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This is probably my favorite current story, so far, I hope you enjoy how the plot unfolds.


        Trina, the lizard woman who helped secure the rubber woman in her new cell, just finished her Wednesday shift and was relaxing in her quarters. The young woman's space was small despite her size with almost 3/4 of the room being her bed, with only a small table with an alarm clock, and a built-in locker in the wall. Laying on her bed in nothing but her white underwear and a black crop top, she was putting the finishing touches on her latest report before setting it aside on her small desk. Letting out a long well deserved yawn, she readjusted her top and reached over to turn off her lamp. Though being reptilian she could see just fine without the light, the only difference being the lack of any color. “Things have been so dull since we put that rubber woman away.” she sighed. “Now it’s just business as usual again. I almost wish a slime would get loose just so I could have something to do.” Throwing off her crop top, she pulled the covers over her smooth scaly body wearing only her white underwear. Now feeling comfortable, she closed her eyes and tried to empty her mind to relax, though still dreading her mundane schedule she would be carrying on the next day.

        Though minutes later, just as she was about to fall asleep, she was rudely awakened by the sound of creaking rubber. Trina’s eyes shot open, quickly sitting up from her bed she looked around the room afraid that she would find a balloon in her room. Fortunately, there was nothing, she was alone as usual in her small quarters. Letting out a sigh of relief, she placed her hand on her chest and try to calm down with some deep breaths. Ever since the rubber woman attacked, she couldn't think of balloons the same way again, the very sight of one would make her chest feel all weird and tingly. Trina couldn’t forget the indescribable feeling of being squeezed from all sides by inflatable rubber, the way she was helplessly immobilized while they pressed and rubbed against her most sensitive areas just did something for her that even casual sex couldn't achieve. Despite the danger involved, the experience was absolutely amazing, fortunately, no one could hear her euphoric moans while the balloon was jammed over her snoot. It was like the experience awakened something in her that she could no longer put away. Trina didn’t plan on telling anyone about this, intending to take the secret to her grave. 

        Laying back down, she tried to go back to sleep, but could not ease her mind. Now she couldn’t stop thinking about rubber balloons, as the erotic memory of being squeezed by inflatables lingered in her mind. Letting out annoyed grown, she found her self restless and horny, unable to calm down as she impulsively began rubbing her legs together. Guiding her hands down to her panties, Trina's breathing grew heavier, as did her libido. But just as she was about to get started, something heavy plopped onto her bedsheets, and she quickly sat up from her bed. Trina couldn't see the color, but it looked like a large drop of gelatinous slime. Then another blob landed on her blanket, merging with the first one and growing in size. Shuddering, she turned on the light and looked up to see that the slime was coming from the air vent above her bed. What's more, the slime was green, shiny, rounded and strangely reflective, just like rubber. The young woman froze with shock, as only one thing came to mind upon seeing it. Throwing her bedsheets off, Trina began scrambling to get off the bed, but then the air vent burst open, and a flood of slime gushed over her. 

        Thick and heavy, the rush of goo pinned her against the bed as it quickly covered Trina head to toe, slathering her in its slimy substance. “He-MMMMPH!" Attempting to yell for help, the slime quickly oozed over mouth quickly silencing her voice, turning her cries for help into barely audible moans. As if alive, the slime began creeping over her skin, closing any gaps left around her body as it sealed her up in its gooey embrace, even slipping underneath her panties. Struggling to get up, rubbery strands of slime kept her glued to the bed, snapping one at a time as it took all of her strength just to sit upright. Every strand of goo that broke off from her sheets slapped back onto her slime coated body, it felt like she was fighting against gelatinous glue. But as the seconds past, Trina could feel the goo changing around her, as if it was drying up, becoming more rubbery and elastic. She grabbed at her chest, attempting to pull the goo off, but it would only stretch out before snapping back onto her skin like a wet suit. The slime around her was getting tighter and thicker, as if the elastic goop was trying even itself around her form. It no longer felt like goo covering her body, now it felt like she was wearing some kind of rubber suit, as the substance took on the consistency of tight latex. 


        Fortunately, thanks to her secondary eyelids, she could keep her eyes open underneath the material coating her body. And though her face was trapped under a skintight seal, she could hold her breath without any discomfort. Calming down, Trina looked down at herself to analyze the strange material. Seamless and without wrinkles, it had molded perfectly around her like a second skin, practically forming a zentai around her body, but leaving her undies untouched. Placing her coated hands on her belly, she rubbed the shiny material, prompting a loud squeak to fill the room. Trina's suit was incredibly smooth, but still a surprisingly soft maintaining it's gelatinous consistency. Blushing underneath the green rubber, her arousal reached new heights as her suit squeaked with every movement she made. However, she immediately shook the thought from her mind, as with her air cut off she had no time to fantasize. Grabbing at her face, she once again attempted to pull the goo off, but instead of tearing or ripping, it only stretched a few inches before snapping back onto her face. It was incredibly elastic, but super tight, and refused to give from her body. Giving up on that, she scanned herself looking for any openings or gaps in her suit, but there was nothing, even her tail was perfectly wrapped up in shiny green latex. The flustered lizard woman even looked underneath her panties, but there were no openings near her crotch or even underneath her tail. Trina couldn't even bite through the green rubber, as she was unable to open her jaw. 

