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I'm making it a goal to make corrections on some of my older submissions, and I've started with the early access titles The Tickle Belly Dancers, and Primarina Caught Eevee.

Upon revisiting some of my older work, I've been a bit mortified at some of the mistakes I've missed and failed to correct. And since I've caught up on sleep, I'm going to go through the stories one by one and make whatever corrections and revisions I see fit. 

Also, I will be commissioning art for the titles mentioned above as soon as I can find an affordable and available artists to do so. (Also as soon as I get a new job, one that hopefully isn't affected by the pandemic.)

Thank you again for your support!


Temporary Fan

So wait, are/were the revisions visible on those posts immediately? Or will we see them at the same time as the art?


Just updated them a few moments ago, the revisions should be visible now. Sorry for the delay.