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I still have a couple of corrections to make before submitting... But it's finished! Enjoy!


       Luka was a young college student who mostly kept to himself. Living alone in a small 3 room apartment, and barely passing all his classes, he didn’t talk or socialize much. It was like no one knew he existed, or so he thought. His life with pretty uneventful, until one day he began receiving strange text messages from an unknown sender. Each message was flirty and playful, reading “Hello cutie,” or “Can’t get you off my mind.” It was pretty tame at first, until the sender began sending pictures of herself. Now each message contained a picture of a woman wearing a sexy rubber costume. The suit resembled a salamander, with a long puffy tail and a rounded head with an elongated mouth. Painted black within a grey underbelly, the latex looked incredibly glossy and shiny. But what stood out the most was its piercing provocative red eyes which looked surprisingly life-like. Despite its bizarre design, it was still incredibly sexy as her voluptuous curves could be seen from underneath. 

        The woman would strike a sexy pose on her bed in each picture at 9 o'clock sharp with a seductive caption. She would type: “Thinking of you. ❤️” or “I have a couple things to show you. 🍑” Luka never had the courage to write back, after all what would he even say? Though he did enjoy looking at the pictures every night, as it gave him a chance to relieve himself. Luka couldn’t resist her alluring figure and elaborate costume, she was far too sexy to ignore. Receiving these texts became normal for him, like a ritual. But one day, the woman’s text arrived five minutes later than usual and there was no picture attached. Instead, she simply wrote: "I’m coming over.” 

        Luka's heart jumped, he couldn’t believe what he was reading. “Is it some kind of joke?” he thought to himself. Even his wildest dreams, he couldn’t imagine a sexy woman in latex showing up to his door on a late night. Dismissing the text as a joke, he sat down on his couch and looked at his phone. Luka's couch was right next to the front door in his apartment, and the living room led to his bedroom, which also led to his bathroom. With his home being as small as it was he never bothered inviting anyone over, there is no way he could impress anyone with it. Despite believing it was all a joke he still couldn't help but feel nervous. Then suddenly he heard his doorbell ring.

        Luka shot up from the couch, but couldn't muster the courage to walk the door. “It couldn’t be.” he thought. "Who would come here at this hour?” Luka was in denial, which is why he hesitated to get up. The doorbell rang again, and after what felt like an eternity, he walked over to the door and opened it. But to his surprise, he found that no one was there. Luka was no longer nervous, but his heart sank. Deep down he was disappointed and crushed. "It must have been a prank.” he sighed. Just as he closed his door, he heard a loud cracking from his room, it sounded like a broken window frame.

        Freezing with fear, Luka could hear soft footsteps approaching from the other room. Someone had just broken into his room and was about to enter the living room. Finally, the intruder stepped into view, and Luka’s heart skipped a beat in shock. It was the latex-clad woman wearing her salamander costume. Every step she took was elegant, putting one foot in front of the other and swaying her hips back and forth, as her costume squeaked with every movement she made. Strangely, her tail moved with her, swaying back and forth as if it were apart of her. "I apologize.” the woman said in a soft feminine voice. “I tried ringing the doorbell, but no one answered. So I came in through your window, though it was also locked, I let myself in any way.” she giggled. Luka was mesmerized by her appearance that he couldn't even move. It seemed unreal, seeing her in real life was completely different from looking at her pictures. Despite her standing right in front of him, he still couldn't believe that she actually came, it felt like a fantasy. But there was something strange about her, when she talked it looked like the mouth of her costume moved as well. “Is her costume animatronic?” he thought to himself.

        When she was close enough, she placed her hands on his cheeks and looked down at him with her dominant eyes. What's more, he felt a strange tingling sensation in his cheeks, as if his skin had become sensitive to her touch. “You must be Luka, I've been wanting to meet you in for such a long time.” she whispered. “You're even cuter up close.” The woman was much taller then she looked in the pictures, only her breasts were at his eye level. Luka shiver nervously as the sensitive touch of her rubber sent a pleasant feeling through his face. Nervous, he looked into her life-like eyes doing his best not to stare at her cleavage. “Who are you?” Luka asked. A large curled up smile appeared on the woman's mask as if it were her real face. “Call me Balla.” she giggled. Following up her response, a slick rubbery tongue flipped out of her mouth and licked his face.

