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        Placing his suitcase down, Coca took a moment to appreciate the house he had just arrived in. It looked completely brand-new, a spacious living room, a large TV, a soft fluffy rug, and a shiny white paint job on the walls and ceilings. It looked exactly like those houses you'd see vlogger's recording in, places that looked so expensive and fancy. It was even better than he could imagine. But of course, he hadn't come for the big screen TV, or the massive king sized bed. Placing his suitcase and phone next to the couch, he stripped down to his swim trunks. Showing off his light brownish skin, and stroking back his short black hair, he made his way to the back door and into the backyard. After his eyes adjusted to the sunlight, he was met with an unexpected site unexpected site. 

        The pool was much bigger than he initially thought, and was almost as big as an actual public pool. The water was clear, and everything was clean and tidy, but what Coca found strange was the plethora of pool toys spread throughout the area. Beach balls, floaty’s, inflatable animals, rafts, and other things, it looked like a large family had left them there. In fact, there was more than enough toys to have a massive party if he wanted. There was even a purple bed-like floaty, with soft inflatable cushions and a squishy looking headrest. As he looked around some more, he saw that there were other deflated pool toys stuffed away in open plastic bins placed against the house, folded up neatly for future use. While he was distracted, one of the beach balls rolled up to his feet, pushing against his leg as he kneeled down to pick it up. It didn't feel like a plastic or vinyl as he rubbed the material between his hands, rather if felt more like soft rubber, as if he had just picked up a balloon. When Coco took a second look at the other inflatables around the pool, he realized that they were a lot more glossy and reflected then normal pool toys, probably because they were made of rubber as well. “Huh…” Coco was puzzled, but didn't think much of it.

        Throwing it back into the pool, he walked around some more to check out his fancy new vacation home. The backyard was surrounded by cement walls with porcelain tiles, giving the backyard bit of privacy and seclusion. There were a few comfy looking inflatable chairs beside the house, and even a small jacuzzi on the far side of the pool. But what caught his interest was what's small but cozy looking shed to the left of the backyard next to the house. Pushing aside some of the pool toys on the way, he curiously walked over to the small shack and opened the doors. Inside of the shed was another box of pool toys, a rumpled pile of vinyl tarps, and two racks of women's swimwear. There were at least three bikinis hanging on it, but most of them were one-piece sets. Coco honestly couldn't help but blush, seeing all the different styles of swimsuits. Some more modest and fashionable, and some looked surprisingly sexy, from turtlenecks to strapless designs. 

         "Are these here for guests?” he asked himself, hesitantly reaching out has he placed hand on a purple one-piece, tugging it out to get a better look. “There are so many. But why only women's swimwear?" feeling the fabric in his hands, it felt incredibly elastic and silky, a lot more than regular Lycra or spandex. But then, he noticed a more shiny looking piece of swimwear right next to the one he was holding, almost glistening in the light like it was wet. Sliding the purple swimwear aside, he was surprised to see a black rubber one-piece, one with a neck high design and a vertical slit on the bust-line. But before he can make anything of it, he heard the doorbell ringing. Coming to his senses, he immediately walked out of the shed awkwardly as he blessed with embarrassment. Though all he did was look, he almost felt guilty for ogling the swimwear, feeling as if he had seen something he wasn't supposed to.

        “Those swimsuits must be super expensive. But, was that a latex one in there too?” he asked himself, letting out a nervous sigh as he slipped his shirt back on. “There must have been a party here before I rented this house.” Making his way through the house, he opened the front door only to find a large package on the front steps, addressed with his name on it. With a curious look on his face, he looked around but couldn't even see a mail truck driving away. “Huh…” puzzled, he looked back down at the package, confirming that his name was indeed written on the front, but also addressed to the house he was standing in. Picking it up and bringing it into the house, Coco just stared the package, triple checking in to make sure it really his name on the front.

