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        It was an important Monday morning. Jax was walking down one of the many hallways in the GLC “Goo life containment facility” labs. An organization that was created in recent years as a way to contain strange jelly monsters. Strange sentient gelatinous life forms that have been appearing around the world and praying on innocent humans and other mammals. Due to his experience and expertise in the field of genetic engineering, Jax was the head of this facility. He was a wolf-kin standing a few inches above most humans. He had short green fur covering his arms and legs with black stripes, and fluffy light brown for a covering his torso, face, and ankles. He was looking at the details of today’s maintenance test on his tablet as he walked down the to one of the mainframe rooms. 

        "Hey Jax!” a voice called from behind. It was Crypto, his assistant and friend who would always come up with new gadgets and equipment for their company. Crypto was a changeling, so his arms and legs were strangely jagged with dark skin all over his body. Two white fangs protruded from his front teeth, and his green eyes lit up his cheerful face with his blood red hair covering his horn in pointy ears. Crypto also had a fluffy red tail contrasting the two green insectoid wings on his back. Looking excited, Crypto ran up to Jax with a black metal case. "I'm sorry I'm late, I recently finished an amazing product I would like you to see!” he said with enthusiasm. "That's good.” Jax smiled eyes with his eye still glued to his tablet. “You can show me when we finish the system reboot." Puzzled, Crypto looked at Jax tilting his head. "I thought we are going to test the “Memory Rubber" specimen, today. The shape shifting one that the curly haired lady helped work on.”

        “She's been fired.” Jax answered. Shocked, crypto became silent, he almost couldn't believe his ears. “What again?” He asked eyes wider than usual. “Yep, we hired her to help develop our latex capture technology, but turns out she had other interests. A couple days ago she was using her inventions to trap and sexually harass her coworkers. She was using our research for bondage rather than containment.” Jack sighed. “No way!” Crypto replied. “Yep, she trapped two of her male coworkers in deflating rubber bubbles, so she could watch them struggle for dear life as they got smaller and tighter. Of course those bubbles were harmless but they didn't know that.” Crypto was speechless, granted he was busy with his own projects for the past week, but this was the first he had heard of this. “I can't believe this. I mean, she took her work so seriously.” he sighed. “Well she was motivated... by her fetish. And while there's nothing wrong with that, we can't overlook employees sexually harassing their coworkers.” 

        “It's a shame.” said crypto as he stared at the ceiling. “She was such a brilliant scientist. And she had a lot of good connections for us too.” Then, a drop of sweat ran down his forehead, remembering that she had some rich and powerful friends. The woman could potentially sue should she get the right people. “Ahem… Are you sure she won’t come back to bite us in the butt?” Crypto asked swallowing nervously. “Oh don’t worry, it’s gonna be fine.” he said casually. “Besides, if she didn't want to get fired, she shouldn't used our equipment as toys. I’ve already transferred control of the project to a Fennec-kin who works upstairs.” Jax then folded his tablet up and placed it in his lab coat. “What was her name again?” Crypto asked as he scratched his chin. “Eh, it doesn't matter, we'll never see her again.” Jax chuckled.

        Finally, they entered the maintenance room where seven of their employees were waiting for them. A human and dog-kin were connecting their laptops with the main-frame which resembled a large pillar that connected to the floor and ceiling. A shark woman was carefully placing disks and extra hard drives into the side of the mainframe, with a cat-kin girl handing her the necessary drives and equipment. Another human male and female wolf-kin were setting up a few small backup generators, and two bunny-kin girls were connecting them to the mainframe. "G-Morning everyone!” Jax shouted startling the Employees. Everyone faced Jax and Crypto, greeting them by standing up straight, even the bunny-kin girls who clumsily dropped the cables on the floor. With the exception of the human and dog-kin who were laser focused on their laptops.

        "How goes the upgrade?” asked Jax holding his tablet under his arm. “Were pretty much ready.” said the dog-man, not even looking up from his screen. “However there is something strange in the new code.” added his human coworker. “What do you mean strange?” Crypto asked walking over to look at the computer screens. “There's a script in here that we don't recognize, we tried taking a closer look but we can't access it.” answered the dog-kin. Puzzled, Crypto stroked his chin trying make sense of it, but jax remained optimistic. “It's probably just a special algorithm from the folks upstairs. That would explain why we aren't authorized to change or access it."

