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"Ohh… what was… What happened?” Chaotic, the grey anthropomorphic raccoon said to himself, waking up on a soft squishy floor. At first he felt drowsy, but after a few moments he regained his senses and sat up as best he could. Chaotic felt the floor squish under his weight, bulging around his hands and knees like an inflatable cushion, squeaking with even the smallest movement he made. When his vision cleared, he saw the floor was made of red rubber, the deep passionate shade of red that you would see a Valentine's Day heart. Then, as Chaotic moved his head, he felt something push underneath his chin with a soft squeak, putting an unusual amount of pressure around his neck. Grabbing at it with his left paw, the raccoon found that he was wearing some kind inflatable collar, it was made of soft but pressurized rubber that was squishy to the touch but a little restrictive. Grabbing at it with both hands he attempted to yank it off by, hoping to stretch it out enough that he could pull it over his head. Unfortunately the collar remained firmly snug around his neck, the rubber snapping back in place as it slipped out of his paws. Quickly realizing that the collar wasn't coming off, he gave up and decided to head lice is surroundings.

Chaotic found that he was in a small box-shaped cell, the walls padded with the same giant red rubber cushion as the floor. There weren't any doors or even a visible light  source despite the room being illuminated, just red padded rubber everywhere he looked. Chaotic tucked his tail between his legs, looking in every direction as double checking his surroundings for an exit. His space was so small he almost felt as if it was getting smaller, blushing at the very though as he was very fond of rubber and inflatables alike. “H-hello?” he called out nervously, his timid voice reverberating throughout the surrounding rubber. Chaotic shivered, he could practically hear the rubber absorbing the vibrations in his voice, possibly muffling or muting his voice from whatever was outside. At first he thought he was dreaming, perhaps this is some kind of kinky fantasy fueled dream involving rubber entrapment, but it all felt so real. The way his hands and knees sank into the squishy surface, the way it budged under his weight, and the way it squeaked with every little movement he made, too vivid for a dream. But more importantly, was a strong tantalizing scent of fresh latex, the smell almost hypnotic as it entered his nostrils, calming him like a lavender candle would.

"What is this place? How are did I get here?” Chaotic asked himself. Then, he finally noticed a strange insignia on the cushions, one with a cartoony Insignia of his boyfriends face, with the words "Ronans Pet" printed around it. The last thing he could remember was drinking a glass of lemonade his boyfriend Ronan gave to him. Ronan was a raccoon like chaotic, but he had lighter brown fur and was a bit more unpredictable and strange. The brown raccoon was an inventor, his research often involving programmable micro fabrics, though he mostly kept his work a secret. Despite his secrecy, Ronan would often present chaotic with different kinds of balloons for them to play with, some unpoppable with tough but pliable rubber, some slippery and more squishy like bubbles, and even ones with enough buoyancy to act as floating beanbags. It seems like almost every week he would have something new for them to play with.

But one afternoon, instead of suggesting some midday playtime, Ronan offered his boyfriend the drink which led to him conking out. Chaotic looked back at the floor shaking his head with a sigh, his partner was infamous for playing tricks on him in the form of playful surprises, but this was definitely a step above his usual antics. “Why… Morin'n sweetie!” said a flirty voice echoing throughout the surrounding rubber walls. Tilting his head back up, Chaotic swiveled his head around with a grumpy look on his face. Though slightly muffled, he didn't take the anthropomorphic raccoon long to figure out who voice belonged to. “Ronan!” Chaotic huffed, sitting up on his knees as he attempted to standup. "Did you drug me? Wah… Whoah!” then, he clumsily tripped backwards, unable to get any footing as the rubber squished beneath his feet. Fortunately the same rubber cushion this fall as he bounced on the balloon-like floor, but found himself blushing in embarrassment has he tucked his tail between his legs.

Ronan voice could be here giggling throughout the rubber, mischievous and playful as usual and only adding to Chaotic's embarrassment. "I've always loved seeing you bounce, but don't worry, you'll get used to it soon enough.❤️” Ronan teased. Sitting back up using his elbows as leverage, Chaotic meeped softly under his breath as he felt the rubber squeak against his fur. “What do you mean? Did you put me in some kind of kinky prison?" he asked the longer looking grumpy. “Hardly…” Ronan replied. “What you're sitting in is my newest invention!” Suddenly, the surrounding walls began to expand around him, inching closer to the blushing raccoon as he squeaked out in shock. Chaotic also looked up at the ceiling only to find that it was closing on him as well, tucking his legs up to his chest as he curled up into a fetal position.

“You'll like what comes next… It’s gonna be TIGHT!” Ronan giggled ominously. Steadily, the ballooning self inflating closer and closer to him, almost teasingly slow the rubbery walls began rubbing and squeaking against each other. Within moments, the walls had completely boxed him in, only inches away from his body which made him blush even more. Chaotic wasn't scared, he was nervous, he had never been surrounded by so much rubber, now he was only moments away from a ballooning full body squeeze. Despite near imminent danger of being smothered, he opened his legs and reached out to touch the rubber with both of his hands, pushing gently just to feel the rubbery softness of the approaching cushions. Strangely enough, it calmed him, mentally preparing him for the lovely squeezing he would soon endure, for better or worse.

The inflating rubber pressed against his knees, wedging between his legs and approaching his groin. The cushion behind him pressed against his back, slowly pushing him into the oncoming rubber in front of him as he closed his eyes. The cushions on either side of him began pressing against him as well, squeaking past his shoulders and gently squishing against both sides of his face. Chaotic smiled as he let out a soft whimper, no longer annoyed or scared, but enjoying the slow squeezing therapy. But before the chamber could grow any tighter around him, the walls suddenly disappeared with a soft POP. Surprised, Chaotic opened up his eyes to I find at the walls had disappeared into a glittering red mist, releasing the pressure from his body all too quickly. Now with the walls gone, he found himself sitting in a much bigger rubber room, one with multiple padded cushions all over the ceiling and walls with six surrounding passageways. The walls were in the shape of the hexagon around him, with each passageway in the corners between each side, lined with rubber cushions like doorframes.

Chaotic gasped, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The raccoon thought he was in some kind of kinky cell, but this room was the size of an auditorium, or circus tent to be more accurate. “Behold, you're not sitting in any old rubber padded room, you're inside my state-of-the-art balloon labyrinth.” Ronan announced proudly, as if trying hype up a crowd. His voice echoed throughout the much bigger room, with a slight reverb due do the all surrounding rubber. "Ro-Ronan? What is this? Where I? How did I get here?”  Chaotic asked still looking side to side in disbelief. “Ohhhh?” Ronan cooed teasingly. “Did I just blow your mind?” he asked. Suddenly, the cushion underneath him began to inflate, growing and becoming more rounded as he began to slide off.

“Whoa!” Chaotic squeaked, flailing his arms or legs about as he tumbled forward onto the cushion in front of him, landing safely on his back. “Common sweetie… Where you are right now is not as important as where you're going." Ronan giggled ominously. Chaotic around, getting back up as he steadily tried to stand up on his feet. The young raccoon had become anxious, feeling a bit cheated by the all too brief squeezing session he was promised earlier. The experience had made him flustered, his heart still pounding just as he stared at the rubber padded walls surrounding him. "Well, now that you're here, let's slip you out of that collar." Suddenly,Is color began to hiss softly, puffing outwards against his chin as it was inflating. "Guh?" Chaotic gasped as he placed his paws back on the collar, but had no additional luck pushing it off. Just a few seconds the balloon collar began pushing up against his cheeks, squeezing his face ever so gently as it continued to inflate around his head. For a moment he thought the collar was going to smother him, before it's suddenly disappeared with a soft 'pop'. Gasping in surprise, he quickly placed his hands on his neck, finding that it had vanished without a trace. Fortunately it popped without hurting his face, or blowing out his eardrums.

“Now Now, don't be shy… pick any door you'd like, no matter which one you choose you won't be disappointed.❤️” Ronan teased. With his tail tucked between his legs, he began walking towards the closest entrance he could find, blushing as he felt the rubber squish under his feet with each step he took. Chaotic's heart begin to beat faster as he approached the rubber framed entrance, if what Ronan said was true, he had only been given a taste of what was to come.

The entrance was dark, there wasn't any light illuminating it, making it rather ominous and unsettling. With his legs shivering, he just stared at the passage of looming darkness, afraid that something was going to jump out at him like in a horror game. “Awww… There’s nothing be afraid of. Though if you'd like, you could stay in this room and jump on the cushions like a bounce house, but that won't be nearly as much fun as what's through that door…” Ronan giggled. Chaotic was never one to resist his boyfriends teasing, complying as he stepped forward through the rubber framed entry. Suddenly, he heard a loud hissing sound behind him. Startled, he turned around to see the padded rubber frame inflating inwards on the entrance, closing itself off like an automatic door. Before he knew it, the passage was sealed off completely with the loud rubbery squeak, leaving him in complete darkness as he folded his arms over his chest.

"Ro…Ronan?” Chaotic called out nervously. Instead of an answer, he felt the rubber cushion bulge underneath his feet, slowly inflating until became firm and taut. Then with a pop, the cushion burst as he suddenly felt himself drop. Chaotic gasped horror as he began falling into the darkness, flailing his arms around in hopes of grasping something to stop his dissent. But shortly after, is his surroundings began to light up again as he found himself landing butt first on another inflatable surface. Chaotic's bounced a couple of times before coming to a complete stop, cushioned but a bit shaken by the landing as his eyes rejected to the new room. The raccoon looked up, and his jaw dropping off eyes widened with excitement.

Just like the previous room he was in, the space was massive, but hardly empty as he found himself in a room filled with large wobbling bubbles. The bubbles were all transparent, but very visible as they're glossy exteriors shined and glittered in the light, just as reflective as a soap bubble but wobbling like a giant balls of jelly, while gently floating around the room. Chaotic’s eyes shimmered, his heart pounding at the very sight of them, he just wanted to jump up and play with them. Then, he in a small section of the ceiling hiss softly right above him. Looking up, he saw two separate cushions inflating over entrance in which he had dropped from, sealing up the gap in the slanted wall without a trace. Sitting back up, he saw that the surface he was standing on was not tiled with cushions like the last was. The room was made of several horizontal columns that made up multiple bridges connecting with each other, each sloped differently but all on different levels. It almost reminded  him of that scene from Harry Potter with all the shifting stairways,

From where he had landed, he was sitting on the far side of the bridge near the wall, lined with the vertical cushions which also sloped up into the ceiling like a circus tent. What's more, in the center of the ceiling was an opening of some kind, a hole between the vertical cushions which appeared to be at least a few feet wide. Despite how beautiful the room looked with all of the cute bubbles floating around, the orifice in the ceiling stood out as rather ominous. Still with the architecture of the balloon room coupled with all of the wobbling bubbles made it feel like he was on the set of some kind of fantasy show. Then, one of the bubbles began floating by him, just close enough for him to see his reflection as it gently wobbled in the air. Mesmerized by how soft and jiggly it looked, he impulsively reached out to touch it.

"I see you’ve taken a liking to these giant bubbles.” Ronan announced. Chaotic flinched, startled by his boyfriend's announcement as he pulled his hand back. "They are beautiful aren't they? But be careful, they may just... swipe you off your feet! the playful raccoon chuckled. “Huh?” Chaotic responded tilting his head up, noticing the not-so-subtle emphasis he put on the last part of his sentence. With that, the young raccoon regained his focus, watching in disappointment as the bubble slowly floated away. “Now now, don’t get so glum, if you can make it out of this room, there'll be something even more special in store for you than a room full of bubbles” his boyfriend teased before going silent. Chaotic blushed, shivering has his first it on and with excitement. The young raccoon was never one to back down when his boyfriend offered him incentives.

Taking a deep breath, Chaotic slowly stood up on all fours, working hard to get his footing as the rubber and budged under his feet. Though he had to crouch, Chaotic was able to balance himself, slapping his cheeks gently as he focused himself moving forward across the rubbery bridge as he gently bounced with every step. It was a bit difficult to maintain his balance at first, but he really got the hang of traversing over the inflatable surface. Chaotic’s bouncing steps were rather clumsy, but it was sufficient, and even a little fun. As he made it halfway across the bridge, he got himself boggling at some of the other bubbles that floated close to him. But remembering his boyfriends subtle warning from earlier, he quickly refocus himself and try to ignore the bubbles, as if pretending they weren't there.

Looking to the side of the bridge, he wasn't able to see an exit of any kind, most likely out of view from where he currently stood. With a sigh, Chaotic realized he would have to cover a lot of ground before finding his way out. But while his head was turned, he bumped into something soft and squishy, gasping as he felt a comforting sensation of pressure on his chest and face. Chaotic quickly turned his eyes ahead to see that he just walked into a giant wobbly bubble, squishing against his naked chest is it pushed against him. Moving in his direction, it began warping around his body, squishing his cheek and sliding against his fur with its smooth exterior. “Meep!” Blushing in surprise, he quickly stepped back, watching is a bubble wobbled back to its original round shape wobbled as began floating in the opposite direction.

The raccoon had been trying so hard to ignore the bubbles, he forgot to pay attention to them in order to avoid them. Taking a deep breath, Chaotic placed his hand on his chest, his heard beating as he watched the orb float away. In that brief moment of being touched by the bubble, he noticed how soft and slippery it felt, like walking into a giant flexible airbag. It was much softer and more malleable than the balloony cushions he had been teased with earlier, a lot less firm and more absorbent. In fact, the moment he had touched the bubble, he felt as if it was supporting his weight, even stopping his momentum without any recoil or knocking him over. As it floated off the bridge out of reach, he shivered from its absence, even reaching his hand out as if beckoning it to come back.

While he was distracted, another bubble nudged him from behind, making his chest flutter as the soft membrane rubbed against his back. But as he stood stationary, he noticed the bubble began to warp around him, almost like an amoeba. Startled, he jumped forward out of the bubbles reach as it nearly glomped around him, jiggling about as the raccoon stumbled away. Chaotic looked back at the wobbling orb, his heart beating in a mix of nervous shock. “Did that bubble… just try to grab me?" he thought to himself. Once the bubble stopped bobbing around and regained its spherical shape, it slowly began floating towards him. The raccoon tried to step out of its way, but it only changed direction as it kept approaching him.

