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Two friends, Mie and Jaya were just sitting in their backyard, giggling to each other as they unpacked a bag of jumbo party balloons they had purchased from their local hobby shop. Mie was a bubbly red-haired young woman wearing a pink bikini, and Jaya was a slightly taller and more voluptuous woman wrapped up in a blue one-piece, looking just as happy, but with a more mature demeanor.

Though they didn’t have a pool, they often just enjoyed wearing their swimsuits together, for the mere thrill of looking sexy in the privacy of their own property. Sitting together in their lawn chairs, Mie took out a green balloon and began huffing into it, with Jaya watching eagerly beside her. With a few powerful huffs, the balloon grew as big as a bowling ball, inflating more by the second. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for her to lose her breath, taking her face away from the balloon to breathe as it slowly lost air, despite the balloon’s volume, the air seemed to release rather gently the balloon itself simply deflating instead of shrinking. The balloons were so stretchy, they were easy to expand. “Could I give it a try?”Jaya asked  with a soft voice, leaning over with her hand stretched out.

Still trying to catch her breath, Mie gladly handed the balloon over to her. Jaya wiped the spit off with her fingers, and without even taking a breath, she gently blew into the balloon, causing it to double in size, much more easily than her friend had managed. Within no time it was the size of an exercise ball, and then a few seconds later it was over 7 feet. Mie’s jaw dropped, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing, not particularly with how big the balloon had gotten, but how quickly and effortlessly Jaya had managed to do it. With that, the one-piece-clad woman separated her lips from the balloon and tied it into a knot, pushing it across the yard as it gently bounced to the grass.

Seeing the large balloon hop around their backyard, Mie clapped her hands excitedly with a blushing smile. The way it bobbed like a giant bubble in the sunlight, reflecting on its glossy rubber made it look so soft and inviting, she just wanted to pounce on it. Jaya just smiled with pride, pleased with her friend’s joyful reaction. “Do another! Do another!” Mie squeaked, her eyes sparkling like a child at a carnival. Without saying a word, Jaya held her hand out to her friend, and Mie quickly handed her another balloon, this time a light blue one. Pinching the end of the balloon with her thumb and index finger, she gently brought it up to her mouth and immediately blew into it, growing to the size of a basketball in moments.

Jaya’s breath was soft and gentle, but so effective that her cheeks didn’t even puff as the sound of whooshing air quickly filled the growing balloon. Mie couldn’t even blink, frozen in astonishment as she watched her friend at work. As per usual, it grew to the size of an exercise ball. Mie was about ready to jump from her chair, planning to pounce the giant balloon the second she finished blowing it up. But before it could get any bigger, Jaya separated her lips from the balloon as she quiskly tied it up. Mie, who is awkwardly hunched over from her seat, became still as a blank expression washed over her face. With a giggle under her breath, Jaya placed the balloon down in front of her as she rested her feet on top of it, looking over to her friend with a teasing grin.

Still sitting at the edge of her seat, Mie grumbled playfully waiting closer to her voluptuous friend. “Come ooooon… do more!” She pleaded, almost like a child begging for candy. Jaya held her hand out, wiggling her fingers as Mie handed her a deflated red balloon. With her legs feel rested on the blue orb she had just inflated, she quickly blew into the new one, immediately expanding to the size of a beach ball. Mie still couldn’t believe it as she watched her friend in action, she had a balloon blowing down to a T, and still showed absolutely no signs of fatigue. As before, she blew up at 7-foot balloon tide at the end and gently tossed it down the yard as it bounced next to the green balloon. “Mmmmmm!” Squealing internally with excitement, Mie jumped up from her seat, and sprinted towards the balloon as she pounced on top of it like a tiger.

The balloon squeaked and squished under her weight, sinking into it like a giant air-filled marshmallow. Landing directly on the center, the balloon didn’t roll over under her weight, instead, keeping her comfortably balanced as she bobbed up and down with it. Rolling onto her back, allowed herself to relax on the jiggly ball as if it was a beanbag chair. Though she didn’t stay still long, pressing her arms and legs against the surrounding rubber as she squirmed, just to hear the surface squeak against her skin. Jaya was happy to see her friend in such a joyful mood, and all it took was to present her with a big balloon for her to play with. Reaching over to the bag she pulled out a new red balloon and started blowing into that one as well. It didn’t take her more than a few seconds to get it up to 5 feet, taking a break just to make sure that her friend was still playing with the last balloon she made for her.