        The human and dog looked at each-other feeling skeptical. “Shall we begin the reboot?” the dog-kin asked nervously. “It’s fine.” said Jax nonchalantly. “The sooner we restart the computer, the sooner we can start maintenance.” Though hesitantly, the human and dog made the finishing touches setting up the upgrade while the other employees finished their tasks as well. “Beginning reboot... now!” Announced the dog-kin as the mainframe went dark. After a few moments, the computer lit up again slowly booting back to life. The dog-kin however looked worried, trouble by what he saw on his laptop. “Well that was quick." smiled Jax. “In that case, begin the maintenance.” ordered Crypto. The human and dog-kin wasted no time following instructions, but they seemed to be having trouble. Furiously typing at their laptops like an author on a deadline, they began looking alarmed. “What’s the hold up?” Jax asked. “The… update was a success, but I'm locked out.” stuttered the human as a drop of sweat trickled down his forehead. “Locked out?” Jax asked baffled. “But what does that mean?” Following up his question, a neon green light filled the room as the door behind them locked with an electronic click.

        Meanwhile, a couple of floors up, a team of three analysts were studying a new specimen they had recently acquired. The lead was a well endowed but slightly chubby orca woman, along with a shorter fennec-kin girl, and a human woman with short hair and cute glasses. Unable to contain her excitement, the orca woman was practically pressed against the glass containing the specimen with her large breasts and rounded face probably against the window. The slime was orange, rounded, and extremely jiggly like a ball of jelly. “Can you girls BELIEVE it? they finally gave us a “Wobble Jelly!” the orca giggled like a kid at the zoo. “A "Wobble Jelly?” asked the fennec girl. “I thought these slimes were categorized by numbers.” added the short-haired woman. The orca pulled her self away from the glass, her large breasts barely contained in her lab coat and dress shirt. “That's the name I gave it, isn't it cute? ❤️” she giggled. “It’s because it's so round and jiggly like a water balloon! Ohhhhhhh how I wish we could keep slimes as pets!”

        The human woman sighed adjusting her glasses. “If you actually kept it as a pet, it would snatch you up and trap you for at least a few hours every day.” she said. The orca then grabbed her tablet jotting down a few notes. "Yeah, but if we can use our tools to TRAIN it, we could potentially find a way to domesticate these creatures.” she smiled. “Domesticating slimes?” Asked the fennec girl. “Even for colony minded creatures that's wishful thinking.” The orca woman showed them her tablet with an email attached. “Normally yes, but I have permission from the CEO to go through with the project!” she giggled with eyes gleaming brighter than her dark shiny skin. Suddenly the glass holding the specimen began retracting into the ceiling. “Ohhhh! I can't wait to test our traps on this thing!"

        The human and fennec watched in shock and disbelief as the jelly pounced into the air above the orca woman. “Look out!” They both shouted in unison. Just as the oracle woman looked up to see the descending slime, it was too late. The slime had spread its body out like a giant orange wave, ready to envelop it new voluptuous prey. With a soft “florp,” she was enclosed in the slime as it bobbed and bounced a couple of times before returning to its bubbly round shape. Swirling around in its thick jelly, it felt like she was trapped in a washing machine. Everything had taken on an orange tint, and she couldn't tell up from down, it was like learning how to swim over again. Once she stopped spinning, the orca woman now found herself floating in the center of the slime. Though panicked, she realized that she could still breathe through her blowhole, as if the gel had oxygenated her lungs. The jelly wasn't all that unpleasant either, it felt cool and soft like jello, and cradled her like a bubble. Curious, she attempted the stretch her limbs, but she couldn't reach the edge. Instead, the slime stretched with her, moving in unison with her limbs and keeping her trapped in the center. She couldn't even touch the floor as the gel was far too thick.

        Terrified, the human and fennec ran over to her pulling in grabbing at the stretchy slime, but with no luck. “Miss! Are you okay? Say something!” shouted the human. Looking calm, the orca woman voiced some clicks and wails in her native language, audible but muffled through the thick slime. “She says it she's fine, but she can't get out.” said the fennec letting go of the slime. The human looked relieved, turning towards her coworker.“Thank goodness you know orca speak.” she sighed, taking out her communication tablet. "These things are made to imprison their prey. We need to get some extraction tools or else she will be stuck in here all day!” As the human attempted to call security for help, the fennec looked around the room scratching her chin. "Why didn't the security system activate before slime got her?” she pondered.