With the bubble picking up speed, he quickly turned around as he runaway, only to bump into yet another bubble that happened to be floating by. Taken off guard, he let out a muffled groan into the bubble's membrane, warping against him as it cushioned his body, nullifying his momentum. Chaotic took a quick step back, gasping in surprise before the bubble pushed back against him. “Mmmmph!” Shoving his arms against the comfy sphere, he managed to push it away, only for the other bubble behind to catch up to him as it squished against his back. Letting out a faint whimper, found himself cornered as the bubble in front closed in on him. With no time to jump away, the bubble squished against his front, pinning him in place as it smothered his face and squeezed his body.

The young raccoon blushed as he felt both bubbles pressing against him with gentle but growing pressure. Both of his arms were pinned to his sides, and his feet had been lifted off the floor leaving him suspended between the two clingy spheres. Gravitating toward him, they both squished against each other like malleable gumdrops, increasing the squeezeon him with every passing second. From the outside, they almost look like a pair of giant glossy lips, with the squished raccoon completely visible through the transparent surfaces. With their soft slippery membranes pressing against him, it felt like he had been captured by an all-encompassing bubbly hug. They're hold on him unyielding but not uncomfortable, as if he was being smooshed by two large pillows.

However, the one problem he could ignore was his lack of oxygen, the bubbles were smothering him. "Mmmph!” he let out a desperate moan as he attempted push his hands forward, but his arms quickly pressed back to his sides, with little leverage to struggle. Chaotic couldn’t even open his mouth, the seal around his body becoming skintight. What little movements he could make would only cause him to jiggle between the two bubbles, absorbing his struggles with their elasticity. Though surrounding membranes were rather soft and comfortable, the pressure around his body grew as the bubbles continued squeezing themselves together. It was as if they were trying to compress him.

“Mmmmph! Mmmmph!” he moaned, pushing his head forward while stretching his arms out as far as he could. It was as if he was begging the bubbles for freedom, pleading with them to release him from their grasp. Nevertheless, the bubbles wouldn't let up, pressing him tighter and tighter as they smooshed against each other. “Uh oh...” Ronan cooed, his playful voice sounding muffled to his trapped boyfriend, but still audible through the soft membrane. “Looks like someone’s in a tight spot” he announced with a giggle. Though smothered, Chaotic groaned at his boyfriends cheesy joke, wincing is the bubble's pressure on him increased with every moment.

Suddenly, with a loud pop, the pressure disappeared from his body, gasping as he fell onto a squishy surface with a soft thump. Shaking his head, the raccoon opened his eyes, seeing that he was floating a couple feet off the bridge, cradled by a glossy transparent sheen bobbling under his hands and knees. With a nervous “Meep,” Chaotic looked at his surroundings to find himself in inside a large bubble. It was as if the two had merged together, while somehow maintaining the same shape without doubling in size. Confused, he pushed against his prison as the membrane stretched around his hands. The bubble was indeed stretchy and elastic, but the membrane felt much thicker than before, offering a lot more resistance as the slippery wall sprung do its original shape, causing him to slip onto his back.

“Awwwww... those bubbles loved you so much they didn’t want to let you go, so they settled for sharing you.” Ronan said in a cute tone. “Look, they even mixed their membranes together to keep you nice and safe.” As if agreeing, the bubble gently bobbed up and down with a soft squeak,  the trapped raccoon blushing as his prison wobbled around him. Chaotic tucked his tail between his legs, shivering nervously with the hint that his bubble may be sentient. Though curious, he pushed and prodded against the membrane with his feet and hands stretching out the soft surface and testing out its elasticity. Every time he rubbed against the surface, the bubble seemed to jiggle back in response keeping him stuck on his back as his cheek grew more pink.

Chaotic could even feel the membrane gently rubbing against his back, as if the bubble was petting him. The young raccoon was disappointed that he couldn't explore more of the strange room, but didn't feel like's his situation was so bad. The bubble was rather uncomfortable, and the surface he was laying on was so squishy, it felt like he was laying on top of a water balloon. In addition, the transparent surface gave him a breathtaking view of his surroundings, watching as all the other bubbles gently floated by like leaves in the fall breeze. Putting on a relaxed smile, Chaotic had almost forgotten about his objective to find a way out of the room. Little did he know, it would soon find him. As he looked around, the raccoon noticed that his view of the room had changed slightly from when he had been caught, as the ceiling appeared slightly closer to him than it had before.

Rolling on to his front, he gasped as he saw that he was floating several feet above the bridge he was walking on, and getting further with every passing second. The bubble wasn't just supporting his weight to cradle him, it was lifting him into the air and away from the bridge! Gulping, Chaotic looked back up and realized bubble was getting closer to the ominous hole in the ceiling, making him shiver like a frightened puppy. Looking around, he noticed that all of the other bubbles seamed to be floating around normally, his was the only one  floating upwards. Flustered, he began pushing against the wall of his thick bubble, only to stretch out the jiggly surface with freedom completely out of reach. "H-Hey! Ronan? What's this thing doing?” he asked.

Chaotic's boyfriend only giggled, his innocent laugh reverberating throughout the massive balloon room. All the while, the trapped raccoon got on his hands and knees as he continued pushing at his prison in hopes that it would somehow give. When it was obvious that there was no way to paw his way out, Chaotic began pushing his weight against the bottom, attempting to stop the bubbles ascent. Unfortunately, all he succeed in doing was bouncing himself inside of his prison until he inevitably slipped onto his side as he continued floating upwards. The bubble seems to squeaking in response to his struggles, prompting it to gently bob side to side, playfully wobbling its prisoner around. With the bubble constantly moving, Chaotic was unable to regain his footing, as he watched the ceiling getting closer.

The raccoon’s fur stood on end as his bubble brought him closer dark hole, as if gravitating towards it. Chaotic was now floating above all the other bubbles, as none of them even seem to come close to the ominous ceiling. When his jiggly prison finally ceased its playful wobbling, he looked right back up right up to the large orifice which was only a few feet away. “Oh boy! I wonder what could be up there?” Ronan teased with a bit of eagerness is in his voice. “Whatever it is I bet it'll be a hole lot of fun!” he chuckled. Chaotic's heart was pounding, his bubble gently bumping against the sides of the hole as he was slowly slipped inside, the light disappearing around him the further he went.

The sound of soft squeaking echoed around him as his bubble glided against the walls of the hole, engulfing him in darkness. Eventually his bubble came to a complete stop, bouncing him gently before ceasing its momentum. It seemed like his confining orb had reached the top, rendered completely motionless with nowhere else to go. Getting back on his hands and knees, Chaotic placed his paw against the wall, feeling the springy rubber firmly pressing against the thick membrane of his bubble. The raccoon could barely see what was around him, but if felt like his prison was completely wedged against the surrounding rubber cushions. Even through the thick membrane, he could tell how bouncy and taut the inflatable walls were. It had the buoyancy and springiness of an inflatable pool or beachball, making him wondering how nice would feel if he wasn't trapped in his bubble.

But then, he felt the rubber pressing in on his bubble, accompanied by the sound of loud squeaking all around him. “Huh?!” Chaotic gasped as he fell back, bumping against the other side of his bubble which was also pushing in on him. Getting back onto his knees, Chaotic pressed his hands on both sides of his bubble, attempting to stop the contractions as he kept the incoming walls at bay. However, the rubber walls only squished and contorted around his arms with their elasticity, as the slippery membrane of his bubble glided over his fur. “Meep!” Chaotic squeaked, his eyes widening as he attempted to pull his arms out from the enclosing rubber, but to no avail. The contracting walls were firmly pressed around his hands and wrists, as if smooshed between two inflatable cushions.

“Ronan!”  he called out, but received no answer, shivering in dread as his arms were enveloped, watching as his bubble warped into a vertical shape around him. Within moments, he felt the ballooning walls had a completely engulfed his arms, and were pressing up against his cheeks through the bubbly membrane, giving him flashbacks to the room he had woken up in. Even faced with the danger closing in on him, he found himself blushing as he tucked to his tail between his legs, only seconds away from being squished. The pressure around his pinned arms grew tighter as the walls continue to inflate, now pressing against his sides and back as he let out a  tiny helpless squeak.  Closing his eyes, the cushioned rubbery walls finally closed down to him, putting pressure all around him through the jelly like membrane of his bubble.

“Mmmmph...” It didn’t take long for the balloons to enclose around his face, leaving his snoot sealed shut as he let out a groan in protest. Even with the bubble surrounding him, there was little protection from the all-encompassing squeeze. However, the thick membrane did provide some soft cushioning as the thick jelly squished around him, absorbing a fraction of the pressure. It also provided some unexpected comfort, the cold frictionless surface rubbing around him, giving him just enough freedom of movement to adjust his position and keep him from getting completely squished. With the intense pressure and the soft bubble surrounding his body, it almost felt like he was stuck in a double-layered water balloon. The thought was so comforting, it provided just enough distraction for him ignore the smothering squeeze.

Stuck in a cross position with his arms spread out and his legs pinned together, he let out a pleasurable moan as the inflating walls continued to smoosh him. Thanks to the soft bubbly membrane, the squeeze felt softer then he thought it would with the ballooning rubber surrounding him, like he was being given a squishy pillowy hug. However, regardless of the protective film, the pressure continued to increase around his body, squeezing him tighter and tighter with every second.  But it only made him more aroused, losing himself in the bliss of being smooshed as he began rocking his hips back-and-forth. Thrusting his groin against the jelly-like membrane was so pleasant, it was so soft and slippery, and made even better by the growing pressure. His freedom didn’t last long though, as the ballooning cushions continued to press in on him, slowing his movements to the point that it wasn’t even stimulating.

Chaotic moaned in annoyance, fighting against the growing pressure in hopes of feeding his libido. But while he remained in his horny state, the ballooning walls continued to squeeze the living heck out of him. Unable to come back to his senses, he merely let out a weak whimper as he fruitlessly struggled to move his hips, as if completely unaware of the smothering pressure being forced onto him. Chaotic was left completely smooshed, vacuum packed in the bubble that had swept him off his feet and brought him to what could only be described as a relentless squeezing chamber. Lost in his own indulgence, he slowly began to drift off to the sound of muffled reverberating squeaks, his muffled whimpers growing weaker and weaker as he was squished into silence.

“Wakey upy hubby!” Ronan’s voice giggled. With a gasp, Chaotic opened his eyes, staring up at another red rubbery ceiling. Quickly sitting up, the young raccoon looked around and found him self back in the room where he started, surrounded by red inflatable cushions. One of the first things he noticed was the restrictive inflatable wrapped around his neck, creaking with every movement he made. Ronan probably put it back on him after he was retrieved, making him feel like a pet that had just been put back in its cage. Of course the last thing he remembered was being relentlessly squeezed by the encompassing balloons while being smothered by the flexible film of the bubble that had trapped him. “Ronan! What did you put me in?!” Chaotic huffed sounding upset. “I could’ve been smothered back there!” Ronan just giggled, his cute mischievous voice reverberating throughout the walls around him. “Yep! Smothered, not asphyxiated. That playful little trap was meant to lovingly squeeze you to sleep, you were never in any real danger. Besides, I’ve always known you secretly love a good smothering...❤️” he purred.

Chaotic blushed with a grumpy look on his face , pressing his thighs together as he tucked his tail next to his left leg. “I heard your cute little moans back there... Lost yourself in pleasure so quickly. You just loved being squeezed so didn’t you?” Still blushing, Chaotic just turned his head away looking at one of the red rubbery walls, but he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Given that the entire room was made of rubber, he couldn’t exactly distract himself from the memory of being squeezed by balloons, something he had been yearning for since he was first teased with the idea. “Oh, but don’t worry, there is plenty more rooms you’ve yet to try out, you’ll get another chance to avoid  my kinky traps, unless you prefer to surrender yourself to them.” Roman chuckled. The collar around his neck inflated again,Swiftly squeezing his face before popping away without a trace. Immediately after, Chaotic suddenly felt himself sinking into the cushion he was sitting on, sagging into it as if giving under his weight.

“Eeeh?” Chaotic squeaked in confusion. The startled raccoon attempted to sit back up, but with the rubber sagging underneath him, he was unable to appropriately shift his weight, and the rubber only stretched and squished around him as he fussed. Any attempts he made to reposition himself and only result with him fumbling his arms and legs around fruitlessly. He couldn’t even turn himself over, as if the sagging balloon was absorbing all of his movements and keeping him resting on his back like a turtle. Chaotic felt his belly drop as he continued to sink into the sagging rubber cushion.  At first he thought the balloon was just deflating, but no matter how much he sank, the surrounding rubber maintained its inflated squishiness. Looking up, ceiling appeared further away than it had before, as he continued to descend into the rubber cushion.

The further he sank, the more the surrounding rubber squished in on him. I almost felt like he was being lowered into a giant rubber bag, the latex pressing against his body as his arms and legs were pushed up against his front. His predicament reminded him of these play sacs he got to play in as a kid, which were basically spandex sheets that hung from the ceiling that he could climb and swing in.  Pretty soon, the ceilings disappeared from his sight as the inflated rubber folded in on him, but he still felt himself descending downwards, feeling the rubber consistently stretch around him, putting a gentle amount of pressure against his body. Pretty soon though, he felt the rubber parting from underneath him, causing him to fall through the sack as he landed on another rubber cushion with a soft thump.

Looking around, he found himself back in the giant tent-like tent room from before, only with one of the entrances sealed off, probably the room which he had entered before. “Go ahead sweetie, there are no wrong answers, each room is sure to be a blast!” Ronan announced excitedly. Chaotic looked up to see the balloon that lowered him down had wedged itself back into the ceiling with a rubbery wobbled, reforming into a taught cushion like all the others. Seeing as he had no other choice, Chaotic fixed up his for and walked towards  the first entrance that caught his eye, nervously tucking his tail between his legs. The light for raccoons giggles could be heard gently reverberating throughout the room, which both annoyed and excited Chaotic has he was familiar with his boyfriends playful antics.

Stoping just a short of the door in question, he took a deep breath before slowly stepping inside, looking to both his left and right consistently as he expected the cushions to close in on him again. However, for the first few moments nothing seemed to happen, but as he looked back infant of him, he saw a giant rubber cushion blocking his path. It was a dead end, nearly concealed by the darkness surrounding him with nowhere else to go. Just as he was about to turn around, he heard a loud pop right from under him, looking down just on time to realize that the cushion he was standing on had burst! “Eh?” feeling himself falling, he immediately pressed his hands against the surrounding cushions in attempt to stop his dissent, but his hands only slipped against the rubber as he disappeared into a dark abyss.

