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        “Wait minute, SHE made this?” The grey wolf-kin asked in surprise stepping closer to the septic tank. "I've heard that it's designed to contain slimes via a liquid rubber, but rumors say that she was really going to use it for bondage.” The human explained. “Wait, so we're trapped in a room with a dormant fetish tool?” the red panda asked nervously as she kept her distance. “Don't worry it's not like it's sentient or anything.” The human turning around. “Oh? Do tell.” A muffled feminine voice said from behind him. Surprised, he turn around to find a large crack in the septic tube, into large neon green tentacles protruding from the behind. Before he could react, one of the tentacles lunged at him, splattering over his face as the liquid coated his head in neon green rubber. "MMMMPH!?!” he screamed pulling at the slick material, but It would only stretch out before snapping back on his face. Speechless, the grey wolf-kin came and red panda-kin just watched in horror as their coworker was smothered in Green latex. Then, the second tentacle suddenly lunged at the grey wolf.         

        With quick reflexes, he held out his hands to block the tentacle only to find his left hand coated its slick rubber. Instead of pulling at the material, he tried grabbing the tentacled pull it off, but it was far too flexible. If felt like he was pulling on some kind of rubber jelly. “Nice catch boy…” said the feminine voice as the ooze continued spilling out of the tank on onto the floor. Once it was free from the septic tank, it began rising from the floor, clumping together as if it was trying to take shape. Then the wolf looked back down and was shocked to realize the rubber was traveling up his arm. The same thing was happening to the human as the rubber creeped down his neck, slipping underneath his clothes. They both desperately tried to remove the creeping rubber from their bodies, but it continued to spread with each passing second.

        The grey wolf could feel the cold latex encasing his upper arm, and wrapping around his bare chest underneath his uniform. Despite its rubbery texture, the material felt almost gelatinous in flexibility. He was incredibly frightened, it was like the rubber was trying to swallow him. It wasn't long before the goo traveled up his neck and down his belly. As the rubber drew closer to his face, he took a deep breath to compare himself. But he suddenly shivered, letting out a soft moan as the latex slowly wrapped over his butt and groin. Before he could take another breath, the rubber creeped over his mouth sealing it shut. All he could do was let out a muffled cry for help as his vision was quickly blinded by the neon green latex. But, not before seeing the green mass of goo morph into a shiny voluptuous feminine figure. The red panda-kin shivered in the corner next to the door as her two coworkers dropped to their knees, completely enveloped in the smothering green skintight rubber. 

        “Fear not little one… Your turn will come…” A feminine voice chucked. Turning her attention to the rubber figure, she saw that it had formed itself into the shape of a human woman. It's arms and legs were long and slender, and her hips and breasts were curvy and ample. But despite having a normal shaped head, it had no face. The rubber woman's tendrils were still attached to the red panda's coworkers, and their struggles slowly ceased as they looked like they were about to pass out. “Not so fussy now are they?” The rubber woman snickered. Her tendrils began to hiss softly, as if they were pumping air.


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