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The Balloon Shark Girl - $5 Patreon Exclusive - On the outside, Coco’s rubber prison had finally finished taking shape, sprouting two large on its sides, a curved dorsal fin on the top, and large puffy flippers on the end. Finally, two eye's appeared on the front with a cute smile curling up underneath, letting out an and adorable squeak as wiggled about. The deflated raft had morphed into what appeared to be an inflatable pink orca, one slightly larger than the bondage raft. With that, bubble finally popped, bursting into mist and allowing the shark woman to ogle her new toy to her hearts content. Upon seeing it's cute painted-on face, she smiled placing her hands on her rubbery cheeks. But then her smile faded, replaced with a confused expression upon seeing the young man still trapped and suspended in the center inside the now inflated rubber toy. "Huh…. Interesting…" she giggled with legitimate curiosity, walking up to the toy until she was looming over it.

Skunk Bubbler - The drone nodded, walking over to Wolfs bubble trap as the hero struggled to get back up. Suddenly, the sound of shattering glass and metal could be heard from above, echoing throughout the warehouse as Burst and all her drones looked up at the ceiling. Two figures drop to the floor with the shattered glass and metallic clutter, the first one on the landing perfectly on their feet, and other cushioning their fall with a large translucent bubble before popping into mist. Standing up on her feet, the first figure was Rupture, a tall lean lizard woman in a purple and black spandex jumpsuit, with belts strapped to the majority of her costume. With a fit but feminine physique, she was armed with multiple knives holstered in almost every reachable part of her costume, with bits of armor covering her some of her vitals. The woman's face was that of a focused hunter, eyes sharp like the knives she carried giving her an intimidating appearance.


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