The young raccoon flailed his arms and legs around, now descending into another room as a soft rubbery surface cushioned his fall. Gasping and panting from the shock of his sudden plunge, Chaotic felt himself gently bobbing up and down on top of whatever strange object had caught him. It reminded him of a water balloon, as it didn’t feel like an inflatable like everything else he had encountered, instead it felt like some kind of smooth wobbly jello. Attempting to set up, he felt both of his and squishing slightly into the surface beneath him, looking down to see that he had landed on a giant black ball. It was incredibly glossy like many of the balloons he had encountered, but it didn’t feel like one, or even like a bubble for that matter. It felt more like he was sitting on a form of gelatinous water, as it jiggled and wobbled with every movement he made.

It was only 6 feet large, but was more than enough to completely absorb the momentum of his fall. But then, the strange orb tilted itself forward, sliding Chaotic off of its surface as he stumbled onto the rubber cushioned floor. Once he got his footing back, he turned around to see the strange ball rolling away until it reached the wall. Even stranger, it suddenly wedged itself between the cushions lining the wall, squeezing into them until it completely disappeared into the red padding. Chaotic let out a long sigh, overwhelmed by the bizarre turn of events he had experience thus far, but wishing he had gotten to rest on a ball little longer. “What I wouldn’t do for a giant bean bag water balloon...” he said with a tiny smile and a light blush. Chaotic then looked around the new area to find that there wasn't much to it, barely the size of a small gym but with a circular shape, with vertical cushions lined up to the center of the room where he was standing.

The cushion he was standing on however,  had a more rounded shape, making him feel like he was on some kind of stage which made him more nervous.  Not sure what to do, he began  walking from the center of the room and toward the padded walls, thinking that there may be some kind of puzzle he had to complete. But then, the second he stepped off the center, the walls around him began to suddenly shift and ripple, as the sound creaking rubber eerily filling the room. Short black cylindrical tubes slowly began emerging from between the inflatable cushions, all lined up in the raccoons general direction. Chaotic was confused, stepping back away from the walls as he returned to the center.

Turning his head left and right, he looked around at the suspicious cylinders, tucking his tail between his legs as his eyes widened with caution. Even as he stepped back, the cylinders remained pointed at him, as if they were tracking his movements. This made Chaotic uncomfortable, shrugging his head down as if trying to hide between his shoulders. He imagined the cylinders as a bunch of onlookers, ogling his naked body like he was taking part in a peep show. Of course, that was only wishful thinking, deep down he knew they resembled cannons more than anything, sending a shiver down his spine as the whined nervously. Then, he heard a soft whooshing sound coming from one of the tubes,  turning around just in time to see the bulge and inflate before his eyes.

Before he could even react, something flew out of the tube's puffy barrel, flying towards Chaotic before smacking into his chest. The object hit him with such force, it caused him to stumble back as he almost lost his balance. Chaotic quickly looked down to see what I did him, and to no surprise it  appear to be a black balloon smooshed against his chest. Even after impacting with him, it still appeared to push and squish itself against him, as if it was physically attracted to him. Even though he blushed at its rubbery touch, the young raccoon didn’t want to take any chances as he reached up to pull it off. Then, two thin ribbon like appendages sprung out from its sides and quickly wrapped around his chest, strapping itself to him.

“Meep!” the raccoon squeaked timidly, blushing as the balloon squeezed and pressed itself against his chest. He again tried to grab onto the robbery orb, but he couldn’t get a grip on it, it’s surface so smooth and slippery that his paws couldn’t grasp it. The balloon’s hold was incredibly solid, but its inflatable rubber so soft and squishy. The thought of hugging pool toys immediately came to mind, as it was a past time for him whenever he and his boyfriend played in the pool. But the balloon was so much softer then a vinyl inflatable, he had the urge to wrap his arms around it and give it a hug rather than pull it off. But suddenly, he felt something slap against his lower back, followed by another rubber ribbon wrapping over his belly, turning his head over his shoulder, he saw another balloon had latched onto him, and was squishing against him the same way the one on his chest was.

Chaotic quickly looked up to see nearly all of the tubes were puffing up  and roaring to life as they aimed towards him. Eyes widening and heart dropping, the raccoon found himself frozen in a mix of fear and arousal as he looked down the shiny barrels of the inflatable cannons. In a matter of seconds, dozens of black balloons of all sizes began flying towards him as the cannons fired upon Chaotic. The tubes made an echoing rubbery popping noise with every shot, as if using pressure as a means of launching  the inflatable's. One slapped against his right thigh, and another against the his left hand as he reached up to shield his face. Some of the balloons flew by him, but some gunning directly towards his vulnerable body. Panicked, he ducked down as quick as he could, but not before another balloon smacked his left shoulder, and calf. Chaotic let out another “Meep” as the balloon on his chest squeaked  underneath his chest, now laying on top of it like it was a pillow.

This increased the already tight pressure on his chest, and didn’t give him much room to duck down as the inflated orb kept his body propped up a few inches above The floor. Though the cannons still seemed somewhat inaccurate, he could feel more balloons latching onto him, smacking and wrapping their rubber ribbons around him as if each one was trying to give him a big hug. One on his left foot,  A small one on the nape of his neck, to the right of his ribs, and one even slapped against the left side of his face, wrapping his ribbon around his neck like a tight collar as he whined in shock. Chaotic felt so exposed, there was no place for him to take cover, he couldn't even keep track of all the balloons slapping on him. Closing his eyes, he hoped he could last just long enough until the cannons ran out of balloons to launch at him. But then only seconds later, the room slowly became silent, the surrounding sounds of whooshing air slowing down all around him.

Even as the room fell silent, Chaotic remained facedown on the floor as much as he could, not wanting to let his guard down for a second. The young man had no idea how the cannons worked, perhaps they track movement, or maybe they only aim at  targets that are standing up, either way he chose to lay down a little longer just to be sure. Soon enough, the cannons began retracting back into the padded walls, deflating and squeaking against the cushions until they were completely out of sight. Chaotic let out a sigh of relief, struggling to push himself back up as he stood back on his feet. The many balloons strapped onto him made it difficult for him to move, rubbing and squeaking against him as he blushed at the constant stimulation.

Chaotic felt incredibly clumsy, looking down at himself to see the aftermath of the balloon cannon booby trap.  from his left foot, to the one smacked on his face, multiple balloons were strapped onto him with tight rubber ribbons. The ribbons themselves had no visible seams, as if molded together the second they latched onto him. It almost felt like wearing a cumbersome suit, however Chaotic was just thankful that the he wasn't completely pelted with them, as the results of his carelessness could’ve been far worse. First, he used his one free hand grab at the balloon that was smooshed up against his face and obscuring his vision. Unfortunately it was difficult for him to get a hold on, as it was too big for only one of his paws to grab. What little he managed to grasp quickly slipped from his fingers as he attempted to pull, the balloon jiggling and wiggling against his face with every clumsy attempt. Taking a deep breath, he took another look at himself, he felt absolutely ridiculous covered in balloons, like some kind of birthday decoration.

With that, he instead grabbed on the balloon stuck to his left hand, which proved to be much easier since it was a little smaller, allowing his fingers to grip the rubbery surface. Chaotic pulled on the clingy orb, hoping that the ribbon would tear off, but the balloon only stretched out like a piece of rubber taffy before slipping from his fingers. He then tried grabbing the ribbon wrapped around the back of his hand, but it was so firm he couldn’t seem to get a hold on it. The rubber strap was practically skintight, with no way to slip his fingers underneath it. With an unsatisfied sigh, he instead began squeezing it. The balloon creaked loudly between his paws, warping out vertically as he attempted to pop it. However, the balloon showed no signs of strain, only stretching out harmlessly while maintaining it squishy texture.

It was like the balloon had no breaking point, it’s surface bulging and squeaking with incredible elasticity. Growing impatient, Chaotic brought it up to his face and took a bite into it, but rubber only slipped between his teeth. It was so round and smooth unable to wrap his jaws around the rubber. With an inpatient growl, he fruitlessly attempted to shake the balloon off, but all it did was wobble in his hand like a ball of jelly. It took him a few seconds before he finally gave up, letting out a deep sigh as he accepted that he was getting nowhere. Now all he could do was stand awkwardly in the middle of the rubber padded room, covered in clingy black balloons with nowhere to go. Curiously pawing at the balloon stuck to his chest, he looked around to see if there were any change in his surroundings. The only difference from before were the multiple stray balloons scattered everywhere that had missed him during the barrage from earlier, but even they were still and silent. Chaotic hadn’t heard Ronans voice in quite some time, leaving him with no clues or idea of what to do next.

“H-hey, Ronan... What is this? What do I do now?” He asked. But the only response he got was the sound of subtle snickering echoing all around him, as if Ronan was trying to hold in his laughter. Chaotic gulped with a shiver, recognizing the eagerness in his boyfriend’s soft giggles. Suddenly, he heard a soft hissing sound emanating around him. Chaotic scanned his surroundings to see where it was coming from, but the room showed no signs of activity, even the multiple balloons that were spread across the floor. Strangely it didn’t startle him, as a sound was very subtle and soothing, almost calming in fact. But then he looked back down at his body, and quickly realizing that the sound was coming from the balloons that were attached to him.

They were slowly inflating, increasing in size little by little and putting a subtle but pleasant amount of pressure on his body. Chaotic shivered, looking down at the balloon on his chest as it seem to be seemed to be filling it up with air all on its own. Even on his face, he noticed that the rubber blocking his vision was growing ever so slowly. As the moments went by, he could feel more and more pressure on his body, as if they weren’t just inflating, but pressing onto him. He then looked at his hand and noticed that instead of inflating outwards, the balloon was wrapping over his paw and even between his fingers as if trying to envelop it. The same thing was happening to the balloon on his head, pushing against the left his face.

With the balloon practically engulfing his head, he once again grabbed at it and attempt to pull it off, but his fingers clumsily slipped off the smooth rubber just like before. The young man let out a tiny subtle moan, feeling the balloon on his chest squeeze him as if trying to give him a hug. The balloons were inflating very slowly, but managed to cover most of his torso in inflatable rubber in just a few seconds. The balloons on his back, side, chest, and shoulder began smooshing with one another, making it much harder to move as they rubbed against each other. “Oh ho ho!”  Ronan’s  voice giggled over the speaker. “Those balloons sure have gotten attached to you... they may just smother you with affection.” he joked.

Chaotic on the other hand panicked, as he placed his hand on the balloon growing against his chest, desperately trying to put it off to no avail. Feeling his left foot slowly being enveloped by one of the expanding balloons, it became harder  for him to stand up straight, awkwardly having to bend his knee need to accommodate. As the seconds passed, he felt himself getting lighter and lighter, until the cushion he still on him no longer sagged under his weight. “Eep...” Chaotic squeaked as he was lifted a few inches off the floor, gently floating with the balloons now carrying his weight. He began flailing his feet in all directions, desperately trying to grab the floor with his one free foot to little effect. The young raccoon whinnied in embarrassment, he was trapped in a bouquet of balloons, as if he was stuck in a birthday decoration.

Another moan escaped the raccoons lips, as the balloons squeezed him even tighter from every conceivable angle. He eventually had to close his left eye as half his face was now enveloped in the balloon that had latched onto his neck. The way it grasped and warped around his head felt as if he was being nommed by a latex amoeba. Taking another look at his left hand, more than half of his arm had been enveloped in the balloon, looking as if he was wearing a comically large boxing glove. He couldn’t even see the ribbon anymore, disappearing under the mass of inflating rubber. It was at this point when he finally realized that there was nothing he could do, the balloons were unremovable, and his limbs left useless as All he could do was wait to be smothered.

The lower half of his left leg and the upper side of his right leg were completely covered in inflatable rubber. He couldn’t even bend his legs any longer as the balloons had  covered both of his knees. Then, the balloon on his shoulder connected with the one on his neck, increasing the pressure on his face and upper body as the balloons squeezed him in unison. Most of his left arm was engulfed with the exception of his elbow, and it looked like he was wearing a black overly puffed lifejacket. The young man couldn’t even look down at himself anymore, as all he could see was dark shiny rubber inching closer and closer to engulf the rest of his head. Chaotic could feel the balloons envelop the remainder of his legs, with only his right arm and fluffy tail free from the clingy orbs. But that was soon to change as he felt the balloon on his side pushing up underneath his armpit, soon to engulf his arm.

As the cluster of rubber balls swelled up around him, he began to feel the one on his thigh rub up against his groin, biting his lip as his pelvis was slowly swallowed up by the enclosing rubber. This wasn’t the first time Chaotic had a balloon pushed between his legs, but with how slow and subtle the inflation was, it only served to tease the poor raccoon. Soon he could feel the balloon on his chest pressing up against his chin, with more than half of his face absorbed in the rubber. While the growing balloons slowly inflating over the rest of his face, Chaotic closed his eyes, letting out a soft sigh as the balloon swelled over his mouth, permanently silencing him. Now all he could do was let out of muffled moan as balloon around his thigh slowly continued to put a pleasurable squeeze on his manhood. Letting the all encompassing balloonie softness get the better of him, he relaxed his entire body, allowing his one free arm to rest on the balloon growing underneath his shoulder as he was slowly consumed by the inflating bouquet.

Blushing in a state of helpless bliss, the rubber enclosed around what was left of his face, leaving only his arm and tail free. Chaotic’s was soothed by the soft sound of inflating rubber creaking all around him, moaning as he felt the bouquet squeeze on his body with their growing pressure. From the outside, his tail could be seen waggling happily before inevitably being sucked into the bulbous cluster. The same happened with his right arm, still relaxed and limp as disappearing into the tight rubbery mass with the rest of him. Seconds later, the balloon bouquet ceased inflating, gently floating in the center of the room with the smothered sleeping prisoner suspended inside, overwhelmed by the encompassing airtight rubber with no way to escape.

