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Dear readers, how do you like the story thus far? Is it to your liking? I haven't written the story this kinky before and I would like to know how I'm doing. If you have any feedback please let me know in the comments below, I love to know what you think. 😉


        Kin-Lung was just browsing on her computer one day, finally taking a break after a hard month of studying. Despite being a crafting major, her math and art history classes have been practically ruining her life, spending hours upon hours writing essays and reports. Bags under eyes and sore all over from sitting down 24 seven excluding her measly 30 minute commute, she wanted nothing more than to just relax. Only recently did she have the time to wash her shoe black hair, and she had misplaced her contacts she now had to wear glasses again. It was 10 PM on a lonely friday, and Kin-Lung wanted nothing more then to go to bed and sleep. But she was restless, frustrated, and most of all... stupidly horny. Wanting to treat herself, Kin-Lung had spent the past 30 minutes shopping online for adult goods. Mainly searching for a clothing, she scoured the Internet for things that peaked her interests. Lingerie, bondage gear, latex wear, BDSM attire, even abdl stuff, nothing was off-limits to her.

        She had bookmarked a lot of outfits, on her browser but she still can decide what to buy, until she saw something on Esty that sparked her interest. It was listed as an inflatable toy, but the thumbnail looked like a rubber suit of some kind. Without wasting a moment, she clicked on the listing in anticipation. To her disappointment, it wasn’t a suit but an inflatable lizard toy. But instead of clicking away,  she found herself examining it further. The toy was an inflatable doll made for pool play,  it was $100 and looked a lot like a Salazle from Pokémon. The entire inflatable was was a dark shiny shade of black, with a purple underbelly painted on its chest and down between its legs. The product had a seek with a rounded head with piercing sharp blue eyes that reminded her of a K-pop star she liked. Even though the body was inflated and masculine looking, it still maintained a sleek and thin appearance like a healthy male should. Clicking through the pictures, she started touching herself through her shorts. The young woman remained on the page for at least 15 minutes, forgetting about the other tabs open on her browser as she continued toying with herself.

         Admiring it's elegant physique, dark shiny skin, and alluring anthropomorphic face, she continued ogling the toy from every angle that the pictures offered her. Kin-Lung wanted to hold it in her arms, to squeeze its rubbery body against hers, to rub her face on its beautifully chest. Never before has she wanted a toy so badly, that all she could do was look at it and imagine what she wanted to do with it. After she finished teasing herself, she looked back down to double check the price. “Only one hundred huh?” she smiled adding the item to her cart. Before completing her transaction, she took another look at the charming toy, examining its features once more. Even though wasn't a suit, it was so much you can imagine doing with it, but it seemed to be missing something… "Doesn't seem like it has anything down there to play with." she said to her self with a playful giggle. “But I bet a nice big strap-on could fix that.” Scrolling down to the description on the page, the product was listed under a buyer named Kay, according to her brief profile she was independent crafter who made inflatable toys with special rubber.

         “Ohhh! An indie product! That means I can’t get it anywhere else!” she said to her self in excitement. “Well in that case don’t mind if I do!” and with just a few clicks, her order was placed. Unable to contain her delight and anticipation, Kin-Lung spent the next few minutes looking through the pictures on the purchase as she continued playing with herself. Ever since that day, she would check the tracking number every few hours of every single day, speculating when it would arrive. Opening the page every night, she would continue to tease herself while ogling photos the inflatable product. Pondering and fantasizing about all the different kinds of fun she could have with the sexy toy. About a week later, after caching up on her sleep she came home to find large package on her doorstep. Overjoyed, Kin-Lung picked it up and brought it to her room. The happy woman was ready to jump with joy, she was practically shivering with anticipation, as if she had been wanting for this moment for years. Her room was was rather simple, with only her bed, a dresser for her clothes and a small desk for her lamp phone and clock.

