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Niray, a 25-year-old office worker had just come home from another boring shift at her accounting office. Wasting no time, she dropped her bag along with a package she had received at her front door, and proceeded to walk straight to her room. Upon reaching her bed, she threw off her uniform coat and bowtie, collapsing on the sheets of her bed with a heavy sigh. With her face deep in the comfy sheets of her bed, she gowned out of pure frustration, exhausted at the mere thought of going back to work the next day. Niray’s job wasn’t difficult by any stretch, but recently it’s felt far more monotonous. Long hours of counting, reporting, numbers, more reporting… it was mind-numbing and boring.

Dulled at the thought, she thought back to how her workplace used to be, when her old boss Guta was still in charge. Guta was in his early 30s, had short brown hair, a bit of beard shadow on his face, and a very soothing voice with a British accent. Not only did he run a tight and productive office, he always knew how to make the workplace just a little bit better with his charms and positive attitude. Guta would remember everyone’s names, knew how to motivate his employees, he was just an overall confident and well put together man. However, when he left for a position at a private company, things just went downhill. The boss who replaced him was grumpy, a bit misogynistic, and didn’t even seem like he wanted to be there. And because of the new bosses’ incompetence, their department had been declining in productivity, resulting in lower salaries.

Shaking her head, she quickly thought back to her old boss again, and how pleasant it would be to visit him at his office, if not just for a little bit of flirting. The young woman giggled as she rolled onto her back, the thought of Guta’s smooth and flirty sweet-talking cheering her up a bit. Taking a deep breath, she sat up from her bed and walked back over to the front door where she left the package she received. Picking it up, she brought it back over to her room where she took her time ripping off the tape before opening the top. Seeing what was inside, a wide gleeful smile spread across her face, seeing some kind of plastic-wrapped packet inside, with a letter from Guta left on top. It took her a few moments to process what she was seeing before squealing with joy, and just when she had him on her mind.

Wasting no time she opened the envelope, taking out a letter with a picture of a sleeping cat on the cover. When she opened the letter it simply wrote “to kitten, Love Guta.” with the tiny heart scribbled next to it. Her cheeks turning pink, Niray’s heart thumped in her chest as she held the letter close to her chest. “Ohhh you dog. ❤️” she chuckled. Tossing the letter aside, she reached down and scooped the packet out of the box. The packet was brown, and there was some subtle creaking from inside as she handled it in her palms. Opening the packet, she indeed found some kind of clear shiny material inside, curiously, she ripped the remaining paper off and held the material in her hand as it unraveled before her. Nirays jaw dropped as her chest thumped like a jackhammer. In her hands, danging before her was some kind of transparent full-body catsuit.

The surface looked shiny and reflective, like well-polished rubber, about as thin as the gloves she used for washing dishes. But rather than rubber, it looked more like some kind of soft PVC, as there seemed to be some flexibility in the material as she held it in her hands. The gloves and feet of the costume seemed to be shaped like mitts, with the little round inflatable pads on the palms and soles. But what stood out to her were the two pointy cat ears on the top of the hood, and a deflated tail on the back. Her cheeks blushing bright pink, a nervous smile spread across her face with her tiny shivering giggle. Niray had seen tweets of some of her favorite latex models wearing catsuits just like the one she was holding, and now, she finally had one all for herself. Dropping the suit on the bed, she wasted no time flinging her clothes off as fast as she could, shirt, blouse, skirt, socks, and undies flying in every which way until she was completely nude.

In her excitement, she even forgot to close the blinds on her window, though since she lived on the top floor of a six-story apartment building, she wouldn’t have minded. With all her clothes out of the way, she bent over her bed and took a nice long look at the transparent catsuit. With its taut but stretchy material, she could only imagine how nice and take it would feel while putting it on. The young woman’s breathing became heavy, nearly drooling at the sight of the revealing catsuit. Niray wanted to put it on so badly, but she didn’t want to rush it. This would be her first experience wearing something so sexy, and she wanted to savor the moment. Taking a deep breath, she turned the suit over, looking for a zipper of some kind. Instead, she found what appeared to be a barely visible seam on the back.


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