Only faint sleepy moans could be heard from the mass of clustered balloons, as if trapped in a large rubber blackberry. “Hehe... this is definitely my favorite so far.” Ronan giggled to himself. Chaotic later woke up, his body feeling soothed and refreshed. With his eye still closed shut, he stretched his arms and legs as he sat up straight, though still feeling a bit of restrictiveness around his neck. “Wow... what a crazy dream...” he yawned to himself, but then he noticed how the floor squeaked underneath him as he moved, rubbing his eyes open to find himself back in the padded rubber chamber as before. The young raccoon looked down at the cushiony floor with a bright blush, covering his naked body with his arms and tail as he remembered the clingy balloons from earlier. And of course in the collar was back on him,

“What a cute looner display that was! Like witnessing a cutesy whimpering raccoon cocoon!” Ronan said cheerfully. Chaotic just sighed, looking up at the ceiling of his padded room, feeling far more aroused than before, the collar pushing up against the back of his head as he did. “Enjoying yourself up there?” he asked. Ronan impulsively giggled back in response, like an embarrassed schoolgirl after getting away with a harmless prank. “Actually yes.” he cooed. “In fact, I was gonna ask you the same thing, but judging by the look on your face, I’d say that’s a big ol yes. ❤️” Chaotic gently began rubbing his thighs together, unable to get the thought of being squeezed by balloons out of his head. But in the end, all his experience did was serve as a tease, as all the balloons merely imprisoned and immobilized him, depriving him of the relief he so desperately craved.

“So... how many more of these rooms do you want me to test out?” Chaotic asked with a slight grump in his voice. “Oh honey, I’m not boring you with these am I?” Ronan cooed playfully. Chaotic paused for a moment, still blushing as he looked to his side with a grumpy huff, unable to hide that he was hot and bothered. “On the contrary, I think I’ve only left you wishing for more...” Ronan purred. Chaotic shivered at the sound of his boyfriend’s teasing voice, flustering him further as both his hands found their way between his legs. “Granted we could always stop here, and we can go back to our room and play with balloons together as usual... but would you really settle for something as simple as that?” Ronan asked. With his hands still tucked between his thighs, Chaotic looked up at the ceiling, the inflatable creaking around his neck, as he tried to keep his head tilted up. “I...” stoping short of his response, his mouth was left open as he didn’t know what to say.

“You’ve only had the pleasure of testing out two of these lovely rooms. Why would you deprive yourself of whatever lies in the next room? Or the one after that, or the one after?” Ronan purred seductively, his voice practically vibrating through the rubber surrounding Chaotic. “You never know what kind of fun these rooms have the offer, and each one may be better than the last...” he said with a soft whisper. Chaotic‘s self grinding became a lot more visible, moving his rear back-and-forth along the cushion underneath him. “I spent a long time designing this balloon funhouse, and I would love for you to experience every kinky idea I have planned for you.” he whispered again, this time much closer to whatever microphone he had.

Waggling his tail, Chaotic winced as he tried to contain his ever-growing excitement. Deep down he knew he wanted more, and his boyfriend indeed had a knack for coming up with fun ideas for them to do. But the naked raccoon also knew how mischievous Ronan could be, and whatever he had planned would be just as shocking as he was kinky. Chaotic had already been reduced to a helpless plaything in his boyfriend's massive inflatable playground, and though he had no idea what would come next, it only made him more excited. A bit nervous, Chaotic nodded his head as best he could, his chin squishing and rubbing against the inflatable collar his neck, prompting a subtle giggle from his playful boyfriend. After the collar inflated around his head again, squeezing his face before popping gentle bubble, the sound of loud rubber creaking could be heard from the ceiling,

With his neck free, Chaotic tilted his head up to see what looked like a clear rubbery ball emerging from between the cushions above him. With a loud rubbery squeak, a massive raccoon-sized bubble wedged itself through the cushioned ceiling and was now descending on him. “Come here sweetie, I have a very special room I’d like you to see.” Ronan chuckled. Chaotic attempted to back away, blushing as the bubble touched his nose. Before he could even protest, the reflective membrane passed over him with a soft bloop, slipping through the film as if it was made of a thin jelly. the raccoon’s skin tingled as the surface washed over him, almost tickling him. In seconds, the membrane enveloped him completely, even slipping under his butt as it lifted him off of the cushioned floor.

“Woah!” Chaotic gasped as he fumbled about the inside of his new bubble. Being slightly more flexible than the bubble he was in before, he found it much harder to get any leverage, unable to climb off his back as the surface slipped and stretched underneath him. When he put his hands and feet on the sides in hopes of pushing himself up, it would only stretch out like thin gum, absorbing his clumsy movements and keeping him cradled as if he was being carried in a bag. The more he moved the less spherical his bubble became, warping and changing its shape to accommodate him like some kind of floating amoeba. Ronan giggled as he watched his boyfriend fumble about, giving him more ideas as the sound of pencil on paper could be heard. The bubbled then lowered itself onto the floor as it began sinking through the padded rubber.

“Eh!?” Chaotic gasped. The cushions were again giving underneath him, the bubble pushing itself though. Chaotic tried to keep himself away from the bottom, but the bubble was far too slippery and elastic for him to pull himself up, and inevitably pulled down with it. “Hey-ohh!” With the bubble squeezing through the rubber, his legs were first to be pulled into the rubbery crevice in front of him, as if the rubbery floor was slurping him up a little bit at a time. the rest of him following behind as his body between the pads with the clear gelatinous membrane surrounding him. It felt as if he was being swallowed, the pressure traveling up his thighs and belly as he began to blush. It was like the bubble was being sucked through the cushions, squeezing up his body as a euphoric moan was pushed from his lungs.  With the jelly-like membrane surrounding his body, he couldn’t feel an ounce of friction with the all-encompassing squeeze, slowly being swallowed up as he was seamlessly sucked inside.

“Huphmmm!” In seconds, his head was sucked in between the cushions, disappearing from the room as he slid further down and squeezed all over. It felt like he was being dropped into a slippery tight inflatable slide making him blush as he moaned through the bubble. However, almost as quickly as it began, the bubble exited the cushions, releasing the pressure from his body as he plopped back to the bottom of his prison. Chaotic was bounced a couple times upon landing before his bubble jiggled back to normal. With the way it sagged under his weight, it was almost like he was stuck in a rubber sack being carried to who knows where. Looking around, he realized he was back in the lobby with the numerous entrances, with the two he had previously entered sealed off. His bubble then began floating to a door on the far side of the room, gently bobbing him up and down along the way.

Taking a deep breath, Chaotic rubbed his cheeks and tried to calm himself, but he felt his heart beating faster and faster the closer he got to the door, made even kinkier by the fact that he was being carried there. From the tone in his boyfriend's voice, it sounded like even he was excited about what was in the next room, making Chaotic shiver with anticipation. Once the bubble squeezed through the door, it of course closed behind him with its inflating cushions, filling the corridor with loud squeaks and plunging Chaotic into complete darkness. He then felt himself and the bubble beginning to descend, until they eventually lowered into a new strange room. The room was circular, with what looked like hundreds of balloons completely covering the floor like some kind of massive ball pit. Astonished, Chaotic managed to roll onto his front to get a better view of the room below him.

The room of course was padded with square rubber cushions vertically lined up beside each other, and all the balloons were different bright colors. The room invoked a feeling of excitement he hadn’t felt since he was a kid, when he would play in those indoor playgrounds you’d find in fast-food restaurants. Each balloon was perfectly rounded and reflective, looking like a pile of Dippin’ Dots that he just wanted to dive into. Never before had he seen something that made him blush while also making him hungry at the same time. Then, the bubble holding him suddenly burst, evaporating into mist as he immediately plunged into the pit below. Chaotic gasped, overcome with panic as he dropped like a rock.

Fortunately, his fall was cushioned by the numerous balloons, plunging into the pile of soft rubber as he disappeared within the pit. Seconds later, Chaotic emerged from the cluster of balloons, with only his head and arms visible as he pulled himself up and found his footing. Letting out a sigh of relief, he blushed as he felt the squishy rubber balls pressing against every inch of his body. It was much like he was trying to stay afloat in the pool, only instead of water he was neck-deep in balloons. Each one was around the size of his head, and were all perfectly spherical and seamless like bubbles. Just looking at them made him smile, playfully bapping one of the balloons away with his paw as he watched it float gently float back down to the pile. Chaotic giggled mischievously, placing his paw on his cheek as I remembered what it was like playing in similar ball pits as a child.

Entranced by the many balloons, he began batting and tossing the balloons all over. What made it more fun was how squishy the balloons felt upon touching them, each one fully inflated, but squishy and elastic. Though still blushing, just being able to play with the balloons calmed him down. It was so much fun, watching all the colorful balls floating all over the place as he threw them in the air. It was almost therapeutic, and kind of refreshing to be able to relax after falling victim to his boyfriend's kinky traps. However, the young man had forgotten that his boyfriend was still watching, scribbling down notes and licking his lips eagerly as he waited for the next surprise. Eventually, Chaotic flopped onto his belly and let the balloons carry his weight as he pretended to swim atop them, kicking his arms and legs and all directions as the colorful orbs squeaked all around him.

Surprisingly, the young man actually managed to tread across the balloons, smiling with a relaxed sigh as he felt their rubber glide past his furry body. Chaotic had never dreamed to have an experience like this, especially now that they weren’t trying to trap or smother him. Slowly but surely he glided himself over the small pool of balloons, giggling and smiling like it was his first time at an amusement park. Then, as he looked ahead, he suddenly stopped, seeing what looked like a small pair of shiny eyes poking out from underneath all the balloons just a couple of feet in front of him. His curiosity getting the better of him, he reached his hand forward, poking one of the eyes with his index finger.

Suddenly, a low pitched squeak emanated from underneath the balloon pile, as the pair of eyes begin to rise up. Startled, Chaotic stumbled back as balloons spilled in all directions, giving way as a massive rounded rubbery figure emerged from the pool. Chaotic fumbled back as what appeared to be a massive pool toy now stood in front of him, staring down upon him with only its lower half still submerged under the balloons. The figure had a rather chubby build, with a shiny balloon belly. Its body had a brown and light brown color scheme, large bulbous arms with puffy brown paws, and a large striped raccoon tail that slowly swayed back and forth with low creaking squeaks.

But what really surprised chaotic was its playful looking face, light brown rubber hair, large ears, and cute light brown snoot. It didn’t take long for him to realize the pool toy was modeled directly after his boyfriend, which honestly made his heart skip a beat. “R... Ronan?” Chaotic stuttered. The pool toy just smiled, looking down at him as it let out a light squeaky chuckle. It’s belly then expanded, leaning back as it took a huge gulp of air. And with a big squeaky huff, it expelled a strong breeze from its rubbery maw, blowing the surrounding balloons in all directions as Chaotic found himself tumbling about in a tsunami of rounded inflatable’s. All he could see was a whirlwind of bright colors, as the numerous balloons flew and rubbed past him in every direction, squeaking and bumping against each other with their hollow surfaces.

He felt like he was in a tornado full of balloons, left completely helpless by the gust as he flailed about like a rag doll. Once the wind had settled, Chaotic shook his head, now lying face down on another a red padded floor, a sight he seemed to be getting really familiar with. Getting back on his hands and knees, he looked around to see the balloons had been mostly blown away to the surrounding walls. The massive pool toy had cleared a portion of the pool, leaving only the two of them in the center, except for at least a couple dozen sprawled around the floor, and a few that were still gently floating down. Now that Chaotic could see the boyfriends rubbery doppelgänger in its entirety, he realized that it now more resembled a kangaroo rather than a raccoon, with a massive plump belly and powerful looking legs.

But instead of answering, the giant rubber kanga-coon looked down at Chaotic with a devious smile, gently tapping it’s rubber belly a couple of times with squeaky ‘thumps.’ Chaotic‘s was both nervous and a bit afraid, seeing how much it towered over him, but also charmed by its shape, sporting the exaggerated proportions of his cute boyfriend. Regardless, the young raccoon turned around and prepared to crawl in the opposite direction. But the pool-toy just smirked confidently, as it amused by the fleeing raccoon. The Kanga-coon extended its big puffy tail and moved it in front of Chaotic, blocking his escape. The raccoon  claily squished face-first into the soft rubbery tail, blushing  as the rubber smooshed against his furry face. Then, the massive tail began pulling him closer, licking its lips with gentle rubbery squeaks without taking its eyes off of its new playmate.

The rubbery tail was so smooth, only creaked softly as it slid against the padded floor, pulling chaotic closer and closer as like a broom sweeping in a dust bunny. Finding himself pressed up against the massive squishy tail, he was unable to push back, the glossy padded floor slipping under his rear as he turned to face the massive kanga-coon toy. Meeping in the presence of the massive baloonie, he quickly found himself squished against its soft belly. “Oooohhh...” Chaotic whimpered as his body was slowly sandwiched between the rubber doppelgängers tail and inflatable body. It was so squishy, putting pressure all around his body from the neck down, his arms and legs spreading out as if subconsciously welcoming the all-encompassing hug.

While its belly had the texture of fine rubber, it was almost as squishy as bubblegum, which made him blush more as his face practically sunk into it. Feeling as if he was going to be smothered, Chaotic turned his head as best he could so at least half his face would be free from the rubber. “Mph... Ronan?” he called out, but got no response. For once, his boyfriend didn’t have any corny lines or teasing to make over his speaker. Instead, he just remained silent, as if letting the balloonie’s actions do all the talking for him. With nothing from his boyfriend, Chaotic hesitantly looked up to Ronan's balloon doppelgänger, and it looked back down on him with a teasing smirk. Its expressions almost mirrored that of Ronans, but with a much more sinister look in its glossy eyes, while making teasing gestures with its squeaking lips.

Lifting its right arm, the inflatable Kanga-coon reached down towards Chaotic, gently wrapping it’s paw over his head and covering the right half of his face. The raccoon let out a muffled meep as his head was smooshed under the massive paw of his inflatable captor, now completely smothered in its embrace. Chaotic tried to push himself away, but his hands would only sink into the malleable rubber, stretching around his arms like gum. Squirming his head under the doppelgängers hand, he let out a few more muffled moans in protest, pleading for the Kanga-coon balloon to release him. This only seemed to please inflatable, as it began rubbing his head with its puffy fingers. “Mmmph... mgh-guph.” Chaotic groaned as his face was smooshed all over, his cheeks squeezed together in a squeaky smothering massage.