        As if to answer her question, two ceiling panels open up with an ominous CLICK. Both the human and fennec woman looked up to saw two large semi-transparent sheets dropping over them. Gasping in shock, the human dropped her tablet as the fennec held her arms up in defense. The sheets draped over and enveloped them like a Venus flytrap, before slipping underneath their feet and lifting him off the floor. Losing their footing, the two women slipped on their backs with a soft squeak, cradled by the taut latex sacks as they were raised into the air. The orca woman was baffled, as she watched them push and struggle against the anti-slime security system. Wanting to help them she once again pushed against the thick jelly; but it quickly wobbled back to its original shape, forcing her back into the center. “What's going on!?” squealed the fennec girl, who was on her hands and knees trying to claw her way out. "I don't know!” shouted the human woman, still stuck on her back kicking at her rubbery surroundings. “These traps were meant to contain escaped specimens, not us!” 

        Still panicked, the fennec tried digging her claws into the rubber, hoping to tear open the deflated balloon holding her. To her misfortune her paws slipped off the slippery surface, causing her to face plant into the wall of rubber. “Mmph!” she grunted pulling her face out from the wall of the balloon, the smell of latex overwhelming her nose. "The security system must be malfunctioning.” the fennec growled. Despite their hopeless predicament they continued pulling and clawing against the rubber trap. It was like being stuck in a slightly deflated balloon, no matter how much the women pushed and struggled the rubber would only stretch out like gum. Their struggles filled the room with soft squeaks as the orca woman watched inside her slime letting out an in-audible sigh. The jelly around her began to slowly swish and rub against her skin. A soft muffled moan escaped her lips as the orange jelly gave her a full-body hug. “Well, I'm glad my slime is gentle at least.” she thought to herself with a smile, enjoying the gentle massage from her new pet.

        In a nearby locker room, two coworkers were getting ready to walk to their shared office. One was a lioness-kin with beautiful light brown fur, a tall slender build, and a lovely sharp gaze. The other was a water-kin girl, her appearance was that of any normal woman however her entire body comprised of H2O. Though sporting the labs' casual dress code, she was given the exception to wear a rubber dress uniform instead of normal fabric. Placing her purse in her locker and taking our her work shoes, she turned to the lioness-kin to strike up a conversation. “Did you hear about the human who was fired a couple of days ago?” she asked. “Everything.” the Lioness giggled. “Bondage at the workplace? Oh my.” she purred with a spaced-out smile.

        “Oh don't be dirty!” The water-kin scolded dropping her shoes. "That’s some bold advice coming from a lady who wears LATEX at work.” the Lioness-kin giggled ogling the water-kin attire. Looking embarrassed and offended, the water girl crossed her arms and turned the other way hoping to overt the lioness’s lecherous gaze. “Hey! I wear this because it’s waterproof! If I wore normal clothes people would see my underwear!” she grumbled. “Oh?” gasped the Lioness. "Is your underwear rubber too?” she teased placing her hand under her chin with a lewd look in her eyes. The water girl groaned smacking her liquid face into her tablet with a sound splash. “EVERY MONDAY WITH YOU!” she complained. Suddenly, two panels in the ceiling opened up with a loud CLACK. Both women looked up in shock as two silver turrets deployed from the ceiling panels. “Wait, isn’t that…” the Lioness stuttered, her eyes widened with confusion. “The security system!” the water-kin shouted in panic. 

        Immediately one of the turrets aimed towards the water-kin, frozen with fear she dropped her tablet as it fired a clear sheet of rubber at her. Before she could even scream, the sheet slapped against her body as it began wrapping around her. Unable to maintain her shape, her liquid body warped against the rubber as it enveloped her from head to toe. “Ahhh!” she gasped losing her form. The water-kin tried to fight back against the latex sheet, looking for open seams to escape from, but no luck. As if the rubber had mended itself together on contact, she could find no openings to seep out of, the rubber sack was now seamless! Before the Lioness could attempt to help, the other turret fired at her as well, instantly wrapping her up in clear latex as she clumsily fell to the floor. To make matters worse, the rubber sacks suddenly began tightening around them, squeezing the lioness and suppressing the water-kins form. The lioness let out a loud moan as the rubber tightly hugged her body, squeezing her face and wedging into her most sensitive places. And the water-kin became shapeless as the sheet shrank around her liquid body.

