distance while petting the top of his head. “But I think I like cuddling you more.” she said tightening her tails around his back.

The young man whimpered happily as he made himself at home in the arms of the fox woman, allowing his weight to sink into her body as well as the clouds beneath then. But even in the comfort of her embrace, he couldn’t stop himself from curiously wiggling his toes against the soft clouds, feeling the airy surface brush and tickle his skin. With a little effort, he was able to wiggle his head free from her bosom as he looked back up into her eyes. “Could I ask something?” he asked. “Mmhm.” the Kitsune nodded her head. “How are we floating on these clouds? I can feel them under my feet, but it also feels like there’s nothing there.” Stella just put on a silent smile at first, simply rocking back and forth as she stared at his curious face.

“You’ve ever been in one of Abby’s bubbles?” she asked. Ted blushed bashfully, slowly nodding as he briefly broke eye contact, thinking back to the intimate love session he had with the pink fox. “It’s similar to the way hers work, I simply use my magic to increase the surface tension in the moisture that makes up my clouds.” she explained padding the cloud underneath them. “So even though they’re soft and fluffy, we don’t have to worry about falling through.” Amazed, Ted looked back over to the vast landscape, just imagining what it would be like to venture out onto the giant far off clouds. “I don’t mean to brag but… personally I think my clouds are a little comfier than Abby’s bubbles.” Stella bragged. Leaning back slightly, Ted looked back up at her with curiosity.

“Have you been to Abby‘s castle too?” he asked. “Oh yes!” she replied looking to the side as she blushed slightly. “When I first visited her castle, she pranked me by trapping me inside one of her bubbles. At first, it was just a size of a beach ball, but when she handed it to me it tripled in size and enveloped my body from the neck down.” Stella placed her hand on her cheek as she chuckled nervously. “She teased that I couldn’t escape on my own, and she was right. When I tried to get out, the bubble only stretched and jiggled as I tried to push my way out. We were both laughing hysterically by the time I realized I wasn’t going to get out on my own, and I had to ask her to let me out.” Stella chuckled as her chest bobbed in front of Ted’s face, tempting him to cuddle back up to her.

“We had a little sleepover on her bubble bed that night, and while it was nice, soft, and squishy, I prefer my clouds.” she boasted, grabbing the cloud beneath them as she took a handful of fluff in both palms. “What do you think?” she asked. Right as Ted looked back up to Stella’s face, she pulled the cloudy fluff out from underneath them, tugging it out like a massive sheet as she draped it around his body. Before he could even react, the fox swiftly wrapped him up from the neck down, completely enveloping his body in the cloud’s soft airy fluff as it squeezed around him. Ted could only gasp in comfort as he found himself completely cocooned, wrapped up in what he could only describe as a fluffy blanket burrito.

At first, he didn’t struggle, in fact, he couldn’t help but relax as the clouds squeezed him in its cool gentle embrace. “Awww…” Stella just smiled as a nervous but comfortable look spread across Ted's face, watching as he gently pushed at his cocoon, stretching the cloudy sheet out slightly before easing his arms back to the sides. The human was surprised by the cloud's flexibility, almost as if he was pushing at a stretchy blanket of cotton candy. But the way it pulled around his body, it felt more like it was hugging him, giving him a comfy squeeze with its puffy cushions of air.

“You really do look like a cute little human burrito. ❤️” the fox cooed, wrapping her arms around him. With little effort, Stella scooped up his cocoon, taking him into a cradling hug with her arms wrapped underneath him. Ted could only whimper comfortably as the fox looked upon him with an adoring smile, feeling as if he was a child in the arms of a doting guardian. Stella’s feelings were mutual, looking upon his cloud-cocooned body as if he was wrapped up in a blanket, keeping him warm and comfortable and she squeezed him against her chest. Being as tall as she was, she couldn’t help but feel an almost maternal affection for Ted, wanting nothing more than to stay like this as she began stroking the top of his head.

For almost half a minute the two just remained in silence, not even for a moment did Stella break eye contact with Ted, just giving him a caring stare as if she couldn’t bear to look away. Though a bit embarrassed being wrapped up like a baby, Ted didn’t mind her staring, feeling more as if he was being watched over as he allowed himself to get comfortable in her arms. “So cute…” she whispered, placing her hand on the side of his cheek as he blushed at the sound of her soft voice. She then stood upright atop the levitating cloud, somehow balancing without so much as a stagger as it begins slowly floating them down. Once they were back on the ground, she gently stepped off the cloud and began walking through the fluffy white field, all while keeping her undivided attention on the human wrapped up in her arms.

