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Niray, a 25-year-old office worker had just come home from another boring shift at her accounting office. Wasting no time, she dropped her bag along with a package she had received at her front door, and proceeded to walk straight to her room. Upon reaching her bed, she threw off her uniform coat and bowtie, collapsing on the sheets of her bed with a heavy sigh. With her face deep in the comfy sheets of her bed, she gowned out of pure frustration, exhausted at the mere thought of going back to work the next day. Niray’s job wasn’t difficult by any stretch, but recently it’s felt far more monotonous. Long hours of counting, reporting, numbers, more reporting… it was mind-numbing and boring.

Dulled at the thought, she thought back to how her workplace used to be, when her old boss Taio was still in charge. Taio was in his early 30s, had short brown hair, a bit of beard shadow on his face, and a very soothing voice with a British accent. Not only did he run a tight and productive office, he always knew how to make the workplace just a little bit better with his charms and positive attitude. Taio would remember everyone’s names, knew how to motivate his employees, he was just an overall confident and well put together man. However, when he left for a position at a private company, things just went downhill. The boss who replaced him was grumpy, a bit misogynistic, and didn’t even seem like he wanted to be there. And because of the new bosses’ incompetence, their department had been declining in productivity, resulting in lower salaries.

Shaking her head, she quickly thought back to her old boss again, and how pleasant it would be to visit him at his office, if not just for a little bit of flirting. The young woman giggled as she rolled onto her back, the thought of Taio smooth and flirty sweet-talking cheering her up a bit. Taking a deep breath, she sat up from her bed and walked back over to the front door where she left the package she received. Picking it up, she brought it back over to her room where she took her time ripping off the tape before opening the top. Seeing what was inside, a wide gleeful smile spread across her face, seeing some kind of plastic-wrapped packet inside, with a letter from Taio left on top. It took her a few moments to process what she was seeing before squealing with joy, and just when she had him on her mind.

Wasting no time she opened the envelope, taking out a letter with a picture of a sleeping cat on the cover. When she opened the letter it simply wrote “to kitten, Love Taio.” with the tiny heart scribbled next to it. Her cheeks turning pink, Niray’s heart thumped in her chest as she held the letter close to her chest. “Ohhh you dog. ❤️” she chuckled. Tossing the letter aside, she reached down and scooped the packet out of the box. The packet was brown, and there was some subtle creaking from inside as she handled it in her palms. Opening the packet, she indeed found some kind of clear shiny material inside, curiously, she ripped the remaining paper off and held the material in her hand as it unraveled before her. Nirays jaw dropped as her chest thumped like a jackhammer. In her hands, danging before her was some kind of transparent full-body catsuit.

The surface looked shiny and reflective, like well-polished rubber, about as thin as the gloves she used for washing dishes. But rather than rubber, it looked more like some kind of soft PVC, as there seemed to be some flexibility in the material as she held it in her hands. The gloves and feet of the costume seemed to be shaped like mitts, with the little round inflatable pads on the palms and soles. But what stood out to her were the two pointy cat ears on the top of the hood, and a deflated tail on the back. Her cheeks blushing bright pink, a nervous smile spread across her face with her tiny shivering giggle. Niray had seen tweets of some of her favorite latex models wearing catsuits just like the one she was holding, and now, she finally had one all for herself. Dropping the suit on the bed, she wasted no time flinging her clothes off as fast as she could, shirt, blouse, skirt, socks, and undies flying in every which way until she was completely nude.

In her excitement, she even forgot to close the blinds on her window, though since she lived on the top floor of a six-story apartment building, she wouldn’t have minded. With all her clothes out of the way, she bent over her bed and took a nice long look at the transparent catsuit. With its taut but stretchy material, she could only imagine how nice and take it would feel while putting it on. The young woman’s breathing became heavy, nearly drooling at the sight of the revealing catsuit. Niray wanted to put it on so badly, but she didn’t want to rush it. This would be her first experience wearing something so sexy, and she wanted to savor the moment. Taking a deep breath, she turned the suit over, looking for a zipper of some kind. Instead, she found what appeared to be a barely visible seam on the back.