        Within moments the lioness was left bound in a wrinkle-less skin-tight rubber cocoon that showed off every alluring curve of her body, while a small hole opened near her mouth allowing her to breathe. And the water-kin was forced into a spherical 3-foot ball that wiggled and giggled on the floor. Compressed and immobilized, she was now trapped in what she could only describe as a water balloon, with her rubber dress and underwear freely floating within her. The balloon bobbed and warped has she struggled to escape, but the rubber would only stretch before pulling her back into a spherical shape. With her rounded form and jiggly movements, she looked like a blob of jelly. "I can’t move!” she strained, her voice echoing from the rubber ball. The water-kin continued to fruitlessly struggle in her balloon, until she thought up an idea and turned her attention towards her coworker. “Hey! I can't do anything in my current state, but maybe you can use your claws to…” she paused in shock when she looked at the lioness, who was wiggling and moaning on the floor with a large smile on her face. The Lioness-kin was completely aroused by her predicament, and was practically dominated with pleasure as her moans grew louder and louder. “OH YOU ARE JUST THE WORST!” she groaned. The Lioness just ignored her, enjoying her tight rubbery casement. And all the water-kin girl could do was wait for someone to rescue them...

        Meanwhile, in a testing lab, a young half rabbit-kin was about to present his prototype capture device to his three coworkers, which was concealed underneath a large white sheet. Instead of having fur and paws like purebred rabbit-kins, his only bunny-like features were two pink bunny ears on the top of his head. One of his coworkers was a tall dark-haired succubus, who wore a modest turtle neck and uniform pants as opposed to the ordinary dress skirt. Showing off as little skin as possible, she can completely suppress her aphrodisiac effect on the opposite sex. The other was a cute human girl with light brown hair, emerald green eyes, and a pleasant smile. And last was his sister, a full rabbit-kin with larger floppy ears and a beautiful brown coat of fur.

        Holding her tablet under her arm, the boy’s sister let out a soft yawn as she leaned on a nearby desk. “You wanted to show us the progress on your capture device? What makes this one different from the rest?” she asked. The half rabbit-kin smiled grabbing the sheet with both hands. “I’m glad you asked! Behold!" he shouted pulling the sheet off. “My state-of-the-art Compression Capture Ball!" The three coworkers were presented with a large six-foot transparent PVC ball, it had a large hole in the front which led to a small padded inner chamber. Rather than a capture device for slimes, it looked like one of those zorb balls made for people to climb in. However, it was also connected to some nearby laptops via USB cables. "I don't understand, but it looks like fun to climb in!” Giggled the brown-haired human girl. The succubus tilted her head looking at the strange device. “Does the balloon to create a fragrance that lures the slime inside?” she asked.            

        “Close!” The half-bunny chuckled. "This is a special capture device I specifically designed for more intelligent and elusive slimes!" he said joyfully pointing at the orifice in the center. “Oh! Because some slimes are known for escaping traps set up for them right?” Asked the human girl. "Correct!” The half-bunny replied. “Not only can this device track down and pursue slimes, but it also creates an inner vacuum that sucks the specimen inside before sealing it up!” The bunny boy was so excited about his presentation, he didn't notice that the laptop screens behind him turning neon green as his prototype slowly turned towards him. “What’s more, after catching its target- eh?!” suddenly he was interrupted when he felt a strong suction behind him. And before he even knew what happened, he was lifted off his feet and sucked headfirst into the orifice of the giant balloon.

        “Mmmph!” The half-bunny whimpered as he was pulled through the balloons' narrow tube. It felt like he was being swallowed, squeezing him so tightly that he couldn’t move a muscle as the sound of squeaking plastic overwhelmed his sensitive ears. Finally, he was flung into the inner chamber with a soft pop as the orifice sealed itself shut. Impressed with the balloons' functionality, his sister and the other two coworkers applauded him thinking it was part of the presentation. Immediately getting up on his hands and knees, the boy began grabbing and tugging at the opening looking alarmed. Realizing something was wrong, his coworkers ceased applauding as the half-bunny began pounding on the inner walls. Looking frightened and panicked, he desperately struggled to escape his own enclosure. The boy's sister ran over to him, placing her paws on the outer wall of his prison. “Hey! Buddy! Are you alright?" she asked. Pushing on the taut plastic inner layer, the half rabbit-kin began shouting for help, but his pleas were completely inaudible. 

