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        The entire crowd was speechless, unable to process what they have just seen. Even Tuka and Mia were lost for words. "This is has got to be a dream right?” Tuka whispered. Mia didn't even know how to respond despite this, she wasn't alarmed and either was Tuka. “Well… A plush wouldn't want to hurt us right?" she asked. The cat woman blushed, wiggling her hips as she giggled at the crowd. “Awww… you’re all speechless at how cute I am! ❤️" she wink placing her finger on her lips. "Well in that case, you love the contestants!” she begin pointing behind them next to where they had entered. Suddenly, a large portion of the stadium wall began retracting into the floor like a large hanger door, as the sound of shifting fabric filled the stadium. Neatly set up in a straight line behind the door was a huge stash of large plushies of all shapes and sizes. Some of them were stuffed animals, some of them had an anthropomorphic design, some looked toon-like, and some even looked like food. They were all incredibly cute and uniquely crafted, but then to everyone's surprise, they all started moving. All the young men and women frozen in utter disbelief, as of the gaggle of cute toys slowly approached them. Making their way out of out of the doorway, the plushes gathered behind the human crowd in a half circle. 

        The stuffed toys started murmuring amongst each other, giggling and ogling the small human crowd as if they were at a pet store. But the humans have no idea how to react, no one knew whether they should be frightened, or amazed. “This has got to be a dream.” thought Tuka. It was one of those moments where despite seeing it happening, your brain just has no idea how to process it. What's more, the plushes greatly outnumbered them, by almost twice their numbers by looks of it. It was like looking at the world's most animated toy store self. Then out the corner of his eyes, he thought he saw one of the plushes waving in his direction. Tuka turned to see who it was, he didn't look in time, and there were so many different plushes in so many shapes and sizes he couldn’t tell which one it was. Could he have imagined it? “Well… that’s it. I’ve been studying too much.” Grumbled Mia. “I’m probably sleeping through my alarm right now.” With that she gently slapped her hands against her cheeks in an attempt to wake herself up, only making her cheeks rather sore. Tuka also began to assume that he was just experiencing some crazy dream, then again if it were a dream, he wouldn't be questioning it. 


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