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        "Ohh… what was… What happened?” Chaotic, the grey anthropomorphic raccoon said to himself, waking up on a soft squishy floor. At first he felt drowsy, but after a few moments he regained his senses and sat up as best he could. Chaotic felt the floor squish under his weight, bulging around his hands and knees like an inflatable cushion, squeaking with even the smallest movement he made. When his vision cleared, he saw the floor was made of red rubber, the deep passionate shade of red that you would see a some Valentine's Day heart. Then, as Chaotic moved his head, he felt something push underneath his chin with a soft squeak, putting an unusual amount of pressure around his neck. Grabbing at it with his left paw, the raccoon found that he was wearing some kind inflatable collar, it was made of soft but pressurized rubber that was squishy to the touch but a little restrictive. Grabbing at it with both hands he attempted to yank it off by, hoping to stretch it out enough that he could pull it over his head. Unfortunately the collar remained firmly snug around his neck, the rubber snapping back in place as it slipped out of his paws. Quickly realizing that the collar wasn't coming off, he gave up and decided to head lice is surroundings.

        Chaotic found that he was in a small box-shaped cell, the walls padded with the same giant red rubber cushion as the floor. There weren't any doors or even a visible light  source despite the room being illuminated, just red padded rubber everywhere he looked. Chaotic tucked his tail between his legs, looking in every direction as double checking his surroundings for an exit. His space was so small he almost felt as if it was getting smaller, blushing at the very though as he was very fond of rubber and inflatables alike. “H-hello?” he called out nervously, his timid voice reverberating throughout the surrounding rubber. Chaotic shivered, he could practically hear the rubber absorbing the vibrations in his voice, possibly muffling or muting his voice from whatever was outside. At first he thought he was dreaming, perhaps this is some kind of kinky fantasy fueled dream involving rubber entrapment, but it all felt so real. The way his hands and knees sank into the squishy surface, the way it budged under his weight, and the way it squeaked with every little movement he made, too vivid for a dream. But more importantly, was a strong tantalizing scent of fresh latex, the smell almost hypnotic as it entered his nostrils, calming him like a lavender candle would.

        "What is this place? How are did I get here?” Chaotic asked himself. The last thing he could remember was drinking a glass of lemonade his boyfriend Ronan gave to him. Ronan was a raccoon like chaotic, but he had lighter brown fur and was a bit more unpredictable and strange. The brown raccoon was an inventor, his research often involving programmable micro fabrics, though he mostly kept his work a secret. Despite his secrecy, Ronan would often present chaotic with different kinds of balloons for them to play with, some unpoppable with tough but pliable rubber, some slippery and more squishy like bubbles, and even ones with enough buoyancy to act as floating beanbags. It seems like almost every week he would have something new for them to play with.

        But one afternoon, instead of suggesting some midday playtime, Ronan offered his boyfriend the drink which led to him conking out. Chaotic looked back at the floor shaking his head with a sigh, his partner was infamous for playing tricks on him in the form of playful surprises, but this was definitely a step above his usual antics. “Why… Morin'n sweetie!” said a flirty voice echoing throughout the surrounding rubber walls. Tilting his head back up, Chaotic swiveled his head around with a grumpy look on his face. Though slightly muffled, he didn't take the anthropomorphic raccoon long to figure out who voice belonged to. “Ronan!” Chaotic huffed, sitting up on his knees as he attempted to standup. "Did you drug me? Wah… Whoah!” then, he clumsily tripped backwards, unable to get any footing as the rubber squished beneath his feet. Fortunately the same rubber cushion this fall as he bounced on the balloon-like floor, but found himself blushing in embarrassment has he tucked his tail between his legs.


        Ronan voice could be here giggling throughout the rubber, mischievous and playful as usual and only adding to Chaotic's embarrassment. "I've always loved seeing you bounce, but don't worry, you'll get used to it soon enough.❤️” Ronan teased. Sitting back up using his elbows as leverage, Chaotic meeped softly under his breath as he felt the rubber squeak against his fur. “What do you mean? Did you put me in some kind of kinky prison?" he asked the longer looking grumpy. “Hardly…” Ronan replied. “What you're sitting in is my newest invention!” Suddenly, the surrounding walls began to expand around him, inching closer to the blushing raccoon as he squeaked out in shock. Chaotic also looked up at the ceiling only to find that it was closing on him as well, tucking his legs up to his chest as he curled up into a fetal position.

        “You'll like what comes next… It’s gonna be TIGHT!” Ronan giggled ominously. Steadily, the ballooning self inflating closer and closer to him, almost teasingly slow the rubbery walls began rubbing and squeaking against each other. Within moments, the walls had completely boxed him in, only inches away from his body which made him blush even more. Chaotic wasn't scared, he was nervous, he had never been surrounded by so much rubber, now he was only moments away from a ballooning full body squeeze. Despite near imminent danger of being smothered, he opened his legs and reached out to touch the rubber with both of his hands, pushing gently just to feel the rubbery softness of the approaching cushions. Strangely enough, it calmed him, mentally preparing him for the lovely squeezing he would soon endure, for better or worse. 