        Surprised, he stepped back as Balla giggled mischievously, licking her lips with her rubber tongue. “Aww, nervous?” she asked. Luka was speechless, he couldn't respond. This woman was strange to begin with, but there's no conceivable explanation for her strange like-life costume. Her tail swayed side to side with excitement as if it were a part of her. The eyes on her mask stared right at him, following his every movement. Balla began to circle him as if getting ready to pounce on her prey. Every movement she made filled the room with the sound of thick creaking rubber, seductively rubbing her thighs together with every step. "I've been texting you for so long, hoping you'd send a reply. But you never did…” she sighed, stopping in front the door as if to block his exit. "I wanted you to praise me, to gush about how sexy I am.” Balla whispered running her hands down her shapely hips. “So I got tired of waiting, and decided to come over in person. So what do you think? Am I not perfect?” she snickered flicking her tongue out once again.

        Luka couldn’t deny it, she looked amazing. With her slick shiny costume and voluptuous body, she looked like an erotic fantasy come to life. The way she moved, the way she talked, almost everything she did was seductive. Plus the way she towered over him more than established her dominance in the room, and all he could do was look up and admire her. With that she began to approach him again, slowly but gracefully swinging her tail left to right, ogling him like an animal looking upon its prey. "I think I understand now, maybe you aren't satisfied with just looking.” she snickered folding her arms underneath her breasts. “Could it be you want a HANDS-ON experience?” With another flick of her tongue, she pressed her breasts together, showing off her ridiculous cleavage in front of Luka. Though mesmerized by Balla's beauty, her towering figure intimidated him as he subtly stepped back. “Oh don’t be shy… be a good boy and come to mama…” she whispered with an evil grin and a thirsty look in her eye. 

        Despite Balla's alluring appearance, there was something strangely sinister about her. With her dominant attitude and the scary look on her face, something told Luka that there was no ordinary woman underneath that suit. It was almost like the costume was part of her. He backed up into his room, but she continued getting closer. “Come now boy, don’t make me wait.” she said with a subtle but impatient growl as she started walking faster. A fearful shiver shot down his spine as he turned around and bolted towards the bathroom. “BOY...” Balla growled in a deeper voice. Luka didn’t even look back as he entered the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. “BOY!” the woman shouted as her soft squeaky footsteps approached the door. Panicked, he locked the door just in time as the doorknob rattled violently. Luka backed away from the door in fear, realizing that he had just cornered himself like a rat. 

        The door went silent for a few moments, before the rubber woman whispered to him in an eerily friendly voice. “Oh don't be shy boy, I just wanna plaaaay.” Luka couldn’t even muster a response, as he was too scared by her very presence. The woman was sexy as hell in the photos she sent him, but her erotic personality was almost terrifying in person. Not only did Balla tower him in height, but she also gave off a vibe of absolute authority and power. However, he couldn’t deny it was a little exhilarating to be sought after by an aggressive woman. Luka didn’t understand why, but it made him feel happy. Perhaps he secretly wanted the attention. 

        Looking back at the door, he saw something black and rubbery slip past both sides of the door frame. Luka shivered, they looked like Balla’s dark slender hands, as if they were attempting to grip the door. They creaked and squeezed their way through the cracks, filling the room with the sound of creaking rubber as they firmly latched onto the sides of the door. Luka was frozen with fear, and wasn’t prepared for what happened next. With a loud crunch, the door was ripped right off its hinges as it crumbled between her two rubbery hands. Placing the door against the wall next to her, Balla purred impatiently dusting the broken shards of wood off her hands. "It's not polite to keep a beautiful woman waiting.” she giggled entering the bathroom towards her prey. Now Luka was really terrified, as this bombshell of a woman had just completely demolished his door with her bare hands. Balla definitely wasn't human, it was like she was actually comprised of rubber. “Are you finished playing hard-to-get?” she teased grabbing his shoulders.

        Shivering with fear, Luka compliantly stood still afraid of making her angry. “What do you want from me?” he asked looking down at the door. Balla put her hands on his cheeks and pulled his head up so he was looking straight into her piercing red eyes. “Your… undivided… attention...” she said in a soft voice. Throwing him over her shoulder she walker over to his bed and dropped him onto the mattress. Luka bounced a couple of times before settling on the cozy sheets, as Balla slowly crawled on top of him. Her breath smelled heavily of rubber, moving closer to his face as she grew more and more excited with every passing moment. "I've been waiting a long time for this. No, I've been waiting a long time for YOU.” she said with an eager smile. Luka blushed ear to ear, she was so close that she was practically breathing on his face. No one had ever given him this much attention, despite his fear he couldn't deny that it made him a little excited. As he breathed in her strong rubbery breath, to began feeling calm. Lukas fear slowly faded away as he stared into the woman's sharp predatory eyes. 