        "I told my friends I'd be going away for a couple of days, but I never told them where I'd be. Who sent this?” Coco thought to himself. Placing the package down onto the floor of the living room, he was about to take his shirt off and return to the pool, but his curiosity wouldn't let him. The package was pretty big, and he could only imagine what was inside of it. It was pretty exciting, like finding a present under the tree on Christmas morning. But what intrigued him most was where it had come from, wanting to know who had sent him such a large package. Not even bothering to get scissors, the young man ripped the cardboard off with his bare hands, pulling at tape and tearing it open to find a translucent plastic sack inside. Turning the package upside down, the sack plopped onto the floor in front of the couch.

        Inside of the bag was some kind of blue and white material, but it was hard to tell through the glossy plastic surface. Untying the bag, he dumped the contents onto the floor, revealing a pile of shiny latex. Spreading the material out on the floor, it appeared to be another pool toy, made out of rubber just like the rest. “Well, and here I was afraid I wouldn't have enough inflatable toys…" he said to himself jokingly. But then, right as he was about to toss the sack, he noticed something else that was folded inside. Taking it out, he found that that it was a card with the words “puff me gently” written on it. "Hmm…” Coco placed his hand on his chin in thought, the note now peeking his curiosity. “Gently huh? Does that mean I can't use an electric pump?” he thought picking up the note. “Well there's no way I'm going to use my mouth, this thing looks massive!”

        Flicking the note aside, he walked over to the garage and came back with a bicycle pump that he is retrieved from his car. “I’d get exhausted if I used my mouth. So why not use the little elbow grease instead.” he said to himself with a confident smile. Setting the pump down, he picked up the mess of shiny rubber and began feeling around for an air nozzle. It took him a bit, but once he was able to find it, he spread out the rubber as best he could, and attached the bicycle pump's hose to the nozzle. Even with the toy spread out, he couldn't make out its shape, feeding his curiosity even more. Placing his feet on the sides of the pump, he grabbed the handles and looked at the deflated mass with anticipation. “Alright, let’s see what you look like.” That said, he began pumping with vigorous enthusiasm, eager to see what kind of toy he had received.

        He pumped, and pumped, but the inflation was slow, the rubber only slightly rising from the comfy rug underneath. This only encouraged Coco to double his efforts, putting all his muscle into each pump. However, in doing so, neglecting the message of the note he had tossed aside earlier. Time went on, making progress little by little as the rubber began forming an almost comprehensible shape. Wanting to be surprised, he looked down and focused only on his pumping, deciding only to look up at the inflatable once it had finally taken shape. So he kept pumping away, looking down at his feet and focusing at the task at hand. Even as he grew weary, he continued working hard to fill the inflatable with air, knowing that his efforts would soon payoff. But soon, his excitement got the best of him looked up at the pool toy before it was finished, losing his breath as he gasped in surprise.

        The toy he was inflating wasn't an ordinary pool toy, it had a figure. He couldn't get a good look since it was facing down, but from its shape, it looked voluptuous and anthropomorphic, though it was hard to tell as it looked like the inflatable was facing down. Coco was so surprised he stopped pumping, feeling as if his imagination was playing tricks on him, he was expecting something much different. But after a couple moments, the pool toy began to deflate, slowly losing air though the bicycle pump as he remained dumbstruck. Reacting quickly, Coco continued pumping, intently watching the pool toy as it slowly took shape. He was so tantalizingly close to seeing what it was, now more curious than ever as he got a glimpse at what it might become. Sure enough, the toy finally began to take shape, filling out every rubbery inch as all the wrinkles slowly disappeared. Once the toy look completely inflated, he quickly took out the hose and plugged in the nozzle. Pushing the pump aside, he flipped over the inflatable, heart throbbing as he got a clear look at it. 

