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Pikachu Vs The Red Balloons -   Letting out a stressed-out sigh, Uki looked down at her swimsuit. She carefully ran her hands down the wet fabric on her chest, admiring how it clung to her skin and kept a comfortable formfitting hold around her body. The Pikachu loved how the red color made her stand out as a lifeguard, and how the reflective fabric glistened in the light whenever her suit was wet. It wasn't just her uniform, it was her favorite outfit. "I really hope you're as durable as Lala says.” Uki said to herself, sparks jolting from her rosy cheeks. 

Book Chapter 1 - Faith, now without any spandex covering her chest, had wandered into a storage area of some kind. Full of filing cabinets as well as a bunch of lockers and safes, they were labeled with letters and numbers similar to the cells she was brought to earlier. Though her biggest concern at the moment was how little she had to wear. Faith still had her pants, belt, gloves, bracelets, and mask; but between that, all she had was her sports bra. And though secure enough to hold up her rack, it was far from versatile like the rest of her suit. Looking back at her bracelet, Faith was disappointed to see that her suit had less than 25% of its energy left. Remaining silent, the young spy just stared at her the energy level on her bracelet pondering her options. “It's not like I'll be able to make it out here without my entire suit, and no way a topless woman isn't going to draw unwanted attention." she sighed, hitting a sequence of buttons on her bracelet. 

A Kitsune Stole My Heart - Opening his eyes, he turned his head left to see the kitsune laying right beside him. What's more, he was still tangled up in her tails with only his head sticking out. Shato looked like he was in a sleeping bag made out of blue fur. She had a look of relaxed satisfaction on her face, her right hand on her cheek as she looked down on him with a smile. "Feeling better?” she asked. Attempting to get up, he found his movements were once again restricted by her fluffy coils. “Shhhhh… settle down...” In response to his attempts to get up, the Kitsune's tails tightened around his figure in a gentle full-body hug. The sudden embrace was so comfortable his cheeks became rosy, surrendering himself to her hold. “See? I'm not here to hurt you.” she said with a sincere tone in her voice, scooting closer to the young man. “Comfortable isn't it?” she whispered. "I groom all of my tails regularly to make sure they're always nice and fluffy.”

The Plush Games - “Now tell me, why didn’t you buy me?” she asked curiously. “Buy?” he asked, a bit slow to understand what she meant. “I've been on that shelf for as long as I can remember, I was hand-sewn together and put up for sale, but nobody bought me.” she said, a small hint of sadness in her voice. Eventually, I was placed in the window on display, ever since then I've been watching other toys being taken home by happy children and hobbyists, but no one ever gave me a second look… Until you started walking by.” Suddenly, she dropped him back onto the plushy surface of the roof, landing on his back as he sank into the memory foam surface. before he could get back up, the bunny crawled over him on her hands and knees, looming above him with a smug but alluring grin.


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