        Placing the package on her bed, Kin-Lung Open up the box and was greeted with a large folded mass of beautifully shiny rubber, wrapped up in plastic bag. Heart skipping a beat, she reached in, picked up the bag and opened it, allowing the item to unfold in her hands. The young woman's eyes sparkled with awe, the figure was immense compared to her, she couldn't hold it up all the way but it was at least 6 feet tall if not more. The rubber itself was so seamless and shiny, it was so perfectly crafted and was as reflective as a mirror. What's more, her hands felt sensitive against the material, possible to explain but because like her awareness of the material was heightened upon touching it. After taking a few more moments to admire the lovely toy, Kin-Lung draped it over her bed replace or Hands on her hips triumphantly. “Now then, time to get that pump."she chuckled! But just before she could exit the room she noticed something else was inside of the box. There was another folded mass of rubber at the bottom, immediately catching her attention. “Did they send me two?” she thought, Ice sparkling with delight. 

        Unfolding the mass and laying it on her floor, she was surprised to find what appeared to be a semi transparent deflated orca pool toy. “Awww! How fun!” she cooed. “she also sent me a cute pool toy as a bonus. Such a nice crafter.” Picking it back up and stored it away for the time being, she realized something about the toy upon closer inspection. There was a zipper on the mouth of the toy, it was the same shade of black as the orcas back so it was hardly noticeable. “Hmmm, maybe this is a costume is well, maybe this is a costume as well? Or maybe it's like a portable cooler to keep drinks?” Pushing aside the thought aside, she walked over to her spacious living room where she dropped it over her couch. Her living room had a beautiful sunroof, was twice as big as the average Korean living room with a nice velvet couch in the center. "I'll have to try it out next time I go to the pool.” she giggled. Walking back to her room, she began throwing off her clothes, starting with her T-shirt before kicking off her shorts. But as soon as she walked into her room, she heard a subtle hissing noise. 

        It sounded like escaping air with a small reverb. At first she thought it was coming from the air vents, but once she approached the bed she realized it was the toy. Kin-Lung was shocked, the rubber lizard was inflating by itself, without the aid of a pump. Lost for words, she just stood there as her new toy began filling out and puffing up with each passing second. It was like watching something come to life, as it slowly began to take shape. All the folds and wrinkles slowly disappeared, it's rubber skin buffing up as the hissing noise subtly faded, leaving the inflation finally complete. Its arms and legs appeared sleek and masculine, it's chest was smooth, robust, and its rounded anthropomorphic face was so handsome, wearing a mischievous smile like a playful trickster. The toy was so elegantly crafted, it made her art skip beat, and seeing finally seeing it lay there before her aroused her beyond belief. Kin-lung didn't even question it, she slowly crawled onto the bed, finding herself entranced with the inflatable until she was practically straddling it. The woman looks down at the motionless toy has an eager smile spread across her face. “A self-inflating toy? You're as functional as you are handsome.” she purred.

        Sitting on the lizards rubber pelvis, she shiver from head to toe as a pleasurable tingling sensation shot over body. “Oh yes… this is some quality latex.” she thought to herself. To most, the sensitive touch of the rubber would have been almost overwhelming, but to Kin-Lung it was simply delightful. Starting a slow playful lap dance, she rubbed her hips side to side, staring down at the motionless toy as the rubber squeaked against her pelvis. “Oh, if you were real, you’d be loving this…” she teased. Placing her hands on the inflatable's chest, she began moaning softly, enjoying the sensitive touch of it's rubber. With a smile, she looked down on the rubber toy knowing it was now only hers to enjoy. After waiting so long, she wanted to savor the moment, as if to assert her dominance on the inanimate inflatable. The sound of as creaking rubber slowly grew louder and louder, as her grinding became more vigorous. Kin-Lung closed her eyes in pure bliss, even without a strap-on the toy was amazing. It's smooth glossy latex felt so pleasant and sensitive against her skin, the pressure was taut but flexible, enough for her to bounce a little with her dance, and the high pitched squeaks filled the room like sexy ambiance.