        It had long but powerful looking legs, with wide inflated thighs and shapely hips. Puffy arms with large mitten-like hands, but with an index finger next to each thumb, and with white coloring on its palms. It had a slightly plump air-filled belly, but still managing to have an hourglass shape thanks to its womanly shape, and large absurdly busty snow-white chest. Each breast was strangely crafted, instead of just being simple and spherical, both had a cartoonish but almost realistic shape, making his heart skip a beat as he ogled them. That's when he noticed that the pool toy didn’t have a single seam on it, just smooth shiny latex from front to back, with the exception of the nozzle below it’s shoulders. Printed onto the latex was a shiny white underbelly, painted from it's lower jaw, to it's curvy chest, down to the underside of it abdomen. The white print also reached all the way down to the bottom of its long puffy fined tail, contrasting beautifully with the rest of the blue rubber covering it’s back. Lastly, there was its face, with piercing blue eyes, short but cute inflatable purple hair, and a slightly elongated snoot with sharp teeth painted on the mouth. Coupled with the curved fin on its back, the inflatable looked like a busty anthropomorphic shark girl.

        But that wasn't even the weirdest part, the pool toy had anatomy, mainly a tight inverted slit between it's legs, and some cute pink coloring on the tips of its large white breasts. Coco just gulped nervously, awkwardly standing above the toy without moving a muscle. He was expecting a large floaty, or maybe even an inflatable boat, not a busty inflatable sex toy. “Who… sent me this?” he asked himself. As he stood there, unsure of what to do next, the inflatable suddenly began to move, firmly placing its hands on the soft rug, and slowly sitting up on its own. Startled, Coco stepped back, nearly tripping on the pump as rubber shark turned its head towards him. Its expression then began to change, it's toothy painted on smile disappearing under its lips while puffing out it’s cheeks with a grumpy look. “Hmph!” the inflatable let out a squeaky huff.

        Coco was absolutely speechless, he didn't know what to say. The young man didn't know whether to say hello, or if he should offer her a towel, regardless it was like he forgot how to make words come out of his mouth. “That wasn't gently.” the pool toy said, opening its seemingly painted on mouth with a light squeak. “Huh?” Coco replied sounding confused, watching as the busty inflatable stood up on its feet. "The card said to puff me gently. That wasn’t gently. You didn't even use your mouth!” she said angrily. “I… uh…" Coco was almost frozen, the inflatable nearly dwarfing him in size, so tall that only her breasts were at his eye level. But even in his shock, he found his eyes wandering along her voluptuous rubber body. Her cheeks blushed with an angry scowl, throwing her arms over her large breasts and rubber coochie to cover up. 

        "Furthermore, why am I naked?” she asked, taking a slow step towards him. Coco also took a step back, intimidated by her grumpy attitude and tall stature. “What? But, your were…” the young man kept stuttering, unable to fully complete a sentence as he stumbled back. “You know, most guys a least have the decency to dress me up before inflating me. Not to mention, they didn't use a freaking pump.” she complained, still walking towards him. Coco continued backing up, thinking that she was going to corner him against the wall, then he suddenly tripped on the pump he threw aside earlier, falling onto the rug with a soft thud. Before he could get up, he saw the shark woman was practically looming over him, standing at his feet still covering up her assets. 

        Then, she reached down towards him, removing her right arm from her breasts with her large puffy hand this descending upon him. Coco quickly scrambled to quickly left, taking his phone in hand just as she managed to grab his wrist. “Cmere you.” she said yanking him off the floor. The young man tried to pull away, but he was unable to escape her firm rubbery grip. Surprisingly, her hold on his arm didn't hurt, as her inflatable hand was very soft and cushiony. Regardless, her latex fingers had a very tight grasp on his skin. No matter how hard he pulled, his arm wouldn't budge, rewarded only with a light squeaks from her rubber hand. “Stop being so fussy.” she said in a scolding tone. Removing her arm from between her legs, she snagged the phone out of his hand, holding it between her fingers like a coin. Though now left uncovered, Coco was no longer distracted, trying to retrieve his cellular devise while the inflatable woman kept it out of his reach.