Pinching it with her fingers, she found that it easily peeled open, but when letting it go it seem to snap back together, like some kind of adhesive magnet. Niray was incredibly impressed with this design, she’s never seen anything like it. And then occurred to her that she had never found out where her old boss moved to work, leading her to think that perhaps he might be the CEO of some kind of latex fashion design company or something. The very idea made her chest feel all tingly, thinking of all the kinds of sexy outfits and attire that her all the bus could’ve chosen to send her. Realizing that her imagination was getting the best of her, she shook her head and refocused on the suit in front of her. Opening the seam in the back, she eagerly brought it down to her feet as she slipped her left leg into the smooth slippery plastic.

The young woman shivered at the costume’s touch, it wasn’t too rigid and made it super easy for her leg to fit into the sleeve-like stocking. When her leg was more than halfway in, she could really feel the plastic squeeze down around her calf, but at the same time stretching in molding to fit her foot until it was all the way in. It wasn’t too tight, it didn’t constrict her leg at all, it was like it was perfectly fitted to her measurements. Without further ado she put her other leg in as well then pulling the costume up to her waist squeezing her thighs and pelvis into the costume is it molded to her lower half. Tilting her head up with her eyes closed shot, the young woman let out a meek moan as the suit hugged her up to her waist. It felt absolutely heavenly, like a second skin wrapping over her legs.

Looking down at herself, she noticed how perfect a plastic looked, without so much as a wrinkle on its surface, seamlessly glimmering in the light of her bedroom. With how smooth and thin the transparent costume was, it almost looked like her own skin was made of latex. Putting her hand on her thigh, she gave her leg a soft squeeze, hearing the plastic squeak as she ran her palm down the soft material. It felt amazing, still able to feel through the thin PVC as if it really was part of her skin. It was as comfy as a spandex stocking, and she couldn’t wait to put on the rest. With a and eager smile, she continued pulling the suit up as it slid over her belly, shivering with bliss as the soft plastic continue to envelop her body. As she pulled the suit up, she could feel the seam in the back sealing up behind her, allowing her to slip the outfit on and her leisure.

The young woman was so relieved that she didn’t have to worry about pesky zipper to deal with, making the fitting of the catsuit so much more pleasurable. Pulling it up right up under her bosom, she pulled the suit’s left shoulder hole up with her right hand and slid her right arm into the sleeve, proving to be just as easy as the stockings were. As expected a plastic clung to her hand like a glove without any resistance or trouble whatsoever. Rubbing her fingers together, the gloves felt so smooth on her hands, with so little friction it was like jelly lotion. There was something so oddly satisfying about the suit’s slippery smooth surface, like putting lotion on squeezing dough in her hands, not to mention just how amazing it felt. Without further ado, she slipped her other hand in the sleeve as well before pulling the plastic up over her breasts.

Niray moaned softly under her breath, feeling the plastic gently squeeze her as it fit it over her bosom. The plastic was cool with a bit of firmness to it, but just soft and elastic enough to make her breasts feel comfortable. Finally, she looked down at her self body underneath all of the shiny transparent plastic. It really did make her form look like a shiny silhouette of itself, giving her skin a smooth shiny sheen without so much as a wrinkle or fold. And despite its skintight fit, it didn’t give her an uncomfortable camel toe or let her nipples stick, making her look almost like a rubber doll. Already she had the urge to touch herself, but she didn’t want to ruin the immersion, reaching up as she prepared to pull the hood over her head. Her heart was thumping like a pile driver, and she couldn’t stop smiling, it was so exciting, just one last piece and she’d be completely inside.

