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        Chaotic, a grey-furred raccoon was sitting in a waiting room one day, all blush faced with only his fur, deprived of his clothes. The young raccoon crossed his legs trying to cover himself, wondering if he had made a mistake with this application. He was the only one in the bright pink waiting room, sitting in the only chair available, no magazines, calming music or anything, it felt like he was in a cell. With only the exit and exam entrance on the walls, he was itching to get called up already, feeling as if  time was passing slower with each passing moment. “Maybe this is a kind of fitness test? Is that why they took my clothes?" he thought to himself. Finally, the exam entrance opened with a soft hiss, opening into a double door leading to a much darker room. “Mister Chaotic raccoon? We're expecting you.” a deep but warm voice announced from the entrance. Though still a bit uneasy, the voice made the young raccoon feel a bit calmer, like how a psychiatrist speaks to a patient. 

        Covering himself with his hands, he got up from his chair and walked toward the dark entrance, though hesitating to go any further. Despite the light shining from the waiting room, he couldn't see a foot into the entrance, as if the light was being dampened inside. “Come now... There's nothing to be afraid of, the exam just a few feet inside.” the voice said again, this time sounding more grainy than before, like it was coming from a speaker. Chaotic was still wary, feeling like he was walking into a horror movie, unable to dwell the idea of saws from his mind. Thinking about the contract he signed, and the payment involved, he quickly shook the horrifying images from his mind, stepping inside with his bare paws against the cold floor. Suddenly, the metal doors slammed behind him, leaving him in complete darkness. “Eep.” he squeaked, flipping his tail between his legs. Chaotic had become frightened, wanting nothing more than to walk away from this scary test. But then, the room finally illuminated with soft light, as he found himself in a small bright red room. It wasn't a scary shade of red, in fact, it reminded him of some flowers his neighbors grew, but it looked like in an airlock of some kind. 

        There was a door right in front of him, it was also made of metal, and there were several vents overhead surrounding an oval-shaped orifice in the center. “H-h-hello?” he shuttered. "Don't worry." the calming masculine voice said. “Just relax, it's all part of the test…” the voice cooed over the speaker. Suddenly, he heard soft hissing sound above his head, akin to an inflating balloon. Chaotic looked up just in time to have his face squished against a slick squishy membrane, as if being smothered by a tight rubbery plastic. Something was inflating from the ceiling opening! Reacting immediately, he reached up to push against the slick membrane off his head, squishing underneath his paws as they sunk further into its surface. But then, the membrane gave around his face, sliding past his head and around his hands, quickly traveling down his body with a pleasurable tingling sensation. With a soft ;bloop' sound, akin to slimy pop, it suddenly ended. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was surrounded by a clear tinted sphere.    

        “Wah!” Chaotic gasped as he was slowly lifted off the floor, quickly placing his hands and feet against the sides to keep himself upright. The surface of his new enclosure made little to no sound as his paws squished against the slick surface, bobbing in the air as he struggled to maintain his footing. “Hey! W-what is this?” Chaotic shouted, his voice echoing through the orb. “Relax, this is all part of the test.” the deep voice said reassuringly. With that, several green lights illuminated from the upper corners of the room, shining directly on chaotic. The lights were scanning him with some kind of laser, sweeping up and down his body as he remained still within the bubble, his arms and legs outstretched against the inner surface. While being scanned, he rubbed his paws against the membrane of his prison, gently pushing against its gelatinous surface. The surface was incredibly smooth, slick, and felt pleasant between his fingers, despite keeping him trapped, the bubble was very soft. Calming down, he continued testing the elastic membrane, pushing his arms and legs to the sides and stretching the bubble vertically. Chaotic became distracted by the sensation, pushing and rubbing against the surface, watching the bubble stretch around him. 

        The naked raccoon began giggling to himself, jiggling his prison around as he pushed and rubbed his paws in every direction, it felt like he was inside a gelatinous trampoline. Forgetting all about the test, he started having fun with his bubble, the thought of escape not even crossing his mind. But after the lasers finished scanning him, they retracted back into the ceiling, and his bubble suddenly popped. Without warning, Chaotic suddenly fell on his rump with a soft thump. “Og!” he grunted. Though not hurt, a look of disappointment washed over his face, letting out a heavy sigh as he looked at the floor. The raccoon couldn't remember the last time he had so much fun, and it only lasted a few moments. Chaotic could never have imagined that something so simple could be so enjoyable. “Awww cheer up young man, we haven't even started the test yet.” the voice said reassuringly. “W-what was that thing?" Chaotic asked standing back on his feet. “Can you make more?” he followed looking at the ceiling with baking puppy dog eyes. “You enjoyed it?" the voice chuckled ominously. “Well then…” 

