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             Finally the rubber woman ceased firing her balloons, giggling as she admired her handiwork. Multiple balloons stuck to Jax’s body, pinning his arms his his sides and covering more and more with every passing second. Just when he thought he was going to lose his balance, Jax began floating off the floor as the bubbles encompassed more than half his body. There're only a few gaps of space around him, and the balloons continued to increased in size making him feel claustrophobic as a crowded his space. As the balloons approached his face, he tilted his head up to avoid being smothered but they gently pressed against his cheeks as they began to squeeze him. The balloons were pressing against each other, squeezing out the little gaps of air around his body and putting a pleasant sensation of pressure on him. Jax closes eyes as he suddenly gasped with arousal, it felt like the balloons were hugging him. They were all simultaneously pressing against his body, putting most of their pressure on some pretty intimate places. Jax now found himself floating horizontally, with only his head remaining upright as he had tilted his neck upwards. Blushing bright red, he bit his lip resisting the urge to whimper and moan with pleasure.

            But then he began to panic as a balloons began squeezing his face and pushing against his cheeks, as the surrounding rubber began to engulf what was left of him. “No!” he squirming within the balloons that cocooned his body. The rubber woman walked right up to him, standing in front of her prisoner admiring her handiwork. Jax looked down at crypto, who look incredibly upset and helpless, regretting that he couldn't do anything to stop their assailant. "Done playing hard to get?” the woman giggled, playfully booping Jax's nose as she watch the balloons close around his face. Jax was unable to respond, as the tight rubber began pushing his jaw closed. Watching the balloons creep up from the corner of his eyes, he knew he was running out of time, and what the rubber woman had in store for him. “She really is trying to smother me…” Jax thought to himself. In attempt to plead for mercy, Jax let out last desperate whimper before the balloons completely encompassed his face, submerging and blinding him in neon green rubber. 


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