        Moaning under her breath, Kin-Lung lost herself in her diligent humping, her hips practically moving on their own at this point. The sensitive touch of her rubber toy was so entrancing, she found herself shivering with each loving stroke. Pressing her thighs against the toy’s, she could feel the strange tingling sensation growing stronger with each passing second, as if it was spreading across her skin. Kin-Lungs moans grew louder, arching forward as her face went pink, her blissful grin twisting with pleasure. Words couldn’t even describe how amazing the rubber felt against her skin, just the physical contact was enough to make her smile, and she wanted more. With a loud squeak, she plopped onto the toy’s chest, laying in on it like a body pillow as she continued grinding against it. The horny young woman nuzzled the lizards soft rubbery chest, letting out a happy moan with a large lewd grin. The slick smooth texture of the sensitive material calmed her as much as it aroused her, how the soft inflatable surface squished against her face, how it swelled and squeaked from her embrace, in the airfield cushiony body cradled her like a soft rubber bean bag. 

        Puckering her lips, she slowly leaned in for a kiss as she opened her eyes, until she saw the toy looking directly at her, its head tilted down towards with a playful grin. Kin-Lung just stared at the toy’s static expression, assuming that its head moved as a result of her plopping onto its chest. But then it opened its mouth, and pink rubbery tongue licked its lips, slowly dripping and recreating a clear slimy substance like saliva. Before she could even gasp, the toy grabbed her butt with its soft rubbery hands and gave her of nice big squeeze. “EEP!” she squealed pleasurably, it's tingling touch massaging her buns like pastry bread dough. Then without warning, it plunged its lips into hers, stealing her open mouth in a deep surprise  kiss. "MMMPH!?” The toy wasted no time exploring the young woman's mouth with its wet rubbery tongue, dominating her with it's strong lips and it sucked on her lips like candy. Unable to pull away, Kin-Lung could only moan in shock as the toy kissed her, coiling its tongue around hers as it invaded her mouth. It’s slimy saliva completely soaked her tongue, overwhelming her with its warm tinging touch. It tasted like rubber mixed with something sweet, like chocolate or pastries, she wasn't exactly an experienced kisser so she didn't know how to describe it.

        Looking directly into its sinister painted-on eyes, Kin-Lung could see it smirking mischievously, enjoying her helplessness as it dominated her with its smothering kiss. The young woman couldn't even pull away, it's tongue tangled with her own ensuring that she couldn't retreat. Feeling its hands moving up her body, it gripped her shoulders and pulled her closer as it continued kissing her. Despite all this, Kin-Lung didn't even try to resist, only gripping its rubber chest tighter as she moaned in a mix of pleasure and shock. Allowing the toy to take the lead, she began sucking on the toy’s tongue, almost as a reflex. But suddenly the toy ceased its intimate kiss, retracting its tongue from her mouth and releasing her lips, then moving its hands down her shoulders and around her waist as it gripped her tightly. Locking its eyes with hers, it’s slowly opened its mouth, and the strong scent of fresh rubber washing over Kin-Lungs face. 

        “Minnnnne.” it said in a deep slithering voice. Now free from its smothering kiss, her eyes opened wide with shock as she truely processed that her toy was no longer inanimate. Before the young woman could even gasp, the rubber lizard sat up from the bed and proceeded to stuff Kin-Lung underneath its arm like she was luggage. “H-Hey!” she shouted, finding herself wedged between its rubbery arm and puffy lean chest, she began kicking and squirming in an attempt to free herself. The rubber lizard paid no mind, stepping off the bed and walking into the living room as the young woman continued making a fuss. The room filled with the sound of creaking rubber, as the lizard toy’s smooth latex skin squeaked with every step. Kin-Lung was practically getting manhandled by a giant living balloon, she honestly would be laughing if her situation wasn't so alarming. “What do you want with me? Put me down!” she demanded, but the rubber lizard just smirked, it’s sharp blue eyes set on the deflated orca draped over the sofa. 