        With his ominous reply, the metal doors in front of him opened up, blinding by a bright light flooding the vented scanning room. Chaotic squinted, shielding his eyes with his arms until he slowly adjusted to the light ahead. What he saw made his jaw drop, before him was a massive room, no, some kind of hallway. The surrounding featureless walls were spread absurdly far apart like he was in a museum corridor, and the hallway was overwhelmingly long, probably over a dozen meters. What's more, the center of the hallway was padded with what looked like red rubber, or some kind of latex rug. And finally, at the end of the hallway was what looked like a control panel. It looked like a movie set or a part of a video game, but no matter how we looked at it he couldn't see the practicality of having a room this big. 

        “Well now test subject 01, as you can see there is a control panel at the end of the hall.” the voice said, echoing thought out the room. Chaotic just tilted his head in confusion. “Test subject?” he asked quietly. “Your task is simple, simply walk to the other side of the hall, and press the green button in the center.” the voice continued, ignoring his question. Chaotic just remained silent for a few moments, the door behind him remained open, and the voice paused as if waiting for a response. “Are you serious? Is this really it?” Chaotic asked, still covering his front. "You may begin the test.” the voice said before going silent. Chaotic took a few more moments to analyze his environment, stepping one foot onto the rubbery floor. It felt very squishy underneath his toes, it was like stepping on a slightly deflated balloon. “Hey, do I really need to be naked for this?" he asked. There was no answer, just his own voice echoing throughout the hallway. “Hello?” he followed up, but still no answer. With nothing else to do, he continued walking down the rubber-coated carpet. 

        Chaotic kept looking from left to right, keeping an eye on his surroundings, nervous about being watched. The raccoon couldn't wrap his head around any of this, it didn’t make any sense, but even so, he kept marching forward. Suddenly something slapped against his left shoulder, flinching as he promptly squeaked in shock. Quickly turning his head to see what was, he was surprised to see a clear jiggly bubble sticking to his arm. It looked a lot like the one that he had been trapped in earlier but was barely the size of his head. Chaotic grabbed at the orb and tried pulling it off, but it only stretched and warped as he yanked on it, remaining stuck to his arm as if it was it was clinging to him. It felt like a hollow ball of jelly, smooth like plastic but glossy like gel. Suddenly, another bubble landed directly on his right side near his midsection, pelting him with its jiggly surface while harmlessly sticking to him. Chaotic was just about to grab it with his right hand but quickly realized that he couldn't remove his paw from the first bubble. 

        He tried letting go, but to his shock, the bubble remained stuck to his hand, stretching and pulling on both his arm and his paw, like some kind of gum ball. The strangest thing was the bubble didn't even feel sticky at the touch, but it just wouldn't budge. "W-what is this?” he asked, confused and flustered. Then, the soft hissing sound could be heard from both of the sticky bubbles, akin to a balloon filling up with air. The orbs were slowly increasing in size, and he could feel them covering more and more of his arm and belly as they grew. Distracted, another bubble slapped on the left side of his leg, and that one began expanding as well. That's when he finally looked up around him, multiple hatches had opened on the hallway walls revealing what appeared to a bunch of protruding funnels... or cannons. All the cannons were firing bubbles towards him, and he immediately bolted down the hallway. The bubbles started whizzing past him, as he ran at full speed towards the control panel ahead. 

      The raccoon could hear each bubble slapping onto the rubbery floor behind him, just barely missing him as he desperately ran for dear life. Meanwhile, the bubbles around him continue to inflate, squeezing against his leg arm and belly as they ballooned on his fur. They weren’t just in expanding outwards, they were growing across his body as if they were trying to envelop him. Though frightened, Chaotic was fairly confident that he could outrun all the shots, he was already halfway to the control panel. Besides, for some strange reason, he felt lighter on his feet than before. But then, one of the shots landed on his back, then another on his rump, nearly knocking the poor raccoon off his feet. Chaotic slowed down as he attempted to regain its footing, just in time for him to see another bubble wait flying right toward his face. Reacting quickly, he held his left hand up and blocked the bubble, but undoing so blocking his line of sight. In that one brief moment, another bubble managed to land directly on his belly, expanding immediately just like the rest. 

