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Galek, a hiker in his mid-20s and mage school dropout, was taking a special weekend to hike up the tallest mountain in his state. The young man was quite fit as he would always head to the gym before heading off to work, keeping his lean but modest figure in top shape. After working his butt off at his day job, and saving up for his extra expensive camping gear, he was ready to go on the hike he had been planning for almost 6 months now. The mountain was called “Wonder hill,” as it had formed over a period of two years due to extraordinary geological activity, according to the media. But more accurately, magic. Though the mountain was perfectly safe, it was home to a lot of supernatural activity, a lot more than what the world was used to, even with magic being a normal part of life. New species of birds, canines, and even insect life were discovered around the area regularly, and sometimes the night sky would even be a different color. But one of the strangest and most unexplained phenomena, was the plant life, with certain species of flowers being different colors in normal, and trees that grew rare vegetables that would normally be found underground, just to name a few.

Though a bit nervous, the unusual magical activity around the area only made him more excited to go. The trip would take him a total of two days, about nine hours to get to the top, and another nine hours to get back to the bottom, leaving him just enough time to sleep and for the drive home. Wearing brown shorts and an orange T-shirt, he was equipped with hiking shoes, bear spray, two canisters of water, 15 energy bars and a sandwich, an emergency tent, a flare gun, a sleeping bag, and a travel backpack just a name a few. Six hours into his hike, the sun had already begun to set, and unfortunately, he wasn’t even halfway up to the peak yet. Galek was still in the forest area of the mountain, leading him to believe that he may either be lost or may have taken a wrong turn.

Stopping in his tracks, the young man wiped the sweat off his forehead and slumped down to his knees. Galek felt absolutely gross, his ankles were covered in dust, and he had already sweated through his T-shirt. Despite the heat, he was starting to regret wearing shorts instead of full-legged pants. While he loved hiking more than anything, he would often fantasize that every trail had a public walk-in shower of some kind. Just then, as he stood back up, he noticed something bright and shiny floating out from some of the nearby bushes. It looked like a tiny bubble gleaming in the setting sunlight with a rainbow tint. Curious, he walked up to the bubble where it floated settling in front of him, watching it for a couple of moments before raising his hand up to it. Poiking it with his finger, the bubble squeaked like porcelain, but with the elasticity of rubber.

What’s more, the bubble seemed to create suds as he rubbed it, slowly spreading across the tip of his finger. Pulling his finger away, he rub the suds away with his thumb, and was astonished to see the dirt washing away from his skin. Galek’s eyes widening with astonishment, he grabbed the tiny bubble in both of his hands and began rubbing it like it was soap, covering his hands in cool pleasant suds. Suddenly, he noticed one of his hands sinking into the membrane of the tiny bubble, quickly pulling it away as he saw that his hand was now dripping wet, washing away the suds. Reaching for the bubble again, he gave it a small squeeze, and water seemed to drip out, as if it was a sponge. With that, he put his hands underneath and began washing the soap away from his palms. Smiling, it didn’t take him long to realize that the bubble was clearly magic in nature, being able to produce soap and water while still floating above the ground and seemingly being pop proof.

While it was small, it was more than enough to completely clean off his hands, and giving him just enough water to wash the soap away. It was obvious that the bubble was the result of the mountain's mysterious magic, but he had no idea where it could’ve come from. As he was lifting his head up, that’s when he noticed more bubbles floating out from the nearby bushes. There were only about three of them, but it couldn’t have been a coincidence, caching his curiosity as he Pushed the bubble aside, strayed off of the path and into the foliage. Pushing through thick bushes and branches, he eventually finally found a clearing where he stopped in his tracks, his face going completely blank in astonishment. In the clearing were dozens and dozens of clear soapy bubbles of various sizes. Galek hadn’t seen so many bubbles in one place since the last time he was at a birthday party, and of course the bubbles there weren’t magical soap bubbles.

Another unusual thing he noticed was how the surrounding bushes were more floral colored, almost pastel in comparison to the surrounding foliage, including the bush that he had just crawled out of. The only logical assumption was that he had discovered some kind of bubble bush patch. It was quite breathtaking to look at, like some kind of environment that you would only see in an anime or children’s cartoon. However, it wasn’t the beauty of it that excited him, as he wasted no time putting his stuff down before reaching out to one of the larger bubbles. Just as before, the bubble didn’t pop at his touch, creating suds that washed away once his hand permeated through the membrane. Holding his hands back up, Galek looked back down at his dirty body, chuckling happily as he began undressing without a hint of hesitation.