        Picking up the orca with its right arm, the lizard gently placed the young woman on the sofa, setting her down on her back. Still shocked from her toy suddenly come to life, she didn’t know whether to run away or call for help. In a way, she was still mesmerized by what had just transpired. The lizard then draped the orca over its shoulder, crawling onto the couch and straddling her. The toy let out a soft squeaky laugh as if amused that their positions were now reversed. "Seriously, what do you want? If it’s what I think it is, I don’t think my couch is big enough.” she asked. The toy didn’t answer, just placing his finger on her belly button, causing her to shiver with bliss as it playfully rubbed its finger in a circular motion. It’s tingeing felt stronger than usual, as if its sensitive touch was focused on its fingertips. Of course she didn’t try to resist, it was far too exciting, and she genuinely wanted to know what the toy had planned for her. With that, the lizard ran it’s finger up her belly and towards her bra, then proceeding to pull on it in a slow teasing manner. 


      The rubber toy licked his lips in anticipation, his eyes glued to her chest as Kin-Lung face went bright red. Then with a sudden yank, the back of her bra snapped off, allowing the inflatable to toss it behind him. “Wha- hey!” the young woman protested attempting to crawl away. In response, the rubber lizard grabbed her legs and held them upwards against his chest, as he began tugging her undies off. Kin-Lungs fussing made no difference, as he tossed her panties behind him as well, leaving her completely naked. Despite her arousal, she didn’t like being so exposed in front of someone else, which wouldn’t be a problem if the toy wasn’t alive and sentient. Kin-Lung continued to squirm, hoping to escape the lizards' grip to retrieve her underwear, but he wasn’t finished just yet. Keeping a tight grip on her legs, the inflatable opened his mouth once again and began lapping his tongue over her feet. The young women’s squirms quickly became more frantic as she broke out in hysterical laughter. Skin tingling against the inflatable slimy appendage, making her more sensitive to it merciless tickling. 

        The lizard toy let out a squeaky chuckle, as it continued licking its helpless victim. It’s slimy saliva allowing it to slip around her feet with no friction whatsoever, slithering between her toes, and wrapping around her souls as if it was partaking in some kind of foot bondage. Kin-Lung wanted to beg it to stop, but she couldn’t get a word out over her own hysterical laughter. The toy nearly shivered with satisfaction, feeling proud of his dominance over his new owner. Though he enjoyed slathering the young woman's feet in his slimy silva, it was time to move on to the next step, and proceeded to slurp his tongue back in. Slowly sliding the orca off his shoulder, the lizard took the pool toy’s front zipper into his mouth, slowly opening it with his one free hand. The young woman's feet still covered in slime, Kin-Lung recovered from the intimate tickling as her giggles slowly died down, the sound of an opening zipper going completely unnoticed. 

        The orca's mouth was now wide open, revealing a slick shiny interior chamber comprised of black tinted latex. Then, with another squeaky chuckle, he flipped the pool toy bottom side up, and began sliding the orca's open maw more over Kin-Lungs feet. Shivering from the cold latex touching her feet, the young woman looked down to see the rubber lizard pulling her legs inside the deflated pool toy like it was a sleep-sack. Rather than tingly and sensitive, the inside of the orca felt cold and slippery like a wet swimsuit. It was completely different from the living inflatable that was currently dominating her, though it may have just been the slime covering her feet. Rather than resist, she just took a slow deep breath as she watched the cold rubber sliding over her legs like pajamas. Even though a voice in the back of her head told her to run away, she just sat there, her breaths getting heavier as the smooth latex covered her legs. 