        Each bubble gave him a soft squeezing sensation as they inflated, like they were trying to hug him…no... envelop him! Chaotic began blushing, some part of him enjoying the soft bubbles as if he was being embraced by them. But of course, they weren't trying to hug him, they were closing the gaps between each other as they covered body. “This must just be part of the test.” he thought to reassure himself. "I can just reach the control panel, I'll be fine.” Regardless, the bubbles continued ballooning around him making it harder and harder move as he was enclosed. The bubble on his leg made it hard to bend his knee, and he couldn’t keep up his momentum with his right arm stuck to his shoulder. Eventually, he realized he was barely touching the floor, making it harder for each of his steps to push him forward. “Uh oh.” He squeaked, taking one last step before being lifted into the air, quickly slowing to a halt as he was lifted off the rubbery floor. All the raccoon could do was squirm as the self-inflating bubbles assaulted his ears with bubbling air, wincing they continued engulfing him. 

        The entire upper part of his left arm was stuck to his side underneath the self-inflating bubble, same with his right his hand, leaving his arm pinned against his chest. The bubbles around his belly and side suck to one another, giving the raccoon a firm squeeze around his midsection. Chaotic tried shaking the bubble off of his left hand, but he could barely move his arm, now looking like a soapy transparent mitten wrapped around his paw. The raccoon couldn’t even move his fingers within the tight film, keeping his fist balled up. Clumsily flailing around like a fish out of water, Chaotic was unable to even touch the floor, making him the easy target. Another bubbled slapped on his back, then his right leg, and then on the side of his neck, prompting a helpless whimper to escape his lips. Chaotic looked at the oncoming bubbles, feeling as if time had stopped, he could squirm and struggle all he wanted, but he knew it wouldn't make a difference now. “Please! Sto-oof!” Before he could finish his plea, another bubble slapped him right on his left cheek has began inflating around his face, as did the bubble under his neck.  

        Only seconds had passed, and the bubbles covered most of his body, with new ones slapping themselves against his uncovered fur. But then, almost as soon as it started, the bubbles stopped firing, and the cannons retracted back into the walls. The bubbles that had missed Chaotic were still inflating on the floor, leaving a mess inflating bubbles all over the rubbery walkway. Meanwhile, the ones still stuck to his body continued finishing their job. The bigger the bubbles grew, the harder they pressed against his body, pushing against each other and increasing the pressure surrounding him. Chaotic let out a helpless moan as the slippery orbs crept over him, cocooning his body little by little, closing the gaps around him, and pressing whatever part of him they touched. The bubble on his left cheek now covered half of this head, and the bubble on his neck was ballooning around his throat, and creeping up his head forcing him to close his left eye. The bubbles were squeezing his face, his lips tightly puckered against the pressure, threatening to smother the poor raccoon. 

        As the last of the gaps began to close around his body, he could feel the bubbles SQUEEZE him even tighter, bunching up against each other to increase the ever-growing pressure on his body. The bubbles pressed on his chest as if trying to cuddle him, both his arms were pinned to his chest as if stuck in a straitjacket, and both his legs were separately encompassed as if stuck in a pair of inflatable sleeves. But just when he thought that was all, one of the bubbles pressed against his groin, giving him a pleasurable squeeze in his most sensitive area. “Ohhh…MPHH!” his moans were quickly muffled as the bubble under his neck inflated over his mouth, silencing him as he watched the bubbles obscure what was left of his vision, folding in on the rest of his face. The last thing he saw was the control panel just a few meters ahead of him, so close yet so far from reach as he was forced to close his left eye, leaving him in complete darkness.  

        With no more gaps to fill, the pressure around his body became immense, working together to compress the poor raccoon. While the bubbles ballooned outwards they continue pressing inwards, squeezing him in the most intimate way possible with no signs of stopping. It felt like he was trapped in a restrictive full-body hug, when he had no choice but to accept. Tighter and tighter and tighter, his ears filled with loud hollow squeaks and hissing, squishing every inch of his body as he began feeling weak. Now, it really felt like the bubbles were trying to constrict him, squeezing him so tight that he had a hard time staying awake. “I… can’t… uhh…” Everything was so tight he began feeling faint, his thoughts growing cloudy as he was smothered into a deep sleep. Now motionless within his smothering cocoon, it looked like he was stuck in a banquet of shiny bubbles, nothing more than a decoration for the expensive hallway. But now with their prisoner squeezed into unconsciousness, it was time for the next test… “I’d say this experiment was a complete success. Sleep well my little raccoon❤️."

To be continued in part 2...


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