Completely nonchalantly, the young man had completely stripped himself down, even kicking his boxers behind him on top of his backpack and other materials. And with that, he walked over to one of the larger bubbles which was almost a foot in length, took it in his hands, and began rubbing it against his sweaty chest. Colorful suds quickly covered the front of his body, and he could feel the dirt wash away from his skin. It was so pleasant, so refreshing, especially with how smooth and soft the bubble was as opposed to using a normal bar of soap. The suds themselves felt strangely heavy, as if they had weight to them, even putting pressure against his body as they slide down his legs. It felt so strange, but oddly pleasant as he moaned softly under his breath.

The bubble, of course, squeaked like a balloon as it rubbed against his chest. It almost felt like a soft sponge made of jelly, and despite not weighing a thing, it felt much like a water balloon, and so relaxing the press against his chest and belly. Galek even dare to consider rubbing it down a little lower, just to see what it would feel like between his legs. The mischievous thought put a goofy grin on his face, but continued to clean his upper body as he chuckled under his breath. Unbeknownst to him, the bushes seemed to start ruffling around him, not enough to make a sound but as if they were gesturing, or reacting to his presence. Then, a tiny pink bubble slowly emerged from one of the floral shrubs, making its way in his direction as it made itself discrete among the other bubbles. Meanwhile, once he was finished with his upper body, he hugged it tightly against his chest as the magical water washed all the suds away from his skin.

The water was so chilly that it made him shiver, but it was so fresh at the same time, as if it had come straight from a spring. It was so refreshing, it nearly made him feel weak in the knees, his body feeling the sudden urge to relax as the magical water washed over him. Memories of his childhood vacations flooded his mind, reminding him of how he used to fall asleep while relaxing in the springs, one that would eventually dry up as he grew older. Once the water had finished washing all the sides away, he lifted the bubble over his head and began rubbing it against his hair, covering his head in its soft suds. meanwhile, the pink bubble continued making its way closer to him, subtly growing in size as it floated amongst the grass and other smaller bubbles, growing from the size of a marble to the size of a tennis ball.

Once he finished soaping his hair, he squeezed the large bubble has water spilled out and washed the soap away from his head. Feeling the water blow past his face and down his body, all Galek could do was smile. These soft soapy spring-like bubbles brought him so much relief, he nearly forgot all about his plans to hike up the mountain. It was almost like his journey had already gotten its pay off by finding this strange bubble spring. Releasing the bubble from his head, he let out a relaxed sigh as he looked up at the beautiful sky, which had begun to take on a more pastel orange color. Just as he had heard, the mountain was indeed full of wonders and beauty emptying his mind of distracting thoughts as he focused on the moment he was living in, not even bothered by the cold water dripping down his naked body.

Just then, snapping him out of his trance, he felt something firm bump against his leg, looking down to see another large bubble. But he was surprised to find that it was pink in color, rather than being completely transparent and soapy looking like all the others. It was roughly a little bigger than the one he just used to shampoo his hair, being almost the size of an exercise ball. However, the weirdest thing about it was its opacity, unlike the other bubbles this one wasn’t see-through at all, in fact, it looked more like a rubber ball than a soap bubble. Curiously, the young man reached down and grabbed the bubble in his hands, lifting it up off the ground. Despite its appearance, I didn’t feel like latex at all, it felt like an ordinary soap bubble. However, it seemed to be less jiggly than the other bubbles, with much less heft while still being weightless. Regardless, its differing features only sparked his curiosity as it stood out from the rest of the bubbles.

Puckering his lips mischievously, he brought the bubble down to his lower half, as he prepared to wash the rest of his body with it. Since it was much bigger than the last one, he could cover a lot more skin with it, among other things. Pressing it against his front, he found himself blushing as the soft surface pressed up around his upper legs and crotch. Closing his eyes, Galek let out a tiny moan as his manhood immediately stiffened up, pressing itself further into the squishy surface of the pink bubble. It almost felt like he was pushing himself against a memory foam pillow, one made of elastic jelly. And with that, he slowly began rubbing the bubble against himself, rocking it back and forth like the others. But instead, his movements were much more gentle and subtle, just grinding himself against it rather than trying to get suds out. However, though he neglected to notice that the bubble did not excrete suds of any kind, simply squeaking like rubber as it rubbed against his front.


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