        "Give it back!" he demanded reaching up towards his phone. The shark woman jsut smiled, holding him only at arms length as she teasingly dangled the phone between her fingers. She simply ignored his pleas while twiddling the device in her fingers. “That's no way to speak to a lady…" she said in a mocking tone. With that statement she tilted her head up and held the phone above her lips as she opened her jaw. Her painted on smile now appeared as a set of puffy rubber teeth, while sticking out a pink glossy inflatable tongue. Each individual tooth was rounded rather than razor, with her soft puffy tongue licking over her lips playfully, but the sight of her wide open jaws still intimidated him. The shark woman then dropped the phone into her maw, before closing her mouth with a long satisfied gulp. Like any millennial, Coco's heart sank watching his phone disappeared before him, along with all is photos videos and data. 

        The shark woman rubbed her belly with a mocking smile, licking her rubbery lips as the human watched in disbelief. Sneering down at the young man in amusement, she was rather pleased with the helpless look on his face, making her want to tease him even more. Pulling him closer, she leaned down towards him until her snoot was nearly touching his nose. The young man shivered, looking at her mouth thinking that he might be next. “What's the matter? You would rather have your phone and spend time with a beautiful woman? Fine then." Standing back up straight, the rubber shark took a squeaky breath, and spit the phone out of her mouth as it landed on the other side of the room. Unexpectedly, she finally let go of his wrist, allowing him to make a run for his phone as he slid onto the soft rug. Coco managed to retrieve the device, but just as he started dialing, his heart sank yet again.

        His fingers didn’t activate the phone, instead just squishing into screen with the soft squeak. It didn't take long for him to realize that he wasn't holding a phone, but an inflatable mocking it’s appearance . The shape, the color, and even the texture was identical to his phone, but the way it felt in his hand was undeniably made of inflatable rubber. “Hmph… I think your phone is out of order. Now then…” Before Coco could turn around, the woman wrapped her large puffy arm around his chest and quickly pinned him against her body, wedging his head into her large cleavage as he dropped the rubber phone. “Hey-Mph!!!” His protests were quickly cut off as the shark placed her right hand over the lower half of his face, covering his mouth and noses result. “MMMPH!” he tried to yell, but was met with a mouthful of smothering rubber.

        Coco immediately tried to wiggle himself free, but his arms were pinned to his sides underneath the woman's left arm. The shark just smirked, letting out a squeaky giggle at the boy's complete helplessness. No matter how much Coco struggled, the strength of her rubbery body dwarfed his, leaving him powerless. “Mmmmmph!” he let out a muffled plea for help. Shaking his head side to side, Coco hopped to pull his face away from her the suffocating hold, but her grip was unbreakable. His struggles only amused the shark woman, squeezing his face in her hand as she wedged him further into her cleavage, making hid head movement nearly impossible. “She's trying to suffocate me!” he thought, frantically kicking his feet around as he was lifted off the floor.

        With her hand firmly clamped onto his face, she had the young man completely smothered as the smell of rubber invaded his mouth and lungs. Then something strange happened, after only a few moments of being deprived of air, his arms and legs grew weak, slowing his struggles as he began feeling dizzy. Coco was growing sluggish, his body refusing to produce adrenaline as he began to doze off. However, it didn’t feel like he was suffocating, his lungs didn't hurt, and he was in no pain, he was just getting drowsy. Getting difficult to keep his eyes open, the shark woman tilted his head upwards and looked at him with a dominant grin. “Did I take your breath away?" she asked licking her lips. The last thing Coco saw was her playful grin as he faded into unconsciousness.

        Later, he woke up seeing the beautiful blue sky above him, clouds floating by ever so slowly like sailboats on a lake. He could hear the sound of lapping water around him, resting on what felt like a soft inflatable as the bright sun blanketed him in its warmth. Coco just assumed that he probably fell asleep on the purple inflatable bed he saw earlier. Recalling the strange dream he had just had, he felt a wave of relief wash over him as he closed his eyes. Despite this, he couldn't relax, thinking about the busty inflatable he encountered in his dreams. Before watching it come to life, he was really excited at the idea of playing with a sexy inflatable on his vacation. Strangely, he didn't remember getting on the water, nor did he remember even falling asleep, making him question how much of it was a dream. “Maybe… The package is still there, maybe I did get a busty inflatable in the mail." he thought excitedly.