        Worried, the succubus and human woman walked up to the balloon as well as the boy continued shouting fruitlessly. “I think he’s trying to tell us something, but I can’t understand what he’s saying!” the bunny-kin panicked. The succubus gently ran her hands against the slick smooth surface of the ball, studying it. Despite the boy's constant yelling and pounding, she couldn't feel any vibrations in the balloon. “This surface is softer than it looks, but it’s completely nullifying his voice.” the succubus said observantly. "It must be really tough plastic.” The human girl tried prying at the closed orifice, but with no luck. “Is he going to be alright?” she asked. “I don’t know, he didn’t finish his presentation before the balloon sucked him in.” the bunny-kin said, looking her brother in the eyes to calm him down. "Wait, so what happens once the balloon captures something?” The human asked. Just then the balloon began creaking and twitching, as the inner chamber began to shrink!

        The half bunny-kin shuddered, his eyes wide with fear as crawled away from the enclosing walls. Suddenly the name finally made sense. “Compression Capture ball...? It’s gonna crush him!” The bunny-kin shouted. “We need to shut this thing off!” The human girl said running to the laptop. "Wh-Why did he program it to do this?!” The bunny-kin asked distraughtly. “Slimes need space and momentum to use their strength, if a slime is enclosed in a tight space it's pretty much helpless. This method of capture is actually pretty well thought out.” the succubus added. “And it’s gonna kill my brother if we don’t stop it! Can you shut it off!?” the bunny-kin asked. Panicked, the human desperately tapped at the laptop keyboard, but it wouldn’t respond. "I can't even access the computer! Something's locked me out.” she said growing alarmed. The three were so panicked, they didn’t notice the floor panels click underneath their feet. 

        Only the succubus looked down in time to see a strange pink substance rising from in between the surrounding tiles beneath her, before shooting up from the floor like a large net. Before they could even react, the substance enveloped each of the women in small elastic sheets that stretched and conjoined around them. Caught off guard, the human, bunny, and succubus attempted to push away the elastic material, only for it to seep underneath their feet enclosing them completely! “Wh… The security system!?!?” the human shouted, pushing at the surrounding sack. “Why is it attacking US!?” the bunny added. Alarmed, they all continued struggling against their elastic enclosures, it felt like they were wrapped up in thin sheets of glossy gum. The half-bunny curled into the fetal position as the cushioned walls closed in on him, moments away from squeezing his helpless body alive.

        Suddenly, the gum surrounding his coworkers began to inflate, becoming more spherical as they now resembled large pink rubber balls. “Uh oh…” the bunny-kin whimpered as their bubbles began floating off the floor, causing all three of them to lose their balance. The bunny-kin landed on her back, while the succubus and human landed flat on their faces against the soft stretchy membranes. All three them attempted to stand back up, but the bubbles would only roll under their weight causing them to fall over again. With the compression ball's inner air cushions only inches away from the half bunny-kin, he stretched out his arms and legs in an attempt to push them away. The elastic-plastic cushions squeaked and creaked as he stretched them out, finally gaining some leverage over his predicament. But to his horror, his hands and feet slipped in between the cushions as they continued to grow around them, trapping his limbs and leaving him in a vulnerable X position. 

        No matter how hard the boy struggled, he was unable to free himself from the invading cushions. All he could do take a deep breath and wait helplessly as his soft surroundings closed in on him ever so slowly. Lying face down in her pink bubble prison, the bunny-kin woman watched in horror has the compression balloon was only moments away from squeezing her brother. “Buddy!” she yelled pressing her hands and face against the pink stretchy membrane. Closing his eyes, the soft PVC cushions began pressing against him, causing a soft whimper to escape his lips. The plastic felt a lot squishier than he thought like he was getting a soft hug. But as the moments passed, the pressure on his body increased. His cheeks were slowly squished against his face, the remaining air was nearly pushed out of his chest, and his pelves was tightly squeezed causing him to blush. Unfortunately, the boy couldn't hold his breath for much longer, until suddenly he realized he could breathe again. It was like a small opening had formed in front of his mouth, like a breathing tube of some sort. 