“I’m so glad that I can finally spend time with you.” she followed up, gently rocking side to side and swinging her hips as she walked. “Not that I mind watching you sleep, but it’s also nice to look into your eyes.” Once they were in the middle of a cloudy field, only a few feet away from the house with bushes and trees made up of puffy mist she stopped walking as she simply held him like the wrapped-up human burrito he was, they spent another moment in silence as Ted lost himself in her beautiful star-filled eyes. “Would you like to play with me?” she asked, her expression unchanged while narrowing her eyes down upon him. Ted was silent for a moment, breaking eye contact as he thought back to the last game he had played with the bubble dragons, wondering if she was going to have him chased by a giant cloud monster.

However, he found himself reassured once he looked back at her friendly expression, again entranced by her kind, beautiful gleaning eyes. “Mmhm” Ted nodded meekly. Stella chuckled happily as an eager grin spread across her face, bringing his cocoon closer as she took in a big breath. Suddenly, the Kitsune buried her snoot into the cloudy blanket, tickling the young man’s belly as he could feel the outline of her nose through the soft cloud. Suddenly, with a big heavy huff, Stella blew into Ted’s cloud cocoon as it rapidly began to expand, puffing out like a balloon in her arms and becoming much more rounded in shape. Ted let out a soft gasp as the cloud contracted around him, squeezing him softly and immobilizing him further. After only a couple of seconds, the kitsune released her mouth from the cloud, smiling with a soft sigh as she proudly looked upon the now inflated cloud cocoon surrounding the wrapped-up human.

Ted could only blush as he fruitlessly squirmed within his enclosure, forced into a fetal position with his head now sticking out of what looked like a white ball of fluff. “Ohhh…” Stella purred, grinning ear to ear as she gently squeezed the puffball in her arms. “Now you look like a little snowman.” she cooed, lifting him closer as she held him like a beach ball. “Oh I could just…❤️” with a brief pause, she closed her eyes and gave him a playful smooch on his right cheek, making his chest flutter as her soft tender lips tickled his face. With a soft whimper, he blushed as Stella pulled her lips away from his cheek, only to smooch him again with a kiss on his forehead, then another to his left cheek, until she was practically covering his face with kisses. Ted could help but giggle as she began showering him with affection, unable to escape her smooches as he continued squirming in his cloud cocoon.

Stella’s soft puckered lips tickled him with every smooch, making him squirm and wiggle as he was forced into a fit of giggles. It was a strange feeling, while her affection was enough to make him happy, the kisses had a strange pleasant tingling feeling, making him feel all fluttery and blissful like he would as a child at an amusement park. Before his laughter could become hysterical, Stella would stop her kisses, smiling as he allowed Ted to calm. Once his giggles died down, she gently but effortlessly tossed his puffball into the air, sending it forward as it slowly fell to the ground. Ted was startled for a brief moment before landing with a soft Pomf, his fall cushioned by the cloudy ball while simultaneously contracting around his form. Before he could even let out a gasp from the pleasant pressure squeezing his body, his cocoon suddenly hopped off of the ground, springing forward as he gently hopped forward.

Ted couldn’t help but let out a small helpless whimper as his cloud bounced again and again, gently jumping through the fluffy field while teasing him with consistent squeezes. The cloud hopped at a consistent pace, making every contraction around his body rhythmic and gentle with his soft gasps. Despite the strange airy surface, it almost felt like he was getting smooshed around by a ball of fluffy cotton, as if he was wrapped up in the world's softest most rounded sleeping bag. Normally something like this would’ve made him motion sick, but the bounces were never abrupt or jolting, rather its hopping motion was rather smooth and seamless, like gentle waves on the lake's early morning tide.

Tedd couldn’t help but close his eyes from the comfort, it was like nothing he had ever felt in his life, as if he was being cradled and hugged by a ball of air. It was so heavenly, that he would soon lose track of time, paying little mind to the beautiful surroundings as he began to slowly drift off. However, on the very next bounce, the cloud carrying him suddenly poofed away, releasing his body as he snapped out of his blissful trance and belly-flopped onto the soft airy ground. Fortunately, his landing was cushioned by the soft cloudy surface, not even dazed as he slowly pushed himself back up. Ted was surprised to see that he had been brought closer to the white fluffy canyons, getting a much clearer view as he could finally grasp the sheer scale of gargantuan cloud formations.

Their size made him feel so small, yet it felt like he could just reach out and touch them, sitting there in the soft clouds as he was mesmerized by the breathtaking landscape. “Oh my…” he heard Stella’s soft voice from behind him, turning around as he broke out of his distracted state. Walking up to him, she tilted her head to the side as she placed her hand on her cheek. “You’re a little cloud ball proofed.” she sighed, reaching to her left as she grasped one of the cloudy bushes. With a swift tug, she yanked a chunk of fluff from the foliage, spreading it out in her hands into another soft puffy sheet. “There we go!” she smiled. “One more soft cuddly blanket burrito coming right up!”

