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That as many of you know this is an anthology book about a secret underground lab that experiments with traps, rubber, balloons, bubbles etc. And the many shenanigans that take place in the day-to-day lives of the occupants. I'm still on the fence on what I should call the lab and the book title. Enjoy!


        Andra is an intern lab assistant who has plenty of experience in her field of bio engendering. The young woman had been working at the Viperess labs for months but has made very little progress on the work front. This was due to her unfortunate clumsiness, and unhealthy habit of misplacing her work materials. On this particular morning, she found herself panicking through the halls, with a cluttered mass of paperwork tightly held against her chest. Her hair was frizzy and jumbled, like a wild thorn bush, and her lab coat was inside out. 

        She had cold sweats running down her forehead in a fit of panic. “At this rate, I’m going to be fired! If only I had replaced my alarm clock I wouldn’t be late again!” she thought to herself. Bursting through the doors, she almost tripped over her own feet as she stumbled in the lab. “I’m sorry! I have the papers! I won’t be late again!” Andra yelled apologetically.

        Standing in front of her was a MK 4 Viper android, but it was a model she didn’t recognize. The android turned its head towards her with its beautiful glowing blue eyes. Andra just stared at the unit in awe, realizing that she had just met with a new variant of Viper android. Instead of looking lean and powerful, it seemed a few inches shorter, with a more slender physique. For the most part, its head was the same as other units, however its eyes looked much sharper. It wore a dark grey lab coat, a black velvet skirt, and a black dress shirt. But what stood out the most was a bright red bow tie that was neatly fastened around her collar.

        The Viper looked at Andra with a pleased expression, placing her hand under her chin. “Oh, worry not. I haven’t been waiting long, please place the materials over there.” she said pointing to a desk with neatly placed paperwork. Andra complied and proceeded to sort and organize her reports, before placing the necessary documents into her clipboard. “Take the tablet instead, it’ll be easier to organize. Now then, please follow me.” the android said with a pleasant voice, as she walked to the end of the office toward the mechanical door. Andra followed the machine, taking the tablet and looking around the office realizing that she was the only one there.

        “Where is everyone else?” she asked nervously. The android began putting in a six-digit code into the dial next to it. “Today, we’ll just be doing a test run on a personal project of mine, so the two of us will be enough,” she said with a smile. “A personal project?” Andra asked with curiosity. The door opened revealing a short brightly lit hallway, and the android gracefully entered swaying her tail back and forth, it was like she was getting excited. “You mean you made this prototype?” Andra asked as she followed closely behind her. “I suppose it’s more of a passion project. I’ve been given unlimited access to the northern labs. So I’ve been using my spare time to develop a new unique substance for this trial.” She said with enthusiasm, subtly licking her lips.

        Andra shuttered anxiously, but she continued to follow the Viper with her tablet in hand. One thing that all the Viper androids had in common was a compulsive habit of licking their lips whenever they get excited or aroused. Most likely she was just excited to test her new project, but Andra couldn’t help but feel slightly uneasy about the androids’ eager mood.

        They entered what looked like an observation chamber, it was the same size as the old apartment she used to live in before she began working here. The android then casually flipped on the light switch illuminating the chamber. The room had a 5-foot long table near the left with a few comfy chairs, and complex control panel stationed in front of a large dark tinted glass wall on the far side of the room.

        Andra was now very nervous, alone in a small chamber with a viper android that was also her superior. “Um… Miss?” she asked with a slight shutter in her voice. The android looked back at her. “You can call me Rei-Uno.” she smiled. “Oh, aright Miss Rei-Uno.” Andra replied nervously. The Android chuckled under her breath, she found her lab assistant's shy personality rather cute, even with her coat inside out. “This gel-like material you’ve made, what will it be used for?” Andra asked, setting up notes on her new tablet. A large grin appeared on Rei-Unos’ sleek rounded face. “More than you could imagine.”

        She then began operating the control panel and finished by flipping a small switch. Suddenly the glass wall became translucent. Sitting in the center of the padded test chamber was a young woman wearing nothing but pink underwear. Andra gulped nervously, she had heard rumors that subjects were left in their underwear, but she didn’t think it was true. The woman had short black hair, light brown eyes, and a very healthy physique. She didn’t look frightened but she looked nervous as if she didn't know what was going on. “I… think there might have been some mistake, I didn’t sign up for… whatever this is.” The woman said.

        “Who’s this?” Andra asked still holding out her tablet. “One of our willing volunteers.” Rei-Uno said handing her a second tablet. Taking the device Andra looked at the subject's file, and read the name allowed. "Ms. Hope, age 23, accountant, single. How did she end up here?” Andra asked. Rei-Uno chuckled as she looked at her and eye. “She didn’t read the fine print.” she pressed a button on the controls, opening a panel in the test rooms padded ceiling. Ms. Hope tilted her head upwards just in time to see a large blue translucent sheet of glossy material falling right on top of her. 