The sound of creaking rubber filled his ears as the smooth rubber glided over his blushing face, keeping his head smushed into its belly with his body still pinned underneath the massive striped tail. Once again, the raccoon was left powerless, only able to squirm underneath the two layers of soft rubber, consistently forcing his limbs back into a spread whenever he moved. It minded him of when he and his boyfriend first tried out a vacuum bed, only much stretchier and a lot more smothering. Before panicking, he tried to ease his mind, knowing that his boyfriend would never put him in any real danger. “I’m being smothered again, b-but it’s just trying to put me to sleep like the last one. I’m just gonna wake up in that weird room with that balloon collar around my neck, and Ronan is gonna tease me again. Rinse and repeat.” he thought to himself.

But then, with a sudden release of pressure, the inflatable lifted its paw from his face allowing him to breathe again. Finally released from its smothering grip, he relaxed his pinned body and looked back up to the toy as it grinned at him with a cute but playful smile. Chaotic could then feel the rubber tail pressing against his back, squeezing him even tighter, and puffing his cheeks out as the pressure pushed the air out of his chest. Letting out a high-pitched meep, he felt as if his body was being flattened by the tight rubber, with only his head free but still smooshed up against its belly. With a squeaky giggle, the inflatable petted the top of Chaotic’s head with its inflatable index finger, rubbing his head in a gentle circular motion as if he was a kitten.

Chaotic let out another whimper, reduced to a plaything for the overly clingy sentient balloonie, all while blushing up to his ears in a mix of embarrassment and pleasure. Even with the constricting pressure The raccoon couldn’t help but love the feeling of being squeezed so tightly, and by a living balloon modeled after his lover no less. It was like he was being smothered with affection, as its cute squishy rubber belly squeezed him all over. The inflatable was happy to see its playmate blushing so bashfully, even giving Chaotic to cheek a playful boop on the cheek as a tease. Finally, the inflatable kanga-coon released its tail from the naked raccoon, flopping back onto the soft padded floor as he caught his breath, his cheeks still bright pink with arousal while he stared up at the ceiling. After a few moments, he said back up just in time to see the inflatable reaching down to pick him up.

Before Chaotic could retreat again, the kanga-coon scooped him up in both of its large paws and lifted him off the padded floor from underneath his Armpits. “Woah!” Chaotic yelped, wincing nervously as the massive rubbery hands squeezed around his body. The meek raccoon squeezed his thighs together, trying to keep his excited parts from popping out as he was smooshed by the toy's squishy balloon paws Suddenly, the kanga-coon flipped him around, pointing Chaotic's front in the opposite direction as he was again hugged against its squishy belly. The inflatable rubber squeaked around him as he slumped into its pliable skin, squishing against the sides of his face body as if sinking into an inflatable beanbag.

Watching the young raccoon blush, the inflatable doppelgänger then placed its paw over his chest to keep him pinned, and slowly slid its other paw against his left thigh. Chaotic shivered as he felt the small rubber gliding on his leg, even letting out another soft moan as it gave his thigh a playful squeeze. Unfortunately, he couldn’t tell what the inflatable was up to, as the rubbery paw wrapped over his chest obscured his view of his lower half. Then, the pool toy slowly moved its hand across his leg and slid its Palm right underneath his belly button. Chaotic squeaked, biting his lip as he placed both of his own hands atop the massive paw over his chest. It was only now that he recognized the subtle hand gestures of the living inflatable, gestures that nearly mirrored the playful motions of his actual boyfriend.

With that, Chaotic pretty much predicted exactly what came next. The kanga-coon proceeded to wiggle its finger between his legs, pushing his thighs apart and giving his groin a gentle rub. The gray raccoon bit his lip, his wincing as he whimpered in pleasure, feeling the inflatable finger slide up and down his crotch with slow but irresistible motion. The finger would put just a little bit of pressure on his groin, only to slide upwards before sliding back down ever so slowly, and then squeezing in just enough to make him whimper. It was just enough to arouse chaotic, but not enough to really give him what he wanted. The inflatable doppelgänger was teasing him, and clearly loving every moment of it, while licking its lips seductively. His cheeks still blushed pink, Chaotic whimpered and wined like a begging pet, as if asking for more.

The feeling was just like how his boyfriend would do it, only a lot squeakier and slightly more gentle. It also reminded him of how he used to ride balloons when Ronan wasn’t around to play with him, where he would glide his underparts back-and-forth along the smooth rubbery surface. The gentle finger movements of the living balloonie were so teasing and effective, he had almost forgotten that it was just a doppelgänger, feeling as if his boyfriend was really there pleasuring him. Chaotic squeezed his arms on the squishy paw keeping him pinned, panting heavily as he moaned softly, even gently thrusting along with each rub to make the experience a little more pleasurable.

Smirking deviously, the inflatable began rubbing a little faster, exciting Chaotic as he smiled in a haze of bliss. “Mmmm... yes...” he whimpered, still moving his hips along with the puffy finger that slid up and down tween his legs. The young raccoon allowed his weight to sink into the pudgy belly of his rubber captor, practically moaning in rhythm with the squeaking between his legs. The more the inflatable Doppelgänger rubbed, the louder his moans became, getting closer and closer to climax with every passing moment. Nearly closing his eyes, Chaotic tilted his head up, resting his head against the squishy rubber behind him as he stared up at the ceiling. So far he had been hugged by a couple of massive bubbles and squeezed by a cluster of balloons, but nothing compared to this. “Ronan... you were right...” he sighed, closing his eyes as he prepared himself to finish.

But then, the inflatable lifted its paw from his groin, wrapping over Chaotic‘s belly in a surprise balloon hug. “Humf!” Chaotic moaned as the air was squeezed out of him. The hug caught him by surprise, instead of being granted release, the balloon doppelgänger was merely toying with him and his growing libido. Chaotic looked up to the clingy balloonie to see its mischievous smile looking down upon him as if he was just a toy, or a prisoner only here for its amusement. “P-please... more...” Chaotic begged, showing his submissive side. This only pleased the massive inflatable further, licking lips as it lifted him up in the air and flipped the raccoon around again. Now facing his new inflatable playmate, Chaotic could only keep purposely as he was pulled in closer to its face and its glistening rubbery lips.

“Wha-mmmmhp!” to his shock, Chaotic's face was smooshed right up into the kanga-coons squishy mouth, and sandwiched between its lips. Pushing his hands into its chest, he found himself unable to pull himself away from the inflatable, as its malleable body was far too squishy to struggle against. With his face completely smothered, he moaned and pleaded for the toy to release him, while also trying to pull his head out of its mouth. It felt like the inflatable was smooching him, or suckling on his face like a lollipop with Its lips smacking and squeezing all around his head. “Mmm...mmmph!!!” Chaotic continued to moan plead with the Ronan doppelgänger, still fruitlessly struggling to pull his face out from the smothering kiss. But the more he pulled, the further his head was sucked into its mouth.

Chaotic’s face was completely squished within the inflatable’s yap, feeling as if he was getting a smothering massage while the latex rubbed and squeezed around his head. The raccoon began to worry, as the inflatable showed no signs of releasing him from its unyielding grip. But then, to his relief the inflatable doppelgänger pulled him out of the kiss, allowing him to take a deep much-needed breath. However, not two seconds after being pulled out, he was pulled right back into the smothering smooch. Chaotic let out another moan in protest, as he felt himself getting sucked in even deeper than before this time much deeper than before. The raccoon’s eyes closed shut as the lips completely sandwiches face between them, feeling as if he was going to slip inside of its mouth completely.

Unable to pull himself out from the smothering smooch, all he could do was moan and whine for mercy as the inflatable continued to suckle on his face. The kiss seemed to last much longer, leaving him to hold out in hopes that the inflatable would let him go for air soon. But then, he felt something poking and rubbing at the tip of his nose. “Mmmph?” confused, he tried to open his eyes to see what it was, but his space is far too tight. Regardless, it didn’t take long to figure out that it was the inflatable‘s tongue, licking and rubbing up against his nose as his face was slowly pulled past its lips and into its maw. It was too dark to see, but could certainly feel the balloon’s tongue lapping at his helpless face.

Then, he felt the balloon release its unyielding grip from his body, as it slowly began slurping him up from the neck down. With his head now inside of its mouth, Chaotic let out a surprised yelp as his body slipped through the kanga-coons tight rubbery lips, kicking his legs fruitlessly as he was engulfed down to his waist. The poor raccoon tried to push his arms out and grip the inside of the inflatable‘s maw, but the rubber was far too slippery, sliding over his body without any friction whatsoever as if its mouth was specifically designed for slurping up pray. The tongue also worked its way from his chest and down to his belly, pushing him further and further into its mouth while massaging his body with its smooth surface.

Meanwhile, the inflatable finally slipped his lower half in, pausing for a brief moment as the lips squeezed around his pelvic region. Chaotic shivered as he let out a cute but muffled moan, making it much easier for the pool toy to slurp in his legs as he was spasmed with pleasure. And with that, Chaotic disappeared into the maw of the inflatable, the kanga-coon smiling as it swallowed triumphantly. With that, the pressure around chaotic’s body doubled immensely, as he was sucked into the throat of his captor. The inflatable’s inner passage was so tight, he couldn’t move an inch, his arms and legs pressed to his sides as he was squeezed through its body.

The young raccoon couldn’t even stop his dissent, the tight rubber pulling him further and further down into its inflatable body while keeping his limbs completely pinned. It almost felt like he was slipping down a tube-like inflatable slide, the ones that you would normally find in those large vinyl bounce houses. Chaotic winced hard as the rubber slid over his vulnerable body, squeaking all around him as he was slowly sucked into the balloon’s depths. It was such a strange sensation to feel the all-encompassing latex tugging him in like an actual throat would, pulsing around him with wave-after-wave of inflatable pressure. After what felt like forever, the young man thought he was going to suffocate for real, swallowed and smothered by the very inflatable he was presented as a playmate for.

But suddenly, his head was pushed into a small open space, opening his mouth as he took in the surrounding air. Chaotic’s body soon followed, slipping out of the tight rubbery canal as he was plopped into a small squishy chamber of some sort. Opening his eyes, he saw that the walls were white, puffy, and inflatable, squishing, squeaking, and bulging around him as he was tightly cramped inside. The surrounding rubber pressed against both sides of his face, around his arms and legs, almost every contour of his body as if laying on a beanbag. Even as he tried to move around, the rubber him would shift under his weight, and it was hard to un-wedge himself from the bulging walls.

Even if his prison wasn’t so cramped, the floor was way too squishy for him to sit up or get any leverage, leaving him completely stuck on his back. Even if he tried to push himself up, his arms would only sink further to the floor. Then, he heard a couple of rubbery thumbs from outside, as if the inflatable kanga-coon pool toy was triumphantly patting his belly. Giving up his struggle, Chaotic slumped down into the squishy floor, letting his air-filled soundings support his weight as he sighed in defeat. The young man was still blushing all over, not just from humiliation, but from the sensation of puffy rubber squishing all around him. It was like he had just been dropped into a large squeaky balloon bed, which kept him comfortably wedged in its flexible surface. “What next?” he said himself, wondering how his day could get any weirder.

Then, Chaotic could feel his prison shift and bob around him. "Gueh?" he squeaked in surprise. The pool toy was moving, making its way over to the side of the room where the balloon pile was with an eager grin on its puffy face. Once it got to the pile, the kanga-coon sat its squeaky rump down onto the floor and took a balloon into each paw one pink and the other blue. With a big gluttonous smile and eager gaze, the pool toy licked its shiny lips before stuffing the pink balloon into its maw. But rather than swallowing it right away, the kanga-coon squeezed and smooshed the balloon between its jaws, occasionally licking at it like a lollipop. Just like with Chaotic, it was savoring its taste and flavor, until eventually gulping it down.

It didn’t take long for the toy’s new snack to join Chaotic in its belly, who just stared at it with a puzzled look on his face as it landed on his fluffy chest. “Huh?” the raccoon just stared at the pink balloon. Not sure of what to expect, Chaotic became cautiously still, thinking that it might expand and smoosh him like the ones from before, not that there was much he could do with his body slumped into the floor of the kanga-coons gut. But then, a second blue balloon entered the chamber as well, gently landing right between his legs. “Meep...” Chaotic blushed from the teasing touch of the gentle balloon, but quickly focused back on the situation at hand as he realized what was going on. The kanga-coon was scarfing down balloons like snack foods, picking from the pile one after the other without slowing down.

Sure enough, balloons started popping into the balloonie’s gut with every second, practically piling onto Chaotic as if he was being buried in a ball pit. “This can’t be good.” Chaotic gulped. With that, he began shifting and wiggling underneath the balloons as he tried to un-wedge himself from the bulging inflatable floor. But even with his added vigor, he found a difficult as the inflatable belly of his captor would only stretch and absorb all of his movements. It reminded him of a prank that was played on him back in college, when he was placed on a squishy rubber waterbed. Just like in his current situation, the flexible material caused him to sink deep into the bed as the rubber sagged underneath him, leaving him wedged and stuck in what felt like a massive water balloon.

With his weight sagging into the flexible surface, the surrounding rubber bulged and bloated around him, squeezing his body and pinning his limbs in place as his roommates chuckled at his predicament. Even while he trying to free himself, they began plopping water balloons onto him as a way to tease the helpless raccoon. That was also the day his roommates discovered that he was a massive loner. Without anything solid for leverage, with only a flexible surface underneath him, all he could do was fuss and squirm against the surrounding rubber. Pretty soon, the balloons blanketed over him until he couldn’t see anything in front of his face, but that’s when he got an idea. Chaotic pushed his tail, both of his legs and his left arm down underneath him, focusing all the pressure around his limbs, allowing him to reach his right hand upwards as he grabbed a random balloon.

Chaotic then pulled the balloon underneath him, followed by another and another until he had enough for some extra leverage. putting his weight on the balloons placed under him, he finally managed to pull himself up until he was sitting upright. The space was so small, his head was pressing against the ceiling of the balloonie's stomach, snd by this point, the multi-colored balloons for now up to his neck as they continued to pile in. Chaotic looked around trying to search for the opening in which the balloons were entering, but it was hard to see with the numerous orbs obscuring his vision. It got to the point where they all began pressing against him, slowly converging in on him as the inner belly was nearly filled up. The sounds of creaking rubber filled the tiny space, a constant reminder that he was running out of room as the balloons squeezed against one another. The young man couldn't help but blush as they all pressed on him as if they were all trying to hug him at once.