        With that, he immediately tried to get up, but was suddenly pulled back down with a rubbery squeak, finding that his arms wouldn't budge. Turning his head, he quickly realized that both of his wrists were pinned up to his sides via two tight inflatable rubber rings next to his head rest. “Huh?” Yanking both his arms, he tried to a free his wrists from the bindings, but they were so firmly puffed up against his skin that they wouldn't give, securely holding them in place. He couldn't move his legs either, as his feet were wrapped up in similar appendages. There's no mistaking it, someone had bound him to a purple inflatable bed while he was out. “H-Hey! What is this?” He shouted, wiggling around on his inflatable raft.

        The floaty only squeaked and creaked under his weight, splashing the water beneath him as he fussed. Coco attempted to stretch the raft against his back and sit upright, but the inflatable rubber was so taut, it would only bend a few inches before springing him back into position. For a pool-toy, it did an excellent job at keeping him pinned down. “You only just woke up... and you’re still being fussy.” said a familiarly feminine voice. Coco then looked to his lower left to see shark girl from before, chilling right next to his bondage floaty, wearing the black rubber one-piece swimsuit he had found in the shed earlier. Looking at him with a dominant smile, was calmly sitting on her knees, her buoyancy allowing her to float on the water as if she was kneeling on a surfboard. His heart jumped upon seeing the devious shark girl floating next to him, but also skipped a beat at her voluptuous balloony figure.

        The swimsuit fit so perfectly around her body, wrapping modestly around her thighs, and leaving cute muffin pinch on her inflatable rubber skin. The outfit also drew attention to her sizable bust, made all the more eye-catching with vertical slit on her chest line, revealing her shiny white cleavage. The swimsuit in general made her body standout, drawing attention to all her curves, and complementing her voluptuous body-type. The young man once again found himself unable to speak, taken aback by her appearance. After allowing him to get a good look at her, she teasingly wrapped her arms underneath her bust, posing dominantly as she stuck her chest up. “I took the liberty of getting you comfortable while you slept, I even had time to dress up.” she said with a playful wiggle of her chest. “What do you think?"

         The young man just starred nervously, subtly tugging at his bindings in hopes that he could carefully slip out. The shark woman took his silence as a sign of defiance, putting on a more serious face as she grabbed his floaty and pulled herself closer. “Well? Do you need to get a better look?” she said with a seductive hint of grumpiness in her voice. “Or did you like it better when I was naked?” With that, the woman climbed onto his bondage floaty, sitting near the edge of the inflatable where his feet were pinned. Arching her chest forward, she gently placed her hands on his ankles, tilting her head upwards as she looked down on him. Coco didn't know how to respond, his heart was thumping like crazy, mixed with fear and awe towards the dominant shark woman. “I prefer a man who appreciates when I dress up for him. If you hadn't been so fussy before, I would've let you choose which one I wore, but this one's my favorite anyway.” She huffed sliding her hands up his legs.

        Coco shivered at her touch, her movements were subtle, her grip gentle, and her skin so tantalizingly rubbery. It was the perfect amount of friction and smoothness to her palms that made him blush, as if he was being touched by a real woman. “I see... you like rubber as well?" she asked with a toothy smile, appearing painted on again whenever her lips sealed. Coco still didn't know how to respond, so confused by his unreal situation. But then, when her hands reached up to his thighs, she gave him a gentle squeeze. Taken off guard, the young man let out a high-pitched gasp, his face turning bright red as she practically fondled his upper legs. “Seems so…" the shark woman giggled, running her hands back down his legs. With an embarrassed look on his face, he looked his captor in the eyes, slowly watching her expression change. Her smile now had a hint of satisfaction, seemingly rather pleased with his reaction.

        “Good to know we have something in common.” she said, placing her hands on her hips as she sat up straight. Looking less impatient then she was before, she began waggling her tail back-and-forth, gently splashing against the pool and paddling the floaty in the a slow circle. Hearing the calm lapping water around him helped Coco to relax, temporarily giving up his struggles as he continued looking up at the seductive shark woman. “I adore the sensation of rubber as well, that's why this latex suit is my favorite.” she said boastingly, placing her hands on her sides of her black one piece. “This one of the few rubber swimsuits I have, always fitting perfectly to my form as if part of my body, sometimes I forget I'm wearing anything at all. ❤️” she said it in almost whispering tone, sliding her hand back down onto his ankles.