        The strange sheen instantly enveloped the unsuspecting woman before she could react, falling directly on top of her like a gelatinous blanket. Panicked, she screamed and attempted to get it off, but it was so malleable and slippery she couldn’t even grip it. Rei-Uno chuckled as she watched the woman struggle, it was like seeing someone wrestle against a blanket of jelly. Andra on the other hand, was rather worried, seeing as the woman was completely trapped in stretchy substance. “Should we do something? Will she be alright?” she asked. “Just watch.” Rei-Uno said holding her finger up.

        Just then, the blanket began to fold itself underneath the subject, completely enclosing her in its membrane and forming a thick oval shape around her. Everything to took on a dark blue tint, as she found herself trapped within a thick Bubble. Confused and flustered, the subject placed her hands on the surrounding jelly as she studied its smooth texture. It was no longer gooey, now it felt stretchy flexible while still maintaining a gelatinous consistency. “W-what is this?” she stuttered, her voice slightly muffled. 

        Then her prison began to swell, making a loud bubbling sound as it grew. The woman just stood there speechless, as she watched the surrounding membrane expanding around her. It was like the orb was inflating itself from the inside, becoming more transparent as it grew. Then the bubble slowly began to float off the ground, causing Ms. Hope to lose her footing as she fell on her back. Now 6 feet large, the sphere ceased growing as it gently floated in the center of the room with its helpless prisoner struggling to sit back up. 

        Andra was amazed, it was like something out of a science fiction movie. “That’s, very impressive.” she said watching the prisoner struggle. “You're looking at my new memory gel. A programmable substance that can be mold itself into any conceivable shape.” Rei-Uno boasted with her arms crossed. “Is this going to be a replacement for our security system?” Andra asked. “Not a bad idea, but this could be A LOT more than just a security measure.” The android replied. “Observe.” Meanwhile, the prisoner continued fussing about within her stretchy bubble. The inside was incredibly slippery, the stretchy membrane had no friction whatsoever. Ms. Hope continued to press her hands against her gelatinous prison, but the flexible walls wouldn't give. “What is this?” She screamed, slightly muffled by the gel. The bubble bobbed around, making a strange wobbling sound as she struggled inside. 

        Suddenly, several small bulges began emerging from the inside of the bubble, drooping down like large water droplets. The woman ceased her struggles as she looked up at the strange rounded objects hanging over her. Within moments they began to take shape, growing into small jiggly spheres before separating from the rest of the bubble and plopping onto the confined woman. Annoyed, she attempted to shove them away as they crowded her already cramped space. It was no use, the bubbles were far too slippery, and piled onto her one by one. Taking up more than half of the bubble, she was practically buried underneath them as if she trapped at the bottom of a ball pit. With a little effort, she managed to get on her hands and knees, raising her head above the squishy spheres. It proved difficult to maintain her balance, but she managed to get some leverage on the incredibly slippery surface. It felt like she was trapped in a ball full of water balloons, as the orbs were incredibly cool and slippery to the touch.

        “Well isn't this impressive?” Rei-Uno said smiling. “Of course.” Andra replied. "I didn't know your gel could replicate itself.” The android looked at her and chuckled. “Thank you, but I was referring to woman.” Andra looked at her superior, puzzled by her response. "Even when partly solidified, the gel has almost zero friction. Logically she shouldn't even be able to balance on all fours.” Rei-Uno said putting her hand underneath her chin. “Perhaps she takes gymnastics?” Andra suggested. Rei-Uno crossed her arms. "What a waste. We could've asked her to wear a leotard for this.” She sighed while licking her lips. 

        Inside the bubble, Ms. Hope noticed a strange hissing noise coming from the surrounding spheres. The bubbles were expanding! Filling up what little free space she had left. Ms. Hope panicked as the balls quickly submerged her, encompassing her from head to two as they began to press against her. Trying to sit up, she suddenly lost her balance as the bubble rolled under her weight. Rather than sliding to the bottom, she found finding herself facing the ceiling, as the surrounding balls kept her centered in the bubble in a spread eagle position.

        The space around her grew tighter and tighter, as the bubbles started to squeeze her helpless body. The bubbles were cool but not too chilly, and they were extremely soft like jiggly pillows. Even though her chamber was getting tighter, it felt surprisingly pleasant as a soft moan escaped her lips. Eventually, the bubbles began wedging themselves into her more sensitive places, filling every nook and cranny they could find. Now squished from head to toe, Ms. Hope closed her eyes as she enjoyed the increasing pressure like a big loving hug. From the outside, the jelly bubble now resembled a cluster of smaller bubbles, as the membrane stretched out to accommodate their size. “She seems to be enjoying it.” Andra said typing notes on her tablet. “This is even better than I expected. Not only is the gel performing exactly as programmed, but it seems to be sustaining its own increasing pressure as well.” The android smiled crossing her arms. "Plus it's doing an excellent job restraining the subject while keeping her comfortable.” 

        The test subject's muffled moans could be heard from outside the bubble, as they grew louder with every second. “Shouldn't we release her?” Andra asked looking concerned. “Not to worry.” Rei-Uno said confidently. “Those bubbles will keep her oxygenated, she should be able to breathe even when she’s like this.” Andra was amazed and looked at the android with a smile. “So this gel can safely contain people without depriving them of air?” she asked. Rei-Uno smiled at Andra. “Of course. This substance can be used to do a variety of things.” Andra finished up her notes and placed the tablet down. “We could improve our security system with this gel. Just yesterday another intruder nearly died of asphyxiation after a Viper Sentry trapped her in a containment balloon. With your invention, we could oxygenate those balloons!”