        Kin-Lung did want to buy a rubber suit to begin with, at the end of the day this what she wanted. Practically shivering with anticipation, she allowed the rubber lizard to pull the deflated toy over her as the open mouth was pulled up to her waist. Placing his hand behind her back, the inflatable lifted her into an upright position allowing him to pull the orca over her exposed chest. Kin-Lung shuddered as the cold rubber glided over her nipples, draping over her body like a massive robe. Slick and smooth, the lizard was able to tug the rubber orca over her with no friction or resistance. But despite this, he took his time slowly pulling the toy up to her shoulders, as if to tease her so she could savor the feeling of being dressed up in cold latex. Finally, the mouth was pulled over her head, and the lizard let out a playful squeaky chuckle as he began zipping it closed. The last thing Kin-Lung saw was the lizards' smug grin as the mouth of her new suit was slowly zipped closed. Now wearing the orca like a costume, everything on the outside of the orca appeared to have a dark tint, foggy and allowing her to only make out basic shapes

        Kin-Lung just bearly could see the mischievous lizard smiling at her from outside, gently laying her back on the couch as he teasingly loomed over her. Pushing her hands against surrounding rubber, she tested the orcas' elasticity, stretching it out and getting familiar with her new space. The latex was stretchy and flexible, but rather small and confining, pushing her arms and legs back is it filled her chamber with loud squeaks. It felt more like a restrictive sack of some kind then a costume. Finally, with the human now stuck in the orca toy, the rubber lizard had her where he wanted her. Sitting up and straddling the orca he took a long deep breath, filling his rubbery body with air as his chest ballooned outwards like a blimp. Due to the orcas tinted interior, Kin-Lung could barely see what the inflatable was doing, as she could only hear the muffled sound of inflating rubber. Once the lizard finished his long inhalation, he closed his mouth to hold in the immense pressure, and proceeded to open the nozzle on the side of the orca. Finally, with a mighty puff of breath, he blew into the nozzle, transferring his extra air into the pool-toy. 

      With a sudden whoosh! the tinted rubber surrounding Kin-Lung suddenly began shrinking around her like a vacuum. Before the young woman could even react, her arms were pushed to her sides, and her legs pinned together as the inner layer of the pool-toy began squeezing her body from every conceivable angle. Kin-Lung didn’t even get to scream before the rubber tightly pressed against her face, smooshing her cheeks and sealing her mouth closed, as the pool-toy put a skin-tight seal around her slender body. Meanwhile, the outer layer of the orca began taking shape, its rounded head puffy fins and smooth body forming up with air as the many wrinkles around its body slowly disappeared. But with every passing second, Kin-Lung could feel the tight latex squeezing tighter and tighter, restricting her movement, compressing her skin,and wedging into some pretty intimate places as she let out a muffled pleasurable moan. Despite the rubber skintight hold on her, she could still breathe somehow, as if the orca allowed oxygen to permeate through its skin. Finally, after the rubber lizard released all of his excess air, he released his lips from the nozzle and it quickly capped it closed, leaving the orca completely inflated.  

        The pool-toys beautifully reflective white belly shined from the sunlight beaming down from the windowed ceiling, rubber skin so slick and seamless it almost looked real, and it's latex so smooth and clean the lizard could almost see his own reflection in it. With another satisfied chuckle, he loomed over his new toy, admiring the subtle wiggles of the helpless occupant packed inside, her moans barely audible through the tight rubber. Now completely trapped and at the mercy of her the living inflatable, all Kin-Lung could to was wiggle around fruitlessly. Tightly held in place, it felt like a restrictive rubber sack. Completely suspended in the center of the pool-toy via her tight inner chamber, all of her struggles would be absorbed and inhibited by the ballooning latex squishing her. Kin-Lung still couldn't see outside of the tinted rubber, and she didn't dare open her eyes with the latex pressed against her face. The pool-toy had her so tightly compressed, it like she's being smothered by a bunch of tight balloons. 

        Meanwhile, the rubber lizard continued watching his prisoner wiggle around beneath him, seeing her struggle was so amusing, that it like he was being teased. Plus the orca toy was so cute, he just wanted to give it a big squeeze, if for no other reason then to cuddle the soft inflatable. Then, he straddled the inflatable, sitting directly on its midsection with a loud satisfying creak, accompanied by a sudden muffled moan from within the orca. Underneath the lizards' surprising weight, the pool-toys rubber skin budged ou from it’s fins to its head, as the inner layer quickly contacted. Kin-Lung was taken by surprise as the pressurized latex compressed her even tighter than before, practically flattening her against its insides. It felt like the orca was giving her a surprise hug from inside of its belly, and all she could do was accept it. The young woman was as helpless as she was excited, she had no idea what the lizard had planned for her… and that was the best part. 

