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        Niray, a young human model, was now sitting in the pink waiting room after filling out the same strange application that chaotic had signed. Wearing nothing but a latex cat-suit, she just sat there nervously, shifting her legs side to side as the rubber creaked and rubbed against her skin. “Why did they have me wear this strange thing, I mean I'm used wearing fancy clothes but this…” she sighed to herself as she looked at the featureless walls surrounding her. The young woman was a very anxious person, but doing her best to keep her cat ears and tail from popping out. “The application said they wanted someone like me to participate in an active security test, involving and innovative bounding system, whatever that means…” she thought to herself. “Come to think of it, it was a pretty vague description, perhaps that was intentional?” Niray placed her hand underneath her chin, contemplating whether or not to ditch the test. But then, the metal double doors opened up on the other side of the room. “Miss Niray?” said a friendly voice. “We’re ready for you now.” Unlike before, this voice sounded cutesy and feminine, like something out of an anime dub. 

        Putting aside her thoughts of leaving, Niray stood up and adjusted the latex around her rump, before making her way towards the doors. Of course, like Chaotic before her, she hesitated to walk into the dark area, as the light in the waiting room did little to illuminate the ominous entrance. “Don't be scared sweetie. We'll flip on the lights once you enter, we're just having some... technical difficulties.” the voice explained. Feeling reassured, the young woman entered the room as the doors closed behind her, leaving her in complete darkness. “H-hello?” she asked, wrapping her arms around her chest. Fortunately, the darkness didn't last long, the lights turning on to reveal the bright red airlock she was standing in. Niray didn't know what to make of it, she wasn't expecting room like this. “Just relax sweetie… Now if you could hold your arms out to your sides, we can continue the test.” the voice instructed. The young human was yourself come by the voice, taking a deep breath and she complied, lifting her arms to her sides. 

        Then, she heard something click up in the ceiling, as a clear wobbly sheen dropped down in front of her. It was a clear sheet of some kind, lightly tinted with a glossy shine. Then, she felt something cold and rubbery pressing against her back, whatever was it was thin and very elastic. Before she could look back, the sheet in front of her quickly closed in on her as well, pressing against her and joining with the sheet behind her. Startled, Niray pressed her hands against the enclosing rubber, attempting to push it away from her face. But then she was met with the sound of hissing air, as the latex began enfolding and pressing against her bodysuit… no... shrinking around her! The woman's arms were forced back to her sides, lifted off her feet as the elastic film began pressing against her back in front, flattening her between two tight layers of slick transparent rubber.  

        Within moments, Niray found herself suspended in the center of the room like an ornament or an erotic painting, she had been trapped in a latex vacuum chamber! It all happened so fast, she began to panic, stretching and wiggling in all directions but unable to move due to the skin-tight hold the rubber had on her body. Fortunately, there was a small hole near her mouth, allowing her to breathe, but it didn't change the fact that she was completely at the mercy of her the tight vacuum room. “Shhhhhh… Just relax sweetie, this is all part of the test.” the voice cooed, now sounding more calm and soothing than earlier. Attempting to hide her panic, Niray ceased her squirming but remained uneasy as she couldn't see anything under the tight latex. While she remained still, the green lasers began scanning her body from head to toe, the process being much quicker with her then it was with Chaotic, since she couldn’t move. 

        Unable to resist, all she can do was wait patiently as lasers finished their job. A muffled moan escaped her lips, Niray couldn't help but squirm around, enjoying the feeling her rubber suit squeezing her underneath the tight latex vacuum. The young woman had worn some latex before on-the-job, but never experienced bondage like this. Unfortunately, it ended just as quickly as it began, the transparent latex pulling away from her body as they rolled back up into the ceiling. “See? That wasn't so bad was it?” the voice teased playfully, sounding a little sinister. Niray shuddered, a strange feeling sparking within her as she reflected on her bondage, her nipples perking slightly underneath her outfit. Covering her chest with her arms, she continued to focus on keeping her cat ears and tail hidden. “If it wasn't for the vacuum sheets clinging to my skin, they would've popped out for sure.” she thought.

        Then, the doors in front of her opened, blinding her as she adjusted to the light ahead. Niray's jaw dropped as she witnessed the massive hallway in front of her, her eyes drawn to the ominous walls to the sides, and then the control panel on the far side of the room. At first, she thought it was a movie set of some kind, reminding her of a Pixar film she saw once. “Now then, your task is simple, walk to the other side of the hall and hit the green button on the control panel.” the voice instructed, sounding more serious than before. "Is that really all?” Niray asked, stepping onto the soft rubbery rug in front of her. “But… What am I testing?” she followed up, looking around the room as she waited for the voices answer. “You may begin.” the voice said before going silent.   

