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The Kitten Suit - Pinching it with her fingers, she found that it easily peeled open, but when letting it go it seem to snap back together, like some kind of adhesive magnet. Niray was incredibly impressed with this design, she’s never seen anything like it. And then occurred to her that she had never found out where her old boss moved to work, leading her to think that perhaps he might be the CEO of some kind of latex fashion design company or something. The very idea made her chest feel all tingly, thinking of all the kinds of sexy outfits and attire that her all the bus could’ve chosen to send her. Realizing that her imagination was getting the best of her, she shook her head and refocused on the suit in front of her. Opening the seam in the back, she eagerly brought it down to her feet as she slipped her left leg into the smooth slippery plastic.

The Booby Trap Soap Bubble - Galek, a hiker in his mid-20s and mage school dropout, was taking a special weekend to hike up the tallest mountain in his state. The young man was quite fit as he would always head to the gym before heading off to work, keeping his lean but modest figure in top shape. After working his butt off at his day job, and saving up for his extra expensive camping gear, he was ready to go on the hike he had been planning for almost 6 months now. The mountain was called “Wonder hill,” as it had formed over a period of two years due to extraordinary geological activity, according to the media. But more accurately, magic. Though the mountain was perfectly safe, it was home to a lot of supernatural activity, a lot more than what the world was used to, even with magic being a normal part of life. 


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