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A little Idea I got when I saw the works of Caroos-Dungeon

        “I can’t believe I let myself get caught.” Luo muttered to himself. The young 19-year-old dog boy was strapped to what he could only describe as a leather lounging chair. Completely bound, his legs were tied to the end of the leather seat via firm sateen ribbons, as were his hands which were pinned up next to his head by the wrists. Stripped of his shoes and socks, he was left in only his T-shirt and shorts, they had even taken his phone away. With the ribbons so firmly strapped to his limbs, pulling on them would only make them tighter, but they would loosen once he relaxed his arms and legs. The room he was in was small but cozy looking, with the couple shelves with scented candles, and even the basket full of magazines in the corner. "This backstage room must be where one of the dancers relax, it's not like they'd have a room dedicated for holding trespassers after all.” he said to himself. Then, the door opened as a fox woman casually entered the room. “Well now, what to do with you…” she said with a glare. Luo just gulped nervously, knowing there is no way out of this situation.

        The woman wore a purple Bikini type outfit with a strapless top, small low cut bottom, a transparent skirt and gown that belly dancers traditionally wore. The fox's fur was light brown, with a white underbelly, and big goofy tail, which went well with her elegant but revealing outfit. Knowing what he was in for, Luo could only look her in the eyes. “Well, what do you have to say for yourself?” the belly dancer huffed looking displeased. "I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…” but Luo suddenly interrupted by the belly dancer's angry growl growling. "Lies, security caught you peeping on our dancers through the window while they were changing.” she scolded. Luo shivered, he didn't want to make the fox dancer mad, feeling as guilty as he did, but he desperately wanted to explain himself. “It's true! I looked! But I didn't know at first, I just… when I saw them changing found myself staring, they were so beautiful.” The fox woman just huffed tilting her chin up as she walked around his chair. “So… we should just forgive you? and let you leave because you liked the way our dancers look when changing?” she asked sarcastically.

        “No!” Luo said defensively. "I was just... distracted… I’m sorry!” he said generally feeling upset. The fox woman put on a small smirk, enjoying the distressed look on the young man's face, she found his expression rather cute. Rather than responding, she took a few moments walking back and forth to make him sweat. Luo on the other hand, was silently panicking, afraid of saying anything else that might anger the dancer. “What… what are you going to do with me?" he asked. Walking behind his chair as she looked down upon him, wagging her tail next to his head. “You're just a kid, so we won't rat you out to the cops-BUT…" she said, “Our dancers do not like being disrespected. To put it plainly, they want some payback.” she purred stroking her long tail underneath his chin in a teasing but devious motion. “Payback?” Luo asked confused. Ignoring his follow up question, the fox woman just snapped her fingers. “Girls!” she shouted. Upon her command, the door opened again as about a dozen belly dancers entered the room. "Gulp…” Luo swallowed nervously. The young man never thought he'd be dreading the moment when a bunch of beautiful belly dancers came to visit him, but here he was.

        Once they entered the room, they closed the door behind them, surrounding him like a pack of wolves as they gathered around his chair. The dancers were all different draw droopingly beautiful, but aside from their outfits not one of them was the same. Among the dancers was an elegant wolf, a voluptuous kangaroo, a slender smooth-skinned black snake, a short fennec, a slightly plump but busty panda, a gracefully stoic looking lioness, and even a wide-eyed bunny just to name a few. They all murmured amongst each other, looking down upon him like he was an animal in the zoo. Some of the girls scowled at him to him, some giggled at him, and some were even amused by him. Luo felt incredibly embarrassed, he had never gotten this much attention in his entire life, and spread out on a chair no less. "So this is the boy who spied on us?” the of fennec chuckled. "I-I wasn’t spying! I…” Luo stuttered defensively. “Hmph, is that so?” the lioness asked sarcastically tilting her head up as she looked down on him. “Well I…” he paused. “Anything you would like to say to us?” the kangaroo dancer asked crossing her arms. “I’m…” Luo kept pausing, so ashamed that he could barely muster a sentence. The young man could feel his cheeks burning red with embarrassment, looking down to avoid their displeased eyes and to hide his face.

