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A Kitsune’s Growing Affection - Trade -  Even as he drifted off, he could feel her love and affection wash over him, bringing him only blissful thoughts and as he slept. Still feeling her pouches soft squeezing, he dreamt he was on pillow or a cushion of some  kind that spanned miles across. Every single step he took sank into the pillowy fabric beneath his feet, calming him as if stepping on a giant marshmallow. He eventually plopped belly first onto the surface, nuzzling and squishing his hands against the soft malleable cushion. Shato moaned in comfort, letting himself rest on the expansive place it seems to cover everything in sight. It felt like he was on a different planet entirely, not questioning how he got there or why, but just letting himself rest against the pillowy mass. 

The Balloon Shark Girl - $5 Patreon Exclusive -  Clumsily swimming into a nearby wall, Coco shook his head and scrambled out of the water, throwing his arms onto the poolside surface as he took another deep breath of air. Finally free of the shark women's clutches, he took that one single moment to appreciate the feeling of solid ground. Though he admittedly enjoyed the brief but enjoyable sex forced upon him, he knew he had to escape immediately. Coco didn't even care about his cell phone, all he had to do was run away and escape. Just as he managed to climb out of the pool crawling on his hands and knees, he heard something emerging from the water behind him as he saw a large but feminine shadow looming over him. Before he could even say “uh oh,” the Inflatable shark plopped on top of Coco, pinning him poolside floor.

Skunk Bubbler - The skunk woman took mental notes in her mind as she observed the helpless hero, coming to the conclusion that he must have created an air pocket in his mouth from all the blowing. Wolf strained and struggled to blow, his cheeks turning red as his bubble slowly grew bigger. It felt like he was fighting against the gum in a frustrating game of tug-of-war. For every moment he didn't blow into the gum, it would deflate back into his mouth and undo his hard work. Wolf spent every moment he possibly could he working his lungs to the limit to push the bubble gag out of his lips, watching as it slowly inflated in front of his face. But the hero began feeling dizzy, blowing so hard that his face was getting warm, feeling as if  he was about to burst, until his bubble to over a foot large. 


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