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Thank you all for your amazing patience, for this update I have four stories for your eyes to feast on.


Book Chapter 1 - Suddenly she heard a loud hissing noise coming from both sides of the hall, as the walls began to bulge out accompanied by the sound of loud creaking rubber! The corridor was inflating, growing smaller and smaller by the second! Both the walls, ceiling and floor beneath her feet were lined with expanding pads of inflating latex cushions, each 3 to 4 feet wide and casusing the room to shrink! Without thinking she bolted forward, hoping to out run the shrinking space around her. Her running grew clumsy, as the rubber lifted her feet off the floor with every step, eventually heading to do an awkward bouncing run when she could no longer touch the solid floor. Faiths heart began racing in panic, the surrounding rubber closing in on her with every passing moment, making her feel extremely claustrophobic. The spy thought about turning back, but by now she was too far from the entrance, it was too late to doubling down now.

The Squeaky Order - $5 Patreon Exclusive - The lizard shivered at the sound of his captives moans, crossing his arms with satisfaction as he licked his lips with excitement. Slowly pressing his legs together, he put more pressure on the young woman, prompting another muffled moan from the orca. “Ohhhh…” the lizard let out a squeaky slithering moan as he blushed with a surprised smile. It was almost as if the woman, who had just become his owner, had suddenly become his toy. Bending down, he pressed his hands against the belly of the inflatable prison, rubbing his hands against the smooth latex. Being a living sex toy, he found his dominant position to absolutely thrilling. Deciding to tease his owner some more, he began bouncing on the inflatable like it was an exercise ball, filling the room with the constant melody of creaking rubber.  

The Rubber Woman's Symbiosis - $5 Patreon Exclusive - Calming down, Trina looked down at herself to analyze the strange material. Seamless and without wrinkles, it had molded perfectly around her like a second skin, practically forming a zentai around her body, but leaving her undies untouched. Placing her coated hands on her belly, she rubbed the shiny material, prompting a loud squeak to fill the room. Trina's suit was incredibly smooth, but still a surprisingly soft maintaining it's gelatinous consistency. Blushing underneath the green rubber, her arousal reached new heights as her suit squeaked with every movement she made. However, she immediately shook the thought from her mind, as with her air cut off she had no time to fantasize. Grabbing at her face, she once again attempted to pull the goo off, but instead of tearing or ripping, it only stretched a few inches before snapping back onto her face.

The Plush Games - Before he could get up, Tuka felt something large and soft slithering around his legs, coiling him up to his waist. "Wha-AAH!” he was then lifted up above the floor, as he found himself hanging up upside down. “Caught you…” said a deep slithering voice. Tuka became disoriented as the blood rush to his head, but he could see a dark silhouette sliding up to him feeling the many rooms with the sound of shuffling fabric. “I was hoping someone would get lost in this maze… makesss it easier for me when my prey can't escape.” Tuka’s assailant giggled. The voice sounded male, but its tone was surprisingly soothing. It sounded like a serpent of some kind. Unable to muster a comeback, Tuka shivered with unease as the tail began tightening around his legs to better secure him. “You wouldn't have been able to escape, I studied this stadium inside and out days before the competition even started, even the places I wasn't supposed to be. You were mine the second you step into this maze.”


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