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        The next subject in the waiting room was Jax, a young anthropomorphic wolf man covered in green fur and wearing nothing but black shorts. Around his neck and face was a fluffy light brown mane of fur that gave him a cuddly appearance despite his slender masculine physique. The young man was excited for his application, having signed a fitness test that he would be well paid for participating in. Rather then sitting down, he paced back and forth in excitement waiting for his name to be called up, not even  suspicious of the bland eire space he had been put in. Finally, the double doored entrance opened up for him, followed by a cutesy voice calling out to him on the other side. “Ok sweetie! Your turn!” the voice cooed out to him.

        Wasting no time, walked right into the dark room, immediately disappearing inside as the doors closed behind him. Excited, he looked at his surroundings, eager to see what they had in store for him, but he immediately realized that his night vision wasn't kicking in. This was very troubling, as wolf men like him could easily see in the dark without any trouble, it was as if his vision was dampened by the darkness. It felt less like he was in a dark room and more of a clouded void. Suddenly, the room illuminated with bright red light, shivering due to the unsettling color. Unable to calm himself, a soft wind escaped his lips, shivering as he tucked his tail between his legs “Shhhh…” the voice whispered with a soft giggle. “Hush little puppy… Just relax and hold your arms out.” Complying, Jax held his arms in a T pose, though still whimpering under his breath.

        Then, something tight and rubbery whipped around both of his arms, snagging right below his hands. Gasping, he looked at his arms to see that two red rubbery red ribbons had wrapped around both of his wrists. “Eep!” Jax squeaked, holding his hands in front of him as the ribbons stretched from the walls. “Please remain still for the scan sweetie.” the voice cooed. With that, both ribbons begin to inflate, puffing up out like rubber balloon tubes while tightly squeezing his wrists. As his bindings continued to inflate, the rubber contracted in on itself, pulling his arms towards the wall to his sides. A bit frightened, Jax continued fussing about, wondering why he is had been restrained like this, compulsively letting out his fearful whines like a frightened puppy. “Awww… Looks like this dog needs his collar…” with that said, another ribbon slung down from above, coiling around his neck. Before he could let out another sound, it quickly inflated around his throat, silencing him with a tight squeaky smothering squeeze. Choked and restrained by his strange bindings, the young man was fearful as to what happened next should he continue to struggle, doing his best to remain still as to not trigger another inflatable ribbon.

        It felt like a tiny inflatable innertube had been forced upon his neck, so tight that he could barely breathe, already feeling woozy from his lack of oxygen. Every single movement he made would cause the inflatable ribbons to squeak against his skin, and even the slightest tug would would cause the rubber tighten around his neck. It was if he were taking part in some kind of asphyxiating bondage. Then, some green lights began shining over his body from the ceiling, scanning him like some kind of laser, as he remained still with his bindings. Wanting it to end as soon as possible, he tried his best to keep still, hoping that the inflatable's would release him before he passed out. Sure enough, the scan finished, and the tubes unraveled from his wrists and neck. Collapsing on his hands and knees, he took in the much-needed oxygen, gasping for breath as the doors in front of him opened. For a couple moments he was blinded, but his eyes quickly adjusted to the light, taken by surprise as he look down the massive hallway before him. 

        Jax couldn't believe what he was seeing, the building he entered earlier didn't look nearly as big as the hallway he was seeing, it was big enough to be a part of a fancy museum. Once the young man caught his breath, he stood up and walked into the hallway, stepping onto the rubbery rug, unaware of what was to come. Recovering from his brief asphyxiation, he became distracted by the squeaky floor beneath his feet, even forgetting about the hallway around him. He even began rubbing his bare toe beans under against the latex rug, smiling as the high pitch squeaks echoed throughout the room. Then, in ominous silence, the door behind him slowly shut. “Alrighty, now your task today is to make it to the other side of the hallway and hit the green button in the center of the control panel. No strings attached.” the voice giggled. 

        Unfortunately, being a playful canine he was, Jax was is preoccupied with the rug, inadvertently ignoring the voice over the speaker. “You may begin.” the voice giggled playfully before going silent. Still distracted, Jax playing with the rug, sliding one foot in for the other as he slowly made his way down the hall, not even knowing what his task was. That's when the panels on the sides of the wall stared to open, this time more slowly as the cannons came into view. But instead of firing, each canon began inflating a strange black substance from their barrels. Jax, continue playfully rubbing his feet against the soft rubber, until he eventually got on all fours and began gliding his paws against the floor as well. The young man chuckled to himself, it reminded him of how he use to play with balloons as a kid, always squeezing them between his paws just to feel the pressure underneath his fingers. 