        Without warning, she took his mouth and a deep loving kiss. “MMPH?” Letting out a muffled gasp, Luka's entire mouth tingled as her rubber lips made contact with his. Feeling dizzy as her rubbery breath entered his mouth, her kiss overwhelmed his senses making him more sensitive to her touch. But the strangest part was that her kiss felt real, it was like she wasn't wearing a mask at all. Giggling seductively, Balla plunged her tongue deep into his mouth with a playful look in her eyes. Placing both of her hands on his cheeks, she began moaning with pleasure as her kiss grew more invasive. Balla wrapped her tongue around his, smothering him with her warm rubbery breath. Luka shivered as the rubber woman toyed with him like a doll, completely overwhelmed by her loving smooch. It feels like his mind was melting the longer she kissed him as if everything around him no longer existed. All he could feel, smell, taste, and touch was the warm, wet sensation of her rubbery mouth. 

        Attempting to break the kiss, he grabbed her shoulders and tried to push her away. But his hands only sunk into her squishy skin, making her more aggressive as she continued sucking on his mouth. Her moans of pleasure grew louder as she placed her right hand on the back of his head, and hugged him with her left, pushing his helpless body against hers. It was like his struggles only aroused her, adding to her excitement. Her tongue continued sliding around his mouth, exploring every inch of his maw like it was like a cave. Smothered by her thick rubbery breath, he kept trying to pull free from her tight grasp. Unfortunately, Luka's efforts proved fruitless, her grip was too tight and his body only sank into her puffy skin. It was strange, the suit felt incredibly squishy and soft as if there was no one inside. Suddenly Balla released Luka from her invasive kiss, has she let out a long satisfied sigh.

        Luka gasped to catch his breath, still tightly held against Balla's soft body and whelmed by her rubber breath. Suddenly she coiled her tail around his neck and tilted his head upwards, so he was staring her in the eyes. “You… Have NO idea how long I’ve been wanting to steal your lips.” she moaned with an orgasmic sigh. Luka struggled to utter a response, as he was captivated by Balla’s hypnotically sharp eyes. “You just wanted a kiss?” he asked. Another wicked smile curled up in the rubber woman's face, as she released her tail from his neck and tugged on his shirt collar. "I came for more than just a measly kiss, boy.” she snickered loosening her grip on his body. With one sharp motion, he felt his shirt being ripped off from behind as his front buttons popped off in multiple directions. Luka gasped in shock, now finding himself exposed from the waist up. Balla tauntingly breathed another wave of rubbery breath over his face, as she tossed what was left of his shirt across the room with her tail. 

        With his shirt out of the way, she placed her hands on his shoulders rubbing them in a teasing motion. “We haven't even gotten started yet.” she whispered slowly encircling her long rubber tail behind him to block his escape. Luka shivered as the sensation of her cold rubber tingled his skin, he tried to pull away but she was too strong. Balla then placed her right hand behind his head, and her left around his back, suddenly shoving him into her voluptuous rubbery bosom. "MMMPH!?” Without warning he found himself pinned and smothered between her breasts. Pressed against her strange rubber skin, his entire upper body shivered as he succumbed to her touch. Strangely he found he still breathe despite being buried within her large chest, but smell and touch of her latex was overwhelming. Her rubber felt so cold, squishy, and slick, it was like he was being assaulted by a living balloon. Overpowered by the strong tingling sensation, he began to feel a bit lightheaded. It was like the touch of the rubber suit was snapping his strength.

        Attempting to wiggled himself free, he suddenly felt her tail wrap around his back, practically strapping him against her voluptuous body. “You're not escaping me, boy…” Balla teased with a snicker. Shirtless, pinned in her ballooning bosom, and wrapped up in her rubbery tail, his body tingled like crazy from the waist up. It was difficult to describe, as if his body was being tickled with pleasure. The sensation of her rubber was almost hypnotic, if not strangely intoxicating. Luka continued to wiggle as Balla's tingling touch sent him into a state of mesmerizing ecstasy. The rubber woman let a soft moan escape her lips as Luka wiggled and squirmed against her breasts. “So fussy. ❤️” she chuckled. As if aroused by his helpless struggles, Balla began rubbing herself against him as well. Subtly massaging his face with her rubber breasts, tightening her tail against his back, and rubbing her soft belly against his bare chest, it was like the rubber woman was teasing him. Unable to hold back against her seductive hold, Luka let out a weak whimper into her smothering cleavage.

