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The Booby Trap Soap Bubble - As the bubble went silent once more, only one thought went through his head. “If only I had ignored this place, if I had ignored this bubble…” And with one last puff, the bubble squeezed down on its helpless occupant.

The Visitor - Surrounding him were multiple figures wearing orange rubber hazmat suits in a metallic spherical dome-like room, with consoles and what looked like monitoring equipment lining the walls. It was almost completely identical to the room he was in before. But what was most bizarre, was the flexible transparent bubble surrounding him, floating just 3 feet above the floor. Completely at a loss for words, he finally came to the horrifying realization that what had happened earlier wasn’t a dream. The bubble surrounding him was very soft and jiggly, almost like sitting on a trampoline made of Jell-O. Bringing his attention back to his supposed captors, it seemed that they were observing him as if he were some kind of exotic animal.


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