        Then, he felt something pressing against his side, to the left of his furry belly. Stopping, Jax looked down at himself to see what appeared to be a black balloon sticking to him. Sitting on his knees, the wolf-man reached over to grab it, but then the orb suddenly clamped onto him, squeezing against his side as if trying to grab onto him. “Huh?” he gasped, gripping the ball in his paw. The orb was definitely made of rubber, and it was completely seamless and looked more like a gooey bubble than an inflated balloon. Jax attempted to pull it off, but then the balloon suddenly gripped him even tighter, causing him to wince as it released a strange hissing noise. Immediately releasing the orb from his paw, he realized that it was slowly inflating, squeezing him even tighter is it grew around his side.

        "What… What is this?" he asked himself. Before he could try grabbing at it again, another orb pressed against his left arm. Like the balloon before it, the orb immediately squeezed onto him and began inflating as well. Curiously, he grabbed onto the new balloon and tried pulling it off, but to no avail. The balloon only gripped him tighter, making sure to keep a firm grip on him. It felt like he had been snagged by a rubber leech, hugging and puffing around his limb as like some kind of living inflatable. The squeeze caused him to giggle a little, his skin feeling more sensitive without clothes covering his fur. Then he felt to another balloon pressing against his back, sticking to him and inflating just like the other two. Jax turned his head around to look behind him, but when he tilted his head up he was met with baffling sight. “Huuuuh!?!" he gasped, his jaw-dropping as he found himself surrounded by black inflatable balloons, clustering around him like a swarm. 

        Sitting completely still, he just stared at the strange orbs as they slowly floated towards him. Jax didn't even notice the strange nozzles protruding from the walls from where the balloons had emerged, just dazzled by the sheer number of orbs that approached him. “W… Where did those come from?” he asked himself, reaching his hand out to touch one. But then, a balloon squished against his right cheek, immediately puffing up against his face as he giggled, feeling ticklish to its touch. Before the ball could begin inflating, Jax managed to grab it in his right hand and pull it off his face, ogling it as it stuck to his paw. “Are these some kind of toys?” he asked himself, giving the ball a playful squeeze as it stuck to his fingers. "They look like bubbles but… it feels like a rubber ball.” Pressing his other paw against it, he smooshed it between both his hands watching the rubber membrane fold between his fingers. 

        Jax chuckled to himself kneading the strange orb in his hands, bringing back memories of his childhood. Only this is the balloon was much more sturdy, refusing to pop no matter how much force he used against it. Feeling another balloon touching the side of his face, he let out another giggle reaching up to grab it. But then he found that both his paws were now stuck the balloon he was holding, stretching out horizontally as he tried to spread his them apart, only for them to snap back together with a rubbery squeak. “Huh?” confused, he attempted to pull it off again, struggling to remove the clingy rubber from his paws. Feeling the balloon inflate against his face, he began getting anxious, feeling a sense of urgency to remove it before it got any bigger. "Nnngh…” trying again, he pulled his hands apart with all his might, fighting against the taut rubber as it clung to his paws like gum. All the while, another balloon attached itself to his left leg, and a couple more pressing against his back, worrying him as he continued pulling on the inflatable stuck to his hands. 

        Finally, he was rewarded with a swift rubbery ‘floop,' as the balloon released his left hand and slapped back against his right. While grabbing at the balloon on his face, he immediately tried pulling it off, but the rubbery orb clung to his face as if trying to hug him. No matter how hard he pulled, he only managed to stretch it out like the one on his hand, reverberating with loud creaks as it hissed softly next to his ear. "Hehe… he… Why won't it come off?” he chuckled uncomfortably, becoming aware of the urgency of his situation. Wishing to make use of his right hand, he attempted to shake the other balloon off, but it only jiggled around his palm like a ball of jelly. Eventually, the balloon even inflated around his fingers, encasing his hand in what looked like an inflatable mitten. While he was distracted another balloon attached itself to his chest, inflating over him as if to embrace him. 