        Struggling against her tight bosom, he tried to wiggle his head above her cleavage. Luka could hear the rubber reptile giggle as if he was tickling her breasts. Eventually, he freed his face from her cleavage, coming face-to-face with Balla who looked down at him with an evil smile. Twisted with sadistic lust, her expression petrified Luka like a deer in headlights. Suddenly he felt something tugging on the back of his belt, like Balla was trying to remove his pants. Unable to turn around, he could only stare at Balla, who was licking her lips as if looking at a helpless meal. Luka once again tried wiggling around to shake her off, but it only seemed to excite her more as she moaned softly. Balla continued rubbing herself against the helpless boy, moaning more loudly with every passing second. Tugging even harder on his trousers, he heard a subtle rip as they reached their breaking point. Fearing whatever she had in store for him, he shook his head begging her to stop, squirming even more than before. But all the rubber woman did was smile and moan. “YES! BE A GOOD BOY AND STRUGGLE FOR ME!” she howled. With that, she ripped his pants off, tossing them aside and wrapped her legs around his. 

      Luka gasped as her intoxicating rubber touched his legs, overwhelming his entire body from head to toe. Feeling dizzy from the strange stimulating sensation of her latex suit, his struggles faded as he fell nearly motionless in her tight rubbery embrace. Despite this, Balla continued rubbering and grinding against Luka, subjugating him with her sensitive touch. Finally, once Luka could no longer resist, Balla ceased her sadistic grinding and let out a long satisfied sigh. “Awww… look who's all tuckered out.” she giggled taunting him. Balla then unwrapped her tail from their bodies, as Luka now rested against her bosom in nothing but his underwear. Turning him over so he was facing up, she gave him a pleased smile as she leaned over him. “Good boy. You were so fussy at first.” she cooed placing her hand on Luka's belly. “But now you're so behaved.” with a sinister chuckle, she began rubbing his belly like he was a puppy.

        Luka moaned softly, feeling her soft rubber massage his bare skin was indescribably pleasant. At this point, he couldn't resist even if he wanted to. The intoxicating tingling pleasure on his belly was was like heaven. But then she began moving her hand further down his belly until her fingers slipped into his boxers. Luka shivered, reaching down to pull her hand away. But he suddenly found his hands coiled together in her long puffy tail. "I don't think so...” she teased pulling his arms up over his head. Now all he could do was watch helplessly, as he felt her smooth rubbery fingers gently glide over his manhood. Luka whimpered as her rubber touch stimulated his most sensitive area, causing him to quiver in a state of bliss. With the boy now in the palm of her hand, kindled by her hypnotic touch, she began to fondle him. Gasping in shock, Luka wiggled and moaned as her rubbery slender hand caressed him ever so slowly. Her touch was so gentle and surprisingly talented, he began to relax questioning what he was struggling for in the first place. “Yesssssss… gooooood…” she cooed seductively, still gently fondling him.

        Entranced by her voice, he closed his eyes allowing the rubber-clad woman to toy with him. Luka had never felt anything this wonderful in his life; Balla's undivided attention, her hypnotic touch, he loved every second of it. “That's it… Relax, you're in good HANDS.” she chuckled into his ear.  No longer struggling, he eased himself into her rubber bosom, feeling enveloped in her affection. Luka just wanted to sink into her rubber embrace, to feel this way forever. It felt like he was descending into her entrancing tender hold, surrounded by smooth slick latex, as if he was being cocooned in her soft rubber. But something was off, because everything around him suddenly got tighter. Shocked, he opened his eyes to find himself surrounded by her inflating rubber! It was like Balla's suit was swelling around him in an attempt to envelop him. Her large breasts now encompassing his head as his face was tightly squished between them. Everything went dark as the ballooning latex became tighter and tighter, squeezing him like an orange. All he could do was moan for help as the rubber covered his face. “Shhh… just sleep…” said Balla's soft voice as he lost consciousness.

