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The test was going splendidly, and the specimen was reacting perfectly as expected without even a slight deviation in its form or activity. Andra typed her notes into her tablet, which prove difficult through the rubber gloves of her hazmat suit, especially through the transparent protective face shield, but she didn’t mind much. The room was circular, kind of like a small dome at least 34 ft.² in all directions, connected to a long secure corridor with a metallic sliding door to seal it off in case of emergency. It wasn’t what she was used to but perfect for testing Rie-Unos unique specimen, giving it a controlled environment to avoid any anomalous reactions. With her was a rubber-clad security guard, covered in white rubber with black gloves and stockings with a metallic visor over her eyes, as well as another lab worker who also wore a hazmat suit typing away at the consoles placed around the specimen.

In the very center of the room, floating underneath a circular disc, the specimen appeared as a rippling ball of reflective rubber, pulsing with strange vibrations which almost caused the room to shake, almost like a car stereo put on full blast. Paying no mind, Angela took notes on all of the forms and shapes the rubber ball had taken since the start of their test, hexagons, squares, and even a spiked form, all with perfect symmetry consistent with their hypothesis. However, the unexpected powerful vibrations coming from the orb made her skin crawl, reminding her of the earthquakes she experienced back home. Her tablet was filled with pages and pages of pleasing results, getting ready to close it up as she looked over to the security guard and coworker. “All right, I think we have enough, let’s wrap things up and get ready to...” before she could finish, she suddenly saw the sphere shifting again.

However, instead of changing into something symmetrical, it began stretching out vertically, taking on a rectangular shape. It had never morphed into something so specific. Andra quickly looked down at the console, thinking she may have accidentally typed in a command by she didn’t mean to write, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It was like the sphere was acting on its own, sending a cold shiver down the young woman's spine. Even the security guard seemed a bit wary, and though armed, she wasn’t nearly as well equipped as the androids were. Andra’s lab assistant was the last to notice the rubbers anomalous reaction, looking up from her equipment for a split second before tilting her head up with a gasp. Finally, the latex became still, stretching out 9 x 5‘ as if to mimic the shape of a window or door.

Andra checked the console again as she was about to type in a new command to reset the transforming rubber. But instead, realizing that it may cause more harm than good with its unpredictable properties, she exited the command consul end looked at the analytics and internal readings of the object, seeing something that she just couldn’t explain. While the instruments took the rubber’s new form into consideration, the readings on its mass and dimensions were baffling. The rubber sphere read as if it had its own flux of gravity, and its dimensions seem to invert along with its vertical form. Andra stepped around the rubber object, seeing that it still had a two-dimensional shape contrary to the readings which she had read seconds earlier. The scanner read its dimensions is almost 4D, its vertical plane collapsing on itself as it was a broken 3-D model. It was almost like it was reading as a black hole, collapsing in on itself.

Just then, small ripples could be seen on the surface of the rectangular rubber, like a vibration on a small pond. Not long after did another ripple appear, and then another but with two waves this time. It was like a puddle reacting to footsteps that were growing closer and closer. Despite all three women being completely secure in their rubber suits, they all cautiously stepped away from the center of the room as far as they could, unsure what Rei-Unos experiment was up to. The rubber rippled more and more with every passing second, sending out vibrations with every pulse as if it was getting ready for something big. Then all of a sudden, it stopped. The readings on the specimen stayed the same, keeping the suspense high as the room was frozen with silence.

Under normal circumstances, anyone would have fled the room immediately had they the choice. Unfortunately, the blast door could only open from the outside via securities authorization, and with the specimen acting as strange as it was that wasn’t gonna happen anytime soon. As the seconds passed, nothing happened, the specimen seemingly inactive despite keeping its rectangular shape. Looking down from the object, Andra was about to place her tablet next to one of the consoles, right as a humanoid silhouette suddenly bulged out of from rubber surface, reaching towards her with its hand outstretched. Frightened out of her mind, Andra just simply dropped her tablet without so much as it sound as she jumped back. The figure was lunging forward, its mouth stretched out as if trying to scream, it was like a latex ghost had emerged from the experiment.


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