Chaotic tried his best to ignore the feeling, looking around for the opening until he finally Found where the balloons were coming from. Unfortunately, when he tried to move, he found it difficult to traverse through the balloon-filled belly, with so many packed in his chamber it was almost restrictive. By putting his weight on the surrounding balloons he was able to pull his legs from the sagging rubber underneath, finally sitting upright as he pushed his way to the belly's entrance. With balloons in nearly every direction, he made haste as he squeezed himself through the growing pile. Blushing all over, the numerous rubber orbs rubbed and squeaked across his body with their inflated surfaces, making the poor raccoon more and more flustered by the second. Normally he would've loved to embrace a situation like this, if he weren't inside the belly of a literal beast. Eventually, he managed to get right underneath the orifice, reaching up as he was about to try to pry it open.

Once he tried slipping his fingers in, he found that the hole was far too tight for him to open, puckered in tight like it was intentionally trying to keep him in. But then, he was surprised with a new balloon that squeezed its way through the hole, which abruptly squished onto his unsuspecting face. “Mmmph!” he moaned, the squishy rubber pressing onto his head, forcing him back into the pile and submerging him once again. Just like that, Chaotic found himself wedged deep into the pool of balloons, pressing in on him from every angle as the pressure of continuing to increase around him. “Nnnn... not again...” he groaned, contrary to the flustered look on his embarrassed little face. He then tried to push himself back up to the surface, but it was too late, he could barely move his arms or legs, and it wasn’t getting any easier. Pretty soon, the balloons had locked him in place, and all Chaotic could do was remain in his new position as more balloons continued to join him.

Meanwhile, the kanga-coon continued snacking to its rubbery heart's content, picking balloons at random to shove down its gullet. It was no longer savoring the taste of each one, preferring to scarf them all down like junk food. Tighter and tighter its belly became, Chaotic closing his eyes at the surrounding Balloons continued pressing in on him. It almost felt like they were gravitating towards him in a group hug, the very thought making him blush even more. Part of him wanted to imagine that they were all alive just like the kanga-coon, and they were all trying to cuddle him all at once like a swarm of overly affectionate admirers. Then, the squeezing suddenly stopped, the surrounding balloons becoming silent with the exception of his subtle squirming. Realizing it was pretty much full, the balloonie plopped down onto its rear and placed its paws on its belly.

Letting out a squeaky giggle, the living inflatable began rubbing his paws against the squeaky rounded surface of its body, happy to be so stuffed with his new playmate snug inside. With a playful expression and kanga-coon then proceeded to give its belly a gentle squeeze. At that moment, Chaotic could feel the balloons pressing into him further, squeezing a pleasurable whimper out of the squished raccoon. The inflatable smiled at the sound of its captives cute voice, releasing its paws as its belly jiggled back to its original shape. Chaotic meanwhile, was confused at what was going on, and sure why he was squeeze so suddenly, but deep down, he was disappointed that it didn’t last very long. Wanting to tease its prisoner more, the kanga-coon gave its Billy another squeeze while also rubbing both of its paws in a circular motion.

“Mmmmm-mmmmmph!” Chaotic moaned in surprise as all the balloons suddenly began churning around him, rubbing and pressing on him at random. Unaware of what was happening outside of his prison, all he could tell was it his surroundings were shifting somehow. It almost felt like he was fumbling around in a packed washing machine full of rubber balls, with the many squeaky balloons swirling and squeezing him from every angle. Despite this, he still unable to fight back against the all-encompassing pressure, his arms and legs shifting based on how the balloons him moved around him. Then, a frightening thought hit his mind, thinking the churning and squeezing was the stomach softening him up like he was actual food. Whimpering fear in his voice, he gave one last futile effort to free himself, but was quickly shut down as the overwhelming pressure of the balloons continued pressing around him.

The kanga-coon could hear the euphoric moans of its helpless prisoner, smacking its lips in delight as it continued to rub his paws over its puffy belly. Fortunately, the rubbing eventually stopped, leaving Chaotic blushy and flustered, his arms and legs still wedged in the multiple balloons surrounding him. At this point, he realized that he was again being toyed with, letting out an exhausted sigh as he chose to wait it out. But then, the Inflatable gave its belly a swift SLAP, giving the unsuspecting raccoon a good jolt as his prison jiggled about like jelly. "Mmmm..." he moaned helplessly, feeling his whole body wobble with the balloons. He considered himself a patient man, but he hated being teased like this, at this point he just wanted the balloons to hug him more. Wanting to savor its captive just one more time, the inflatable slowly rubbed its paws along the surface of its belly, teasing Chaotic with the sound of its rippling rubber.

The very sound of squeaking rubber echoing from all around made the raccoon even more aroused, whimpering under his breath as he tugged to free his arms. Meanwhile, he also began to rock his hips back-and-forth, hoping to get some semblance of pleasure out of his bondage. Feeling Chaotic's pathetic movements from within its belly, the kanga-coon decided it was finally time to finish him off. Opening its wide puffy maw, the inflatable let out a deep squeaky breath, slowly deflating its belly in the process. From the inside, all Chaotic could hear was a soft hissssss as the balloons slowly squeezed in on him even further. "Eeep..." the raccoon gasped nervously. It didn't take him long to realize what was happening, as the balloons weren't just squeezing him, they were converging on him. The inflatable's belly was shrinking, contracting around the balloons it had just slurped down, with Chaotic right in the center. The raccoon began to panic, but there was nothing he could do as he was already left completely mobile.

"Ohhh here we go again..." he thought to himself, moaning softly as the balloons hugged him tighter and tighter. Now, All he could do is wait until he was squeezed back to sleep. Second, by second, the surrounding orbs pressed themselves against him, hugging his arms and legs, Smooshing his face, squishing his chest, and even pushing between his legs. It almost felt like they were alive, Cocooning him like a colony of clingy slimes from one of those JRPG's. Chaotic could feel the air being sucked out from around him, the balloons filling in the gaps as they found new places to squeeze into, filling the vacuum and pressing against every nook and cranny of his vulnerable body. Eventually, the air was all but sucked out of his prison, his snoot school is shut as the balloons now wrapped onto every inch of him. With the way they squeezed flat against one another, it almost looked like he was in the center of a honeycomb, or a cluster of bubbles with their membranes molded together in a cluster. But even then, the squeezing didn't stop, the stomach walls still contracting around him more and more.

With the immense pressure against his chest, he could barely even whimper, feeling as if he was going to be squished by the shrinking belly. The surrounding balloons squeezed his stomach like a corset, hugged his face till his cheeks were flattened, and even wedged into his crotch until he blushed like a peach. The increase of pressure was slow, pleasurable, and almost taunting, but eventually, it got to the point where the stomach barely can shrink any longer. Chaotic continued to whimper under the all-encompassing squeeze, growing dizzy as the balloon slowly smothered him. Letting out one last whimper, he allowed the balloonie to squeeze him to sleep, knowing he would only wake up back where he started. Feeling its occupant dose off into unconsciousness, the kanga-coon took in a much-needed breath, allowing air back into its belly as it got returned to normal. Satisfied and full, the inflatable gave it to belly one last playful rub, the sound of Ronan's giggling echoing throughout the chamber.

Waking up to the red rubber ceiling just like before, chaotic could feel his arms and legs aching slightly from the squeezing inflicted on him earlier. Instead of getting up, he remained facing up on the soft inflatable floor, reflecting on his breathtaking experience from earlier. The rubber collar that was once again placed on his neck didn't even bother him, as it cushioned the back of his head as he relaxed. "Sooooo... What did you think?" Ronan asked, unable to hide the eagerness in his voice. Chaotic just looked away from the celling, sucking in his lips nervously as he squeezed his legs together. "I guess that answers my question." Ronan said happily. "Did you like the animatronic balloonie I put there?" he followed up. With that, Chaotic's memories of being smooched, smothered, and swallowed by the inflatable flooded his mind as he again blushed from ear to ear. "I'm glad you liked it, I put a little bit of my own heart in that inflatable. I could practically picture myself there with you." he giggled.

Though still clenching his legs together, Chaotic couldn't help but giggle at his boyfriend's corny joke. And he wasn't completely wrong, the balloonie Not only resembled Ronan, but it shared his teasing personality and the same pleasurable techniques he would often practice on him. It really felt like his boyfriend was there with him, pleasuring him in the ballooniest way possible. "Yeah..." Chaotic said softly, slowly turning his head back toward the ceiling. "You were right, it was pretty amazing." he admitted, smiling with his face still blushy. "Hmmmm..." Ronan hummed curiously, Pausing for a moment as if deep in thought. "Though it seems you're still a bit... Bothered." he said observantly. "Let's fix that!" Of course, as per usual, the collar around his neck inflated like an inner-tube until it puffed up around his face, giving him a good squeeze before it popped away. Chaotic still wasn't used to the balloon collar Feeling teased is he remained still on the floor. Then, he noticed something different about one of the red cushions above him.

The cushion was growing, inflating outwards and becoming more rounded than it had been before as the room filled with the sound of its hollow interior filling with air. Looking up nervously, chaotic got up on his knees, unsure of what to do as the orb grew to about twice his size. Then, once the balloon slowly ceased inflating, it became still for a brief moment before separating from the ceiling and plunging right towards him. "Eep..." was all Chaotic was able to utter before the balloon landed on him with a loud squeaky thump, the force of the impact contorting its circular body out against the rubbery floor before jiggling back to its regular shape like ball goo. "Mmmmph?" Chaotic let out a muffled gasp, feeling a restrictive amount of pressure surrounding his body as he suddenly found himself in the center of the balloon which had been dropped on him.

"MMMMHP!" closing his eyes, the young man attempted to move his arms and legs, finding himself in what felt like a spread eagle position, with tight rubber clinging to him from front to back and head to toe. From the outside, Chaotic could be seen in the center of the semi-translucent shiny orb, sealed seamlessly around his body as if it had absorbed him through its rubber. The raccoon felt as if he had been pulled into a vacuum bed, this one being a lot tighter, and only allowing him to wiggle slightly. Ronan again giggled at his boyfriend, feeling proud of the experimental balloon he had just plopped onto him. This was a trap he was looking forward to so much, he almost wished he could take Chaotic's place to experience it. It almost looks like Chaotic had been eaten by a slime, with the way it smooshed on top of him to trap him inside. Fortunately, even with the rubber tightly wrapped over his face, the raccoon found that he could still breathe, with his breath passing through the membrane, like a sheet of nylon.

Even stranger, when he was trapped inside, it didn't feel like the balloon landed on him, more like the rubber stretched around him, pulling him in once he was fully enveloped. It was like he had been gobbled up by a giant inflatable amoeba! Chaotic knew he obviously wasn't in any danger, though still surprised by this new predicament. Then, he felt a sudden jolt in his orientation, his stomach dropping as his prison bounced up into the air. With a big thump, the balloon Squished down onto the cushioned floor like before, the force of the landing causing the inside to contract around Chaotic as he was tightly squeezed in a large all-encompassing hug. "Mmmmph!" Raccoon moaned pleasurably as the balloon squished him, the pressure being tight but surprisingly comforting. After a couple moments of squeezing, the balloon bounced back up, but lingered in the air for a short time before plummeting back down.

With a squeaky landing, the balloon squished into the ground, stretching out even further than before as it doubled its hug around Chaotic. "MMMMPH!" The pressure was almost constricting, but he couldn't help but blush as it felt so good around his bound body. It reminded him of how Ronan once inflated a weather balloon and threw it on top of him when they were playing in bed, even climbing on top of it to SQUISH Chaotic underneath. The young raccoon smiled with a flustered blush, his chest fluttering l as the balloon continued to compress him. But almost as soon as it started, the balloon bounced up again, its inner chamber jiggling around as the pressure was released from the raccoon's body. This time, the orb remained above the floor a few seconds longer than it had the first two times, floating rather than just losing its momentum. Plummeting down, the sphere slowly rolled backward, rotating Chaotic facing up as it landed with a rubbery slap, sending ripples throughout the surrounding cushions as Chaotic was instantly smooshed in its center.

With that, the balloon pressed in on Chaotic tighter than ever before, as if the balloon was trying to smother him with affection. Though he could still breathe, the air was pushed right out of his chest, the balloon itself nearly flattened from the force of its landing. Even after smooshing to the ground, the balloon remained squished down as if to maintain its squeeze around Chaotic. With the balloon keeping him sandwiched in its double-layered chamber, he wasn't able to move an inch, with no choice but to accept the full-body hug the balloon was forcing upon him. Ronan remained surprisingly quiet again, as if looking forward to whatever came next. Rather than bouncing back up, the balloon abruptly wobbled back into its round shape with chaotic jiggling in the center. It felt as if he was stuck in a bowl of pudding with how much the balloon wobbled, the rubber remaining very flexible and squishy while maintaining its tight loving hold on him.

Suddenly, without warning the balloon bobbed upward, giving itself momentum before thrusting itself back down against the floor, stretching out horizontally while giving Chaotic another squeeze. Chaotic let another muffled moan as the balloon squished itself down, still pushing itself against the floor to prolong its loving squish on him. This predicament reminded him so much of the last room he was in, nommed up by a balloon and toyed with in such an intimate way while bound by a flexible rubber prison. Then, the balloon jiggled back into its rounded shape, but quickly thrust itself back into the floor to smoosh Chaotic once again, and again, and again. To his delight, the balloon began bobbing up and down, squeezing him over and over as the room echoed with rhythmic reverberating squeaks. Chaotic found himself smiling as he giggled in delight, his pleasure growing with each squeeze the balloon gave him. He enjoyed how his body bobbed after every squish, wobbling from within as if stuck to the floor of a bounce house.

From Ronan's view, it looked as if the balloon was trying to flatten him. But at the same time, it appeared that the orb was humping him, almost making the raccoon jealous of his boyfriends' predicament. But being the dom he was, Ronan was more than happy with watching. Chaotic, despite how strange it all was, loved the pleasurable squeezes the balloon brought upon him. While he had been squeezed underneath a balloon before, he'd never had the odd pleasure of being squished so rhythmically and consistently. "These toys are so... creative.❤️" Chaotic thought to himself, moaning under the soft restricting rubber. And with each loving squeeze, he could feel himself coming closer and closer to the edge. With how comfortable the balloon was, and the lovely pressure that came with each thrust, he couldn't help but surrender his pleasure to the inflatable prison.