        Niray felt a little uncomfortable, but didn’t think much of it, just thankful that she had been given such an easy gig. With that, she ventured forward, her latex-clad feet squeaking against the rubbery floor beneath her. Looking side to side, she made sure to keep a close eye on her surroundings should anything surprise her, when nothing happened she just turned her head forward, keeping her eyes on the control panel ahead. Lost in her own thoughts, she figured that there must be some kind of puzzle on the control panel rather than just one button, figuring that things couldn’t be this easy. As Niray was deep in thought, something struck the left side of her face, knocking her off her feet as she stumbled onto the rubbery floor beneath her. "Ugh…” she moaned, wincing as she felt something gooey her face, accompanied by a soft bubbling noise. 

        Niray could only see it from the corner of her left eye, but whatever had hit her it was black, spherical in shape, and had a very shiny surface as the light from the room reflected off it. Grabbing at it with her hand, she tried pulling it off, only for it to stretch out like gum. It was so flexible, but felt pretty soft on her hand, it was like she was pulling on a giant sticky marshmallow. Finally, she pulled it off her face with a wet ‘pop,’ the gooey blob jiggling in her hand like jelly. Niray then attempted the shake it off, but it remained stuck to her palm, it was like she had a wiggly water balloon in her hand. It didn't feel like it was adhesive either, rather it just felt really flexible goo. But then, another ball pelted her the right side, flexed around her belly with its distorted shape. Its flexible body, curving around her latex-clad skin from the impact as if the ball was trying to hug her. But it didn't stop there, another one hit her on her left shoulder blade, another on her left leg, quickly realizing that they were coming at her from every angle. 

        Looking up, she saw that a long row of cannons had appeared from slots inside of the walls, horizontally lined up and aimed down the path of the red carpet. Panicked, Niray looked side to side, her cat ears popping out of her head, as well as her tail which slipped into her suit’s built-in elastic sheath, made with her cat-like features in mind. The young woman was horrified that she was surrounded by cannons, however, only two on either side of her had taken aim. As another goo ball landed directly on her buttocks, Niray snapped her out of her shock and begin running forward towards the control panel. With that, all the cannons begin to fire along her path, shiny black goo balls whizzing past her from the front and the back, leaving a trail of expanding balls behind her. Niray managed to dodge most of the incoming shots with her cat-like reflexes, feeling confident that she can make it to the end.

        Unfortunately, as the balls speak continued to expand, her movement began to slow. It was like the balls were bringing her down, not enough to inhibit her movement as of yet, but it was like their weight had increased with their size. The one growing on her leg made it difficult to run without limping, the one on her hand made it weighed her arm down unable to swing with her momentum, and one underbelly began to throw off her balance. Niray wished so badly that she could remove them, but she couldn't afford to stop now, her movements already becoming clumsy and cumbersome. Suddenly, one of the goo balls landed directly on her left breast, causing her to stumble as her cheeks became pink. “M-mew!” she gasped taken aback by the sudden feeling of pleasure in her chest. Looking down, she was shocked to see that the goo ball had completely covered her left boob, enveloping it in a shiny bulbous mass. It looked as if one of her boobs was bigger than the other. 

        Another one landed on her right shoulder blade next to her neck, and then another on her left hip. Niray was now slow enough that the balls could now hit her, making her an easy target as they grew around her. The cat-girl now struggled to lift her left arm, limping clumsily as the one on her leg grew around her ankle. It felt like she had more then doubled in weight as if she was lumbering with an over-encumbered backpack. The one on her shoulder blade began creeping up her neck, the one underside was growing over her rib cage, and on her but was inching up her back. Each ball had now grown to nearly a foot in diameter, making her feel claustrophobic as they wrapped around her. Then, to make things worse, one of the goo balls snatched onto her foot, pinning her to the floor as she tripped forward onto the rubbery rug. 

        Fortunately, the goo-balls on her chest and belly broke her fall, saving her from a bloody nose. But when Niray tried to get up, she found that she couldn't pull herself off the floor, feeling the goo balls tugging on her front. “Uhhh…” Niray whimpered, realizing that her left hand was stuck to the floor as well. The cat-girl desperately attempted to push herself up, but the goo-balls only stretched out beneath her, before pulling her back onto the floor with a wet ‘slap.' Niray was practically glued to the rubber carpet, rendered helpless by a bunch of sticky gelatinous balls. All the while, each one continued to expand, enveloping her entire body as she lay helpless on the ground. More balls landed on her body, sticking to her thighs, rump, sides, and back, weighing heavily upon her like a bunch of cumbersome water balloons.

        Unable to pull herself off the floor, she whimpered in defeat, slumping onto the red floor and resting against the soft squishy balls that kept her pinned. But then, a new wave of panic hit her when another ball landed directly on her left cheek, growing against her cheek as it bubbled up with air. Suddenly, Niray’s eyes turned yellow, her pupils warping vertically, and two sharp fangs grew from the top of her jaw, turning her fear into energy as she tried to get up again. With a sudden burst of adrenaline, she pushed off the ground one more time, stretching out the gooey balls as they snapped off the ground one by one. First the one hand and her neck, then the one on her chest, followed by the one on her belly as she finally pulled herself upright. But now, her entire front side was exposed, as the sticky balls continue pelting her from left to right. Another slapped right onto her rib cage, one right above her chest, and another one on her right arm, not even counting the ones piling onto her back, regardless she continued trying to stand back up as her feline instincts took over.