        Looking back up, Jax stepped away from the approaching balloons, still struggling to remove the ball from his face until his fingers finally slipped from rubber with a soft 'squeak.' The ball was squishing his cheek, it almost felt like a rubbery hand was cupping his face. Then he finally realized, the balloons weren't just sticking to him they were clamping on him! "What happens when these things… Cover me completely?” he whispered to himself. With his heart pounding, he began walking back towards the entrance, turning around only find that it had closed while he was distracted. The balloons followed behind, in no rush but slowly picking up speed as they gained distance. Jax immediately began banging his fists against the door, with his ballooned right hand only bouncing against the metal with hollow squeaks. “Ok! You can let me out now!" He called out, looking back to see the orbs only several feet away from him. 

        Suddenly wincing, he felt the inflatable's squeezing his body even tighter. The balloon on his side was squishing up against half of his torso, pressing against his left upper arm, and limiting his elbow movement. The ones on his back began to connect with each other, increasing the pressure on him as they squeezed against each. As for the one on his chest, it began swelling to his starboard side, forcing him to awkwardly lift his right arm. And of course, the one on his face began to obstruct his vision, warping over him as if trying to involve his head. “I-I change my mind! I don't want to do the test! Just get me out of here!” But it was too late, he felt more balloons pressing against his back, quickly turning around as they were right on top of him.

        As one quickly went for his face, he attempted to swat it away with his left paw, only for it to get stuck to his palm. Wasting no time to tried shaking it off, but it had already begun wrapping around his fingers. Then another pressed squarely against his belly, then another on his chest, then another on his shoulder blade, hitting him one by one as he held his arms up to shield himself. The balloons began piling on to him, even floating around him to cover the exposed spaces on his back. Closing his eyes, he started swatting his arms around aimlessly but only succeeded in getting more balloons stuck to him. Within moments, the orbs snagged onto his wrists, elbows, and even his shoulders, until his left arm was pinned to his side, and his right arm stuck over his belly. Opening his eyes, looked down to see his torso nearly cocooned in black balloons as if he was wearing BlackBerry styled straitjacket. 

        Jax also realized that the other balloon had covered almost half of his head, nearly inflating over his left eye as another balloon stuck his right cheek as well. With that, both sides of his face were slowly squished, squinting as his lips were forced into an awkward pucker. It really did feel like the balloons were trying to squeeze him, steadily pushing against his face as they continued to grow in size. Jax let out a helpless wine, seeing another wave of balloons approaching him as his face was slowly sandwiched between the smothering inflatable’s. And with a soft rubbery ‘squeak,' both of the balloons squished against each other, leaving him in complete darkness as his face disappeared within the inflatable rubbery folds. "Mmmmmph!” Jax let a desperate moan for help, but his voice is barely audible under the large amounts of hissing air deafening his delicate ears. 

        Within seconds, he was cocooned from head to toe, losing his balance as he fell flat forward onto the rubbery floor. But even then, the balloons didn't stop, piling on him one after the other in a never-ending swarm of inflatables. His silhouette was no longer even visible underneath the pile of swelling balloons, tucked away somewhere within their smothering mass. Jax moaned in distress, his legs pinned in place, his arms stuck to his body, the balloons pressing on him from every inch, it almost felt instantaneous. He could barely even squirm underneath the tight rubber, feeling the balloons smoosh into every nook and cranny they could find. But even with Jax squished and rendered immobile the balls continued inflating, squeezing him more and more with every second. 

        Tighter and tighter his prison became, the puffy rubber clenching around the young man, as if hugging him with constricting affection. Unable to control himself, Jax let out a helpless moan, feeling his face squished by the two smothering balloons beside his head, feeling his chest tightly compressed, and even some balloons pushing up into his groin as if teasing him. But aside from the lack of air, the balloons still wouldn't stop growing, the inflatable's contracting on him so tightly it became nearly unbearable. Surrounded by the squeaking sound of loud inflating rubber, the encompassing pressure continued to squeeze down on Jax, compressing him more and more with every second. As new balloons piled upon him, they would also press down on to him, gravitating towards him like magnets, pressing against him as they persistently swelled. Between the growing inflatables expanding around him and smooshing down on him, poor Jax felt like he was getting flattened, the squeezing so intense he could barely stay awake.

        Every moment when he thought it couldn't get any tighter, the balloons would contract on him more, crushing him with sadistic pressure until he nearly fell like mush. The poor wolf could only endure the tight squeezing, the loud squeaking, the powerful hissing, and the overwhelming compressing, until he finally lost consciousness to the assaulting loons. But even as he lay motionless within the inflating mass... The balloons continued to squish underneath their endless swarm.

        "Should have listened to your master… you naughty little puppy…” the sweet voice said he said to stay clean…

To be continued...



Naughty puppy hmm?