Chaotic could feel the balloon focusing on his most sensitive areas, his chest, behind, and especially between his legs. Out of all the inflatable traps he had fallen victim to so far, this one was by far the best. Seemingly less predatory and more playful, this balloon squeezed him with passion and love, rather than just toying with him like the kanga-coon from earlier. Then, the balloon began increasing the speed of its thrusts, humping him faster and faster as the raccoon happily bounced inside. Smiling blissfully, Chaotic rolled his head back as far as he could, awaiting the final moment as he came closer to rerelease. And with that, the balloon gave him one last affectionate squeeze, ceasing its thrusts and as it remained squished down on him. Instead, the balloon started convulsing, contracting in on itself every second with a slight wobble, until it slowly reformed into a spherical shape.

It then began bobbing up and down ever so gently, the sound of creaking rubber reverberating within its interior furry along with Chaotic's blissful moans. From inside, the raccoon could feel the rubber sliding along his body from front to back, as if nuzzling him. But within a few moments, Chaotic began sinking downwards, the rubber sagging underneath him with increased elasticity. With the pressure finally released from his body, he could finally move his arms and legs around, but didn't offer much resistance as he sank further and further down. Meanwhile, the balloon gently rose above the floor, floating in place as a raccoon-shaped bulge could be seen poking out from the bottom. With a soft pop, Chaotic emerged from the orb, slipping through the rubber membrane-like jelly as he landed gently on the soft padded floor.

The young raccoon smiled blissfully as he splayed his arms and legs out on the floor, giggling to himself with a goofy look on his blushing face. With its captive released, the balloon drifted back up into the ceiling, merging between the padded cushions as it deflated back into a rounded square tile. "Better?" Ronan asked with a chuckle. "It even cleaned up for you.❤️" Chaotic slowly opened his eyes and looked down at himself, realizing that despite his release, his fur was completely spotless. So the balloon wasn't just snuggling him, it was cleaning him up and wiping away his seed. Putting his hands up to his cheeks, Chaotic attempted to hide his bashful expression as he chuckled under his breath. The young man was a bit embarrassed, but he couldn't get over how kinky it was it the balloon and wipe them clean right after making him cum.

"Yeah." Chaotic replied. "That was pretty nice." the raccoon then sat up on his hands and knees, still blushing from the intimate session the balloon gave him. "Oh? And what did you like the most about this one?" Ronan asked, seeing just how satisfied his boyfriend looked. "Well, the thing is, I'm alright with a little bit of teasing, but too much is just torture." he explained looking up at the ceiling. "I still liked all of the other rooms, but they just left me... wanting more." Ronan couldn't help but laugh in response, knowing full well that he had been teasing him relentlessly this whole time. "I know, I love seeing that needy little look on your face." he chuckled. Unamused, Chaotic puffed out his cheeks grumpily. "Not to worry, I'll make sure the next room doesn't tease you too much." Ronan followed up.

As like before, the cushion underneath chaotic began sagging, lowering him down into the main lobby once again. When he was released from the deflating cushion, slipping through its membrane with the rubber sack snapping back into the ceiling, he got back onto his feet and chose another one of the random doors. Once inside, the cushions lining the door closed behind him as he was enclosed in darkness. "Here we go again..." he sighed. Just like that, he dropped down as the floor gave way underneath him, sliding down a long inflatable tunnel to who knows where. Finally, upon exiting the tube he landed on his back against another inflatable surface, accompanied by a loud splash as he gently bobbed to a halt. Despite obviously falling on an inflatable of some sort, He can feel the surface jiggle under his weight, with the sound of water rippling around him.

The first thing he saw when opening his eyes was a curved half-pipe ceiling above him, like a large tunnel, but of of course lined with red rubber. Taking a moment to pull him self together, he slowly sat up-right to find himself on a puffy yellow inflatable raft, Floating down an under ground river or cavern of some kind. The raft itself was surprisingly roomy, enough to fit at least six raccoons of his size, sporting large cylindrical cushions liking the hull, with the floor being heavily inflatable as well. There weren't any visible seat in his raft, or any oars for paddling, just slowly drifting down the river with the current. Crawling over to the front of his raft, he looked to the distance to see the tunnel ahead twisting and turning like some kind of underground catacomb, giving it an ominous atmosphere.

The tunnel was rather dark, but lined up along the walls were inflatable lamps of some sort, lit dimly but enough to illuminate the inflatable cavern, reflecting beautifully off the rippling water like moonlight. Drawing his attention down toward the glistening river, he realized something unusual about the way the light reflected from it, still beautiful and mesmerizing, but strangely stiff. The way the water rippled seemed less like fluid in movement and more wobbly, almost like the waterbed he had gotten stuck on back in college. Curious, he reached down toward the water and dipped his finger in it. But instead of dipping into the water, his finger merely indented the liquid. "Huh?" Confused, the young man reached down again, feeling a strange liquid glide against in his finger as his raft continued down the stream.

It definitely felt wet, but also slippery like some kind of lubricated rubber, it felt more like he was touching some kind of gelatinous material rather than dipping his finger in a river. Chaotic reached down further, and only after a little more effort was he able to permeate his finger through the liquid. Whatever the stuff was, it was thick, viscous, and it felt more like jelly than water. Taking his finger out of the river, he noticed how seamlessly the liquid reformed, almost like regular water but more smooth with less ripples. But then, the young raccoon gasped in shock, looking at his finger to see that it was now coated it in some kind of dark sheen. He could still move it, the fur was not replace with some kind of glossy coating. The jelly River had encased his finger in some kind of black rubber! Using his other part, he fumbled to try to remove it, it was stuck with the skin-tight seal.

"What... What is this?" he asked flabbergasted. "Looking back down at the river, he noticed just how dark the water jelly appeared, most likely a result of how thick it was. "Is this some kind of latex jelly river?" he added. "That's right!" Ronans' voice responded, ominously echoing throughout the tunnel. "That being said, I wouldn't jump out of that raft if I were you, you can't exactly swim in jelly, not without being coated in nice shiny rubber." he cautioned. The echoing of his voice caused Chaotic to shiver, crawling back into the boat as he looked at his now rubberized finger. It was like wearing a latex glove, only much slicker and thicker, offering a surprising amount of movement but with a skintight seal. Then suddenly, the rubber on his finger puffed out with a Fwomp.

"Eep!" Chaotic gasped, the rubber on his appendage now bigger and puffer like a tiny inflated balloon. Wiggling his finger, the inflatable rubber wobbled back and forth with it. However, it felt like the rubber was still coating his finger underneath, most likely a second layer Which allowed it to expand with air. He attempted to pull the puffed-up latex off his coated finger, only for his paws to slip and slide over it, with no friction to properly grasp it. Giving up, he let out a sigh and sat back on his knees. "I'm not trying that again." he said to himself. Unsure of what to do next, he looked back down at the slow-moving river, flowing down the dim tunnel to who knows where. It was at this moment that he realized, despite starting out with instructions for the first room, it had been a while since Ronan had been given him any at all. Seeing as he didn't have any options for maneuvering or escaping the raft, he decided to ask his boyfriend for advice.

But then, before he could even open his mouth, he heard a soft squeaking sound from the back of the boat. Turning around, he saw something had latched onto the side of his raft, startling him as he flopped onto his back. But upon closer inspection, he saw what appeared to be a cute-looking otter, with its little paws grasped onto the side of his boat. The strange critter let out a small cutesy squeak, tilting its head to the side as it looked at Chaotic with its glossy beady eyes. The creature didn't look anthropomorphic like him, but it didn't seem feral either, more like some kind of cartoony kemono mascot. With stubby paws, gleaming eyes, and a cute rounded head, it almost looked like a chibi doll, stealing Chaotic's heart with just a glance. "Awwww..." the young raccoon cooed, his eyes drooping at the sight of the strange critter.

With little caution, the young raccoon scooted over to the adorable critter to get a better look, making direct eye contact with it as if he was in a trance. Upon closer inspection, he realized that the otter had a glossy rubbery shine all over his body, giving it a soft bubbly appearance. Despite knowing it was clearly made of rubber, Chaotic slowly lifted his hand toward its face, playfully booping its little nose. In response, the otter nuzzled its head under his paw, closing its beady eyes as if it requesting Chaotic to pet it. Complying, the young raccoon caressed the top of its head with a smile, his lips curling into their natural double u shape. The otters' skin squeaked and squirked as Chaotic gently stroked its head, realizing just how soft and squishy its body was. It was obvious that he was petting a balloon critter, but he didn't seem to care as he continued giving it attention.

The otter let out a squeaking purr, keeping its eyes closed as it leaned closer to the raccoon. Chaotic did the same, scooting forward as to better pet the creature, even placing his other paw underneath its chin. At this point, he was snuggling it like a dog, giving it his undivided attention as if he had just adopted it as a pet. Letting his guard down, Chaotic leaned in so close that he was mere inches from the creature's face, letting out a sigh as he ogled its adorable expression. Suddenly, the otter grabbed onto Chaotic face, clamping both of its squeaky puffy paws against his cheeks and forcing his lips into an awkward pucker. Before he could react, the other leaned in and gave Chaotic a big squeaky smothery smooch, locking its lips with his as it began the suckle on his face. "MMMPH!?" the young man flailed his arms, taken completely by surprise as his mouth was filled with the taste of fresh rubber.

"MMMMMM... mmmmph..." Chaotic attempted to grab onto the otter's arms to pull him off, but its skin was so slippery it did him no good. All the while its face squished against his, feeling its smooth rubbery tongue slip Into his lips with a slow but passionate motion. Despite its slick glossy skin, and clearly inflatable features, he couldn't pull himself away, as if locked in the suction of its kiss. Not to mention its hold on his face was squishy but firm, keeping his head right where it wanted him while feeling up his cheeks. All Chaotic could do was blush squirm and moan as the otter took ownership of his mouth, smooching, suckling, and squeaking against his lips with no signs of stopping. The sound of creaking rubber invaded his ears from both of his ears as the critter continued to smother him with love, but he could also feel its maw vibrate against his, accompanied by the sound of muffled purring, as if it was also moaning with him.

The creature truly took pleasure in kissing Chaotic, taking its time to enjoy their prolonged smooch as one would when savoring a fine meal. Chaotic would eventually give up trying to escape from its kiss, almost going limp as he was smothered by the otters' love. But then, the balloon creature separated its lips from his with a sudden rubbery pop, removing the airtight seal from their mouths as if removing the cork on a champagne bottle. Chaotic took in a much-needed breath as he tumbled onto the inflatable floor of his raft, blushing ear to ear As he took a few moments to recover from the smooch. The young man's lips felt rather sensitive from the skin-tight seal the otter had put on his mouth, as if he could still feel its rubbery kiss. Looking back up, he saw the inflatable otter smiling blissfully, resting its head on its left paw with its eyes still closed.

The creature let out a squeaky sigh with a dreamy expression on his face, as if still enjoying the afterglow of the kiss it had forced on the baffled raccoon. Opening its eyes back up, the inflatable otter looked back down to Chaotic while playful batting its glossy eyes at him. Chaotic gulped, his face blushing even brighter in response to the inflatable's flirty demeanor. The otter just giggled at Chaotic's flustered reaction. Now wary of the inflatable cleaning to the side of his boat, Chaotic begin backing away, worried that it might swallow him like the kanga-coon did, considering that all of the rooms he had been in so far had inflatable's keen on enveloping him. Then, taking its left paw off of its chin, the inflatable otter reached behind down below the boat, and took out a shiny reflective ball of jelly.

Wobbling and jiggling in its hand, it seemed to hold together surprisingly well, almost like there was a membrane keeping it in a spiracle shape. Tossing it up and down a couple of times, the otter smirked playfully as it suddenly tossed the ball straight towards him. Reacting quickly, Chaotic held his right hand in front of his face, blocking the incoming projectile with his palm. With a wet slap, the jelly instantly encased his paw up to his wrist, taking the young raccoon by surprise as it wobbled around his now inert appendage. Looking at his enveloped hand, he could barely see the outline of his digits through the semi-transparent substance, it was so thick he could barely move his fingers at all. It almost looked like an amoeba had nommed up his hand. Panicking, he immediately attempted to shake the jelly off, causing it to wobble like a water balloon.

Fortunately, after a couple of shakes, he managed to get the jelly off of him, slapping to the floor as it bounced to the opposite side of the boat, where it wobbled back into its rounded shape. But, when Chaotic looked back at his hand, he was mortified to see that it was now completely covered in rubber. Almost every wrinkle and contour in his palms and fingers could be seen through the latex, more than just skin-tight, but as second skin coating his paw. Just like with his left finger, he tried to peel it off but it was seamless and stuck tight to his fur. And after a few moments of pointless struggling, the rubber around his paw puffed up into a ball, leaving his hand completely useless. "Eep!" Chaotic shook his right arm up and down, but unlike the jelly-ball, he was unable to shake it off.

All it did was bounce and jiggle like a water balloon, creaking and squeaking with every movement he made. It almost looked like he was wearing a goofy inflatable glove with no fingers. He even tried grabbing the surface to pull it off, but that did him no good, unable to even get a grip on the rubber as it slipped under his fingers. Chaotic could barely even move his hands underneath with immense pressure the balloon-like glove put on his digits. The otter just chuckled at his clumsy attempts to remove the inflatable, closing its beady eyes as it gently bapped its paws into the side of the raft. Chaotic's Face blushed in embarrassment, as he yet again found himself being toyed with as a source of amusement by a living inflatable. The young raccoon then put both of his feet against the ball stuck to his hand and tried pushing it off with both of his legs.

Unfortunately, the ball was so firmly sealed to his hand that all he did was sink his soles into the rubber before slipping off of the smooth surface. Just as he was going to give it a second go, he heard the hull of his inflatable raft creaking from behind him. Turning around, he was surprised to see another rubber otter right behind him, clinging to the side of his boat with its paws. It also chuckled at his expense, giving him a mischievous look as if he was just a toy. Then, more creaking could be heard from both sides his raft as several other otters is also popped up From the jelly river. With a nervous girl, Chaotic found himself surrounded by six identical balloon otters, all smiling and giggling at him like a bunch of playful school girls. Slumping his shoulders down and tucking his tail up to his butt, he practically curled up into a ball, wondering what would happen next.