In no time at all, she had yet another 7-foot balloon bobbing from her lips, and she quickly tied it up and sent it rolling into the backyard with the other two. Still playing on the blue balloon, Mie was yet to notice the new balloon her friend had made, preoccupied with the one she already had as she squirmed and rubbed against it. With a mischievous smile, Jaya took out a handful of deflated balloons and started blowing them one by one, her friend still none the wiser, just relaxing as she closed her eyes. A fourth balloon, then a fifth, sixth, eighth 10th, soon there were a dozen balloons inflated in the backyard. She was able to blow them so swiftly and without effort, it was easy to make them without bothering her relaxed friend, hoping to surprise her when she finally opened her eyes.

Even after blowing her 13th balloon, the bag still had plenty more for her to inflate, enough to fill the entire backyard over a dozen times over. Within the next two minutes, there are now twenty-four massive balloons filling the backyard, making it rather crowded. One of the balloons rubbed up against the one Mie was resting on, making a soft squeak and getting her attention as she opened her eyes. Sitting back up and rolling on her belly, the young woman gasped in delight upon seeing the massive cluster of multicolored balloons. Getting up on her hands and knees, the ball wobbled underneath her as she struggled to keep her balance, but looking as if she was ready to pounce on the closest inflatable. Her heart filled with excitement, she almost couldn’t contain her emotions, as if she was a child about to dive into a ball pit. Mie jumped off of the balloon with a giddy squeal, grabbing the nearest balloon into a big hug as she smiled ear to ear.

She took a moment to squeeze it in her arms before tossing it up into the air, and began running around the backyard, bumping against each and every balloon in her way, it felt like she was in a rubber maze. Jaya just smiled as she watched her friend play with the many balloons, it made her so happy to see Mie so overjoyed, as if she had just walked into an amusement park. Taking a break, Jaya stopped blowing balloons, just to watch her friend frolic in their makeshift backyard balloon pit. For a time, just seeing Mie laugh and play was enough amusement for her, but it wasn’t long before a new idea popped into her head. Reaching over to the bag, she gently picked up a deflated hot pink balloon, and brought it up to her lips.

Meanwhile, Mie continued running around the backyard, just enjoying the experience of being around so many massive balloons. It was something she had always dreamed of, and thanks to her skilled friend, it was now a reality. Taking a moment to slow down, she suddenly leaped up and landed right on top of one of the red balloons, sinking into the soft rubber belly first, she let out a shivering sigh and became still, just letting the soft inflatable carry her weight. Moaning softly into the squishy rubber, she then turned on her back and looked up at the sky, still giggling under her breath from the overwhelming happiness she felt all over. But then, she saw something shiny and pink out of the corner of her eye. Turning her head, she was surprised to see a massive pink balloon looming over the porch, casting a massive shadow over almost half of their backyard.

The balloon was nearly 2 stories tall, inflating even higher than their own house like a big hot air balloon. And of course, the one responsible was Jaya, looking as relaxed as ever as she skillfully blew into the massive inflatable. The balloon continued getting bigger and bigger with every passing moment, growing by a tenth in size with every puff. As the balloon rose to over two stories tall, all Mie could do was watch in awe. While she was impressed with the 7-foot balloons Jaya had blown earlier, she was in complete disbelief with what she was doing now. Impressive? Yes. But it didn’t seem possible, just questioning whether what she was seeing was real or not. Jaya‘s expression meanwhile, hadn’t changed at all, no redness in her cheeks, no signs of exhaustion, looking as if she was blowing bubblegum like it was just a thing to do.

In no time at all, it was practically eclipsing the house and their backyard at the same time, blanketing them from the warm sun like a massive umbrella. Jaya still Houghton puffed with no effort whatsoever, in fact, it seemed to be even easier for her then when she started. With every breath, the balloon noticeably increased in size, more than what should’ve been possible from a single puff of air from a pair of lips. The balloon began noticeably creaking as it hovered above them, with low rubbery groans echoing from within as he continued stretching out. It was now many times bigger than their own house, but soon began descending down upon them as if falling under its own weight.

Mie gasped in disbelief, becoming frozen as she watched the pink rubber collapsing down towards her. It was too late to react, as the massive balloon squished down upon her, sandwiching the young woman between itself and the balloon she was laying upon. With a symphony of rumbling squeaks, the balloon smooshed down on their house, as well as all the neighboring ones, including Jaya herself who is now squished down against her comfy lawn chair. Mie, still awash with disbelief, found herself smothered on top of her comfy red ball, as the encompassing balloon pressed down on her body. Fortunately with a bit of effort, she was able to create a small pocket of a space by pushing the rubber off of her upper half with her arms, taking a deep much-needed breath of air as the pink balloon continued creaking above her.