        Desperate to help her brother, the bunny-kin furiously clawed at the walls of her enclosure. “We have to get out of these stupid bubbles or he's going to be smothered!" she yelled. “Wait, look!” the succubus said pointing down at the plastic ball. The bunny-kin turned her attention towards the PVC balloon, shocked to realize it was no longer inflating with its motionless prisoner now breathing normally. Upon further inspection, she saw the orifice in which he was sucked in now acting as an air tube leading to his face allowing him to breathe. “Phew…” Bunny-kin sighed with relief balancing herself on her hands and knees. The succubus scratched her chin looking at the PVC ball. “Given your brother's reaction, he should've been asphyxiated. But it’s allowing him to breathe while keeping him in a bound state.” she said laying on her side. “Yeah, it's like his prototype was hacked. But at least he’s alive.” The bunny-kin rubbed her hands on the slippery surroundings of her bubble prison and looked back at the succubus. “The same thing must've happened to the security system. That's why these bubbles captured us.” she followed up. Letting out a long stressed out sigh, the succubus rested her back against her soft bubble and looked at the ceiling. “And since these bubbles are escape-proof, all we can do is wait…” she said closing her eyes.

        The bunny-kin also allowed relaxed, laying face down in her soft bubble. “Well at least my brother's capture device was a success.” she giggled watching over him. Meanwhile, the human girl continued fussing about in her jiggly bubble prison, pushing and stretching at her elastic enclosure. 


 Elsewhere, three lab workers had locked themselves out from the rest of the malfunctioning security system in one of the testing chambers. One of them was a red panda-kin woman, a lean grey-furred wolf-kin man, and short-haired ordinary human male. In the center of the room was a septic tank holding the “Memory Rubber” specimen. The red panda-kin was de-wiring the electrical panel on the wall, cutting off the room from the spreading malfunction. “There.” she said letting out a deep breath as she closed the panel. “We should be safe until the system is rebooted. All we can do now is wait for help.” Nervous, the Grey-wolf kin stood in the corner near the door as his knees shook. “I-I heard they were doing maintenance on the system this morning, what could have happened?” he asked. “It's a good bet this wasn't an accident.” said the human who was looking at the septic tank. “The woman who made this specimen was fired only a couple of days ago. And her last contribution to this lab remains untouched from the malfunction.”  


        “Wait minute, SHE made this?” The grey wolf-kin asked in surprise stepping closer to the septic tank. "I've heard that it's designed to contain slimes via a liquid rubber, but rumors say that she was really going to use it for bondage.” The human explained. “Wait, so we're trapped in a room with a dormant fetish tool?” the red panda asked nervously as she kept her distance. “Don't worry it's not like it's sentient or anything.” The human turning around. “Oh? Do tell.” A muffled feminine voice said from behind him. Surprised, he turn around to find a large crack in the septic tube, into large neon green tentacles protruding from the behind. Before he could react, one of the tentacles lunged at him, splattering over his face as the liquid coated his head in neon green rubber. "MMMMPH!?!” he screamed pulling at the slick material, but It would only stretch out before snapping back on his face. Speechless, the grey wolf-kin came and red panda-kin just watched in horror as their coworker was smothered in Green latex. Then, the second tentacle suddenly lunged at the grey wolf.         

        With quick reflexes, he held out his hands to block the tentacle only to find his left hand coated its slick rubber. Instead of pulling at the material, he tried grabbing the tentacled pull it off, but it was far too flexible. If felt like he was pulling on some kind of rubber jelly. “Nice catch boy…” said the feminine voice as the ooze continued spilling out of the tank on onto the floor. Once it was free from the septic tank, it began rising from the floor, clumping together as if it was trying to take shape. Then the wolf looked back down and was shocked to realize the rubber was traveling up his arm. The same thing was happening to the human as the rubber creeped down his neck, slipping underneath his clothes. They both desperately tried to remove the creeping rubber from their bodies, but it continued to spread with each passing second.

        The grey wolf could feel the cold latex encasing his upper arm, and wrapping around his bare chest underneath his uniform. Despite its rubbery texture, the material felt almost gelatinous in flexibility. He was incredibly frightened, it was like the rubber was trying to swallow him. It wasn't long before the goo traveled up his neck and down his belly. As the rubber drew closer to his face, he took a deep breath to compare himself. But he suddenly shivered, letting out a soft moan as the latex slowly wrapped over his butt and groin. Before he could take another breath, the rubber creeped over his mouth sealing it shut. All he could do was let out a muffled cry for help as his vision was quickly blinded by the neon green latex. But, not before seeing the green mass of goo morph into a shiny voluptuous feminine figure. The red panda-kin shivered in the corner next to the door as her two coworkers dropped to their knees, completely enveloped in the smothering green skintight rubber. 