Then, while his back was turned, the otter clinging to the front of let out what sounded like a whistle, getting Chaotic's attention as he turned around and looked over his left shoulder. He turned his eyes just in time to see a jelly ball flying straight at him and towards his left shoulder. Reacting at the last moment, Chaotic lifted his left hand up and blocked the incoming ball, only for it to become enveloped in the jelly just like before. Gasping, Chaotic immediately tried to shake off the ball before it was too late, but the jelly refused to budge from his hand. The otters all gigged at him in unison, creating a symphony of innocent squeaks which echoed throughout the endless tunnel. Eventually, Chaotic succeeded in releasing his hand, tossing the jelly ball to the back of the boat, only to find his hand completely coated in tight latex.

Even his index finger, with was already coated and bloated, seamlessly fused with the rest of the glove. Of course, it didn't take long for the rubber to inflate, now leaving both of his hands uselessly cuffed and puffed in restrictive ball mittens. The young man cringed as the rubber critters tease him, feeling as if he was an animal in a pen. Then to two of the four otters clinging to both sides of his boat also took a hand full of jelly from the river, showing them off to the raccoon with teasing looks on their rubbery faces. Chaotic just backed up slowly, tucking his balled-up paws against his chest wondering where they would strike him next. With that, Chaotic noticed the otter to his left preparing to throw the jelly at him, instinctively shielding his face with his bound paws. But unexpectedly, the otter threw the jelly at his left foot instead, enveloping it in the gelatinous ball.

The young man shivered as he felt the cold jiggling substance encompass his foot, looking down at his cocooned enclosed limb as he let out a "meep." Just as he began shaking his left leg, another ball was thrown at his right foot by the otter. Chaotic silently gulped, distracted by his immediate predicament, he neglected to pay attention to the other inflatable critters. With both of his feet jellied, he clumsily kicked both of his feet around, managing to free them both as the balls rolled to the back of the boat with the others. Of course, he was too late, both of his feet now coated in tight shiny black rubber, as all he could do wait until... Pomf! Two puffy latex balloons encompassed his feet, leaving them as useless as his hands. Chaotic moaned as the rubber squeezed his lower appendages, bending his legs as he tried to sit up straight.

When attempting to plant his feet down, he found that they wouldn't even touch the floor, remaining held within in the center of the restricting balloon cuffs. The rubber orbs merely warped and stretched out against the inflatable floor of his raft, keeping his feet suspended from within and preventing him from putting his weight down on them. Chaotic couldn't even properly bend forward to sit on his knees, unable to distribute his weight any further than his ankles as he was now incapable of balancing. When he attempted to do so anyway, he quickly found himself clumsily flopping back on his rump. In unison, all of the balloon otters began to chuckle, squeaking at him much to his humiliation. By simply encasing his hands and feet in tight double-layered balloons, he found himself unable to stand up or even set up right, leaving him in an awkward position.

Seeing as their new playmate now stuck on his back thanks to the restricting balloons, they decided it was finally time to take action... and let the fun begin. Without warning, the otter clinging to the back of the boat lunged itself inside, belly-flopping right in front of the raccoon. Caught off guard, Chaotic flinched as the inflatable critter lifted its head right up to him, unfazed by its flop onto the boat. Now that he could get a better look at the rest of its body, it was definitely sporting an anthropomorphic form just like he is, only a bit more cartoony and rounded. Getting up on his hands and knees, the otter then began crawling towards him on all fours with a mischievous look on its face. In response, Chaotic tried to crawl away, only back up into something soft and squishy, looking behind him to see the other balloon order nuzzling up against his back.

The otter then wrapped both of its arms up from under his shoulders, Pinning Chaotic's arms to his sides and making sure he couldn't crawl away. The raccoon of course, struggled to break free from the otter's inflatable arms, only to be pulled back against its soft rubbery chest. Because of its inflatable body, his bondage was not that uncomfortable, but with how springy and flexible the critter was, he had no leverage to break free. With its inflatable body pressing against his back, and its arms wrapped under his shoulders, it almost felt like he was restrained against an inflatable chair, making him nervous as he whimpered under his breath. With that, the otter in front of him crawled up onto his legs, licking its lips as it rubbed its balloonie paw up his leg. "Meep..." Chaotic squeaked impulsively.

With a flirty look on its face, the inflatable continued crawling atop the helpless raccoon, with the other four otters watching an amusement from the sides of the raft. Using what little movements he had in his arms, he tried burping one of his hands against the approaching otter, bapping the balloon cuff against its inflatable face. This did little to deter the rubbery critter, only smooshing its flexible face as it continued crawling towards him. Ignoring Chaotic's fruitless attempts at resistance, the otter leaned right up to his face and grabbed his cheeks, followed up by another playful smooch. "Mmmph!" finding himself once again mouth to mouth with the inflatable otter, he was instantly overwhelmed by familiar the taste of fresh rubber. Pinned from front to back, and unable to pull himself away, all he could do was blush and Moan as he was toyed with.

Having taken ownership of his mouth for a second time, the otter took its time savoring the helpless raccoon. Suckling on his lips and tasting his mouth with its squishy rubber tongue, it's closed its eyes while listening to Chaotic's moans like calming ambiance. Chaotic was hopelessly aroused by the forced inflatable kiss, the otters' lips were so soft, and the way its tongue moved around his was so dominant but gentle. While not the first time he had been kissed by an inflatable since being trapped in the strange rubber labyrinth, it was still an incredibly pleasant experience. Though he tried to resist, he couldn't help but love the dommy balloonie kiss forced onto him, not that he had much choice since he was held tightly from front to back. With that, Chaotic chose to close his eyes as well, allowing himself to enjoy their less than private make-out session.

Their eyes wide in amusement, the other four otters eagerly watched as the raccoon was rendered helpless to the passionate kiss brought upon him. However, they also grew rather jealous that their plaything was being hogged, wanting nothing more than to have their turn with him. One of the otters even began pushing its front against the side of the boat, puckering its lips as its body squeaked the raft's hull. Opening one of its eyes, the otter kissing Chaotic giggled softly under its breath, and began rubbing its body against his. "MMMhmhmhmhmmmm..." the raccoon let out a shivering moan as the otter's soft rubber underbelly slid against his, even feeling its lower half pushing up against his groin. Its body slender but puffy, its skin smooth and soft, rubbing so gently that it made him want more.

Tired of watching from the sidelines, the four remaining otters climbed over the inflatable hull of the raft, all flopping onto the floor like a bunch of rubber sausages. When getting their footing back, they wasted no time crawling toward the helpless raccoon as he was continuously humped and smooched by the first otter that caught him. Chaotic, Didn't take notice of this, as his senses were overwhelmed by the intimate make-out session forced on him. With the otter laying on top of him, and pinned by the other behind him, he was practically sandwiched between them. And the more the otter kissed him, the more submissive he became, even welcoming the kiss as their tongues rubbed against one-another. "Mmmmph!" Suddenly, his eyes shot open as he felt an extra heft of weight flop his uncovered limbs.

Huffing heavily into the inflatables mouth, he looked side to side to see the other otters now latched onto his arms and legs, humping him just like the one on top. "Mmmmmph." he let out a shivering moaning purr as their smooth rubbery bodies rubbed along the fur of his appendages, their legs scissored around the inflatable balls stuck to his hands and feet for leverage so they wouldn't slip off. Since he was still stuck in the kiss, he couldn't turn his head but could see the faces on the otters clamped onto his arms, nuzzling his shoulders as they both gave him a flirty look. batting their eyelashes, they both leaned in and kissed him on both of his blushing cheeks, further taking Chaotic by surprise as his eyes closed shut.

"Mmmmmm..." At this point, the young raccoon felt like he was in heaven as his four rubbery inflatable playmates smothered him with love as they covered him from head to toe in their balloonie bodies. Ronan meanwhile, could be heard sighing over the intercom, followed by a subtle giggle as he watched his boyfriend enjoy the Luxuries of his rubber jelly river. The otter's bodies squeaked all around Chaotic as they humped him all over him, as if he was just a boy-toy for the overly clingy critters. The two otters on his legs even began nuzzling their faces against his thighs while gliding the bodies against his legs. The other behind him, feeling left out also began rubbing its body back-and-forth against his back, even resting its chin atop Chaotic's head. With the taste of sweet rubber overwhelming him, Chaotic began to feel slightly dizzy, his eyes closing again as his thoughts turned to mush.

Moaning into the mouth of his kisser, he could feel himself growing closer and closer to the edge. Chaotic couldn't fight it, or resist the pleasure, just waiting to irrupt like a balloon ready to burst. Just then, the otter behind him started to giggle, leaning back until it was resting against the inflatable wall of the raft. "Mmmmm... Mmmmmm... ❤️" His mind awash with bliss, Chaotic began rocking his hips with the otter's as best he could, doing his part to reach a climax. Despite the otter's featureless bodies, the rubber felt so good against his groin, making him wish he could move his legs so he could wrap them around the inflatable. Then, the otter pulled its lips away from Chaotic, A small drop of drool running down his mouth as he continued to smile.

The blissfully happy raccoon just giggled to himself, the taste of the otters rubbery tongue so lingering in his mouth as he huffed with joy. For a few more moments, the otter continued to thrust its hips against Chaotic, just staring down at him to ogle his grinning face. The kiss it forced upon him had its job, leaving him submissive and helpless like the boy-toy he was. Chaotic's moaning voice got higher and higher, indicating that he was finally nearing his climax. With that, the other hesitantly ceased its humping, leaving the submissive raccoon confused as he looked up at the otter with pleading eyes. "Uhhhh... What?" he whimpered, his face was like that of a puppy asking for food. With a mischievous grin, the otter slowly crawled down to his groin area and open his mouth while licking its lips.

With that, the otter leaned down, and took Chaotic's manhood into its rubbery mouth. The raccoon leaned his head back against the otter behind him, letting out a sigh as his goofy smile returned to his face. The other behind him just giggled again, nuzzling its chin on top of Chaotic's head with an amused smirk. Gently and subtly, the otter on top began to suckle the raccoon, squeezing its mouth around his member while locking its lips around it. With soft rhythmic squeaks, the otter began working its head back-and-forth, happily gliding its slippery inflatable mouth along with its new plaything. Chaotic didn't move an inch, submitting to the otters' new treatment as his special place was squeezed, suckled, and stroked. The way it worked its inflatable mouth over him was so teasing and subtle, but it was effective that Chaotic could only moan as his eyes rolled back in pleasure.



While softly squeezing his lips, it wrapped its tongue around him with surprising flexibility, as it trying to envelop it fully. The raccoon didn’t want to admit it, but not even his boyfriend was this good pleasuring him. But then he noticed something different, unlike its kiss, the way it suckled on him felt a lot more lubricated. Its mouth felt slimy on his shaft, like some kind of gelatinous saliva, or creamy honey. Biting his lip, he tried to focus as he looked down at the otter on top of him. Its face looks so relaxed, its eyes closed softly and almost moaning with soft squeaks as it continued to work his manhood. The inflatable critter was not overcome with bliss as he was himself, but it genuinely seemed to be enjoying itself.

But then, the otter slowly pulled its mouth from his groin, lifting its head up and licking his lips with a satisfied grin, even let out a squeaky whimper while placing its hand on the cheek. It looked as if it had just finished eating a delicious meal, however, found raccoon was yet to deliver his load. Chaotic was slightly disappointed, shivering as he could feel his member throb from the experience, still on the verge of climax that he was so quickly denied. But then, his eyes widened as he looked down at his manhood, which was now covered black latex. “Eh...” before he could even question it, the latex quickly blimped outward, squeezing around his member and sealing it in a double-layered balloonie ball between his legs. “Ohhhh...” with that, the squeeze was more than enough to send him over the edge, causing him the climax inside of the balloon as he laid his head back down against the otter behind him.

Chaotic's eyes rolled back again, his tongue hanging out from his mouth as the balloon pulsated around his groin as if it was pumping him for what he had. However, all too quickly, the pleasure ended, leaving in panting on his back like an exhausted pup. Despite how quick the orgasm was, he was just happy to finally get a release after all the teasing the otters had given him. “How lovely, you look like you enjoyed that so much, I’m almost jealous of those balloonies.” Ronan chuckled, his voice almost surprising the raccoon as he had almost forgotten that he was still watching. “But, I guess it’s a good thing that rubber ball finished you off. Unlike those otters, it looked like you were about to burst.” he followed up with another chuckle. Chaotic sighed, looking on amused as he just looked up at the ceiling.

“Now that you’re all freshened up, why don’t you boys help him take a dip?” he suggested playfully. “Huh?” Chaotic just widened his eyes, thinking he had misunderstood his boyfriend. But then, the otter holding him from behind gave the top of his head a soft kiss, followed by a soft hissing sound. Chaotic could feel something soft and rubbery growing from out of its mouth and slowly encompassing the top of his head. Didn’t take him long to realize what it was doing, it was trying to envelop his head in a balloon! Chaotic shook his head back and forth, again trying to free himself, but its hold was just as firm as before. Meanwhile, the otter that had just finished blowing him sat down on its squeaky knees as it watched the raccoon struggle against the ball hood slowly folding over his head. He wanted to push the balloon off, but the other otters were still grinding away out his limbs and keeping him pinned.

Within moments, the balloon had wrapped over his ears and was now covering the top half of his head, rolling his eyes up to see the black latex inching over his vision. With a frightened squeak, the young man closed his eyes, feeling the balloon squeeze down his head, now leaving only his jaw and snoot uncovered. Taking a deep breath, he inhaled as much air as he could before the balloon wrapped over his nose and mouth, quickly encasing his head in a double-layered rubber sphere like the rest of his limbs and groin. Chaotic whimpered under the tight latex, coming out as muffled moans as the balloon practically silenced him. Even the slightest movement in his facial muscles would fill his sensitive ears with rubbery squeaks, the balloon's inner layer not so restrictive as it was squishy.

Fortunately, he found that he could somehow breathe through the rubber, the air still entering his nose as he inhaled. Regardless, he couldn’t see anything beyond the opaque latex, he couldn’t hear anything but soft creaking, and with each breath he took, his nostrils were filled with the scent of strong rubber. “Mmmph... Mmmmph!” he moaned, pleading with the otters to remove the balloon from his head. In response, the otter holding him from behind lifted his arms up to his head, and placed its paws on the sides of his balloon. With a playful grin, the otter squeezed the ball between its paws, the resulting pressure causing the latex to contract on Chaotic's head underneath. "MMMMPH!" the raccoon's cheeks were smooshed together, his lips forced to pucker as the rubber squeeze his face from both sides.


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