        Then, a ball landed directly over her mouth, snapping Niray out of her beast-like state as her eyes returned to normal. The catgirl continued to freak out as the ball began growing over her face, connecting with the one on her cheek. By this time, the young woman realized the balls covered more than three-quarters of her body. Legs pinned to the floor by about two or three orbs, her back now carrying around half a dozen balls, and now her face was slowly squished by the balls on her face and neck, threatening to smother her. Niray tried to reach up and grab the balls but found that her arms had been pinned to her sides, something she didn't notice when her feline side took over. Using the last of her strength, she managed to pull her legs off of the floor, slowly lumbering her way to the control panel which was still several meters away. Each of her labored footsteps was hindered by the ball on her foot, sticking to the floor with every step, becoming heavier with every second.

        Heavier and heavier her body became, her back feeling like a turtle shell, her arms glued to her sides, and her face slowly engulfed by the balls on around her head. Niray could no longer move her neck as the ball inflated underneath her chin, pressing around her throat and hindering her breathing. The one on her face pressed against her cheek, as if she was being nuzzled by an inflating gumdrop. Niray's entire body was being engulfed by balls of sticky black jelly, and all she could do was walk as they inflated around her. All the while, more balloons stuck themselves to her front and back, slapping against her body like water balloons, and weighing her down upon impact. Two more on her belly, one below her chest, another right above her right breast, by now it felt like she was wearing a vest made of bubbly jello, on top of the massive weight she carried on her back. Another stuck against her right foot, making her walk even more cumbersome, now struggling to pull both feet off the floor with each step.

        Finally, unable to walk any further, she tripped over her own two feet, falling directly on the balls covering her front with a soft ‘squish.’ Breathing heavily, she could no longer move, only squirming within the mass of balls as they slowly finished their job. "Mhhhmph…” she moaned, squinting as she felt the weight of the inflating balls pressing against her back. As the balls beneath her continued to expand, she was slowly lifted off the rubber rug, as if she was resting on top of an inflatable mattress. Moments later, the balls finally made contact with the ones inflating underneath her, practically cocooning her as they slowly began to squeeze her. Niray let out a muffled gasp into the balloon covering her mouth, her eyes widening as she felt herself being compressed from every conceivable angle. It almost felt like she was wrapped up in a waterbed, the surrounding balls being so squishy and jiggly, they might as well have been full of water. The thought made her shiver, being covered from head to toe in gelatinous water balloons, threatening to envelop her in their jiggly embrace. Her situation was incredibly frightening, but she couldn't deny the soft pressure felt rather nice.

        It reminded her of an anime she saw once where a girl was completely covered in jiggly slimes, ganging up on her in an attempt to envelop her in their slimy bodies. Regardless, the danger here was real, with their combined weight and sticky gelatinous surfaces, she was left completely helpless as even more piled up onto her the immobile body. The catgirls breasts were compressed against her chest, blushing even more as they squeezed down around her rear and underparts, and even her belly was forced to slim down under the increasing pressure. It almost felt like she was partaking in some kind of intimate jelly bondage, but even as she moaned in unwanted pleasure, the orbs wouldn't stop growing. Completely wrapped up from front to back, the pressure became overwhelming, squishing her in an intimate hug as they continued bubbling up around her. Niray's legs could no longer be seen, her back just a cluster of black spheres, and now only her face was left uncovered. It didn’t take long for inflating ball on her mouth to cover her nose, smothering her as she whimpered for mercy. The ball on the left side of her face crept over her eye, and the one beneath her neck began pressing up her other cheek. It felt like her entire face was being squeezed by a sticky gelatinous mask, along with the rest of her body her vision became blurry.

        The strangest thing was, her lungs didn't burn, and she can still feel her chest expanding and contracting, though still hindered by extreme pressure surrounding her body. Regardless, the last thing she saw was the control panel ahead of her, before her entire head was submerged within the black bubbles. Squeezing both of her eyes shut, all she could feel was the expanding balls, the constricting pressure, the intimate hug of tight jelly growing around her like a weighted blanket. The pressure continued to grow, squishing her in a never-ending hug as she moaned into the black mass covering her mouth. It was like she was in a sea of jelly, only able to wiggle and moan within the tight rigid mass. But even as she drifted to sleep, she couldn't escape the feeling of tight inflating bubbles has they invaded her dreams.

        "Now then, just sit tight while the bubbles squeeze that cute little body of yours, no pressure.” the voice giggled in a now dominant and almost haunting tone.


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