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Keeping his head low, Kren walked down the halls of the building toward the security center, pretending to take notes as he was actually staring at his phone underneath, waiting for further orders. Kren is a young man in his mid-20s with short brown black and unique purple eyes, who had just recently applied to a big research company, one that specialized in memory polymers that can turn any solid or inorganic material functional and malleable. During his first week, Kren even witnessed metal bending and warping on its own when passing by one of the testing rooms. However, one thing he found concerning was the lax safety protocols, the window to the testing room being just ordinary plexiglass, with the lab workers wearing little to no protective gear aside from rubber gloves and eye shields. He couldn’t help but scoff just thinking about it, throwing away any doubts he had about his objective.

On his way to his personal quarters, Kren looked up from his phone just as one of the building’s security bots was walking past him. Even though he was undercover, it was impossible not to shutter as the tall voluptuous figure stepped past him, his eyes drawn to its absurdly attractive and bouncy physique. The security robot was basically a giant bipedal balloon, shaped like a cartoonishly feminine manikin made out of snow-white rubber. It looked rather harmless, almost like a giant inflatable plush, the kind you would hug for comfort. It had wide thighs and legs, large soft pillowy breasts, and a figure to match. These bots were essentially big autonomous blowup dolls, but they seemed more like motherly-looking teddy bears than anything else. This would’ve been the case had it not been for their featureless heads, giving them a slightly intimidating feeling.

Hearing a ping from his phone, he saw that his superiors had sent him a text, one containing a file titled with random numbers. Then, another text followed immediately after that wrote, “Upload to security mainframe and be out by next morning.” As he was reading it, he accidentally bumped into some coworkers, dropping his phone as stumbled past them. He had accidentally walked into two of his fellow seniors, Lian, his superior, and Ui, his fellow assistant. Lian had rounded prescription glasses with brown bangs covering part of his eyes, he was genuinely friendly but a workaholic who always kept on top of his work. He was a natural leader more than most of the higher-ups in the company, making the workspace productive and in high spirits.

Ui, his assistant, was more like a little brother than anything else, almost always seen with him nearby aiding in his work. He was a bit more play full and not nearly as focused as his superior, with unique white hair and a long good-looking ponytail. Lian Looked down at Kren’s phone on the floor, which was still faced up with his last text wide open. Kren went into a silent panic, not sure of what to do as his coworker reached down and grabbed the phone. To his relief, he simply handed the phone back to him with a smile on his face. “Sorry about that.” Lian apologized. Kren breathed a sigh of relief under his breath, closing down his phone as he put it in his pocket. “So funny thing, we were just looking for you.” Ui said from behind Lian. “Oh, is it about the last test we did on the fire-proof silicon? And did they finally agree to put a fire extinguisher in the room?” Kren asked, hoping that they didn’t see the text on his phone.

Ui and Lian just looked at each other, in awkward silence. “Unfortunately, no.” Lian said looking back to Kren “But they said they would think about it.” Ui added looking somewhat hopeful. Then, another lab worker made their way past them, making Ui and Lian nervous as they both went silent until they passed. “Let’s talk about it… on our way back to quarters.” Lien suggested. With that, they all made their way through the halls and to the lab exit. But something was off, both Ui and Lian both look uneasy, as if they were also hiding something. If Kren didn’t know any better, he’d think that his coworkers were undercover like him. Once they were out of the lab, and in the main hall, they went into a corner where they could talk amongst each other.

“So, what do you think of those busty fem balloons that we have patrolling the halls every day?” Ui asked, quickly looking back and forth down the hall to make sure no one was listening. The question took Kren off guard, as with how nervous they seemed prior, he didn’t expect the question to be so casual. The young man thought for a moment before giving his answer. “A little uncanny to be honest, busty or otherwise, I mean the fact that semi-sentient balloons are constantly patrolling the halls makes this job a little terrifying sometimes.” Kren responded crossing his arms. “Well…” Lian stuttered, gently sucking his lips in as if trying to hold back a smile. “Ui and I were thinking of sneaking into the security room tonight so we can, fool around with one of them.” he said. Kren was practically speechless, thinking it was a joke at first.


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