        The inflating rubber pressed against his knees, wedging between his legs and approaching his groin. The cushion behind him pressed against his back, slowly pushing himinto the oncoming rubber in front of him as he closed his eyes. The cushions on either side of him began pressing against him as well, squeaking past his shoulders and gently squishing against both sides of his face. Chaotic smiled as he let out a soft whimper, no longer annoyed or scared, but enjoying the slow squeezing therapy. But before the chamber could grow any tighter around him, the walls suddenly disappeared with a soft POP. Surprised, Chaotic opened up his eyes to I find at the walls had disappeared into a glittering red mist, releasing the pressure from his body all too quickly. Now with the walls gone, he found himself sitting in a much bigger rubber room, one with multiple padded cushions all over the ceiling and walls with six surrounding passageways. The walls were in the shape of the hexagon around him, with each passageway in the corners between each side, lined with rubber cushions like doorframes. 

        Chaotic gasped, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The raccoon thought he was in some kind of kinky cell, but this room was the size of a auditorium, or circus tent to be more accurate. “Behold, you're not sitting in any old rubber padded room, you're inside my state-of-the-art balloon labyrinth.” Ronan announced proudly, as if trying hype up a crowd. His voice echoed throughout the much bigger room, with a slight reverb due do the all surrounding rubber. "Ro-Ronan? What is this? Where I? How did I get here?”  Chaotic asked still looking side to side in disbelief. “Ohhhh?” Ronan cooed teasingly. “Did I just blow your mind?” he asked. Suddenly, the cushion underneath him began to inflate, growing and becoming more rounded as he began to slide off. 

        “Whoa!” Chaotic squeaked, flailing his arms or legs about as he tumbled forward onto the cushion in front of him, landing safely on his back. “Common sweetie… Where you are right now is not as important as where you're going." Ronan giggled ominously. Chaotic around, getting back up as he steadily tried to stand up on his feet. The young raccoon had become anxious, feeling a bit cheated by the all too brief squeezing session he was promised earlier. The experience had made him flustered, his heart still pounding just as he stared at the rubber padded walls surrounding him. “Now Now, don't be shy… pick any door you'd like, no matter which one you choose you won't be disappointed.❤️” Ronan teased. With his tail tucked between his legs, he began walking towards the closest entrance he could find, blushing as he felt the rubber squish under his feet with each step he took. Chaotics heart begin to beat faster as he approached the rubber framed entrance, if what Ronan said was true, he had only been given a taste of what was to come.

        The entrance was dark, there wasn't any light illuminating it, making it rather ominous and unsettling. With his legs shivering, he just stared at the passage of looming darkness, afraid that something was going to jump out at him like in a horror game. “Awww… There’s nothing be afraid of. Though if you'd like, you could stay in this room and jump on the cushions like a bounce house, but that won't be nearly as much fun as what's through that door…” Ronan giggled. Chaotic was never one to resist his boyfriends teasing, complying as he stepped forward through the rubber framed entry. Suddenly, he heard a loud hissing sound behind him. Startled, he turned around to see the padded rubber frame inflating inwards on the entrance, closing itself off like an automatic door. Before he knew it, the passage was sealed off completely with the loud rubbery squeak, leaving him in complete darkness as he folded his arms over his chest. 

        "Ro…Ronan?” Chaotic called out nervously. Instead of an answer, he felt the rubber cushion bulge underneath his feet, slowly inflating until became firm and taut. Then with a pop, the cushion burst as he suddenly felt himself drop. Chaotic gasped horror as he began falling into the darkness, flailing his arms around in hopes of grasping something to stop his dissent. But shortly after, is his surroundings began to light up again as he found himself landing butt first on another inflatable surface. Chaotic's bounced a couple of times before coming to a complete stop, cushioned but a bit shaken by the landing as his eyes rejected to the new room. The raccoon looked up, and his jaw dropping off eyes widened with excitement.

        Just like the previous room he was in, the space was massive, but hardly empty as he found himself in a room filled with large wobbling bubbles. The bubbles were all transparent, but very visible as they're glossy exteriors shined and glittered in the light, just as reflective as a soap bubble but wobbling like a giant balls of jelly, while gently floating around the room. Chaotic’s eyes shimmered, his heart pounding at the very sight of them, he just wanted to jump up and play with them. Then, he in a small section of the ceiling hiss softly right above him. Looking up, he saw two separate cushions inflating over entrance in which he had dropped from, sealing up the gap in the slanted wall without a trace. Sitting back up, he saw that the surface he was standing on was not tiled with cushions like the last was. The room was made of several horizontal columns that made up multiple bridges connecting with each other, each sloped differently but all on different levels. It almost reminded  him of that scene from Harry Potter with all the shifting stairways.


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