        "Rubber is just so tight, especially when puffed up with air pressure.” She then slid her right hand between her legs, touching the bottom of her swimsuit as she slipped her fingers underneath the rubber. "Would you like a demonstration... of how tight rubber can feel?” With that, she slipped the crotch of her swimsuit to the side, revealing the lip of her rubbery vagina. The young man's heart thumped in his chest, gulping nervously as his eyes were impulsively drawn to the sight of her intimate region, just as the shark woman intended. With a teasing lick of her lips, she snapped the rubber back over her groin, and placed her finger on the crotch of his trunks, pointing out the slight bulge in his attire. Coco flinched at her touch, his member now sensitive and throbbing after her dominant teasing. “Now then, let's get these out of the way.” she he send the slow soft boys, placing her left hand on the waistband of his trunks. 

        The young man's heart jumped, beating like a jackhammer as he struggled to release his hands from his bindings again. “W-Wait! Don’t” he begged. The rubber shark just ignored is pathetic pleas, immediately sliding his trunks off as his member sprung up from the confines of his suit. Coco turned his head away, letting out helpless whimper as she cringed with shame. But the shark woman... was just lost for words, eyes widening with surprise as she beheld his exposed cock. For a few moments she just stared at his erect tower, slowly replacing her baffled expression with toothy smile. Hesitantly, Coco tilted his head down to see her big eager smile, which only made him more uneasy. "Well well… This is definitely a welcome surprise.” she said with a pleased tone. 

        Leaning in for a closer look, she let out a soft breath over his member, causing him to shiver as a cold tingle ran up his spine. “This thing have any surprises for me as well?” she asked teasingly, her painted on eyes looking up towards him as she slowly opened her mouth. Coco’s heart beat even faster, seeing her pink rubbery tongue leaving the confines of her toothy smile. Gleaming in the sunlight, her tongue had a much glossier shine than the rest of her latex. Arching her head forward, she lapped her tongue against the bottom of his member, releasing a high-pitched squeak as she slowly licked up his shaft. Coco bit the bottom of his lip hard, doing his best not to show any reaction has she toyed with him. But looking down at the playful inflatable woman, she just smugly stared back at him, looking as if she was thoroughly enjoying herself. Her eyes happily squinted over her playful open smile, is if trying not to giggle as she finished licking his penis, and slurping her tongue back into her toothy maw.

        Cocos member twitched from the stimulation, the shark woman snickering as she watched. "Well That didn’t take long.” she said sounding rather pleased. Sitting back up, she placed her right hand near her thigh, and scooted herself forward until she was sitting above his lap. “Shall we take it for a test drive." she said. With that, she pulled the crotch of her swimsuit to the side, fully revealing her pink rubber pussy. Coco was so flustered he couldn't speak, unable to do anything as his erect member stood ready for the seductive shark woman. With that, she dropped herself directly onto his lap, taking in his manhood with a slow rubbery squeak. Coco twitched as his exposed tip entered her slit, gently sliding into her as the tight rubber squeezed down his shaft, sliding against his skin but just enough squeaky friction to drive him nuts. Unable to resist, the young man couldn't help but moan as he slowly slid into her, feeling the soft but firm pressure increase on his penis as the rubber tightened around him.

        The inside of her sex canal was so tight, it felt like his cock was being squished between two balloons. As the woman sat on top of him he let quick but loud moan, pleasing his seductress as she playfully rubbed her hips side to side. The gentle but subtle motions stimulated the young man even more, causing his member to grow into her further while he winced with a surprised gasp. The woman shivered with the additional growth in his cock, her insides vibrating against him like teasing massage. Taking a moment to appreciate his helplessness, she placed her hand on the side of his cheek, bending down to look him in the eyes. “Goooood boy…” she said with a happy growl. Mustering up the courage to face his captor, he tilted his head up to look her in the eyes, giving her lovely view of his flushed face. “Who… What are you?” Coco asked, doing his best not to stutter. The shark woman, still bent over, playfully squeezed his cheek with her right hand, even placing her thumb over his lips.

