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        A young anthropomorphic Pikachu woman named Uki, was a part-time lifeguard at a public indoor pool with a beautiful sunroof, where Pokémon of all shapes, sizes, and ages would come in to have fun on hot days. With her tall wooden lookout chair, she could see the entire poolside area as if it she had a birdseye view. The pool itself had a very waterpark-like vibe to it, with decorative rocks, fountains, arches, in plenty of pool toys for visitors to play with. What's more, the pool itself had a very shapeless design. Rather than circular or rectangular, it looked like a miniature version of a lake, with curves and twists like a river would. Because of this, careless swimmers were often at risk of slipping around the edge of the pool, which is why the Pikachu Uki was there to prevent it. Using her cute but commanding voice, she would always call out those who ran around the pool, or just weren't paying attention to their surroundings. Uki was strict, so she was very good at her job, and serious about keeping the swimmers safe and running the pool in an orderly fashion.

        Uki herself had always been a very attractive woman. Despite being a rodent type Pokémon, her body was practically model-like in shape, especially complemented by her sexy but modest red life guard swimsuit, which did a surprisingly good job covering her ample body. The sporty type one-piece she wore had a mid leg cut design showing just a glimpse of her shapely thighs, a decorative plus sign on her chest making her bust stand out, and thin straps over her shoulders holding the swimsuit up over her bosom. Uki's swimsuit was pretty casual for the most part, but on her... it looked undeniably sexy. But Unique to her body, was you're an unusually large tail, her attractive heart-shaped tip standing out the most. Uki often found the both male and female visitors ogling her from time to time. The young Pikachu was used to the attention, but often gave visitors the evil eye should they stare at her assets for too long.

        Today, there was one visitor who seemed especially interested in the one-piece clad Pikachu, a slim looking Umbreon woman who was on the far side of pool, looking at her from a distance. Sitting on the edge of the pool, she sported a high cut, tube top bikini type swimsuit, with the shade of dark so similar to her skin it almost violated the pools' dress code. Upon first glance, Uki thought the Umbreon was naked! Embarrassed, Uki almost found herself staring back at the attractive looking dark type pokemon, her body so slim and delicate looking only her large ears and fluffy tail stood out from her unusually slender build. Bushing slightly, the Pikachu looked the other way for a few moments, only for the Umbreon to disappear upon second glance. 

        Hours later after it got dark, Uki's shift had finally ended, and all the guests had headed home. Stepping off her chair, the young Pikachu put her sweater on over her bright red swimsuit, and stretched her arms and tail upward. “Good work today, sweetie.” said her boss Lala, as she walked  up to her proudly placing her hands on her hips. Lala was a slightly chubbier, but compassionate Raichu woman who wore a cute blue dark bikini when outside her office. The boss’s thighs and breasts had a little more heft to them which was normal for most Raichus, but she still had a pretty sexy physique. Lala’s large chest and plump uppper legs, combined with her cute pudgy cheeks and modestly chubby white underbelly gave her a friendly appearance, as if she was a beautiful huggable teddy bear. “Girl, whenever you on that chair, watching them swimmers from the sky, you look like a true woman in charge.” she complemented.

        “Yep.” said the Pikachu, puffing her ample chest out with a smirk. "I feel like a queen every day. Commanding the pool with an iron fist, and looking good doing it.” she boasted, wagging her large zigzag tail. Sighing under her breath, Lala crossed her arms admiring the confidence of her employee. “Lord, you make me wish I was a Pikachu again, it's so hard to stay slim after evolving.” Looking back over to her boss, Uki felt a hint of guilt for her boasting. “Oh, that’s not true boss, you look so mature and womanly, plus I'd kill for breasts like those.” she complimented genuinely. “Oh hush you.” Lala giggled with a blush. “You da girl they be staring at all day. I swear you could be a full-time model if they gave you the chance.” Now Uki found herself blushing. No matter how many times people have pointed out her good looks, the positive feedback always gave her butterfly’s in her belly. “Ohhh boss…” she cooed. "Even so, I wouldn't give up this job for the world.” Uki continued looking up at the stars as they subtly appeared in the sky. "I love being in charge, I love feeling like I'm on top of the world, and what’s more…” she paused putting her hands on her belly. "I absolutely adore this swimsuit. I love the shade of royal red and it's so comfortable. Rodent Pokémon like us have really short fur, but the fabric feels so smooth on my skin. Honestly, I love it more than my underwear.” 