        The lizard shivered at the sound of his captives moans, crossing his arms with satisfaction as he licked his lips with excitement. Slowly pressing his legs together, he put more pressure on the young woman, prompting another muffled moan from the orca. “Ohhhh…” the lizard let out a squeaky slithering moan as he blushed with a surprised smile. It was almost as if the woman, who had just become his owner, had suddenly become his toy. Bending down, he pressed his hands against the belly of the inflatable prison, rubbing his hands against the smooth latex. Being a living sex toy, he found his dominant position to absolutely thrilling. Deciding to tease his owner some more, he began bouncing on the inflatable like it was an exercise ball, filling the room with the constant melody of creaking rubber.  

        “Mph! Mmph! Mmmph!” Kin-Lun could only whimper and moan as she now found herself victimized to the spontaneous rhythmic squeezing. The inflatable chamber would contract, then release, then contract, and release again every half second, trapping her in a consistent loop of squishing, as the interior would thrust and press against her from every angle. It actually felt like the orca was humping her from the inside. It was a bit scary, but she found it absolutely euphoric, and could only wonder what the toy was going to do next. The lizard continued squeezing his owner, relishing in the moment of his dominance. The simple act bouncing was enough to amuse him, as every bounce rewarded him with satisfying rhythmic moans his owner, as if he was straddling a giant squeaky toy. In a moment of mindfulness, the lizard closes eyes as his Kin-Lungs blissful voice mixed with the melody of echoing rubber, as it was calming music. Losing himself to the pleasure, the lizard began rubbing his featureless crotch, slowly teasing himself as a small budge grew underneath the rubber skin. With his excitement reaching new heights, he proceeded to guide his other hand into a small slit, hidden in the midsection of the pool toy. 

        Meanwhile, Kin-Lung continued to endure the sadistic yet pleasurable cycle of endless squeezing from inside the orca, as she felt her chamber bouncing up-and-down with the rest of the inflatable with no signs of stopping. Though as time went on, she grew frustrated, pent-up, and increasingly horny. The matter how kinky her situation was, it still denied her the release she craved. Kin-Lungs frustration could be heard in her moans if not for the loud creaking rubber, it was as if the toy was trying to silence her complaints. The young woman was so desperate for relief, even attempting to thrust her hips against the skintight rubber in an attempt to relieve herself, but to no avail, as her chamber was far too restrictive. Practically motionless, all she could do was bob up-and-down with the orca, completely at the mercy of the rubber toy as her patience grew thin. Then, a sudden shiver erupted in her belly, a renewed sensation of anticipation as something began poking around her abdomen. Kin-Lungs stale moans turned to joyful purrs, the gentle nudging going down from her waist, and slowly inching between her legs. 

        It felt like a sleeve of some kind, probing around until it began poking around her slit as if it was looking to come inside. Rolling her hips around, she let out a joyful whimper as the small bulge rubbed against her, practically teasing her with the tantalizing the possibility of penetration. The lizard continued teasing himself as well, massaging his growing bulge, with his undivided attention on Kin-Lungs pleasurable whimpers. He knew what he was going to do next, he had panned it from the beginning, but he wanted to relish in this one dominant moment. With that, he continued bouncing, masturbating, and pushing his fingers inside of the orcas' slit. His own squeaky breath grew heavier with every second, slowing down his sadistic bouncing, and squeezing the pool toy between his legs in growing anticipation. The lizard subtly began rubbing himself against the inflatable, grinding his hips back and forth as he continued his self-indulgent foreplay. Though the lizard wasn't simply masturbating, it was like he was preparing himself to please his eager owner. The young woman was puzzled as to why the sadistic bouncing had suddenly ended, leaving her once again to wait motionless inside her prison pondering what would come next. 

