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Pikachu Vs The Red Balloons - The lifeguard Pikachu desperately tried to pull her tail out, but the balloon responded with a swift tug, yanking her off her feet as her entire body squished into its red rubbery surface. “Oh!” she gasped bewildered as the balloons suddenly took hold of her in a firm but soft embrace. Uki’s tail was now completely tucked into the balloons' tight springy interior, keeping her anchored against its squishy exterior with her arms and legs spread. “Oh no!” she thought, immediately attempting to pull herself free.

The Tickle Belly Dancers -  “I can’t believe I let myself get caught.” Luo muttered to himself. The young 19-year-old dog boy was strapped to what he could only describe as a leather lounging chair. Completely bound, his legs were tied to the end of the leather seat via firm sateen ribbons, as were his hands which were pinned up next to his head by the wrists. Stripped of his shoes and socks, he was left in only his T-shirt and shorts, they had even taken his phone away. With the ribbons so firmly strapped to his limbs, pulling on them would only make them tighter, but they would loosen once he relaxed his arms and legs. The room he was in was small but cozy looking, with the couple shelves with scented candles, and even the basket full of magazines in the corner. “Well now, what to do with you…” she said with a glare. Luo just gulped nervously, knowing there is no way out of this situation.

 Squeezed In A Bubble - "I'm in succubus territory…” Mezi though. "I was so stupid not to bring a map! They even have a bubble patrolling this place.” Leaning over to look past the tree, the stones in her basket clattered against each other, spooking the catgirl as she froze in place. “Eep.” Afraid that she may have alerted the bubble to her presence, she remained completely still, praying that she didn't get its attention. After a few silent agonizing moments, she peeked behind the tree only to see nothing. Relieved, Mezi let out a long loud sigh as she looked up at the sky. “That must've been a succu-bubble. That was my first time seeing one.” she chuckled nervously. "I hope that's the last one I see.” With that, she turned around to head back the way she came, but stopped dead in her tracks as a look of dread washed over her face…


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