        Realizing she began thinking out loud, Uki stopped taking, prompting a short awkward silence. Lala giggled, her fingers placed over her lips, has her employee's face turned bright red. “Hay, no shame girl.” she said putting her arm over her shoulder. “I agree, how are swimsuits are custom-made by a friend of mine. Perfectly measured to your every sexy curve.” she chuckled walking back to the employee's only room. "I'm going lock up the entrance, could you keep watch out and put the toy’s away? I'll meet you and the changing room.” Lala instructed. “Ok!” Uki complied rubbing her cheeks and trying to calm herself. "Tell you what…” Lala said before entering the storage room around “A little secret for you, sometimes I wear my swimsuit as underwear too, it's just that comfy.” she chuckled. "Ohhhh, you!” Uki giggled. As Lala entered the changing room, Uki, gathered the pool toys and put them in storage, deflating only the bigger and even evening smaller only partially aired out. Once she was finished she turned off the fountain, as silence finally fell upon the beautiful pool. "Another successful day's work if I do say so myself." Uki boasted. 

        Adjusting her sweater, the young Pikachu made her way to the changing room, happily swaying her tail side to side. Upon entering, she threw her sweater on the bench and walked over to her locker. “Hey boss! I’ma get changed real quick ok?” she said. Rather than a reply, all she heard was the sound of loud squeaking rubber, and what sounded like a muffled cry for help. Curious, Uki walked away from her locker and turned the corner to see what the commotion was. To her shock, she found a large red balloon floating in the middle of the locker room. Probably about 6 feet in diameter, it was even larger than Uki herself, with a blood-red hue and an incredibly shiny exterior. But what really left her speechless was what was inside, kneeling in the center of the rubbery red sphere… was her boss Lala! Still in her blue bikini, Lala looked baffled and frightened, as she began pressing her hands against the inner surface of the balloon. “UKI! Help!” she pleaded, her muffled echo we voice barely audible through the semi-transparent red rubber. Speechless, Uki just stood there, unable to make sense of what she was witnessing. 

        "Uki, please! I can’t get out!” she shouted, still pushing against the stretchy surface. Snapping out of her shock, Uki ran towards the balloon, kneeling down to her boss and hesitantly holding her hands above the surface. “A-Are you ok, what happened?” Uki asked. “I don’t know, I was just about to get changed when I felt something soft pressing against my back. Before I knew it, this giant balloon had trapped me inside it like some kind of amoeba.” she explained, her voice shaking as she continued rubbing her hands against the squishy rubber. “It also squeezed me as it was sucking me in, like it was trying to hug me.” she added with a blush. “Squeezed?" Uki stood back up, pressing her own hands against the squishy surface trying to find some kind of seam to open. "I've been trying to escape this thing for me for minutes, but the stupid thing won't pop! I even tried using a thunder bolt bolt on it, but nothing happened!” Unable to find any openings, Uki kneeled back down, putting her hands against Lala’s to comfort her. “Did you try using iron tail on it?” she asked. "Iron Tail? I can barely move my tail in this thing. Lala said, puffing her cheeks grumpily.

        “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” Uki said confidently. Taking a couple of steps back, her tail slowly illuminated with an angelic white glow. Lala froze, her beady eyes widening as her employee revved up her attack. “Alright. Get down!” Uki said, firmly planting her feet on the tiled floor. “Wait! BEHIND YOU!” Lala shouted, pounding her hands against the wall of her prison in sudden panic. Uki quickly turned around, as she was surprised by a second the red balloon coming up from behind her. The glow around her tail dissipated, losing focus from her ability as she looked up at the looming ball. Reacting quickly, she immediately backflipped over it, narrowly dodging the rubber sphere as it floated by her. Uki landed on her feet right behind the balloon, as it bumped into the one holding Lala prisoner. The sudden bump caused the poor Raichu to face-plant against the stretchy surface of the sphere, tumbling around on her back as the balloon jiggled in the air from the impact. 

        Cautiously stepping back, Uki was completely baffled, watching the two oversize balloons jiggling around as if they were alive. “Another one!? Where did it come from?” she asked. After a couple of moments, the balloon regained its bearings and slowly began floating back towards her. Still a bit dazed, Lala got back on her hands and knees and looked back at her dumbstruck employee. "Run Uki!” she yelled. Not one to disobey her boss, Uki bolted in the opposite direction. But the balloon was quick on the pursuit, following her through the locker room as if it was homing in on her. Finally, she went back into the pool section of the building, closing the doubled doors behind her, locking the changing room shut. Stepping away from the locker room entrance, Uki took a deep breath, taking a moment to process what had just transpired. Her boss was now trapped in a giant rubber balloon, and now she was in danger of being trapped in one as well. All she could think was, “Where did they come from? Is this some sort of prank? what’s happening?” Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted as the doors began to creak loudly with the sound of straining metal. The entrance flung open, ripping the lock open and sending the doorknob bursting from its hinges as it clattered onto the tiled marble floor. 