        Quickly realizing that she couldn't remove it herself, she began feeling helpless, increasing her anxiety. “This thing is going to smother me, I have to get it off!” jumping off of her bed, she made her way towards the door. But suddenly two thick strands of rubber shot out from her back, gluing themselves to the opposite side of her room on her bed-frame. Without warning, Trina felt the suit tug on her back, before flinging her into the air and back onto her bed. Confused, she tried to sit back up, but she quickly realized the suit heading practically glued her to the wall, as if it didn't want her to leave. Trina shivered with fear, but continued pulling on the strands of rubber keeping her stuck. She couldn't even get off her bed, and she was running out of time with every passing second. The poor lizard could only hold her breath for a few minutes, after that she would begin to suffocate. Whimpering under her skin-tight mask, she grabbed onto the edge of her bed and desperately pulled against the restrictive rubber. But as it's in retaliation, the strands gluing her to the wall pulled even harder, flinging her back onto the bed with a squeaky plop. Unable to escape, she found herself overcome with panic, and she began flailing her arms and legs around in hopes. “I can’t breathe! Somebody help me! Get this thing off!” Trina screamed in her mind, as she pawed at her face. 

        But then, she suddenly felt two small breezes on either side of her mouth, it was air! She could feel it with her tongue, two small holes had opened on both sides of her snoot, allowing her just enough air to replenish herself. But they didn't feel like tears, it was like the rubber slime had split on its own. Sitting up on her knees, she was about to stick her fingers into the holes to pull on them, but the orifices suddenly contracted, making her air supply more scarce. “Mmph.” she groaned in frustration, feeling cheated. Following up, the suit suddenly tightened around her, remaining form-fitting but giving her a quick surprising squeeze. “Mph ❤️” she gasped, shivering in a fit of abrupt bliss as the latex hugged her well-toned body, and causing her to collapse forward onto her soft bed. Taking a few moments to recover from the suits sudden full-body hug, she attempted to catch her breath and calm down from her ever-growing arousal. As to not provoke the suit any further, she simply turned over on her back and quietly continued examining herself. The suit had gotten so tight, she looked slightly slimmer than before, and then she shifted her legs around she could feel the rubber sliding along with her skin finding new gaps to fill. What's more, the suit remained seamless and without wrinkles, combined with the green texture and her pink panties, she almost looked like some kind of sexy jelly alien. The thought made her giggle, as she wasn't too unhappy with her new appearance. 

        Trina couldn't lie, she loved how reflective the latex was, even though she always had smooth shiny skin, the glossy texture of her new suit was a thing of absolute beauty. It complimented her body type in a way no other clothing could do for her, it gave her a more slender appearance while letting her curves stand out at the same time, something she’d personally always wanted in clothing. Getting distracted, Trina placed her hands on her ample chest and glided down her belly with little to no friction as her suit squeaked softly. Just touching herself felt satisfying, how soft and squishy the surface felt against her fingers, and how it perfectly molded to her skin. It was like the rubber was heightening her sense of touch, making her hyper-aware of the latex surrounding her. Distracted, and with growing arousal, she found her hands slowly sliding into her panties, as another muffled giggled escaped her lips. Trina's lovely new suit was so tight, elegantly shiny, and flawlessly seamless, and she found herself adorning it. It reminded her so much of when she ballooned by the strange woman made of liquid latex, how she was tightly squeezed and bound from every conceivable angle, awakening in new fetish within her despite the danger. Then, she stopped to take another look at her suit, realizing that it looked a lot similar to the rubber woman as well. Taking her hands out of her panties, Trina took a moment to really process how the suit had previously morphed around her... from liquid rubber. 


       That's when she heard a soft hissing sound below her head, or more specifically, the sound of inflating rubber. Looking down, she realized a ring was expanding around her neck puffing up like a small rubber innertube. Heart jumping in shock, Trina quickly grabbed onto the inflatable ring hoping to push it off, but it didn’t budge. All it did was creak and squeak as her hands sank into the pliable surface, it was actually attached to the neck of  her suit. Suddenly, the rubber strands on her back  snapped off from the bed frame, each slapping themselves on both of her arms. “Ow!” she thought, feeling the whip-like impact on her hands. An instant, both of her arms were yanked behind her back, binding them together by the thick gooey strands of rubber. Trina tried to pull them apart, but her it didn’t tale long before her arms were tugged back together with a wet slap. That's when she realized, something was off, she could feel the rubber around her arms melding together, morphing into a restrictive arm sleeve. There's no mistaking it, Trina had seen this kind of things when browsing the internet on lonely nights, but she never thought she'd actually end up in one. 


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