        “That's true. But-” before Rei-Uno could finish her sentence, she noticed something strange about the bubble in the testing room. Its membrane slowly began to open up, spilling all of the orbs inside along with its prisoner. Panting heavily, Ms. Hope lay on the padded floor looking exhausted, though she had a satisfied smile on her face. After taking a few seconds to catch her breath, she crawled over to one of the bubbles and straddled it. Pushing herself against its slippery surface, the woman began to grind against the bubble as her soft pleasurable moans could be heard through the speakers. 

        Andra and Rei-Uno we’re surprised, as they watched the woman go town on the squishy orb. “I didn’t expect this, is she secretly a loner?” Andra asked. “It’s possible we have just awakened one...” Rei-Uno chuckled turning the speakers off. “It’s a shame she won’t remember this experience once she is released.” Andra sighed writing more notes into her tablet. “Well, her MEMORY will be erased, but who’s to say she won’t have the sudden urge to grind some balloons the next day?” the android chuckled. They both laughed for a few moments before a serious look spread across Rei-Uno’s face. “Seriously speaking though, those Viper units intentionally use oxygen deprivation to subdue their targets.” The android said looking down at her notes. “They believe it's the best way to capture intruders and escapees.” Andra looked shocked. "I thought it was just a design flaw, it's intentional?” she gasped. “Unfortunately, yes. However, if we can get more positive results with this gel, we can prove that there's a better way to apprehend targets.” Rei-Uno smiled. “It would be nice if Viper units were less aggressive with their tactics.” Andra agreed.

        Just as the android was about to reply, she looked at the window and gasped. “Oh!” Andra swore she could've seen her rubber cheeks blush a little. Andra also looked into the testing chamber to see the bubble rubbing itself against the test subject, as if it was trying to hug her back. Ms. Hope was still on top of the bubble, enjoying its soft jiggly embrace as the slick membrane rubbed against her skin. So entranced in her own bliss, the woman didn't notice the bubble entangling four inflatable rings around her hands and feet. The rings were incredibly soft that she barely felt them, even as they got tighter. The thought of being watched no longer lingered in her mind. Right now, all she could think about was how lovely the bubble felt. Still holding the ball tightly, she opened her eyes for a brief moment and saw the other bubbles slowly wobbling towards her. Surprised, she attempted to get back up, only to then realize she was cuffed to the bubbled. “Huh!?” she gasped looking down at the cuffs on her wrists and ankles. They felt incredibly soft and squishy, however when she tried to pull herself free her arms and legs wouldn't budge. Her struggles did not go unnoticed by the frisky bubble, it began a more aggressive humping motion against her body. 

        “Mmmph!” Her face was shoved back into the bubbles soft membrane as it continued rubbing her vigorously. Practically drowning in the bubbles affection, she moaned and whimpered into the squishy surface. Despite how heavenly it all was, she was still helpless. To her shock, she felt one of the bubbles climbing on top of her from behind. Unable to turn around, all she could do was moan into the bubble’s soft membrane. Once the bubble was on top of her, she found herself pinned underneath its weight. It felt like it was also trying to hug her from behind, as she was now sandwiched between the two. Despite their frictionless texture, she was unable to escape their embrace as they began to squeeze her. It was just like before when she was trapped in the larger bubble, but this felt far more intimate. Ms. Hope was being humped from both sides while comfortably smooshed, with her only her arms and legs sticking out from the sides. She couldn't escape if she wanted to, Plus she felt the other bubbles rubbing up against her arms and legs, she was outnumbered. The orbs were crowding around her, bumping and nudging each other as if patiently waiting their turn. Realizing her heavenly predicament was far from over, she relaxed, allowing the bubbles to have their way with her.

        Andra and Rei-Uno just watched as the bubbles bobbed, bounced, and jiggled in the center of the room like a couple of jumping beans that were squished together. “Veeeery interesting.” the android purred. “You mean you didn't program them to do this?” Andra asked unable to pull her eyes away from the testing chamber. Rei-Uno shook her head with a smile. “It looks like the bubble gel is just learning on its own.” she answered. Andra looked a bit spooked by the androids hypothesis. “Isn’t that dangerous? We don't want it getting any funny ideas.” she said. Rei-Uno leaned closer to Andra with an eager smile. "Isn't that much more invigorating?” she purred. “We’ll get to watch it evolve and expand it’s capturing methods.” Andra blushed as the Rei-Unos face drew closer. The androids' suggestion was dangerous and impulsive, but Andra was swayed by her words. “W-Well, in that case, I’d recommend we find a more aggressive subject to test it on. Provide it with a more challenging situation.” she suggested nervously. “Hmmmmm…” the android pondered looking Andra in the eyes. “Now that you mention it, I know just the unit that can provide me with the new, more unwilling test subject…” she purred placing her hands on Andra's chin with a flirty look. “We’ll be working together on this from now on.” 


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