Aside from the cat ears, the hood seemed completely featureless, leaving her curious to how the final results would look. With that, she pulled the hood over her head, stretching just enough to slip over her face as the seam slowly sealed up her neck. Pulling her face against the plastic, she found that she could breathe perfectly fine, assuming that there were small nose holes near her nostrils. Fortunately, the mask allowed her face just enough room to open her eyes, slightly adjusting the hood around her head as the slit behind her sealed up over her neck. And with that, she was finally wearing the suit completely, fitted and head to toe in tight but soft PVC. With another shiver, she fidgeted about, moving her arms and legs around to find no hindrance whatsoever from the tight plastic. The suit moved with her every movement, without so much of a crinkle or a creak, it felt almost as if she was wearing some kind of bodystocking.

If it wasn’t for the soft tightness of the suit, it almost felt like she was wearing nothing at all. The young woman shivered in delight, feeling this unusually sexy thrill of wearing a suit that made her so confident and naughty at the same time. But unbeknownst to her, the eaters on her hood begin to fill themselves out with air, not even making so much as a hiss as they puffed up atop her head. The same with her tail, which didn’t make so much as a crinkle as it inflated into a slender but flexible appendage dangling behind her posterior. Giggling with excitement, Niray made her way over to A nearby mirror, where she finally got to ogle herself in all of her suited beauty. Her mouth dropped wide open as she finally got a look at herself, the suit made her skin gleam like porcelain, and smoothing out her features like a manikin. Coupled with the cat ears and tail, she looked like a life-sized rubber neko doll, making her blush underneath the soft slippery plastic.

Finding herself a bit flustered, she squeezed her thighs together and lifted her hands over her chest, inadvertently putting herself in a cute bashful pose. This made her blush even more, but made her giggle as well as she balled up her hands like tiny paws. Looking at herself posing like a kitten, Niray couldn’t help but burst out in a fit of chuckles as she turned away from the mirror, unable to look at herself out of embarrassment. She loved the suit so much with how it looked on her, and how it squeezed over her form so pleasantly, but it felt weird seeing herself in such sexy and revealing attire.
She loved watching latex models posing and posting on Twitter, but seeing herself in such a revealing outfit was almost too much for her. Holding her hands over her chest, she slowly turned her head around and peeked at the mirror again, getting a small look at herself from behind before turning back around.

Still giggling like a mischievous schoolgirl, Niray walked away from the mirror and plopped herself onto her bed. The young woman began to squirm and roll around, the smooth shiny plastic allowing her to glide across the sheets like it was spandex. Closing her eyes, she sighed blissfully as she began rubbing her hands against her smooth shiny body, just enjoying the sensation of being all wrapped up in tight PVC. Niray felt like she was experiencing the ultimate cosplayer fantasy, looking and feeling as cute and sexy as a silicon anime doll. Simply fidgeting about on her bed, she had never felt this relaxed before in her life, stretching her arms and legs out with the suit perfectly accommodating her without so much as a squeak. Suddenly becoming still, she began rubbing her face with her hands, enjoying just how smooth the sensation was with the plastic covering her up.

But then, she suddenly stopped as she felt some kind of lump underneath her back. Sitting up slightly, she reached behind her to see if she had accidentally rolled on top of something that she had left on her bed, but she couldn’t find anything. Sitting back up on her knees, she looked underneath her and still found nothing but noticed some kind of transparent bulge on the belly of her plastic suit. Not sure of what to make of it, she reached out and gave it a soft poke, just like her suit it, didn’t make so much as a squeak, but indented with surprising flexibility until she removed her finger. It was definitely plastic, but almost look like a bubble that had attached to her outfit. Suddenly, the small bulge inflated to twice its size, covering more than half her belly. Niray woman squealed in shock, yanking her hands away from the strange inflatable bulge. Quickly crawling off of the bed, she looked back in the mirror to get a better look at what was happening to her suit.