At this point she didn’t even know what to say, as what used to be her backyard was now completely invaded by pink rubber, leaving her with only a small pocket in space. Jaya on the other hand, was not inhibited or deterred by the crushing pressure of the balloon above her, instead it only made her breath’s and puffs more vigorous, growing more and more excited as the rubber pressed down on her every curve. Overhead, the balloon now appeared as a large jiggly dome, encompassing most of the neighborhood as it grew several meters per second, with no signs of slowing down. It looked like a giant shimmering gum drop, slowly engulfing everything around it, with its creaking exterior echoing throughout the city. By the time anyone, onlookers or otherwise noticed the massive growth, it wouldn’t be long before they were smooshed underneath it as well.

Neither Mie, or even Jaya were aware of the balloon's exponential growth, with no way to tell what was happening beyond the squishy wall of pink rubber. Mie continued pushing at the balloon to allow herself some room to move, all while her talented one-piece clad friend continued inflating the balloon with everything she had, somehow completely unhinged by the rubber pressing down on her. With the entire city absorbed, the balloon could now be seen from space, increasing in size even faster than before as the entire state was slowly engulfed in the pink rubber. Cars were abruptly held in place, planes would become stationary upon impacting the soft rubber, becoming still and trapped within. All different types of transportation were completely seized by the unstoppable balloon as the United States was soon more than halfway consumed.

Even now, nobody could tell what had hit them, as the balloon was growing far too fast for anyone to see it coming. Inflating up into the upper atmosphere, gravity only aided in the balloon’s consumption of the earth, looking almost like a tumorous pink growth that was slowly consuming it. Country by country, continent by continent, the balloon was now almost as big as the earth itself, puffing up into space and pulling in the planet like an amoeba. In its rotation, the moon also smooshed into the balloon, before becoming stuck like everything else. The pink rubber gargantuan ball stretched and creaked around the earth, as only a small patch of its surface could now be seen between the massive rubber wrinkles before disappearing within it by its own gravity.

Earth was now but a pink expanding speck in the solar system, unhindered by the vacuum of space as Jaya continued blowing into it, increasing its size by the 10th with every consistent breath. By now, her breaths were hundreds of times more powerful than what they were but a few ago, pressurizing the balloon enough to triple in size around the planet within it. With earth at its center, the balloon began expanding out into the rest of the solar system, pushing out hundreds of thousands of meters per second as it reached absurd speeds of inflation. It was like the balloon had become sentient, wanting nothing more than to absorb everything surrounding it.

Needless to say, the balloon first took in Mars, wrapping it up and absorbing it into its pink rubbery expanse, Mercury was soon to follow, Venus being spared for the moment as it was on the other side of Son. The asteroid belt was also seamlessly absorbed into the rubber followed by Jupiter itself. Eventually, even the sun would be engulfed in its hunger. Even massive gas giants didn’t stand a chance against the hollow pink latex, as if giving the laws of physics the big middle finger in its lust for assimilation.

Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, all were eventually taken into the balloon, trapped in an expensive hot pink rubber, and cut off from the rest of the system. Nothing had changed for the two friends stuck and squeezed within its center with Mie desperately calling out to Jaya, telling her the balloon was far too big. Alas her cries were muffled by the incredibly strong latex, made even more difficult here as a talented young woman huffed and puffed into the balloon. But finally, she started running out of breath, her puffs getting slower and slower by the second.

Even so, the balloon began its approach to Pluto, hopelessly locked in its previous orbit as the pink latex continued its approach at the speed of light. However, the inflation seemed to slow to a crawl, now only traveling a few hundred meters per second. But with time, the balloon pressed itself against Pluto's surface slowly sucking it in as it came to a slow and complete stop. With that, the balloon came to a complete stop, the solar system now replaced with a massive pink ball, housing every planet within its interior.

No longer able to hold the rubber back, Mie’s arms finally gave out, pancaking her back against the large red balloon and she was squished from head to toe. Jaya on the other hand was now struggling to blow into the large balloon, only able to go on thanks to sheer dedication. Though unaware of how cosmically massive the inflatable had become, she felt strangely satisfied, knowing she had put everything she had into the balloon. And with one last breath, she managed to make it just a few miles bigger before the balloon finally burst.

There was no earth-shattering bang, or ear ringing shockwave, with the immense pressure being released into the vacuum of space, gone in an instant, with complete silence. The rubber, which had engulfed the solar system also disappeared into space, shrinking back into its original size in tatters and floating off into the endless void. And just like that, the solar system and the earth were back to normal as if nothing had happened. Mie just stared at the sky in shock, still laying on her comfy red balloon as her mind attempted to process what just transpired. “Wow… that was amazing.” Jaya gasped pridefully, her body and swimsuit dripping with sweat as she caught her breath, stretching her arms out with a relaxed smile. “I wonder if anyone saw it. Think I’ll make it into the Guinness book of world records?” she asked, turning to Mie?


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