        “That’s no way to speak to a lady, especially to the one letting you stay here.” she said clicking heard tongue in sarcastic disappointment. Coco’s eyes widened, looking confused until he put two and two together. “It can’t b-Mmph!” before he could finish, the shark woman placed her entire palm over his mouth, muffling a speech and nearly smothering him with only his nose uncovered. He couldn’t even turn his head away, her rubber grip firm and unyielding. "That's right. I rented this house to you. So as long as you're here, I can do whatever I want with you.” she snickered. Coco couldn’t believe it, but all it made sense, why the rent was so cheap, why so the pool was so big, why the shed was full of sexy swimwear. It was all a trap set by the rubber shark woman pinning him down, using her house to lure in unsuspecting humans to mate with.                 

          Taking another moment to tease him, she opened her toothy maw and exhaled over Cocos face, forcing him to take in the smell of her hypnotic rubbery breath. Strangely, it wasn't unpleasant, almost calming Coco though still flustered and helpless at her touch. With a subtle motion, the shark woman began rubbing her hips back and forth, her wet glossy skin squeaking against his legs in a soft rhythm of squeaks. Coco shivered euphorically, feeling to pleasant sensation of her gentle movements stroking his private area. Unable to hold back, the young man moaned into her rubbery hand, coming out as a muffled echo through her hollow body. Pleased with his submissive moans, she smiled down at him with a soft whisper. “Good boy… Now don’t fuss unless I tell you to.” Sitting back up, shark woman continued moving her hips back and forth, releasing his mouth and placing her hands on his belly for extra leverage. 

         Biting his lip, the young man couldn't help but whimper as she rubbed her hips on top of him, gently stroking his cock within her rubber pressurized pussy, All while she stared down at his helpless blushing face. Swinging her hips and grinding his crotch, she moved with a subtle but consistent motion, as if dancing on top of him. The young man didn’t move or struggle, nor did he appeared to be uncomfortable, if anything it seemed he was resisting the pleasure. Try as he might, he was unable to curb his subtle moans or hide his embarrassed expression, fruitlessly attempting to ignore her pleasurable lap dance. In a moment of vulnerability, he looked back  up at the shark woman to see her satisfied toothy smile gleaming in the sunlight. The woman giggled as their eyes met, beginning to rub her hips in a more circular motion, which made to big difference for his poor cock, still lodged  within her rubbery interior.

        Releasing his lip, Coco let out a subtle gasp before biting down again. The shark's glossy cheeks turned rosy at the sound of his moan, giving his belly a playful squeeze in return for his lovely reaction. It was like she was merely toying with him, using him as a source for amusement rather than actually doing it for pleasure. Coco felt as if he was the prey of the lioness, playing with her food before going for the kill and enjoying her meal. But really, the shark woman was only giving him a taste, teasing him with a bit of seductive foreplay before really showing him what her hips could do. Looking at his abductus didn't help him calm down, as seeing her sexy swimsuit clad body sway on top of him only made the experience more stimulating. Hoping to calm himself, Coco closed eyes, but was still left helpless to her pleasurable grinding dance.


        But then, a cold wave of water splashed over his face, taking him off guard as he shook his head sputtering. The shark woman looked grumpy, puffing her rubbery cheeks out with a displeased huff. Her tail was dripping wet, no doubt she had just used it to splash him. “Don’t you dare fall ignore me while I’m playing with with you.” she scolded, tilting her chin up. With that, she gently padded his cheek with her tail-fin before continuing her squeaky lap dance. This time, she rubbed her hips back-and-forth, initiating a thrust-like motion to change things up. Wincing with pleasure, Coco made sure not to close his eyes, looking up at the dominating woman in a mix of helpless bliss. Pleased with his submission, the shark woman squeezed her thighs together, adding a little extra pressure upon his trapped cock.