        “Fear not little one… Your turn will come…” A feminine voice chucked. Turning her attention to the rubber figure, she saw that it had formed itself into the shape of a human woman. It's arms and legs were long and slender, and her hips and breasts were curvy and ample. But despite having a normal shaped head, it had no face. The rubber woman's tendrils were still attached to the red panda's coworkers, and their struggles slowly ceased as they looked like they were about to pass out. “Not so fussy now are they?” The rubber woman snickered. Her tendrils began to hiss softly, as if they were pumping air. The rubber surrounding the human and wolfskin began bulging underneath their clothes, and inflating around their faces and hands like large rubber balls. Within moments, their uniforms began to rip and tear as their suits now resembled large balloons. They began floating towards the ceiling as their clothes finally ripped off, and the rubber woman released her tendrils from the large bubbles. The red panda could hear the muffled cries of her coworkers, they could be seen struggling against the opaque balloons from within. The neon green balls wobbled and bounced around on the ceiling, as if they were helplessly tumbling and stumbling inside their prisons. 

        "Beautiful isn't it?" the rubber woman boasted, slowly walking towards the red panda-kin. “Wh… What have you done to them?” she asked backing up against the wall towards the door. “Whatever do you mean?” The rubber woman asked sarcastically. “At the end of the day, don’t all men secretly seek to return to the womb?" she chuckled rocking her hips back and forth with every step. “It's quite ironic these two were so fussy about it.” As she got closer, she slowly raised one of her tendrils and began wiping it back and forth. Fearing for her life, she quickly got up and bolted towards the door ready to take her chances outside. But the rubber woman was quick on the draw, flinging her tendril around the red pandas neck. "Hurk!” stopping in her tracks, as she grabbed at the tendril attesting to pull it off. But to her shock, it had formed itself into into a puffy rubber collar, and was latched around her neck like a leash. Rather then liquid latex, It felt incredibly squishy and rubbery like a small inner-tube. “Let me go!” she shouted fearfully, tugging at the tendril that remained attached to her new collar. “As you wish…” the rubber woman chuckled.

         With a swift tug of her tentacle, it separated with a loud “pop,” but the collar remained snug on the red panda-kins neck. Frightened, she tried to take it off but she couldn't pull it over her head. “It suits you, but it doesn’t quite fit...” the rubber woman taunted with a snap of her fingers. Suddenly a soft hissing noise could be heard from the red pandas collar. Looking down, she was horrified to see that it was inflating! Within moments it began to tighten around her neck as she began to panic. The red panda-kin continued her attempts to push it off her head, but it only got bigger and tighter with every passing second. The rubber woman just giggled as she approached the panicked lab worker, amused as she watched her struggle like an animal in a net. Finally, just when the red panda thought she was about to suffocate, it ceased inflating. Fortunately she could still breathe but it was so restrictive, he couldn't even turn her head. The helpless red panda-kin now had a large puffy neon green rubber inner-tube locked around her neck.

        “There! looks good on you sweetie.” The rubber woman taunted placing her slick hands on her shivering cheeks. The red panda was too frightened to muster a response, all she could do was look at the rubber woman's featureless face and shudder. “What do you want with me?” the red panda whimpered, her hands still latched onto the puffy collar. “I’m glad you asked.” the rubber woman said with a pleased voice. “You see, there are still some places I am unable to reach due to the lockdown. Seeing as you can hot-wire the doors here, I will need you to be my guid of sorts.” The red panda-kin nervously remained silent, refusing to answer. “If you don't feel like helping out, I can make your color even tighter…” the rubber woman growled, pressing her hands tightly against the red panda kins cheeks as she shivered. "Now then… Will you be so kind as to direct me to the mainframe?"

        In the mainframe room, Jax, Crypto and the rest of the staff were fussing about as they found themselves locked inside. "What’s going on?” Jax asked. "I don’t know!” The dog-kin answered sounding panicked "Nothings working!” Added the human. Meanwhile, the shark-kin woman tried opening the door with the control panel, but it didn’t even respond to her inputs. “The door won’t open!” she yelled. The cat kin girl looked at her tablet, tapping it furiously. "I can’t get a connection!” she groaned. The human and dog-kin gave up on their computers, as the screen remained with a neon green glow. “We’ve been hacked!" The dog-kin huffed, pushing his laptop off the table. “Our entire has been compromised and is no longer under our control!” the human added. 