        Dazed and woozy, he slowly regained consciousness but unaware of where he was. Everything was dark, squeaky and incredibly TIGHT. Unable to move a muscle, he couldn't even tell what position he was in. Luka's entire body felt compressed like he was wrapped up in something firm and rubbery. Fortunately, he could still breathe, but he couldn't even open his mouth to speak. All Luka could do was squirm helplessly as his surroundings rub against him, but he felt hypersensitive to his it’s touch. As if the very feeling of encompassing rubber stimulated his body. "Wakey wakey…” cooed a familiar voice in a taunting tone. It was Balla! “MMPH?” Muffled Luka. Suddenly something bright blinded him, but as his eyes adjusting to the light he was surprised to find himself on the couch in his living room. But something was off, he could see the rubber woman's arms and legs in front of him in place of his own, holding one of his mystery novels in front him. “Did you sleep well? ❤️” Balla teased, her voice echoing through his ears. From his perspective, it looked like he was sitting in her lap, but then he realized he was actually looking through her eyes! Thinking back to when he lost consciousness, Luka remembered sinking into the rubber clad woman after she had snatched him up. “It couldn’t be…” he thought to himself. Luka let out a muffled gasp in shock with a baffling realization. Balla just giggled, as the surrounding rubber contracted in unison with her laugh. 

        "You silly boy… you thought I was WEARING a rubber suit? I AM a rubber suit!” she taunted putting the book down beside her. Panicked, he struggled against the surrounding rubber but all he could do was slightly wiggle around. Balla moaned as if enjoying the struggles of her new occupant. "I'm lined with padded air cushions so it's nice and tight! ❤️ So what do you think? Am I comfy?” Balla asked rubbing stroking her belly. Ignoring her, Luka continued 's attempts to regain control of his limbs. But it was no use, the soft padded air cushions nullified all of his movements, it was less like wearing a suit and more like being vacuum packed in a double-layered balloon. “You see it wasn't always a beautiful woman. I used to be normal sheet of rubber until I was crafted into a sexy suit.” Balla boasted. "But, unlike my other brothers and sisters, I didn't want to be sold to some Rando. So I went out on my own… and eventually found YOU.” Luka shivered as he let out a shocked whimper. “Has she been stalking me!?” he thought to himself. Though dumbstruck, he continued struggling within the sexy rubber woman. With every movement he made, the padded cushions would push him back into position. Indeed it felt strangely comfy, but regardless he was now this woman's prisoner.

      “Sounds like you're enjoying yourself.” the woman teased. Her breathing grew heavier as she hugged herself, squeezing her unwilling occupant by extension. There was no doubt about it, she loved feeling him struggle inside her. “There's got to be a zipper or something. I just have to find it!” Luka thought to himself, trying to ignore her pleasant hug. That's when he felt a rush of additional pressure between his legs. “Mmmmph…” Caught off guard he let out a soft moan, as he could feel Balla rubbing her hand on his groin. “Tell me boy, how does it FEEL?” she purred in her sadistic teasing voice. By now he was used to the sensitive tingling caused by her rubber, but he couldn't ignore its stimulating sensation. Balla's touch was beyond pleasant even through the double-layered suit, it was extremely gentle but super effective. “Good boy.” she whispered in a pleased voice. Wiggling around, he started gasping and moaning from her massage. Strangely enough, even the rubber woman couldn't hold back her satisfaction as her load moans overpowered his own. It was almost like she was feeding on his pleasure, sharing in his experience. 

      "This is the best!” She gasped in pleasure. “I've waited so long to have you inside me! Ohhhh…” As Balla let out one last satisfied moan, Luka felt the cushions inflate further squeezing him in a ballooning full-body hug. “Mmmmph!” he whimpered as he was tightly compressed by his rubber surroundings, it almost felt like Balla was embracing him from the inside with smothering affection. The sound of creaking rubber invaded his ears, as his body was swamped by Balla's sensitive tingling rubber. However, Luka wasn't panicked, in fact he felt comfortable has her sensitive touch calmed him. All too quickly, the cushions hugging Luka returned to normal, allowing them both to relax. Balla was sprawled across the couch, catching her breath as her inner cushions expanded and contracted in unison with her heavy breathing. With Luka experiencing the inner workings of her voluptuous rubber body first hand, there was no doubt that she indeed was a living suit. Though the thought of being inside a living rubber suit was not as scary as he thought, in fact it was strangely comforting.

