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          “I don’t hear anything behind us now, I think we lost her.” Kyu stated, sighing as he relaxed his shoulders. Ju slumped down, placing his hands on his knees, his face awash with an anxious expression. Lu sat down on the ground to look at the clear sky while he caught his breath. “I don't think I can take much more of this…” Lu panted. "I agree.” Ju replied. “If we don't escape this forest soon we'll die of exhaustion before that woman even catches us.” The dark furred dog boy was normally so composed, but for the first time since they had known him, Ju looked somewhat frightened. Taking in large deep breath Kyu puffed out of his furry  chest I looked at his friends with the confidence smile. “Hey! We've had difficulties from a lot of adults in our life, and this woman definitely won't be the last. But common! She'll never catch us as long as we stick together!” He boasted.

        “There're he goes again…” Ju thought to himself taking a deep sigh. Lu however immediately got back on his feet putting on a reassured smile. “You're right! We've already come so far, it's only matter time before we get out of this forest! I bet that witch has already lost track of us.” He said enthusiastically holding his arms up to his chest. Kyu and Ju looked at him surprised, he assumed they were impressed with his unusual enthusiasm, but Lu quickly realized they were looking at something behind him. Kyu and Ju had speechless expressions on their face as they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Aproching Lu from behind was appeared to be a large pink heart shaped bubble. And before the brown furred boy could turn around, the squishy membrane pressed against his back as he sank into the soft squishy surface. With a sudden Floop! Lu found himself trapped in the heart bubble as everything took on a pink tint. The flustered dog frantically looked around him swiveling his head side to side trying to process what had just happened. The shape of the bubble allowed him to stand upright, as he immediately pressed his paws against his surroundings.

        “What is this? Why won’t it pop!?” Lu whimpered desperately pawing and rubbing at the membrane of his prison, but due to his lack of claws he couldn’t even put a dent on it. All he could do was stretch at the strange pink membrane, it felt like he was surrounded by some kind of soft plastic. Kyu and Ju just stood by, baffled by what had just transpired as Lu continued to fruitlessly paw at his prison. “Guys! I can’t get out!” he pleaded in a panic. The two dog boys quickly shook off their shock and walked over to him. “Don't worry! We'll get you out!” Kyu said, both bearing their claws. But then Lu began beating his hands on the walls of his bubble in a sudden outburst of panic. “Wait! Behind you!” he shouted. Before they could turn around, they both felt something soft pressing against their backs.


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