        "Well? Explain yourself.” the fox behind him demanded, still looking down on him with smug grin. At this point, the poor dog just wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear, frozen with a mix of helplessness and guilt. Though unsure what to say, the young man finally found the courage to respond. "I-I didn't know that the window I looked in lead to your changing room… not at first…” Luo confessed, his head still tiled down. “But when I saw you all… you know, I just couldn’t look away…” Finally admitting to his mistake, his face flushed even brighter. "I’m sorry.” he finished. The dancers whispered amongst each other, skeptical but looking a little less angry than they were moments ago. “Well, we are pretty hot aren't we?” the bunny giggled, placing her fingers over her lips playfully. “Still! He could've looked away when he realized what he saw, but he continued watching us.” the wolf woman growled. "We can't just let this slide.” she said, leaning as she pinched one of his toes. “Eep!” Luo yipped, as some of the dancers giggled at the sound of his unexpectedly cute voice. "She’s right.” the fox woman said, stepping to the right of the boys' leather chair. With an evil grin, she leaning closer to the side of his face and whispered into his floppy ear. "You’re a naughty boy… and you need to be PUNISHED.”

        The tone in her voice made the boy shiver, as her soft tail teasingly brushed against his face. Granted, the dancers had a right to be mad at him, but something about the fox woman’s mentality seemed almost sinister. The wolf woman then leaned in and poked one of Luo’s toe beans, surprising him as she ran her finger up and down the sole of his foot. “For a boy, your feet are surprisingly soft.” she said in an almost taunting tone. Luo wiggled at her touch, biting his lip as try not to make a sound. "Well, you girls know what to do…” the fox woman snickered. With that, she turned around and walked out of the room. “Have fun. ❤️” she said giving Luo a wink before closing the door. “Fun?” Lou said looking confused. While he was distracted, the panda grabbed his right foot in both of her large paws as she began massaging his arch with her palms, causing a soft moan to escape Luo's lips. “You’re right, his feet are soft” the panda giggled. Luo's feet were so sensitive to their touch, wiggling more and more as the panda and wolf continued to toy with him. “What are you doing?” The dog boy asked, struggling to keep another moan from escaping his mouth. “Keep him still.” the wolf woman said. With that, two of the dancers next to her, a fluffy sheep girl and a cutesy squirrel girl, firmly grabbed onto Luo's ankles, pinning his legs against the leather chair.

        The wolf woman began tickling the pads on Luo’s foot, the young man letting out a soft chuckle before quickly biting his lips. It was too late, the dancers noticed the reaction she got out of him, all snickering amongst each other as they watched in amusement. What's worse, the panda's foot massage got the best of him easing Luo into a state of brief vulnerability as he relaxed and loosened up. "Pff-please st-stop… oh...” Luo pleaded, a brief soft moan leaving with his breath. The wolf woman just ignored him, wiggling her fingers against his pads as she began tickling the middle of his foot with her other hand. Unable to pull his feet away with legs firmly pinned against the leather chair, all he could do was squirm as he bit his lips shut. His muffled giggles could be heard under his closed maw, barely able to contain his laughter as the girls watched. “What's so funny boy?” the lioness asked sarcastically, leaning closer to him with her arms crossed over her bikini-clad chest. Unable to respond, Luo just shook his head side to side, pleading for it to stop. "I don’t think he’s taking usssss seriously.” the snake woman snickered, swaying her hips in amusement. “Well, in that case, he’s not being punished enough.” the kangaroo added stepping behind Luo's bondage chair.

        Grabbing onto his sleeves, the roo slowly pulled his shirt off, sliding it off arms chest an up the straps attached to his wrists as it is as it flopped behind the chair by the sleeves. “N-n-n-nohoho...” Luo whimpered, blushing as his naked chest and belly were revealed for the frisky dancers to see. The boy wasn’t buff, but he wasn’t chubby either, just a modest slender dog-belly with a hint of pink skin near his belly button. “Awwwwww…” the bunny cooed, along with a few of the other dancers as they all ogled his now his exposed belly. They all had adoring and sadistic smiles on their faces, enjoying the vulnerable state of their captive as he writhed in embarrassment. Even the wolf took a moment to look up from the feet, eagerly licking her lips as she felt the urge to groom the boy's pink-toned belly. It was like his karma for seeing the dancers naked before. Dogs hated having their bellies exposed, as it was a position that made them feel vulnerable, and the dancers knew this all to well as Luo whined in shame. “Ohhh… think the puppy wants us to rub his belly.” the Kangaroo cooed. “What a naughty puppy…" the lioness snickered, who especially enjoyed their captives embarrassment. "Well, don’t mind if I do.” the snake said, slithering her tail atop his stomach. 