      “Ohhh... that was lovely, wouldn’t you say boy?” she teased rubbing her belly. Luka could feel her gentle touch through the tight rubber, it almost felt like she was touching him directly. Being inside the seductive living suit was such a hypnotic experience, even though he was trapped, he felt so warm and comfortable. "All this time, up till now you’ve been running away, playing hard to get… While all I wanted was to smother you with love and affection.” she whispered teasingly. “Perhaps Luka, you were just afraid to be this CLOSE to someone?” Balla’s words calmed him, and she was right. Luka had been alone all this time because he was afraid of interacting with others. But for the first time in this life, he felt comfortable being with another person. Sharing her space, and feeling her warmth, made Luka feel safe and happy. 

        "Well then, shall we be off?” she said getting off the couch. “Be off?” Luka thought to himself puzzled as Balla walked to the entrance. "Now that we’re properly aquatinted, let's have some FUN over at my place.” she giggled making her way out the door. “Am I being... kidnapped!?” Luka thought to himself as he was taken away into the moonlit night.



Outtake Below

Nervous, Lukas heart raced as she they strolled onto the moonlit sidewalk. "I live close by, so it won’t take long.” she whispered teasingly, tilting her head down and allowing him to look at her alluring physique. Even in the moonlight, her dark glossy skin glistened like the stars in the sky. Balla’s flawless figure stood out even in the dead of night, making his heart beat even faster. "let me guess. Who am? Why am I doing this?” she chucked. “You must have a lot of questions."

( Back story 1)

        Tough still nervous, she now has undivided attention. “You see it wasn't always a beautiful woman. I used to be normal sheet of rubber until I was crafted into a sexy suit by a brilliant young lady. But, like my other brothers and sisters I was shipped out to meet my new owner, who I was looking forward to playing with.” she purred. "But unfortunately I got the short end of the stick, and I was purchased by a big whining man child.” Balla sighed, her happy tone faded as she continued “The moron didn’t send his measurements, so I didn’t fit him... And he tossed me around in a tantrum.” She paused for a couple moments trying to forget about it. “So one day, while he was asleep… I swiped a big chunk of his cash and logged on to his computer and leaked his shady internet history. It didn't take long for the cops to haul him out and clear out his belongings.” she laughed subtly. “And just like that. The house was all mine! Eventually I was able to use some of the money I swiped from his stash to get a cell phone and make some money modeling on the Internet.” she sighed happily. “Everything was going well! My followers would always tell me how SEXY I was… but it wasn't enough. I still didn't have that playmate I always wanted.” she sighed looking at the moon in the starless sky.

(Back story 2)

        Tough still nervous, she now has undivided attention. “You see it wasn't always a beautiful woman. I used to be normal sheet of rubber until I was crafted into a sexy suit by a brilliant young lady. But, like my other brothers and sisters I was shipped out to meet my new owner, who I was looking forward to playing with.” she purred. "But unfortunately I got the short end of the stick, and I was purchased by a big whining man child.” Balla sighed, her happy tone faded as she continued “The moron didn’t send his measurements, so I didn’t fit him... And he tossed me around in a tantrum.” She paused for a couple moments trying to forget about it. “So one day, while he was asleep… I swiped a big chunk of his cash, stole his old cell phone and ran away to a small abandoned house.” she laughed subtly. “Eventually I was able to use some of the money I swiped from his stash to get some cellphones service, and make enough money modeling on the Internet to buy the house!” she sighed happily. “Everything was going well! My followers would always tell me how SEXY I was… but it wasn't enough. I still didn't have that playmate I always wanted.” she sighed looking at the moon in the starless sky. 

        Forgetting all about his predicament, Luka began to see relish that they weren’t all that different. "I would always take late night walks when no one could see me, just a little distraction from my internet job. And I would always see you walking home late, looking so unhappy and included. It was almost like looking in a mirror, and overtime I became curious.” she licked her lips teasingly. “Balla's been watching me?” he gulped nervously, thought flattered by the thought of her attention. "Finding your number wasn't hard, and I tried getting your attention with some photos I took just for you. ❤️” Balla giggled approaching a small cozy looking house. “Eventually I got bored and frustrated waiting for you to write back, so I came over to say hello personally.” she cooed seductively has she opened her front door. 

        Lukas heart jumped out of his chest as she turned on light, the house was small but it was decorated with rubber furniture, inflatables, and and some fancy camera equipment. “Now that I have you right where I want you, how about we make up for all that lost time…” she giggled closing the door behind her. 


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