        The rubber lizard didn’t want to hold back anymore, his inflatable bulge practically twitching with excitement, as if it was ready to just burst. Even so, a small part of him wanted to continue teasing, to savor every tantalizing moment of his dominance, but even he couldn’t stand waiting any longer. Reaching his limit, the lizards' bulge began to split open like a sheath, allowing a long black rubbery cock to spring free from its confines. Smooth, shiny, and seamless, it throbbed twitched and ached upon it’s liberation, prompting a sudden gasp from the lizard's mouth. After being sheathed for so long, it had become so sensitive that even the room temperature caused it to shiver. Ironically, the lizard was almost too afraid even touch it directly, worried that he would simulate himself even further before starting, even ceasing his grinding. But after a few moments, he gently took hold of it, attempting to guide it into the to the orcas' vagina-like slit. Just upon touching the pool toy's cold latex caused a squeaky moan to escape the lizard's mouth, his tip was tingling like crazy but he managed to suck it up. With that, he quickly pushed himself into the tight slit with a powerful thrust of his inflatable hips. 


        "Mmmmph!” Kin-Lung practically squealed as the sheathed cock plunged itself into her vagina, sending a shivering tingling sensation of explosive pleasure rippling through her body. The young woman had become so unbelievably wet, the rubber entered her canal with the no friction whatsoever, instantly granting her the intercourse she had been waiting for. The Lizard arched backward in a moment in shock, gasping out of pure bliss as the rubber sheathed slit tightened around his member. The combination of tight rubber and vaginal muscles squeezing him so tightly he nearly finished right there, biting his lips to hold back as much as possible. It felt like the orca had grabbed his rubber shaft, locking on him the harder he pushed. The lizard was so entranced and pleased by that tight squeeze, he began drooling his rubbery saliva on the inflatable toy as a big euphoric smile spread across his face. Though despite his overwhelming pleasure, he regained focus to maintain his dominant demeanor. And with that, he pushed his hands against the chest of the orca, and continued thrusting. Kin-Lung gasped and moaned, as her rubber toy was finally giving her what she had wanted all this time. 

        Arching her head backward, Kin-Lung tightly bit her grinning lip, focusing on the rippling pleasure of her long-awaited copulation. Every thrust she felt was accompanied by a burning warm sensation in her abdomen, feeling the walls of her pussy pushed and rubbed by the slick inflatable latex material, as it went deeper and deeper with every loving push. The rubber lizard, who was enjoying his intercourse had once again lost his composure, his dominant face replace with a dopy grin, his tongue hanging out from the side of his mouth. Looking like a dog in heat, he threw technique out the window and continued thrusting like a jackhammer, going slightly faster with every passing second. It was like his mind had melted into that of a horny animal, unable to think of anything but impulsive sex until his body just began moving on its own. Meanwhile, Kin-Lung continued enduring the inflatable sex bondage, the growing pleasure keeping her in a state of bliss, as her moans reverberated through the inflatable. The young women's predicament was heavenly and kinky beyond belief, but wasn't quite enough to send her over the edge. The thrusting had become repetitive, constant, and almost boring, and she found herself hoping that the lizard would eventually change things up. 

        Meanwhile, the inflatable lizard continued is mindless humping, letting out a symphony of squeaky gasps, as his blissful mating session had completely taken over his mind. Blankley thrusting and thrusting, his only thought was to seek more pleasure, to fuel his growing libido with more squeaky intimacy. He began rubbing his hands against the orca, massaging and kneading the squishy rubber between his own inflatable hands, as if he was groping it. Almost forgetting that the orca was basically just a fuck prison rather than his lover. Then without warning, he plopped down belly first onto the orca, before wrapping both of his arms and legs around it an intimate embrace, all while continuing his mindless thrusting. Kin-Lung squealed as the rubber cushions contracted around her, taking the young woman in a complete full-body hug, and squeezing her like an orange as the orcas ballooning latex creaked around her. Tightly squished from every angle, the chamber began pressing on her figure again and again, squeezing her in rhythm with the lizards thrusting cock, and locking her in an endless cycle of compressions. 