With an eager grin, the friendly fox woman stepped closer to Ted, who nervously crawled backward as the blanket was brought down towards him. “Oh?” Stella lifted her head up curiously. “What’s the matter? You don’t wanna be cocooned in a cozy ball of fluff?” she asked, wiggling the blanket back and forth as it gently swayed in her hands. Ted couldn’t help but feel a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest, the cloudy sheet looking rather welcoming as she waggled it before him. “Aww Sweetie…” She lowered her head, putting her chin just beneath the sheet. “Be a good boy and come back to your blanket, or would you prefer I tickle you instead?” she said with a gentle but mischievous smile. Ted suddenly blushed, wrapping his arms over his chest and belly as he shook his head.

“Oh come now, don’t be shy.” she teased, taking another two steps closer to him. “Let me wrap your back up. ❤️” Stella continued, still swaying the cloud blanket back-and-forth. Ted could only back up slowly, her voice making him grin slightly as he kept a small gap of distance between them. “I’ll hold you like a little bean bun… squeeze you like a warm little potato,” she cooed, slowly tilting her head up with a mischievous giggle. “Then I’ll cover you in kisses until you spoiled rotten with love.” Stella teased. The fox’s flirty words made his chest all warm fuzzy, almost tickling his ribs as he managed to get up on his knees. “Com’ere you! ❤️”

Stella then lunges her arms towards him, only for Ted to roll back and doge by just a few seconds as he scrambles to his feet back. The kitsune did not immediately pursue, just chuckling with a confident grin how as she watched him stumble away. “Oh?” She exclaimed in a playful tone. “Playing hard to get?” With that, she hopped after him, though not in a full sprint as ran just fast enough to keep pace with him. Again, Ted found himself being playfully pursued in yet another strange mystical world, though feeling a lot more nervous and fluttery as a giggly smile spread across his face. For just a brief moment, he looked back at his pursuer to see just how easily she kept up with him, effortlessly performing a power walk motion even with her expensive-looking kimono.

Ted would struggle to keep his momentum, but found it nearly impossible to stay ahead of her as his feet would sink into soft clouds with every step. It was like running on memory foam, it felt less like he was traveling across a landscape, and more like the landscape was carrying him. It wasn’t long before he felt the soft cloud blanket press against his back, as it was quickly wrapped around him with a swift squeeze, cocooning him once again from the neck down. And just like that, he was scooped off his feet, and back into the arms of the Kitsune as the soft airy cushion of the cloudy sheet squeezed him all over. The young man gasped with a blush as she held him tightly pressing her forehead against his as she looked him directly in the eyes. “Caught you.❤️”

Stella looked at him with the satisfaction that a huntress would after catching her prey while gently caressing the back of his head with her hand. “You know what I have to do now?” she whispered followed up by a soft giggle. “Hm?” Ted replied with a nervous smile. Stella then slid her hand down from his head to the back side of his blanket, as she suddenly slipped her fingers into the airy cushion. “You played hard to get, and lost.” she snickered. Suddenly, Ted shuddered as he felt his soft tingling sensation on his side, looking to see that Stella had reached into his cocoon, feeling her fingers slide against his skin.

A soft giggle escaped his lips, wiggling just a bit before Stella pulled her hand out from the cocoon with a dominant grin. “Oh, ticklish?” she asked in a curious but teasing tone while puckering her lips excitedly. Still smiling nervously, Ted could only gulp as Stella sat down on her knees, placing his cocoon on the soft ground as he leaned down with her wiggling fingers looming above him. Ted shook his head, only to be ignored as she stuck her hands into the cloudy blanket, gliding her soft furry fingers along his sensitive belly. Shuddering once again, it didn’t take long for the young man to break out in a fit of giggles, his cheeks turning bright pink as he shook his head for mercy.

“Coochie coo. ❤️” she said in a teasing voice, capitalizing on his helplessness as he wiggled and squirmed in his cocoon. Even with the puffy clouds surrounding his body, it didn’t protect him from her soft fingers, as she began reaching for his sides, making his giggles escalate into blubbering laughter. Closing his eyes shut, he tried to roll away to his left or right, but he was far too squirmy to make any coordinated movement, rocking back and forth like a giant laughing bean. Even with his persistent squirming, she kept her hands firmly within his cocoon, wiggling and caressing her fingers against the sides of his belly as she kept him in a state of powerless laughter.