Not only was her suit inflating from the front, but in the back as well. Niray honestly didn’t know what’s the make of it, but her thoughts were interrupted when the balls inflated once again, covering most of her front and back. Now the inflating bulbs looked more like large cushions, puffing out to her sides they now expanding over her body make some kind of two-piece life jacket. Getting a bit worried, the young woman placed her hands on the inflating bulb and tried to push it off, but it wouldn’t budge. The strange bulbs were practically part of her suit, but why she couldn’t see or notice them earlier was behind her, as it seemed completely seamless aside from the opening in the back.

But then, they inflated again, puffing up over her chest, and down to her thighs. With her face turning red, she quickly turned back to the mirror a second time in a panic to get a better look at what was happing to her. It almost looked like she had two circulator floaties attached to her front and back. They weren’t inflating like spherical balloons, but more like they were puffing up around her, past her sides, and over her chest and pelvis.  Yet again, with another swift puff, the cushions expanded above her head, over her shoulders, and down past her knees, forcing her arms to or sides as they again pressing in on her. Niray moaned in a mix of fear and pleasure, as she could feel the cushion squeezing her body ever so gently, putting just a little bit of pressure on her breasts, as well as her backside. It no longer felt like there were cushions expanding from her suit, but more like she was being sandwiched between them.

“W-What the heck!?” she yelped baffled, trying to make sense of what her suit was doing, even questioning whether it really sent by her old boss Taio.  What’s more, she could feel the weight lifting from her body, as her feet subtlety began lifting off the floor. Placing her hands against the cushion in front of her, she attempted to push it off, but of course, this did her no good. Deep down she hoped that they were some kind of strange bubbles I could pull off, rather than being a part of her suit. Unfortunately, taking the suit off wasn’t an option as she couldn’t even reach behind her back. With another swift inflation, the cushions increased their volume around her, pressing up against her face and pinning her arms to her sides completely, as well as her legs. And with that, the young woman found herself squeezed tight between the two flexible plastic cushions, only able to moan as she finally floated off the floor. For a moment, she thought this would’ve been the end but she found that she could still breathe despite the plastic pressing up against her face, even able to keep her eyes open underneath her transparent mask.

With no way to move, she took another look at herself thanks to her nearby mirror. The cushions had completely pressed themselves together with her in the center, practically sealing her between them like a vac bed. But then, the cushions began squeezing Niray again, getting tighter and tighter with every passing second as they bloated outwards, taking on a more spherical shape around her. The young woman shivered in a mix of pleasure and alarm, feeling the plastic tighten over her form, in fear that she would be squished. Though it felt pleasant at the moment, she had no idea how tight it eventually get, as panicked thoughts buzzing through her mind as to what she was trapped in and what it was trying to do to her. Was it trying to compress her and squish her? Or just trying to trap her? But within a few moments, the inflating finally stopped, leaving the young woman pancaked inside of a double-layered plastic bubble which now floated next to her bed.

Her face bright red, Niray let out a sigh of relief, but found herself now completely unable to move with the pressurized plastic surrounding her body. Attempting to move her arms legs, she quickly found that all she could manage was a slight wiggle in her fingers. On the plus side with the bubble now completely stationary and going through no further changes she now had a moment to think about her situation. By now, she question whether or not it was really Taio who had sent her this erotic contraption, or how something like this would even be possible for him. But then she also remembered how she would always talk to him about her bondage-themed fantasies, and how something kin to being bound naked inside of a giant bubble was something have a personal dream for her. But then again, that’s all it was, a fantasy, not something she actually imagined possible. Then again, here she was, all wrapped up in a big tight bubble, and she wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.



However, being immobilized like this only made her more hot and bothered, even attempting to rub herself against the vacuum-sealed interior. However, that proved impossible only making her more aroused with every passing second. While the process of being squished up like this was rather startling, it was at least a pleasurable experience, but being completely immobilized just felt like a tease. It left her wanting more, she wanted to fool around in her costume, she wanted to touch herself, she wanted to bounce inside of her bubble. But all she could do was moan and whine as she fruitlessly tried to move, her naked body completely sealed inside a bulbous prison of what used to be a cute catsuit. Just when she thought that she was going to be doomed to be blueballed by her own bondage bubble, it started to it move again. “Mmmph?” she muffled.

