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I'm still this workshopping how to describe the androids in this chapter, I'm not survive I've completely finalized their appearance.  I'm trying to describe their heads being reptile like in way that sounds attractive despite being slightly anthropomorphic. I may hold a vote on what they should look like in the future whether they should be more human or Anthro in appearance .


        In a quick red flash, her lighter had burned a hole through the nob, frying the lock inside as the door slowly creaked open. Once Faith's suit finished forming around her body say for her neck, she pulled at her collar revealing a spandex mask that she unfolded over her head. The mask hid her facial features, and the elastic fabric of suit reflected no light whatsoever giving her the appearance of a pitch black manikin. Kicking off the rest of her uniform she entered the hallway just as she heard robotic footsteps coming from around the corner. Acting quickly, she pressed herself flat against the wall and hit a couple buttons on her wrist bracelets, her suit camouflaged her against the porcelain textured hall. Nullifying all light surrounding her not even casting a shadow, she appeared practically invisible as two large armored women made their way down the hall. Her eyes widened underneath her mask, they looked like tall feminine machines. Their limbs looked like rubbery skin, their features and limbs smooth and seamless, with curvy but lean and powerful builds. 

        Both of them wore dark grey armored skirts, tube top breastplates, and sleek sliver rounded shoulder pads. They also had some armor plating over their arms legs and tales, but it did nothing to hide their voluptuous figures. But the strangest of all, were their rounded viper shaped heads and large long rubbery tails. Their eyes sharp like knives, but with a strangely feminine gaze. Their heads snake-like in shape, almost anthropomorphic, but their faces still alluring with seductive looking smiles. Both pushing women approach the door to find it open with the a hole burned through the knob. “Seems like the spy has checked herself out." One of the machines giggled in a surprisingly soft voice as she gently swung the door open. “Well, this should be interesting.” the other giggled pressing a button on her wrist. Faith was rather shocked, neither of the machines sounded like robots, instead of monotone voices or grainy audio filters, they just sound like normal women. “Hello Ms. Wells. We've arrived to pick up your spy.” the machine on the right said. “Good bring her to the testing chamber, I'm already overdue to bring her in.” a familiar voice said over a small speaker in the arm. Faith recognized the voice instantly, it was a guide that had brought her in. 


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