        Pushing his hips against the rubber orca, the lizard began licking the belly of his inflatable, as if kissing it teasingly. Hugging the pool toy even tighter, he moaned and squeaked with his tongue still hanging out, rubbing his entire body against the orca as he continued making love to it. Living up to its name, the sex toy mindlessly humped away at his trapped owner, growing closer and closer to the edge with every moment. Kin-Lung also could feel her pleasure rising, nearing a well-deserved climax, aided by the orca pumping and pulsing around her like a giant humping chamber. It felt like every inch of her inflatable was making love to her. What's more, she could feel that lizard thrusting harder and harder, indicating that he was close to finishing as well. The young women’s breathing grew heavy, almost in rhythm with the pulsing inflatable. What's more, she could feel the cushions pressing her tighter and tighter with every squeeze, adding another kinky touch to her already complete bondage. It felt so arousing, feeling the rubber squish around her like a horny balloon, humping and wedging into new unexplored places with every squeeze, as if the orca was finding new ways to please her. Though not constricting, the orca had gotten so TIGHT, that she almost felt a sense of peril in her predicament, which only made it more exciting.  

        With that she found herself moments from climax, the young woman's moans growing louder, the orca squeezing tighter, and the lizard thrusting harder, bringing her closer and closer until… With one last powerful thrust from the horny inflatable, the orca gave her another one final ballooning squeeze, one even tighter than all that came before it, wrapping her up in a near smothering but loving hug. “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmph!!! … mmm…mmm... ❤️” Moaning from the near crushing pressure of her kinky fuck prison, her body shook with ecstasy, her pussy tightening around the lizards shaking rubber cock with one last loving SQUEEZE. It was the greatest orgasm she had ever experienced, her abdomen thumping like a second heart, the hard the inflatable cock pulsing inside her, the warm satisfying tingling in her chest, it was beyond words. And with that, she felt the rubber lizard pulling out, as the pressure around her suddenly decreased. Moments later Kin-Lung found that she could move again, the inflatable no longer restricting her. Taking a few moments to recover from her breathtaking orgasm, she slowly reached up and unzipped the mouth of the orca, allowing herself the breath of fresh air. Before exiting the orca, she took a few moments to reflect on her experience. It had all started when Kin-Lung clicked on a link she thought would lead to a rubber suit, then bought it thinking it was a simple anthro inflatable she could play with, unaware that it would lead to the best sex of her life. 

        Though still incredibly wet from her rupturing pleasure, she crawled out of the inflatable, only to shiver as the cold air touched her still sensitive skin. And of course, laying on the other side of the couch was her inflatable lizard, still shivering and shaking from his own orgasm. His goofy maw wide open, his slimy tongue drooping to the side, and his eyes rolled back in bliss, looking completely absent-minded in the aftermath of his pleasure. Still panting heavily his rubbery chest puffed in and out with every breath, and his cock still standing high. By looks of it, he was still ready to go, even after reaching his climax. “Why did you stop?” Kin-Lung thought to herself. She then crawled towards him, kicking the deflated orca off the couch and placing her hands on his lean chest. Rubber lizard then tilted his head down to see the young woman kneeling over him on her hands and knees, her cheeks puffed out in grumpily. Coming to his senses, the inflatable smiled normally, sucking his tongue back into his maw, and placing his rubbery hands on her hips once again. “Mmminnnneee…” his voice slithered happily. 

        “Yeah, I’m your’s whatever, NOW FUCK ME!” she commanded dropping her hips down onto his still erect member. Both of them gasped in sudden pleasure, Kin-Lungs hips shaking as the lizards rubber penis throbbed with anticipation. Wasting no time, Kin-Lung began pushing her hips onto the inflatable, pumping away as they finally cultivated directly. 


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