“Pleehehehehse stahahaphh!” Ted pleaded, tearing up with a wide drooling smile as he looked up at the playful Kitsune. The human begging voice was just barely comprehensible with this how blubbered his words had become, it sounded more like he was trying to beatbox. Stella just giggled as she leaned over him, refusing to cease her tickles as she looked him in the eye. “I’m sorry sweetie… what was that?” she asked, sticking her tongue out ever so slightly with a playful wink. “Hahahah-plehehehehahahahahah!” Ted couldn’t even form a full sentence, let alone a cohesive word, buried underneath his hysterical laughter. And she continued to tickle him, his eyes were forced back shut as he squirmed and rolled within his blanket burrito.

“Oh silly… I can’t understand you while you’re giggling so much.” she cooed to him, her lips puckered as she kept rubbing her fingers along his belly through the cocoon. It wasn’t for another couple of seconds before she finally pulled her hands out, ceasing his ticklish torment and allowing him to finally recover as his laughter finally died down. Exhausted from his own gigging fit, all the man could do was lay back against the cloudy ground as the kitsune wrapped her arms underneath him, pulling Ted back into her lap as she gave the cocoon a playful little poke. “Bloop.❤️” Stella said with a wink, causing the cloud hugging his body to poof away, leaving his near-naked body resting in her lap as she pulled him back up for a big squeezing hug.


Ted let out a relaxed breath, his head resting on top of her soft chest as she held him like a small Teddy bear. After giving the top of his forehead a small kiss, she loosened her hug and let his head fall onto her shoulder, folding her legs into a lotus position as she looked down at his exhausted little face. For a time she said nothing, simply smiling down at him as she began rocking side to side, pulling him closer until his cheek was smooshed up against her breast, as she kept him cuddled. Ted didn’t know how to respond, just laying in her arms as her gentle rocking kept him cozy and calm. Minutes passed as they sat in silence, the young man dozing off as the gentle breeze whistled around them, watching as Stella’s beautiful star twitnkling fur fluttered with the soft wind.

With a soft little chuckle, Stella tilted her head down towards his, her cheeks slightly rosy as pulled him even closer in a gentle squeeze. “It feels nice holding you.” she said, stroking his side with her left hand. “Just having you in my arms, and feeling your warmth makes me feel so calm.” Stella’s words made his chest flutter, responding with a small smile with a subtle innocent sigh. “I wish I didn’t have to share you with anyone else, I could just keep you here all to myself.” she cooed, turning side to side as if to swing him in her arms.

“Just being here with you, having someone else to share my world with…” she paused for a second as she pulled him closer until his chin was practically resting on top of her left breast. “I’ve wanted you since the moment I first laid eyes on you, now… having you here with me feels like a dream come true. ❤️” she said, subtly squinting her eyes as if trying to hold back tears. Stella looked away for a brief moment trying to keep herself together as she took a deep breath. Before Ted could ask if she was ok, she quickly turned her attention back to him with a fresh new smile. “Speaking of dreams, would you like to take a nap?” she asked.

“Hmm...” Ted let out a relaxed mumble, giving the kitsune a dreamy smile as he nodded in response. “If you’d like, I can use my magic to give you the most pleasant of dreams, one’s just as soft, cozy, and nice as my clouds.” she offered. Ted’s eyes opened wider in astonishment, further grabbing his attention as the Kitsune give him a playful chuckle. “You would drift off to the happiest place your imagination could take you, blessed with the comfiest restful sleep. I’ll watch over you, and I can enjoy holding you in my arms just a little bit longer before we part.” she added, her tone growing softer as she spoke.

Ted could feel his heart beating faster as Stella leaned even closer to his face, her nose tickling his while giving him an adoring little smile. “You ready sweetie?” she whispered with a soothing, almost motherly tone in her voice, her eyes half closed as she felt the young man’s heart beating even faster. “Mmmhhm…” Ted nodded, his calm grin growing with a mix of nervous excitement as a small giggle escaped his mouth. “Good boy. ❤️” she cooed, leaning in as she suddenly took his lips into a deep warm smooch. “Mmmmmm?” and just like that, the young man was given yet another foxy kiss, his heart fluttering as a pleasant warmth bubbled up in his chest.

Ted immediately began to relax, closing his eyes as the fox pulled him in closer. It didn’t take long before his mind went calm, all his thoughts drifting away with the fox’s comfort. Surrendering to Stella, he would go completely limp in her arms and allow her to take the lead in the kiss, sending pleasant warm tingles throughout his body, with a subtle tickling sensation that made him moan and giggle. All the while, Stella slowly began to lift her tails up from behind her, slowly wrapping around the two of them as she kept Ted entranced in her kiss. Had he not been so enveloped in the Kitsune’s affection, cuddled up to her warm body while cradled in her arms, he would’ve felt the soft furry tails enveloping his body as they enclosed around them like a cocoon, disappearing from sight within a ball of dark blue fluff that twinkled like the stars in the night sky.


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