        Unable to hide his reaction, Coco let out another soft moan, bringing a bigger smile to the rubber woman’s face. Seeing as her new technique pleased him, she continued her back and forth motion, pushing forward while closing her thighs, and pulling back while spreading them again. This subtle method of squeezing and releasing wasn't enough to make him climax, but just enough to tease him. It was almost like her vagina was massaging him, rather than actually trying to make him finish. Coco Moaned and whimpered with every thrust, feeling her inflatable body rub and squeeze him was so enjoyably pleasant couldn’t even hide it any longer. Even if he was able to hold back, he was already at the  shark woman's mercy anyway, as she'd taken his virginity like a trophy. Giving him another toothy smile, she leaned down closer to him while playfully breathing her rubbery breath over his face.

        "Good?" she asked, still pushing her hips back and forth, keeping him in a state of complete bliss. Coco just whimpered as their eyes met, her gaze that of a huntress that was ravishing the capture of her pray. The young man's words failed him just staring at her rubbery smiling face as he swallowed nervously. Despite her intimidating demeanor, he couldn’t help but find her a little charming, even if in a dangerous and dominating way. “Having fun?” she asked with a flirty tone. Coco didn’t answer, not wanting to admit how much he enjoyed her treatment as he bit his tongue. The shark woman abruptly stopped her grinding, just sitting on his lap as winked at him mischievous grin. Catching his breath, Coco just looked that up at her a curiously, thinking for a moment that she might be done with him.

        With a playful giggle, she reached over and grabbed a nearby beach ball that was floating by. holding it up in one hand with a firm grip. “Well… let's make it even better.” with that, she opened her inflatable maw and placed the beach ball in her mouth, biting into it with a loud squeak. But her teeth didn't even puncture the inflatable, only squishing into its rubber as it budged out from the pressure. But then, the beach ball began to hiss, and Coco let out an abrupt moan as her vagina suddenly grew tighter. It was a slow but very pleasurable squeezing sensation, as if her insides were becoming more pressurized. Looking up at the rubber shark woman, he realized that her body was subtly inflating, all while the beach ball in her mouth began to shrink and wrinkle. It was like she was sucking the air out of the pool-toy and into herself. The woman's thighs, hips, and even her bust grew with the additional pressure, her rubber one-piece effortlessly stretching to accommodate.

        The parts of her that were inflating were oddly specific, as if she was selectively increasing her best assets. Once the pressure finally subsided, Coco shivered with realized bliss, feeling her vagina hug his cock with its rubbery tightness. The shark woman let out a satisfied gasp as she pulled the deflated ball from her mouth. It had no punctures or holes in it whatsoever, as if she had simply absorbed its air. Once she was finished, she nonchalantly flung the deflated beachball behind her, turning her attention toward the human pinned underneath her. Giving him a flirty look, she placed her arms underneath her breasts, and stuck out her chest in a pinup pose. “Better?” she teased, wiggling her body left to right. Coco, still blushing, kind of self unable to look away from the stunning rubber woman. the changes didn't make a huge size difference, but not enough go unnoticed, as your best features now stood out of even more than before. 

        Her upper legs had gained at least an inch and a half thicker, making her cute muffin stand out more than before, as her inflated thighs puffed out from the hip of her swimsuit. Her bust had also grown a few centimeters, not too much to make her look absurd but enough to make an alluring difference. What's more, her one piece showed no signs of pull or stain, fitting perfectly to her new proportions with the with not so much as a wrinkle, maintaining a skin-tight fit on sexy bod. However, as she shook her chest, her breasts didn't sway or jiggle, remaining firm and taught with air pressure. Since she was an inflatable, her assets lacked gravity, maintaining the physics of inflated balloon rather than flesh and blood. Still, despite this she maintained a stunningly rounded and voluptuous shape. Plus her motions where so lively, it was obvious that she was a living woman and not just inflatable toy. 



Big oof! I know Naomi can get frisky, but this shark girl takes the cake.