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        Later Kyu woke up to the comforting sent of flowery candles, feeling warm and cozy. “Mh…mmm.” he whimpered. Like the exhausted puppy he was Kyu then let out a satisfying high-pitched yawn, impulsively nuzzling the soft surface next him. "Oh? You're awake." a warm voice said happily. Recognizing the voice, he opened his eyes to find himself cradled in the fox woman’s left arm.  Holding a book in her right hand, she sat in a wooden rocking chair surrounded by warm candles, as she looked down at him with her warm and alluring smile. Kyu gasped in shock, before he could crawl away the fox woman took him in another hug, squeezing him against her soft fluffy mane. “Shhhh shhhh shhh… It’s ok I won’t hurt you.” she cooed. Kyu immediately settled down, comforted by the expanse of warm fluff that buried his face. Taking a deep breath, he was met with the calming sent of fresh lavenders. The foxes chest was like a massive pillow, supporting and enveloping his head in its warmth, making him feel safe and secure. Excepting her embrace, he nuzzled himself further into her fluff putting a warm smile on the foxes face.


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