        Jax began pacing back and forth, looking flustered. “Ok, so we're stuck here, the mainframe is down, and we can’t call for help. But It’s ok, someone will come looking for us… Eventually. Noticing his Jax had begun to panic, Crypto put his case on the floor and and headed for the door with a confident look on his face. “Not to worry! That’s why I’m here!” he said with the smile. Everyone looked at crypto as he suddenly slipped his arm underneath the door, as if he was an octopus. The shark woman stepped back in shock as she watched. “What!?” she asked shocked. Crypto looked up at the shark woman with a chuckle. "I'm a changeling remember? My people practically evolved to fit in the fitness small spaces like these. I'll be back with some help.” With that he shimmied himself undertake door and disappeared. Jax sighed with relief as he straightened his back and his arms crossed. “See? That’s why he’s my assistant!” he smiled. “Just give him a few minutes and we'll be fine.” Everyone looked at each other feeling reassured, but now all they could do is wait.


      Once Crypto slipped to the other side of the door, he saw two security guards being attacked by pink slimes to his left. Floating in a small glossy slime bubble was a male lizard-kin. His stun baton was on the floor out of his reach as well as his other equipment. Trapped in a fatal potion, he could barely able to move as the surrounding slime would resist every movement he made. When he tried stretching his arms or legs out, the bubble would snap back to its spherical shape. Held against the wall was a slender female lizard-kin, a jiggly rounded slime resting on her lap pinning her under its weight. Both of her arms were held against the wall via its two slick jelly tentacles, with a third lodged into her mouth as she was forced to swallow it. Groaning with frustration, she kept trying to reach her stun baton which was right next to her, but she was completely restrained by the lewd jelly. Crypto ran up to the pink blob and give it a swift kick, sending it tumbling across the hall, and freeing the Lizard-kin woman from its hold. "Are you alright miss?” Crypto asked holding out his hand to her. She sighed spitting out some pink jelly. “I'm alright." she took his hand and stood up grabbing her baton. "It just forced me to swallow some of it.”

      Still trapped in the slime bubble, the lizard-kin man puffed out his cheeks grumpily. “But... you never do that for me!” he grumbled. Giving him the frightful glare, the lizard woman gave his bubble a swift kick, causing him to bounce and tumble around his prison. “That's not going to change little man…” she huffed watching him fumble around like a clumsy hamster. The female lizard-kin then stood straight and looked at Crypto with a serous face. “We were patrolling the hallways when the lights began flickering, the next thing we knew were attacked by slimes. I think our security system is malfunctioning.” she said. “Malfunctioning? So our slime traps aren't working?” Crypto asked looking spooked. Before he could ask a follow-up question, the lizard-kin suddenly pushed him down and threw her baton at the ceiling. “Hey! What gives?” he asked looking at her confused. But when he looked up, he saw one of the security turrets pointed right at him with her baton stuck in its barrel. “They're working... just malfunctioning.” she replied. With her baton now stuck in the ceiling she walked over and took her coworkers weapon instead. The male lizard-kin didn't seem to mind, as he was completely dazed and disoriented in his bubble. 

        Crypto got back on his feet looking at the disabled turret. “So it's worse than we thought…” he sighed. “Is there a way we can fix this sir?" the lizard-kin asked. “The facility is on lockdown so we can't escape, but if we can get to the reactor and shut it down, we can reboot the network! Come with me!” Crypto said enthusiastically as he warmed up his wings and flew down the hall. Sighing with an unsure look on her face, she ran after him leaving her disoriented coworker trapped in his pink bubble. “But how are you going to get in? Even if there weren't dozens of slimes and traps between us and the core, everything is still under lockdown!” she pointed out "Yes, I left my key in the mainframe room, but I'm a changeling. I can still slip between the cracks!” he boasted. “Sir, the doors to the generator are magnetically sealed, even a slime couldn’t slip in there. And if a slime even attempted it would take days for them to get to the other side!” the lizard woman said. Before they could reach the the next corner of the hallway, Crypto stopped midair turning around as he placed his hand on his chin. “So we’ll need a new plan to get to the reactor…” he sighed. “My thoughts exactly.❤️” said a sinisterly feminine voice from around the corner. 

        Before Crypto could turn around something soft and rubbery made contact with his back causing him to fall to the floor. 


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