Niray’s bubble prison floated over her bed and toward the nearby open window, where it started pushing it open further. Much to her shock, the balloon was squeezing itself through the window, putting her into a panic as she looked down at the city streets below. It was quite a tight fit, even giving her a soft pleasurable squeeze as it’s smooshed past the window frame. However, this did not deter her heart-pounding fear as she did her best not to look down. Finally, the bubble slipped out of the window and returned to its rounded shape before floating off into the sky. Niray on the other hand, still had her eyes squeezed tightly shut, half expecting the bubble to plummet down to her doom. But it was only when she opened her eyes when she found herself floating amongst the brightly lit buildings and skyscrapers of her city.

The height was frightening, but the sight of the city itself was is absolutely breathtaking, even with much of the light reflecting off of her translucent bubble prison. After working in her office job for so many years, she had gotten sick of looking up at the dozens of skyscrapers, but she had never floated among them before. Even for just a brief moment, she felt happy, and rather thankful that she could see the city from such a beautiful angle. However, she soon floated away from the city, the bubble taking her into the nearby hills until the moon was the only source of light illuminating her unknown path. At this point, she began getting really nervous, unsure where the bubble was taking her, or if it had any direction to begin with. But not more than 20 minutes later, Niray was on the verge of drifting to sleep. Despite her arousal due to her comfy bondage, there was something so calming about floating through the sky, as if she was gently gliding with the wind, only made possible by her silent plastic bubble. Eventually, the young woman fell into a slumber, cradled by the soft rubbery plastic tightly inflated around her.

Unbeknownst to her, the bubble soon approached a single fenced-off building in the middle of nowhere. The building had two stories, with a single funnel-like smokestack, and seem to be un-staffed with the exception of a couple of security cameras that focused on Niray as she approached. With the young woman fast asleep, the bubble made its way toward the smokestack, slowing its approach before disappearing inside. Minutes later, Niray awakened from her nap, slowly opening her eyes that she found herself in what looks like a fancy office. The walls were white and had a futuristic shine, with some appealing landscape paintings, and a few potted plants. The lighting in the room was warm like in her living room back home, and in the front of her was a large darkly painted desk with a leather chair facing the opposite direction. Then, slowly and ominusly, the chair turned around until the occupant was facing directly towards her.

“Hello kitten. ❤️” a calm voice said. Nirays heart skipped a beat, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Sitting before her was Taio himself, sitting back in his large leather armchair, giving her a warm welcoming look as his eyes locked with hers. Despite the tight plastic wrap over her head, the young woman managed to smile back as she squirmed in excitement. Bringing his hand forward, the young man wiggled his index finger, beckoning the bubble to come closer as it began floating over his desk. With that, the young woman was brought before him, her full-on naked body presented right before him as she blushed bashfully. While it was embarrassing to be exposed before her handsome former boss, it gave her a burning sense of arousal that she hadn’t felt since she put the suit on. But, more than anything, she was just happy to see Taio again.

Lifting his hand up again, Taio snapped his fingers and the balloon began to slowly collapse in itself. First, it lowered itself onto the desk, decreasing in size until the young woman was finally able to balance on her own 2 feet. Falling to her knees, the immense pressure was finally released from her body, the bubble separating back into two separate cushions as they retracted back into the front and back of her seamless suit. Finally free from her tight plastic bubble, Niray laid down on the man's desk. Even with the plastic catsuit still wrapped around her body, it felt weird to feel her own weight after being sensory deprived for so long. But then, her former boss reached out to her and placed his hand on the top of her head, slowly stroking her hair as if she was a kitten. Part of her wanted to slap his hand away and give him an earful, and ask him what the heck just happened. But instead, she just closed her eyes and let out a soft whimper as her head was petted.


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