        The balloon had forced the door completely open, and was now slowly squeezing its way through the frame, it's squeaking hide filling the room with the haunting sound of hollow creaking rubber. Uki continued stepping back with unease, watching more and more of the balloon push its way through the doorframe. Then, her foot reached the edge of the pool nearly causing to lose her balance, and the balloon was nearly free. The locker room was the only escape she had, all the other doors either led to maintenance rooms or storage areas. But then, Uki bit her lip and took a deep breath, taking a step forward as she planted her feet firmly on the ceramic floor. "I don’t need to run, this is my pool” she mumbled under her breath. Clenching her fists, she smirked at the balloon and crossed your arms confidently. “You think you can just float on in here catch me? I'm in charge of this pool buster!” she said in a mocking tone, powering up her tail as it started glowing again. Finally the balloon broke free from the door frame, wobbling it’s way towards Uki as she prepared her attack. Warming and swinging her tail back-and-forth, Uki planted her right foot far forward, spinning her entire body around as she swung her charged tail at the approaching orb. “Eat THIS!!!” With one powerful swing, her tail collided with the balloon, slamming into it's shiny rubber and bending it spherical shape has warped around her attack like a ball of jelly. The calm water suddenly splashed against the edge of the pool, the windows shuddered and the walls shook from the sheer shockwave of her powerful iron tail. 

        With a loud boing, the balloon bounced in the opposite direction, slamming against the decorative rocky tiled wall before bouncing back in Uki’s direction. "Eep!” she gasped, stumbling to the side and narrowly avoiding the incoming sphere as it whizzed by her. With breakneck speed, the balloon bounced off another wall, once again making its way toward the stumbling lifeguard before she could regain her footing. Seeing the sphere gunning for her again, Uki attempted to use her tail to balance herself, but it was too late. The balloon slammed into helpless Pikachu, her body instantly sinking into the pliable rubber as if began folding around her. “Oh!” Uki gasped in surprise, wincing as the balloon began squeezing her. The Pikachu tried to pull away, but the rubber had a firm grip on her body as if it trying to suck her in. Uki started to blush, her one-piece offering little protection as the inflatable rubber pressed against her breasts. The balloons squeezing was incredibly intimate, wrapping around her well-shaped body as if it was fondling her.

        Biting her lip and struggling not to moan, her tail once again glimmered with a blinding light, revving up for a desperate attack. With another powerful swing, she slammed it against the balloon's left side, sending it flying across the room, the force of the impact lining her back into the pool. Being an expert swimmer, she quickly recovered and swam back to the surface, poking her head out of the water to take quick gasp for air. The balloon was once again bouncing around the pool like a giant dodgeball, the force of her attack given it more momentum than it could handle. Partially submerging her head back into the water and lowering her ears as much as possible, she subtly peeked out from the pool while keeping her sights on the inflatable. “How is that balloon still in one piece?” she thought to herself. “My iron-tail can shatter borders and rip metal! Yet that thing took it twice like it was nothing…” 

        While she floated about the pool, the balloon continued bouncing around the walls, unable to control its trajectory. But shortly, it started to slow down, until it finally jiggled to a halt. It then began floating around in circles, patrolling around the area as if it was looking for her. Duking down further, Uki quickly swam behind one of the decorative rocks where was shallow, allowing her enough cover to raise her chest from the water. "looks like it lost me.” she sighed softly. "This must be some kind of advanced capture devise of some kind, that's the only explanation for it to have survived my attack. It was strong enough to hold my boss after all, and she's a fully evolved Raichu.” she thought to herself peeking back out from behind the rocks, seeing the balloon still circling its area. Grumbling under her breath, the frustrated Pikachu puffed out of her cheeks with a grumpy expression. “Still, I can't believe I'm hiding from a freaking balloon. When I was in the marine corps, I could knock out a Machamp even without my Iron-tail.” she thought. Then, looking back down at her swimsuit, she noticed that it had become crooked around her breast, probably from when she was grabbed by the balloon. 

 Seeing as her left boob was slightly exposed, her cheek went pink, feeling self-conscious despite her being alone. “This thing, it must've been specifically made to capture us, that would probably explain why my boss couldn't destroy it with a thunder bolt.” she thought, groaning under her breath as she attempted to fix her suit. Uki slipped her thumbs underneath the straps, readjusting the fabric around her breasts, and pulling the Lycra back over her exposed skin. But as the Pikachu fixed her swimsuit, she looked back up at the looming balloon, thinking about how one caught her boss so easily. “Lala… she seemed okay, but who knows how long she can actually survive in that bubble. I’ll have to get her out once I take care of this one.” Lost in thought, she removed her thumbs from her suit. But to her dismay, she accidentally snapped the wet fabric against her skin, echoing throughout the indoor pool. “Eep…” she gasped under her breath. Looking back down at her wet swimsuit with a shocked clumsy look on her face. Sure enough, the balloon responded to the sound of her wet swimsuit, and dived down towards her.


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