        Luo shivered as the snake woman slowly slipped her tail around his midsection, struggling to hold back his muffled laughed as her tail rubbed around the sensitive skin of his belly. Her scales were so smooth, and her motions gentle and tender, as if teasing him while she wrapped up his belly in two layers of her coils. “Hey, be gentle.” the bunny instructed. The snake woman tilted her head at the dog boy, fluttering her eyelids teasingly. "Sorry, it’s just whenever I see something cute, I just want to SQUEEEEEZE it…” she said tightening her tail around his midsection. Unable to hold back, Luo released his maw and let out a pleasurable moan, closing his eyes as his cheeks remained a bright rosy shaded pink. The dancers couldn't help but smile at the dog’s adorable reaction, wanting to see more of his vulnerable side. "Oooooh… does puppy love his belly rubsssss?” the snake cooed. Once again biting his maw shut, Luo shook his head pleadingly, which only excited the snake woman more. With a playful flick of her tongue, she began rubbing her tail back and forth across his belly, forcing another happy moan from the helpless boy. "Awrrroo…” he whimpered, unable to keep his mouth closed any longer. 

        With an innocent unpreventable smile on his face, Luo's helpless giggles were now audible for all the dancers to hear. With the belly rub, foot massage, and tickling, he found himself unable to resist, their treatment easing him into a false sense of safety. The women just watched him triumphantly, feeling as if they had tamed the giggled pup. "Enjoying yourself?” the Kangaroo joked, bending over behind Luo’s chair, obscuring his view with her large bikini-clad breasts. Luo didn’t know how to answer, but even if he did, all that left his mouth were giggles and happy wines. “Good, then you’ll LOVE this…” she said, a sadistic smile curling on her face. The kangaroo then cupped her hands underneath his wrists, and slowly slid down his arms until her fingers reached his armpits. “Eep…" Luo squeaked, looking up at the sexy kangaroo as she gave him a playful chuckle. Her slender fingers rubbed and tickled against his armpits, sending Luo into a fit of giggles as he burst into laughter. The dog redoubled his struggles, pulling and writhing against his binds as his most sensitive spots were exploited. Meanwhile, the wolf kept her focus on ticking his feet, as well as the panda who was still massaging his foot, and the snake who was rubbing his belly in her coils. They were more than happy to continue their treatment, listening to Lou's laughter like it was music to their ears.

        “Stahahawp! Nohohohohooo!” he laughed, wiggling around like fish out of water. The dancers all smiled as they watched the boy writhe in a fit of giggles, loving the sight of his vulnerable display. Luo felt like he was an animal in a petting zoo, his body free for the women to tickle and touch. Though unable to escape the kangaroos tickles, his constant wiggling made it difficult for her. “A little help?” the roo asked looking at the snake woman. “Of course." she responded happily, shifting her coils from Luo’s belly up to his chest. The dog boy giggling some more as he felt he smooth tail moving up his body, rubbing against his fur in a slow but soothing motion. “Wah-wah-wait.” he said in between his laughs. Snake woman just ignored him, giving his chest a firm but a wholesome squeeze, slowing his wiggles goes to a halt. It felt she was giving him a big hug, wrapping him up in her tail as if they were her own arms as he closed his eyes in comfort. “Better?" the snake woman asked, her arms crossed as she gently caressed the puppy chest with her tail moving back and forth. “Much. ❤️” the kangaroo responded, resuming her tickling treatment.

        With the dog boy unable to fully resist, the roo could tickle him without any hindrance, much to Lou’s dismay. Though no longer frightened, the dog boy was completely helpless against their tickling, unable to even squirm under the bondage and tight hold of the sexy dancers as he laughed up a storm. “Pleehehehese Staawp!” he begged, only to be ignored as the kangaroo and wolf continued tickling him. The sheep girl and squirrel girl holding his feet on the other hand, began feeling left out, as the began tickling the undersides of his ankles. "Nohohhoh!” Luo laughed. Though not as ticklish under his legs, they had taken him completely off guard, as he had almost forgotten about the two dancers holding his legs. “I-hehehe'm-sorry-hehehe!” Lou pleaded, tearing up from his nonstop giggling. His tears didn’t go unnoticed by the dancers, who seemed satisfied with his surrender, but they weren’t done with him yet. “Well girls… what are you waiting for?" the kangaroo asked looking up at her eager coworkers. Without question, all the girls leaned in with their hands outstretched, wiggling their fingers teasingly. 


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